So you want to start an online business A side hustle maybe create an additional Stream of income From the comfort of your home in 2022 That’s what i’m gonna do today i’m gonna Share 30 different ways to make money Online in 2022 but with a small warning Because 90 of these don’t have a lot of Profitability i’m also going to share Three different ways that are new for 22 And i know they’re going to be huge i’m Also going to break down numbers so you Can build what i call the perfect online Business which is the combination of High profit low upfront cost and a quick Learning curve so say you want to make 10k per month working from anywhere in The world you sell a product for let’s Say 10 Minus all the costs you’re left with Maybe 20 profit margins pretty common in The e-commerce space that’s two dollars Per product you want to make 10k per Month sell 5 000 products and you’ll Make 10k per month compare that to a 90 To 100 profit margin business where you Sell done for your services or education And you suddenly see how it’s possible Way faster so you could sell four Projects of 2.5 k and you’re 10k per Month or you could sell 10 courses 1k Each sell 2 consulting gigs at 5k that’s Also 10k i think you get the point so Keep that in mind when you hear the 30
Ways to make money online in this video Before we dive in to make sure you build A business they actually love here’s a Few questions you can ask yourself to Choose better number one how much do i Need to make to go full time not just to Survive but to actually thrive number Two what am i already pretty good at or What’s something that i’m super Passionate about number three who could Benefit from your new business your new Service your new product is there anyone You already know in your life maybe Often or online who you could help right Now is there a problem in their life That you keep hearing about is this a Problem that they would be happy to pay You for also keep in mind what’s easy For you is usually harder for others What sucks for someone else can Sometimes be a lot of fun for you so Your opinion matters less than what the Client or customer actually thinks okay So now let’s jump into the 30 ways to Make money online in 2022 number one Video editor find someone like me who’s Running an online business and offered To handle all of their monthly videos For a flat fee or a percentage of their Sales number two google ads offer google Ads to local and online businesses who Want to have their offer at the top of Google when people search for that topic Number three a coder help entrepreneurs
Turn their vision into an app a software A platform that can make the business Owner money number four logo designer Well actually just don’t people are Tired of paying high ticket for the Logos and they would just rather go to Fiverr number five brand strategist now We’re talking help entrepreneurs Creators influencers look professional Stand out with their messaging and their Branding yes it’s not just visual colors And logos and all that number six drop Shipping find trending products and Match them to holidays or seasons where People love buying them create a store Run ads build community all that good Stuff number seven content creator tons Of business needs content creators to The team but most people are average at It become good add stuff like tick tock And charge well for it number eight Affiliate blogger help entrepreneurs out There create blog posted rank and add Affiliate links to it number nine Graphic designer for creators Influencers you could create facebook Covers youtube banners instagram Carousels book covers podcast cover art Stuff that help them launch their Message to the world number 10 you could Be a ghostwriter write books for Entrepreneurs Make an interview turn it into a book Charge 5 to 10k
Number 11 print on demand you could Create content attract clients and Customers and then sell them something That’s print on demand we can we do that With our coffee business which is roast To order Number 12 you could be a vlogger and you Could create content build a community Get brand deals sell your own products Become an affiliate all that good stuff Number 13 you could react to videos Online so youtube commentator could be Entertainment it could be education There’s always an audience for both Number 14 podcast talk about stuff that You love attract a community around it Monetize that audience and sell them What they actually want Number 15 tick tock influencer you could Just dance to a trendy song and point to A cliche text and i’m just kidding There’s tons of talent and opportunity On tick tock number 16 automated Faceless youtube channels this is Actually a big one script a video hire Someone to do the voiceover then hire a Video editor and someone to add the B-roll to it and then just post it to Youtube 17 online courses take your Expertise or experience and package it Into an easy to consume format kind of Like i do with full-time funnel designer Number 18 virtual coaching work with People one-on-one on zoom coach them
Through the journey in life business Relationships health or anything really I’m 19. in person one day consulting Sell a full day of in-person consulting Where you go there you present the Tactical ways the client can achieve a Specific outcome number 20 create an app Forget about coding be the person who Hires the coder and sells the app or Software to the audience instead 21 Write a book people love listening or Reading books It could be a kids book self a book Could be a compilation of top 10 billionaire advice whatever it is People love books 22 flip things on Facebook marketplace you could find gems That you know people list the same day You could buy it cheap sell it for more Etsy ebay all that 23 affiliate Networker create a ton of relationships In a specific industry and then just get Paid as you connect people to each other Let’s say you get a five percent Commission fee per deal and you have a Business 24 take surveys 25 sell tick tock paid ads services more Business owners are starting to see the Need for paid ads on tick tock why not Become the next big tic tac agency 26 Add this to it become a funnel designer And you can sit at home build funnels in Your creative zone and charge two to 5k Per project you will learn a lot from
Just building funnels for other people In case you want to launch another Business in the future 27 funnel Consultant this is where you consult People on their full funnel system from Offer stack to cop writing to design and Follow-up systems and everything done For you for your clients and now to the Three new ones content researcher this Is someone who does hours and hours of Deep research on the topic like crypto Finance investing politics then hands it Over to a business owner like me a Content creator on youtube that can turn Into a valuable lesson or piece of Content there’s a huge need for this in This space 29 resources list site this Is kind of like a comparison site Similar to service list io it could be Specific service tool resource products It helps the consumer make an easy Decision and it helps you as the Platform creator get tons of traffic From those people that you can monetize With ads thirty build online ecosystems So more and more we’re seeing online Business owners and entrepreneurs want To have a blog for affiliate marketing Sales funnels for their product a Website for the hero section and all the Different social media podcasts and Everything and what this is is an Ecosystem And luckily for us it’s not that techie
Compared to what people would say and so They don’t want to do it and they would Rather pay you and this is why i’m so Excited about clickfunnels 2.0 with Their new platform where you can Literally build someone’s entire online Business and get paid multiple thousands For every project why does it pay so Well because the client understands the Value and it’s easy firsthand as your Project start paying them an insane Return on their investment as they Launch their services products and Programs so now that you have 30 Different options all legit online Businesses which one do you like the Most let me know below and finally if You want to learn more about what i do In my six figure funnel agency check out The links in the description where i Teach you how to do the same thanks for Watching subscribe if you haven’t Already follow me on instagram and i’ll See you in the next one [Music]