Inbound versus outbound marketing should You try and get as many people coming to You as possible or should you try to Reach as many people as possible try to Convince them to work with you i have my Own strong opinions and scott and pedro Which if you don’t know who they are They’re the co-founders of our Mastermind called funnel agency lab Where we teach funnel agency owners to Go from zero to ten thousand per month And we do that by coaching them because We’re all six-figure funnel agency Owners so with that said there’s a lot Of differences between how we run our Businesses and how we get our clients if You haven’t already make sure you like Subscribe all the good stuff also leave A link to their channels to pedro’s and Scott’s youtube channel that have Awesome content around funnels as well So let’s talk about first maybe let’s See what scott has to say About multipliers and reaching more People and get clients that way i’m Completely on the side of i do think Content is powerful but i think there’s There’s multipliers and i think you You’re able to take one thing and if you Can if you can do it well and then you Can stack something else on obviously That becomes infinitely more you know Valuable to you but in terms of outbound What we’ve found most people Online Are on an uphill battle with content and So what i mean by that is they haven’t Established that authority yet and Essentially what they’re doing through
Their content is establishing the Authority i do think that there is a lot To you know having the patience and Understanding that this is a long play Game content is a long play game and i Think the misconception is that you post To get clients and then people message You and you get clients like that’s just Not how it works until you’ve developed That authority and so With outbound and most people can i just Add this because i saw a pulse in the Private community someone said they were Like mind blown and they were like i Just got my first client without even Going through like all the the content But you’re talking about like for most People when they’re getting started it’s Not as simple as just making a couple of Facebook posts and then have tons of Clients rushing to pay you money No and that’s and i think you know If you are under that misconception yeah We need to we need to change that but at The same time i’m not saying that There’s not going to be that you know Isolated situation where you post Content and you get clients because it’s
Happened to all of us and it happens to Us frequently But the thing is Consistency like i’m looking for i’m Looking for a client base that i can Predictably You know assess each month rather than Like oh i got this one client from Content so with outbound i’m able to say Okay i’ve done this amount of outbound I’ve sent a thousand emails or i’ve sent A thousand messages i had this many Replies i had this many calls and then i Had this many clients and so if i can Replicate that over time And the only thing that i need to Replicate that is more data That becomes we want the data so you can See that one of the things is data is Scott mentioned he wants that data so That he knows how many people we’re Reaching how many of those are turning Into leads and clients and while i do The same it’s at a lower scale and i Think it’s because i can only have so Many clients because i don’t have a team Yet which i’m hiring now and he is more Of like the ceo and he’s hiring a team And just trying to reach as many people As possible so that’s why it’s like a Multiplier combine that with data and It’s awesome and here’s when he’s Talking about data and why it’s so Important if you have the data of your
Target market and you have a process That has worked for you and the process Doesn’t need to be crazy it can be Simple emails positive reply and then Try to book a call and that’s literally All we do and so now all we have to do Is look for how do we get more relevant Data and then we plug that into our System and now my pool is is infinite Whereas facebook for me i keep a fall a Small following and i don’t i’m not Limited to to one or two thousand people Now i have millions of people who i can Use and that’s why I’m real big on outbound now to get more Context you use linkedin plus called Email instead of facebook Yeah so i mean we’re doing Multi-platform outreach and this is the Greatest part about outbound is that if I figure out a way to structure my Messaging in order to reach out to People to generate a positive response i Can now do that on any platform i can do That on linkedin instagram facebook Twitter whatever it is another thing Which i agree with is that when you Learn a skill communication you can Close people in dms like i do you can Close people on a sales call you know Like we all do and then you can also Reach out to more people no matter what The platform is which is called Multi-channel messaging
For us our go-to is to get the data from Linkedin and then bring it over into Email and then send outbound emails and Have our conversations mainly in an Email and that’s kind of our go-to right Now we’re not necessarily big on like Linkedin outreach in terms of i’m not Messaging tons of people on linkedin and Actually your connection limit is only 20 a day on linkedin now and so you’re Limited to what you can do so linkedin’s Owned by microsoft now and so obviously It’s a big data game and so microsoft Owns linkedin sales navigator which you Can pay For each month in order to access more Data basically you can get people’s Email address using simple tools if you Have linkedin sales nav and so we just Go in there We filter out what we want and so like Let’s say we’re we’re focusing on life Coaches i can go into sales navigator And type in life coach and then i can Sort it and i can say okay i only want Life coaches in the united states and i Only want life coaches who have a Business between one and ten employees i Only want life coaches who do between 100 and 500 000 a year and so i can Really pinpoint my audience and then i Can pull out their email addresses of Like a thousand to 2500 people at a time And now i have
These email addresses of these people And now i take that and i can email them Directly so yeah that’s pretty much why Scott loves outbound i agree you know i Think it’s a great way to reach more People That being said for someone like me who Don’t have a team and i have more Clients that i can handle just from Inbound there’s no reason for me to Start doing outreach and paying for the Outreach software so we can see there’s A lot of these where you pay and and you Can easily find information and send out A custom email called email to these Business owners scott mentioned a great Way to do this is to scrape the Information and get as many emails as Possible And then put them into softwares i don’t Know exactly which software he’s using But these are just in a couple of Examples of softwares where you can Reach more people through cold email and Again one of the softwares that i know a Lot of people use or platforms should i Say is linkedin sales navigator because You can target people you can sort of Bucket people into their niche their Title and and i believe even like income Earnings the messaging in our email is Really simple we use micro offers so if I’m selling an entire sales funnel so Design copy
You know automations integrations i’m Not going to say hey do you want us to Build this whole sales funnel for you I’m going to say hey would you like us To help you increase your conversion Rates by one or two percent if so shoot Me a message back and we’ll chat more And so once we get that positive reply Now we just try to book a call with them And then we sell over the phone just Like we normally would if we were doing You know content or or whatever it is And so that’s how we use linkedin To supplement our cold email we’re not Necessarily doing all of our outsourcing Or all of our prospecting on linkedin He’s not per se Selling funnels he’s not per se talking To prospects when he’s doing outbound Reach the initial conversation is not Hey you need a funnel which i think is Smart scott is talking about when you Reach out to people it’s important that You talk about the outcome we can get You more appointments we can get you More course sales we can get you more Bookings we can get you selling more Event tickets the outcome itself and Then you can present how you’re doing That and then you sell the system that Delivers all of those variables and you Set it up all for them which is the high Value thing to do where people actually Pay you and pay you a lot for your
Services so that is the vehicle that we Give them but not necessarily always Depending on who you’re talking to the Keyword that you lead with if that makes Sense so so far all that makes sense Right like you want to reach more people You can start messaging people more Here’s why i don’t do it personally okay I already mentioned i can’t really take On any more clients than i have so i’m Getting enough from inbound from the Content that i put out there But another big thing is like i’m not a Good like closer if you will like i’m Not a high ticket closer i want to work With people who wants to work with me And so if i go out to people who don’t Know who i am they’ve never seen or Heard my name Then i’m gonna have to talk to them and Figure out what is it that you need and Then tell them why they need a sales Funnel versus if it’s inbound and i put Our content above funnels here’s a Funnel that i built here’s another Client project to be working on here’s Conversion test split testing project That we had here’s some mistakes that People are doing with their funnels and I just educate them put all this content Which i can do by the way i can do it at 2 a.m i can do a 6 a.m i can do all my Kids to sleep in i can do it on the Toilet i can put all content without
Having to prepare for a meeting or put In my calendar and i can get people to Come to me and then i just close them in Dms with my dm closing scripts and That’s what a lot of people are doing Inside full-time funnel designer and Funnel agency lab so am i saying that One is better than the other no but also For me i just like to get people coming To me who say look i’ve seen your Content i’ve seen your funnels can i Check out your portfolio your full Portfolio and and also what do you Charge then from there it’s super easy Like you’re already looking for one i Don’t have to convince you i just have To be like hey Here’s what we do here’s what we charge And you want to move forward you know if You close one or two clients that way You have a six figure business and That’s what i have i’ve been having that For years so inbound versus outbound and Sales calls which one do you think have A higher percentage closed pedro is Talking about this and how he is Actually closing more deals with less Calls i think that both methods are Perfectly Logical and they work but they work Under different frameworks right so Different frameworks they work with Different type of personalities and People and goals right yeah so there’s
Two main differences in what i believe From inbound and outbound inbound is Something that takes longer to build but The effort is going to be lower because You are building a warmer audience which Means that you are going to intake less Calls but closing on a higher closing Rate right now in terms of outbound you Are shooting for either mass Emails or more targeted email either way Those are two completely cold audiences Right i do Like both but what i found that for me Worked best was because i did try both Before an extensive period of time what Worked best was really inbound and main Reason why is because it was easier for Me to express My my opinion was easier for me to help The community like you mentioned before Like there are specific groups where People are interested in a topic right So if i know something about that topic And i can help the community i can Literally go to that community and just Create those connections the the Interest is going to to accumulate like They are going to feel like i’m building This project you you look like someone That actually knows what he’s talking About another thing that pedro talks About as well is the ability to find These people super quickly in facebook Groups because it’s so targeted it’s
Like here’s a group about course Creators here’s a group about coaches Here’s a group about software owners and You just go into these communities which By the way you can find groups on Linkedin as well but if you look at the Clickfunnels group on facebook there’s Like 300 000 people there you look at Another group there’s 30 000 20 000 and And you look at platforms like kajabi Teachable thinkific they have facebook Groups with course creators infospace Education businesses they all need Funnels so it’s super easy you go there You don’t pay for any software to do Outreach i just think it’s an easier way To get started and then when you want to Scale is when you maybe add the outbound And you can hire a team member who do That we call them appointment setter and You can even hire a closer to take the Sales calls and just scale it up with Numbers and now you do what scott was Talking about which is collect data see Which step is working and what’s not Working and you can reach more people Yes you can definitely reach more people I mean i’m not really great at doing Conversation like building rapport this Is something that i really struggled When i was trying to learn sales because Billing rapport every time that i was There i reached the topic you need to Build rapport i was like dude i’m going
To fail like miserably because i’m i’m No i’m not great at building rapport so What i found was i’m just going to help The people the best way i can they’re Going to find out like okay this all Makes sense and then the opportunity Rises i don’t need to build rapport Right because it was built on itself i Just need to say hey let’s chat over a Call and 10 15 20 minutes and i closed The deal So That’s why i resonated more with inbound So on this point i really agree with Pedro because i think if you create a Lot of content which by the way this is Not pedro versus scott or me versus Scott it’s just like scott mentioned He’s doing both so it’s not like hey This person versus this one i’m just Talking about inbound versus outbound if You’re doing one of them but obviously The best thing long term is to do both If you’re doing inbound you can have a Lot of the content do the selling for You and the sales call can literally be 10 minutes i’ve had calls so i closed 95 Of my of my clients in dms just Messenger talking to them and sending The invoice and thousands of dollars and They pay it So the times that i do have a call it Can be 10 minutes answering a few Questions but it’s never pushy it’s
Never like a script that i follow it’s a Framework yes psychology matters but It’s not a script where it’s like okay Where do you want to be in 90 days from Now okay what if you don’t pay me how Are you gonna get there are you stupid Like it’s it’s not these weird sales Scripts from from the 90s i’m gonna try And experiment and do more of now is Cold outreach on facebook with funnel Audits or like basically doing like Three minute loom videos so i’m still Sticking to facebook i’m allergic to to Linkedin my doctor says don’t go to Linkedin So i’m just gonna go to like facebook Groups on yeah on facebook and and Specifically for course creators and i Just checked today i made a youtube Video and it was like 60 000 people 30 000 people 40 000 people so i can still Get out to a lot of people not maybe 500 Per day But I can get out to more people so now i’m Combining content with outreach still on Just one platform and then doing less Things better and then the biggest Change will be that i’m hiring A copywriter and a graphic designer and Then i’m closing People i told pedro this earlier as well I’m gonna actually start doing sales Calls
Oh my gosh yeah i i just watched A client today on a zoom call and it was Amazing but uh that’s my strategy so i Don’t say one thing is working and the Other one isn’t i think it’s less about Like i think when you think about Online business i think There’s been a very interesting Phenomenon that’s happened over the last Couple years and specifically since Covid i don’t know if i can say that in These videos anymore but But a lot of people Are Attaching themselves to the concept that Like this one Route or this one tactic is the way to Do everything When really Like everything that we just said like We all do a version of pretty much Everything that we just explained to Wrap this up what are we focused on in The next 90 days i just told you already I’m gonna try to get to 30k per month With a lean team and i’m going to be the Ceo focus on a lot of conversations What’s your what’s your plan moving Forward my plan is just to to build a Better structured content creation kind Of thing i’m going to really really lean Into the the vertical kind of content The facebook stories the tick tock kind Of uh short videos as well
Yeah short videos like 15 seconds kind Of thing and then on facebook i’m Actually going to utilize the the Facebook content in terms of stories to Do two to five minute videos on where I’m just expressing without a script you Know so i’m not going to share a script Talking about one topic and that’s going To be the main focus on it also more Focused on the funnel agency it’s just Building case studies right now for the Next six months i’m really focused on Getting four to five six really good Case studies in the niches that i’m Really focusing on that is going to Prepare the way for what uh scott was Saying that to do a very very effective Outbound which in case if i want to do That that’s personally reasonable i have Materials to um to do so we’re leaning Into short content as well we’re doing One One pillar youtube video One Podcast episode and then everything else Is gonna be short form content in terms Of our content side of things We’re gonna just hammer it hard on any Platform we can repurpose on so right Now basically the same content can go to Youtube shorts instagram reels tik tok And then Honestly to linkedin and facebook too And it takes you no longer
Besides that five minutes that it takes To post all the platforms and so Content wise that’s where we’re going we Have a new offer that’s basically brand New that you know we’ve gotten to about 6k mrr in the last couple weeks and now That’s just we’re trying to you know 10 To 15k mrr was the goal after two months I think we’ll be there a little bit Quicker than two months but it’s Exciting because once again the Scalability is is there if all these Other avenues are set up so that’s kind Of our our focus right now okay so in Conclusion which one should you focus on If you’re a freelancer funnel agency no Matter what business you have which one Should you focus on first I think you pick one platform so instead Of going facebook linkedin and cold Email you pick facebook you set up your Profile okay so it’s branded to exactly Who you are what you’re all about how You help people and how they can reach Out to you okay so you have your offer Your pricing and your profile then you Go to the right communities you add Those as friends you can get to 5 000 Friends so what i love is you don’t have To wait for people to message you you Can also start messaging people on Facebook so when they go to your profile Check out who’s this person they see Your content and your profile and your
Link to your stuff and your testimonials And everything that you have that you Can put a link in your or bio from so Like that is how i recommend that you do It stick to one platform and then when You have more results you have more team Members you have more time to start Doing outreach or hire someone to do it For you that’s when you can really Multiply it but for example again Depends on the business would i as a Fitness coach do email outbound maybe Not i would do Cold messaging to reach more people with A freebie something that super valuable Something that people would actually be Happy that they hear from me because It’s a value so what i could do is i Could send out free funnel templates or A conversion checklist or funnel Tutorial i could send out an audit and Say hey this is what i see with your Funnel right now and why i think it’s Not the best that it can be and so i Recommend you fix these two things and Let me know the results after because I’m i’m confident that it’s going to Improve your conversions that’s a good Way to reach out to people and not like Hey what do you do okay so how’s that Working for you yeah nice you want to Jump on a call It’s just like templatized scripts which It works at mass scale
I’m more of a i don’t know a conscious Creator where i want that personal Connection and it has to be authentic Otherwise i can’t even sleep i can’t Wake up and just force myself to message The same script to people i can’t but i Can if i’m serving people and i’m Helping them and i give something of Value first and then i can start Conversation from there as yeah that’s The most important thing is that you Know how to deliver results for your People because then you can confidently Reach out to people you can create Content because you know you have a System that you follow to deliver Results you know how to build funnels You know how to do what what it is that You’re doing and you have a community to Ask for help and you feel like you’re Protected and supported by people so That you can just scale the actions and Create habits of success because success Is not an event Wealth is not an event Becoming rich and successful it doesn’t Just happen just like that it is habits That are consistently compounding Results for you and your business so That’s it make sure you like subscribe All the good stuff and i’ll see you next Video peace