Best vs. Worst Online Businesses in 2022

Nightmare versus perfect business today We’re gonna rank 15 different business Models let’s start with this one this is The software developer yeah it could be Front-end developer back-end coder I would say this is very high in demand Right now with people moving online more And more web 3 like Developer is a good one it’s not a side Thing either but for me personally It’s a Because like i don’t like just coding And sitting there behind the scenes i Also like to Create tell stories produce content i Would love seeing things that i code Coming to Reality like like creating a software You see it and like i do some small Coding with css but that doesn’t count It’s for me it’s a meh i think in terms Of like a business opportunity if you Want to make a lot of money like yeah It’s definitely a good one it’s just a Long learning curve and so i guess it Could be a side chick like you can learn It on the side anyways you could Probably start there and then you move It up clothing brand i would put this One kind of like a mac because profit Margins i love wearing My own designs this one is not my own Design this is just like a trigger so i Shirt for when i’m meeting people who

Think money is evil but i do love merch For the community side of things i think It’s something people wear based on Their identity it’s more so like what That t-shirt represents so yeah i would Put in the middle it’s not for me as a Main business actually it’s a side chick Day trading this is actually something That i would love doing because i love Like technical analysis in terms of Crypto i do think i would love the Lifestyle of trading But The Personal life outside of it is too Stressful for me like sitting there like Updating your account or your portfolio Like i don’t like it for me it’s meh but I also see why people really love it so Like if you’re a trainer like respect Because it takes the mental strength to Do that but it’s also like you could do It on the side I keep moving it up there but you could Trade a little bit on the side funnel Agency well obviously you know for me i Think this is a perfect business why Because you start with zero capital down You can learn how to build funnels in Like a weekend even if you have a job 100 profit margins because all you need Is a computer which most people have and So the profit margins is i get paid two Thousand or three thousand or five

Thousand i keep all of it like i’m not Spending that to fulfill on it all you Need is like click funnels or the Software and so you can build hundreds Of funnels and still have the same low Cost you have like over 90 profit Margins And you also feel like creatively Fulfilled because you get to build a lot Of stuff be creative and you get to Learn a lot of stuff like let’s say you Build a funnel for a coach you get to See inside of their business the Messaging the copy the offer the tech Stuff and so everything that i’ve built In my funnel business has helped me in Other areas of life as well crypto Mining well this actually something i Used to do 2017 we had a chart i forgot What the website is called but you can See which one is the most profitable and So we moved it over to the most Profitable and then we i think we used Some exchange or something we change it To ethereum so i i saved it in ethereum I remember not too long ago i think it Was this year or last year i had like Three ethereums you know i just found Them in my wallet and they were like a Thousand bucks or something and so i Sold them and i was like oh took profit But You know after that i’ve been like Learning more about crypto again and i’m

Like i should have just Kept them like same thing with my Bitcoin in 2017 like they would have Been worth over six figures but i Listened to people who said like oh it’s A you know it’s a bubble it’s not gonna Work and i would put this as a side Chick too because it’s a great Additional stream of income but i Wouldn’t focus like it’s pretty passive But you gotta build a mining farm to Really keep us your main business i feel Like so blog Uh For me that’s a meh because like i see The passive income opportunity with a Blog but also like i wouldn’t do it as a Main thing yeah if you if you’re a Writer if you like that definitely go For it but just be patient with the Results because they’re compounding over Time and you will see a greater return If you stay consistent with then you Know how to rank your blogs All right a supplement company this is Kind of like the The t-shirt like merch but for me i Would put it in nightmare because Like there’s so many out there of these Already and you really have to build a Big i feel like you really have to build A Big personal brand for example if you’re Big into the carnivore diet like keto

Or maybe you’re vegan and you build a Community around that and you want to Promote a specific product in the Supplement industry like i could see That work in my opinion like you don’t Want to be just a white label supplement Brand which is just another way of Saying they have the product i’ll just Slap my logo on it i don’t think so i Think if you want to be a supplement Brand you want to be unique you want to Be original like a great example is nick Bear fitness or bear fitness nutrition The guy who inspired me to run a full Ironman like not run run swim and bike He built a supplement brand over 10 Years and they’re doing like multi-seven Figures now and so that’s awesome but You can also see the dedication over ten Years big youtube channel as well so i Think like i’m looking at things from How can i start a business from zero With no presence online no experience Versus like okay what’s the long-term Play if i you know if i do these things So like supplements for me it’s kind of Like a nightmare until you actually Start making money and then i would move It up here to like the perfect i don’t Want to say perfect business but like a Good business All right youtuber i would say great Side check because it’s very like Mentally

Not draining but it’s like you gotta Come up with new ideas you have to stand Out and you have to know how to rank Your videos like beginning of this year We recorded like 48 videos and like two Video editors and we planned out videos And we we did a lot of stuff and youtube Didn’t grow like it was slow at first And and even now it’s like still slow The good thing about my audience is that They’re very Niche and so we’re entrepreneurs a lot Of people are funnel builders funnel Designers it is a great platform to Build your brand for sure because like On facebook you post something it drowns Right like nobody sees it in six months On youtube people can see it six months From now six years from now like that’s What i love about youtube so it’s a Great great opportunity for sure you Just got to know how to monetize it Don’t just rely on like adsense you want To build a funnel like for yourself or For others but for yourself like from Youtube use that as the traffic source To drive people into your email list and Like build a community a facebook group And a free offer and a paid offer or Multiple paid offers all right we have Web design agency i would say just like The funnel i think that’s a great one as Well is it perfect well i would say none Of these are 100 perfect because

If you want to have 100 clients and make 300 000 per month like you have a big Team and there’s a lot of things that Goes into that like managing a team Creating the sops like account Management and like all that stuff that Any agency would have like seo content You know in my opinion it’s definitely Scalable but it’s just it takes more Work and like headache than being the Perfect business if you know what i mean Me personally i don’t want to have a big Team i want to have a lean effective Team And mean profits instead so then we have Film making business or video marking Agency so This is a great one because videos are Obviously getting more popular in in Marketing i would say you want to adapt So like i’m seeing people starting tic Tac ads agencies i’m seeing people learn How to shoot commercials that are not Like Big like studio productions but at home Also like editing and producing youtube Videos for creators is a a great Opportunity for people as well in terms Of again having like a big agency with Multiple people i just think for me it’s Not the perfect in fact that’s like a Meh You know yeah but um If you’re doing it for someone where you

Can actually enjoy your life i think That’s a great Business obviously this could be the Perfect business for someone out there For me just because i don’t like video That much it’s i don’t know why i put it Like on the side you gotta do it all and You gotta go all in but it’s like almost There i guess if you structure it the Right way it could be the perfect Business because let’s say that you Build like long term you build up your Own personal brand as well and then you Sell presets lots video editing courses Like okay real estate investing Obviously this is a great business model As well i would say this is also like a Perfect business if you know what you’re Doing The only thing i don’t like a couple of Things that i don’t like in real estate You need to have some money up front and I know people say like how you can start With no money down depends where you Live in finland you have to have 15 Like unless you go and find like private Equity investors you know it’s not Common in finland like in u.s i know it Is so again is it the perfect business i Would do on the side And i know i have like a lot of side Checks now i would do on the side Because for like a long term investing Vehicle because i would also hire

Property managers so like i would make Less in the short term but then in 10 to 15 years they’re paid off by the tenants I know you can also buy cheap renovate And refinance And use some of that money to Buy the next one and I know there’s a great opportunity in There for me the passion isn’t there Like if you take real estate versus Crypto like i love crypto more because It’s like Decentralization it’s the future web 3 Blockchain anti-corruption with the Blockchain Trackable nfts i like it more What can i say online courses is the Perfect business no it’s hard to make an Online course that is perfect that’s Actually perfect and like what you want To do which i feel like my course Full-time funnel design is getting there Where people recommend you with word of Mouth so like they share because they Like it not because i’m paying them or Not because they feel forced to or not You know i’m not selling it with paid Ads i’m not just running paid ads to and Convincing people in fact i haven’t Spent a dollar to promote and we have 300 people in there that’s a good sign Of like people actually like it can Throw up a screenshot here of people who Tagged me yesterday in a post someone

Asked in clickfunnels like what’s the Best funnel design course and like all These people tagged me i’m like I felt super grateful i would also do This as a side thing and that’s just me Because some people like i want to sell Online courses because it’s passive if You know me i love working like why Would i do something because it’s Passive i could just have that on the Side as an investment strategy and have My main business where i feel fulfilled Where i feel like i make a big impact i Will say though like let’s say in five Years i’ve worked with a thousand two Hundred and fifty clients i built Thousands of funnels And i’m like okay now it makes sense Because of maybe the audience on Facebook has grown in the community like I have almost 4 000 people there on Youtube like if things grow and we see a Demand From like people having all these Questions then instead of me building Funnels that are like done for you if i Just keep creating assets like here’s a Template for for you for this industry And like i keep adding more things Clickfunnels 2.0 and like i always Update what i have then 1 million people 5 million people could use that one Thing that i create because the digital Assets so if it makes sense from that

Standpoint i’ll probably switch over to Doing just Courses workshops maybe events like who Knows but not because it’s like passive Income it’s more because okay Now it makes sense for me to create Something that helps more people without Me jumping on zoom calls with everyone Individually and like Trading time for money it’s only for That reason but i do love client work i Love work building funnels for for People Okay this one is Influencer i would say this is like a Meh Because like a lot of influencers They are relying their income on brand Deals and what how do you get brand Deals attention like staying relevant i Feel like a lot of influencers are Reliant they’re almost desperate to Promote brand deals even i know a lot of People who promote things they don’t Want to but they need the money like They already quit their job they’re an Influencer i believe more in Entrepreneurship and being a creator With your own products because if you’re Proud of what you do if you’re good at What you do Then just help people with your own Services your products And don’t sell a lifestyle instead of

Sell Your services the things that you can Produce for people the result that you Can give people affiliate program so Affiliate marketing is i would say great It’s a great side check it’s a great Thing to do on the side if you know how To do it like leverage what you already Have like me for example yeah i have a Link in the description to get two weeks Of free click funnels i’m not making That much from click funnels some months I probably make 700 or a thousand But my goal is to grow that over time I’m not in a rush like if you have i Think i have five six or seven income Streams so i want to be the best at one Thing and that’s funnels and then i know Like the other other stuff comes Naturally so That is the Tier maker or to the tier online Business tier list whatever you want to Call it which one would you choose which One is the perfect for you and which one Is the nightmare or do you even have one Where you say man if i had to do that if I had to code if i have to trade if i Had to design if i had to write if i had To have this business i would rather Work as cnn so anyways that’s it for This video hopefully you liked it smash The like button subscribe if you haven’t And i’ll see you in the next one

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