15 Best Sites for Funnel Inspiration

All right so building or designing a Landing page or sales funnel can be Pretty overwhelming especially if you Don’t know where to start what to look For how do you create the mood board the Style for your funnel so in this video I’m going to share 15 different pages You can go to sites or portfolios a Libraries of funnels that you can use as Inspiration some of these are web Designs so what we have to do is kind of Modify them to make it a beautiful Landing page to actually convert so What we’re going to start with that i Always do is i’m going to start with Some sort of funnel blocks to create Like the mood board for the top image That i want to use so for example if It’s a homepage funnel it could look Something like this if it’s a lead Funnel it could look something like this If it’s a sales page for a course or Something It could look something like this but What i’m trying to do is get the first Above the fold theme because once i have The Feeling for the vibe for the landing Page it’s much easier to design the rest Of the page so By the way these are the templates that We’re using inside of ffd so more info About that soon now let’s start with the First one nicepage.com forward slash

Website dash design So this one is a beast this one has over 10 000 different examples like i said Obviously these are website design Templates and so what you want to do is You want to sift through them to get a Good understanding of the theme the Style the vibe of the page for example Let’s say i’m looking for something Let’s see i want a a darker theme maybe Something like this and so what i can do Is i can create a figma file and once i Find something that i really like Let’s say i want to build my funnel Something like this sort of like the Graphic design style behind it i can Save this I can go into like a fresh board i can Click f create my little Frame that’s good And then i can save this as sort of the The collection the start of the Collection for my mood board so that’s Just one example we’re gonna go to the Next one which is h69 the design love The name there so i just click free Resources landing page and then all Landing pages And then you can scroll down and see Again i want something like a darker Theme i can click this i can right click This image download it and i can go back In here and i can drag it in here Sometimes

You might have to screenshot it if it’s Not the right file format so here for Example you can see we have two similar Sort of gradient styles the next one is A pretty common one that i’ve talked a Lot about on this channel a lot of these Are new by the way so i’ve never shared These uh publicly but this one is Pinterest i still love pinterest Probably My favorite still so i just have to type In landing page and boom i already get a Good theme so i’m gonna save this Love this one then just drag that in Right there a little bit smaller there We go you can also type in something Specifically like let’s say you’re Looking for ecom landing page Right and then you can get a ton of Different ideas for your designs for Ecom so you can look at industry Specific and niche specific landing Pages as well so the next one is dribble Again the first thing i’ll do is click Web design you can see i’ve already done That and then i can scroll down boom Let’s say i want that one save image go Back here and drag that in here so even If it’s not a png it’s a web page file i Can still drag it in because it’s figma And it’s awesome so There you go i probably like this one More so i’m gonna delete that and just Move this up here you don’t need a

Hundred of these but at least i would Say at least five to ten next one is Awards so awards.com i don’t use this One a lot because i feel like it’s very Like silicon valley design Like if you look at this design Obviously this is not a web design i Don’t think it is well that explains What i’m talking about because What is this so i don’t like this for Conversion sales funnels i understand It’s like a nice design i guess in in a Modern era because you know people want To be different sometimes it’s like Whoever is the most fantasy is Is the winning Design but for funnels for converting Visitors into leads and customers you Want it to be simple concise the Communication should be visible and it Should be easy for people to understand What am i getting how much is it where Do i go to get this so awards is more For like maybe color combinations if you Want to look for mood boards but yeah You can scroll down and see maybe i like The font of some of this stuff but That’s one of the awards this one is More for e-commerce so commerce cream i Just recently discovered this one but uh Yeah it’s a lot of shopify stores Obviously no matter what platform you’re Using you can still find inspiration From this what i like about it is i can

Click it and it’ll take me to the store So i can see the full page here or i can Click here to the actual url so what i’m Going to do is save this entire page Go back into Figma and drag it in here obviously now It doesn’t match the style that i’m Looking for as i go into building it i Can just go in here and grab the Sections that i want to use so Let’s say i want this for the top one I can go in here I can just paste it in there and i can Start building it out with the sections That i want by looking at the sections That i found on my mood board slash Inspo library that is that one next one Is lapa ninja This one is a good one i’ve been using This for for years that’s a lot of Different examples obviously but also if You click here landing page you can go To Let’s say i want to get a blue theme i Can just scroll down And i’ll find a lot of blue themes and So if i want like a navy blue i can just Scroll down and and find that so you can Also search here but that is la pa ninja A lot of different resources not just Landing page examples but also icons Illustrations All the good stuff so next one is Elements envato i’m just reading that

The url but it’s called envato elements What you would do is click web templates Again these are website sort of designs More so and templates for wordpress and That sort of stuff but again maybe you Just want to find a lot of examples for Inspiration so color combos you can see Here i couldn’t save the the image so What i would do in this case is just Zoom out And then grab a screenshot of it Go into figma And then drag it in here okay so that’s That one next one is sas landing page This is a pretty common one as well We’ve talked about it a lot on the Channel or in the in the course Full-time funnel designer again same Thing a lot of different landing pages You can look at specific sections if you Want but i like to use landing page and Then you can obviously type in and Search for different styles as well and So once you find some that you like you Can just again save the image you can Also see the font here Circular you can also see the colors and So you can copy the hex code go in here And sort of change you know whatever you Want using those colors or similar ones You want to copy paste the color and Then change it around a little bit to Find similarities not exact Hex codes

So next one landing folio this is also One of the collections that i’ve been Using for Years and so we can do is again color You can choose by industry let’s Actually choose Business And then i want that Dark styles this one for example yep Save image Okay you can see the the format here Again but specifically what i wanted is This at the top right here so i’ll just Screenshot that Drag it in here because again looking For those colors boom and now next one b Hands so again in type in landing Page Or knee specific let’s say i want to Have this color combination very Luxurious vibes to this one i like this A lot well depending on the niche but i Do like it just from a branding and Design standpoint so what i’ll do Screenshot that drag it in here and There we go next one op labs so this is A great library for icons illustrations A lot of uh The usual stuff but also landing pages So i’ll type in landing page And then you can see same thing and so This is getting a little bit repetitive So that’s why i’ll just jump from the Next one just show you like the

Different sites link will be below to All of these as well so uplabs template Monster this one has a lot of templates As well but again you don’t have to Install them just look at sort of what You what you’re needing inspiration for Landing page and then once you find the Style that you like just click Save the image save the colors save the Font all that page flows this one is a New one that i recently discovered as Well So obviously you can type in there But also just by scrolling down here you Can see 86 pages of landing pages Websites funnel design And what i like to do a lot of times is I like to look at individual graphics so Like how did they pair together An image and then adding on top of that These images to sort of create a Hero banner graphic that goes along with The headline so Yeah i like this one because it shows You all the different types of sections On the page and uh it’s a great resource Then next one we have Mostly collections and again just Different landing pages designs And a really good one as well so That is it 15 different examples Hopefully you like this like i said First thing you want to start with is Some sort of template or funnel blocks

Where you kind of have a good Understanding of okay i want to use this One i want to use this one and what i do Is i in full-time funnel design i have Like all these examples of a homepage What are the sections that you want to Use so that’s the first most important Step is like knowing what to put where If it’s a lead funnel like what is it That you put what do you leave out like Why is it that we don’t have pricing for Example an faq on a lead funnel because You know it’s free number one but also It’s all about curiosity like you’re Gonna get this free thing it’s amazing Here’s why you need it here’s what People are saying about it like click Here and you don’t want to confuse them With a long sales page like this one for Example sales page you’re selling Something you want to have the process You want to explain like why they need It what the price is make it a priority Proof faq to overcome objections and so Yeah there’s a lot that goes into Building a funnel it’s not easy but it’s Definitely a lot of fun and with these Resources all these sites hopefully you Have a good understanding of where to Start and then if you need my help happy To help there’s a link in the Description to full time funnel designer Where we walk you through everything That you need to build beautiful sales

Pages landing pages no matter the Platform that you’re using so yes this One is built in click funnels but you Can build your landing pages in Sketch canva figma all the modules are Here inside of uh Full-time funnel designers so that’s it For this video if you have any questions Put them in the comments appreciate you And like subscribe if you haven’t Already because we post every single Week and i’ll see in the next one [Music]

Ace The Funnel Builder
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