All right so I talk a lot about multiple Streams of income but not usually the Different methods to implement them Using something called Leverage I Learned this from Alex camosi Russell Brunson a lot of big clients that I’ve Worked with and seen it in action with Them and then also telling myself to to The point now where I use 9 10 different Types of Leverage and these have changed My life and so I want to share them with You in no particular order so make sure You watch this entire video we have two Of these that are intangible and then The rest of them are tangible you can Actually Implement and control these in Your business and kind of how you Navigate so the first one is money and There’s also ways you can leverage money One of them is to loan it out for Interest rate another way is to you know Buy ad spend so you pay for attention And then you you know you spend a Thousand you get two thousand back from Sales you leverage money to do so that’s The advertising budget you can also use Money and leverage it to buy access you Can buy certain things using money right But if you want to make money with money It’s usually through boring or lending Money to other people right for interest Rate number two is markets on leveraging Markets and meeting demand from someone Else so for example I’ve talked a lot
About like funnels and building funnel Agency and how I did it scale it to Multiple six figures one of the things I Did was leveraging a market and sort of Like a narrative we’ll talk about Traffic later but this is the Marketplace as a whole so leveraging What you see happening for example right Now I’m seeing a lot of creators move to YouTube because it’s a search engine op Like search engine platform it’s a Growing platform it’s a trend and so if Some of you wanted to make money you Could sell video services or thumbnail Design to YouTubers right I was having a Conversation with my software partner in Move my funnels we have another one They’re working on and we’re talking About YouTube right now as a platform as A marketplace right and people are Moving towards YouTube especially Business owners number three is software So you could either sell SAS so software As a service and leverage the code there Or you could Outsource two SAS to Leverage the software and get your time Back so just like you could spend money To get your time back you can spend Money on software and leverage softwares And code to not have to do manual tasks Right if you wanted to make money with Softwares and you could sell a solution Kind of like what you do with it’s a tool that helps.
You move funnels from click funnels 1.0 Click funnels 2 what we leveraged was Software so code and also marketplace Right and then you’ll see later one more Partnerships where me and saneed Leverage each other to get this to the Market the number four is Media Attempt or selling content so you could Leverage media by you know seeing what Other people are posting reacting to it And building an audience that way a lot Of people do this you could also sell With YouTube videos kind of like I do Now and the only thing is I don’t sell Anything on this video but you could Create a tutorial and then sell Something on it which I’ve done on my Channel so you could also sell info Product which that’s media you could Sell memberships you could sell virtual Events where you share information Through video which is Media number five We have people So this is where you could hire people You could pay for labor so manual labor Outsourcing to employees and finding People who are either better than you And so you leverage people for skills Skill acquisition or time acquisition so You get your time back because you Outsource it to other employees number Six Partnerships so you can do profits Here two people three people you do Profit share hey I’m gonna build your
Funnel for you we split the profit you Have the product I have the funnel Building skills right Partnerships like I do with Senate with the software You build it you’re the coder the dev Team and you have those people I am the Marketer I’m the personal brand I’m the The audience side of things we could you Know partner and we split the profits Right so that’s one way to the Partnerships we have in our coaching Program we have people building funnel Agencies and their Partners one of them Is more maybe outwards going and sales Focused and another one is more design And creative Focus right so you can Partner with people and what you do is You leverage Partnerships you could also Be not just leveraging people but Leveraging Partnerships with the brands And you could get a percentage for stuff That you promote so like an affiliate Stuff traffic number seven SEO or YouTube kind of like this to your offers Or Affiliates so A lot of times when you look at what the Narrative is in a Marketplace you got to Look at where the traffic is going so if People are looking on Google like hey What about click funnels 2.0 what about Pricing for this thing what about the Pros and cons with this new camera People are looking on YouTube to watch a Video on it so you can leverage number
One software in the marketplace as a Whole and then YouTube and then also the Traffic that people are coming and Searching for that specific thing number Eight Authority so Authority by Association so when you associate with Someone like the reason I posted a video Russell Brunson had me on and he asked Me about my funnel building journey and He he called me the celebrity funnel Builder like the celebrity funnel Builder and now we’re working on new Projects as well uh again sorry and what I’m doing is I’m leveraging that to post And say Here’s what Russell Brunson said About me you’ll see me do this a lot With different people I work with Tony Robbins Dean graciosi these types of Brands because I have actually worked With them and build models for them and So when I share those by Nature I’m Associated with authority and so I build My own authority and credibility because You wouldn’t just hire someone if They’re not good you know if you’re that Type of brand and so leverage Authority Credibility that someone else has Already built up and then number nine Platforms so building your audience Using someone else’s platform you don’t Have to build the next Tick Tock the Next YouTube you can just you know or Facebook group you can just leverage the Platform that they built you combine
That with leveraging traffic and Narrative from someone else you can come Combine that with media that other People have you can react to it you can Combine these levels of Leverage to Build your business without having to do Everything yourself spend all the time In the world and you know basically have No life you can leverage things and now You have a sort of framework to put Together where you can say Okay I want To leverage this person this media here This code here and I’m going to leverage All these things so make it easier for Myself and finally you can leverage data So a lot of times when we do split Testing when we launch offers when we Create a marketing message we’ll reach Out to our audience with surveys for an Example before our launch we’ll reach Out and and try to get data from people What are you looking to learn what are Some things you’re struggling with what Are some things that you were hoping to Get that you’re hoping to get in this Product or if they don’t buy you can Send out a survey asking like hey I’m Just curious like why you didn’t buy What is it that we can do to improve it You know stuff like that if you have a Membership area you can like a monthly Membership you can ask people who cancel Like hey I’m just curious like what Would make this valuable for you to join
In the future if you have a Facebook Group I do this all the time as well Where people join ask them questions Like what’s your main goal is it like Are you building funnels for yourself or For clients usually it’s almost like 50 50 now a lot of people are starting to Build funnels for other people and then I ask like what’s your number one thing You’re hoping to learn in this group so If it was a copywriting funnel design Conversion rate optimization all these Things how to get clients and so I know Because of the data I can leverage data On a platform that I leverage within Within a Marketplace that I leverage Within the traffic and narrative that Click funnels and other go high level And all these other platforms are Building and now I can build a business By providing Solutions sort of Navigating between these things using Leverage so I hope that’s helpful for Let me know in the comments your number One takeaway from this and how you’re Going to use leverage to grow your Business.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.