All right so let’s talk about figma and Funnels so no matter what platform You’re using figma is a great option for You to build funnels i’ve used sketchy In the past but over the last couple of Months i’ve had so many people reach out And say go stan in your course full-time Funnel designer you only teach cat and Canva in universal based uh conversion Rate optimization design principles and Hierarchy and all that stuff but what About figma and for the longest time i Was like well i just use sketch i love It and i didn’t even look into it but Then once i started looking into figma i Was like man the community behind fig ma The templars the plug-in the duplicates That you can get files and everything in The figma community it’s amazing and It’s free and you can use it in any uh With any device that you have whether You’re a mac or windows user so i was Like let me try it out i fell in love With it i have over 30 plugins in this Video i want to share a course video That shows you 10 of the first um Plugins that you should install to make Your billing process easier let’s dive In and if you’re interested in filter Final design after you watch this video Then there’s a code figma that gives you A hundred dollars off for the first 10 People so with that said let’s dive in.
All right so now let’s talk about Plugins there’s a lot of figma plugins That you can use and i love the Community that builds all of these a lot Of them are free and so we’re going to Start by adding these 10 in here and They help you with the font the colors Just overall making it faster for you to Build funnels and graphics and design Stuff so again we’re going to start at The top and then i’ll show you kind of Where to find these if you’re more Advanced make sure you have these 10 if You’re just getting started start with These and then you can add more later That’s how i started so colors or cool Hue so first of all we’re gonna add our Basic frame 1920 1080 and then we’re gonna go to Plugins and we’re gonna go to coolers so Here you can actually oh i like this i Like this one too You can just copy these add them in here And boom you can just actually what you Can do is click o and just create your Little Color palette here where you add all of Those colors in there and that way you Can save them just like that But that is the first one then we got The other one which is cool hue where You have gradient stuff so let’s say you Want to use something like this or you Want to do like a random
Boom happy with this one you can find Those hex codes in here or you can edit Them so [Music] Let’s say you want to start with the one That it provides you as sort of like a a Starting base and then you want to edit It that’s where you would do that let’s Say you want to add that plugin if you Go to you can go to plugins here under Manage plugins you can browse which Basically it’s just this figure Community if you type in Cool Hue sometimes it doesn’t find the plugin Look here Didn’t find the plugin so what you do is You google cool hue figma plugin so you Add figma plugin to what you’re looking For and then when you click that You’ll find it and then you can install It right the next one then is we’re Gonna boom check that one is mesh Gradient so i’ll go here and i will Sorry Plugins And i wanna have mesh gradient and this Is a different type of of gradient where You can have Multiple styles to it you can randomize You can look at these and see kind of How how they’re structured you can Change it But i am going to
Randomize Until i get something that i’m happy With and then i can generate This so there we go and then you can Obviously change the Settings for this how big you want the File to be the dimensions and everything In there you can also cut it out and add It into Your frame and all that good stuff so Next one is lorem ipsum so let’s say That you want to create your headline or Body text as you’re sketching out your Landing page you would just click t I’m just going to create like a headline Section Headline Goes here Just to get that a little bit bigger Like 62 Bold And then let’s say you want more text You wanted to fill this entirely you Would then go to plugins and you got to Add this plugin but it’s called lorem Ipsum so again google lorem ipsum figma Plugin You can auto-generate so it fills this Or you can just generate one sentence And that is going to be our headline So you can do the same with body text Paragraphs testimonials and everything As you’re sketching out your page Boom
Next one is pixels so now let’s say we Want to have Another Section we want it to be A little bit darker we want white text And then we want a background image so What we’ll do Mark the frame Go into plugins and then go to pixels And you can find background images Portraits Stock image so what i’m going to type in Is let’s do business And then we’re going to pick like a Cheesy image i’m going to set that down To five percent And then we have a background image so That is pixels if you want to have the Image inside of like a A landing page or a section you would Then just click that one Plug in pixels And then you know you can add the image In there so that’s pixels make blob so Plugin Make Blob So i’m just gonna use this one And let’s look at the complexity boom You can do random i’ll do i’ll just add This and then i’ll make it bigger i’ll Keep shift to keep the same Format if i keep the mouse here and i go Outside here you’ll see that it goes
Outside of the frame so i’ll move the Mouse here and now i can set that as a Background blob and then i’ll make this Smaller and boom there we go that is Blobs next one is icon sculpt so Let’s say that we have A smaller text field right here I’m going to choose light 26 And then let’s say we want a check Icon so plugin We go into Icon scout i type in Check Boom there we go Making sure we’re adding it in there And then what i’ll do actually here’s Another great plugin so for images you Can’t just like in figma you can’t just Fill this with another color you’ll see That it’s gonna actually change the Background color as well which i think Was the next one color overlay yeah So two ways you can do this one of them Is click r And add a rectangle behind it And There it is the check And you can just mask it in there And now When you have The Sorry we’ll just do the same one as here Now you can just change the rectangle
Behind it and it’ll change the icon Because it’s in there but what you can Also also do is Let’s just undo that and you click this Plugins Color overlay and then you just pick the Color that you want to use so i will Grab this Right here and just put it in here but I’ll just use this for now Colorize and there we go So super simple and great tool Next one is remove background so Some of you might have used this already On their website i use clipping magic or Remove dot pg which is uh this one so You just add an image Right click it And then you go to remove background you Got to just set up your api it shows you How to do that and then you run it and It’s going to remove the background and Boom there we go That is pretty sick Tool as well I wouldn’t keep it there by the way Just showing you okay so these are Probably some of the favorite ones so Story set and skew that so let’s remove This and add In a Illustration here so i’m actually going To set these to like 10 as well to get a More stronger focus on the illustration
So I’m going to go plugins story set And then what i’ll do is i’ll choose the Color first so this is super powerful so I’ll set the color to blue and then i’ll Just choose one that i want to use like This one for example Right so you want to make sure that it’s Within the frame so now you see this Entirely here command g which is a group And then i just drag it into frame two And there we go I can now shift Make it a little bit smaller And there we go so that is Story set a lot of illustrations and Graphics and then the last one is skew That so let me try it with this one as Well and basically this is what i’ve Been looking for for a very long time In sketch and now with figma is super Easy but you can basically skew your Your illustrations your images so let’s Say i’m adding in like a funnel Instead of just having the regular one Let me also Crop that a little bit with command and Dragging in the the sides I can easily just put it right there Right click And then skew that And then Boom move it a little bit Just like that apply
Shift And boom so i can skew it Which is amazing like with mock-ups you Know devices and all that Even with pictures of people sometimes That that is uh is awesome and text too So That is it for the 10 different plugins And yes there are more plugins than These but it’s a good start if you don’t Have them screenshot this i’ll put a Link to all of these below as well and I’ll see you next video