Hey what is going on guys Josh money Here and in this video I want to talk to You about click funnels and how to set Up its email integrations so we’re gonna Go over how to set it up whether you’re Using a third party to do it or you’re Gonna use click funnels to do in-house So doing it in-house I’ll be done here So the follow up funnels know that’s What that is that’s what that’s called Used to be called action ends they just Switched it to what’s called follow-up Funnels as part of the click phones Platinum plan so that’s a new thing that Just got rolled out with click funnels Anyway so to set up the email Integrations the first place where you Needed to go to get that started we’re Gonna to go to the account settings so This is your first time inside of a Click funnels account this is what the Dashboard or this is what a funnel looks Like and this is how there’s an example Of all the different funnel steps you Can have you know when you’re selling Your products or service and a lot of That has to do with email marketing and That’s why we want to talk about it Today so we’re gonna go in here we’re Gonna go hover over our own face when I Go to the account settings now we’re in
The account settings so right now we’re Gonna talk about how to set it up when You have when you’re using like a Third-party tool when you’re not using The follow up funnels when you’re using Something like active campaign Convertkit so at the time of this video I’m actually using active campaign Because I just upgraded to the platinum Plan so I haven’t set everything up to Use follow up funnels so I am still Using active campaign it’s kind of hard To transition everything over but over Over time that is a goal to switch over To follow up Falls and get everything in Place it just takes a couple minutes So when we’re hooking it up to active Campaign or convertkit or whatever Autoresponder you’re using we’re gonna Go over here to the integrations tab so Inside the integrations those are all The different tools so we’re gonna hit Add new integration there’s a lot of Different tools that clickfunnels Integrates with so emails could be all Different ones so right here at the top This is the most common email providers Active campaign Aweber or Constant Contact convertkit if you want to just Go to the email provider specifically we Could go to emails click on that that Section and they’ll have all the Different email providers you can use With click calls you just click on it And each one is a little bit different But essentially you’re just gonna need The API key the API token sometimes
Sometimes it’s the API pin it all just Depends on what that tool wants to call It but you basically you need the API a ID you know copy and paste those already And then hit add integration and then You’ll be all set It’s very simple to do when you’re Inside of clickfunnels and integrated The two software’s and then when you go To your funnel if somebody purchase your Product then you’ve got to you say I Want it to go into my email to be Inputted into my you know drip account For this example and I want me to be Tagged with this tag so that way you’re Keeping everything organized inside of a Drip as well as inside of quick files so If you if you’re planning on using Clickfunnels are using follow up funnels You know just send email lists Broadcasts your campaigns or your Actions right tell other contacts go Right into there we’re gonna need to set Up your your SMTP your actual server Settings so that’s gonna be a couple Tabs down here still on the left side Now if you’re selling physical products And you’re just sending confirmation Emails that’s what this means here if You’re not planning and doing email Marketing but you just want to send some An email to somebody to confirm their Purchase that’s what this is for this Transaction only that’s that’s what you
Need if that’s only what your goal is There now but if you’re planning on Actually the marketing and the Consistent follow-up and that’s what’s Gonna take place here now when you set Up when your your email you should have All that information You just gotta basically enter in the SMTP server ports the passwords the the User name the users obviously the Address information all that stuff’s Gonna go right in here so that way Everything is all set up properly inside Of click phones when you’re planning on Using the follow-up funnels so that’s What that’s for if you’re doing all your Email marketing inside of click funnels That’s what’s gonna be set up here now It’s a little bit different each one and If you just if you need help to know What whether it be mandrills Spark posts or centigrade whichever one You’re using just click learn how right There and they’ll show you how to set it Up for each one of those but it Essentially it’s the same process you Just fill all your information in which You should know you know from wherever Your email is being hosted through so I Hope this video helps them make sense And how to set up your your email Integrations whether it be using click Falls or whether it be using a third Parties the process is pretty simple no
Matter what third-party tool you’re Using and then when you’re using it Inside click funnels it’s just a lot of Information you gotta fill out Unfortunately so I really recommend Click phones my wife and I we use click Phones all the time to Mmm that were a part of as well as a Small agency we have we build flying or Funnels for a few clients of ours so we Really recommended there is a 14-day Trial link in the description below so You can start a free 14-day trial with Clickfunnels just as a bonus for saying Thank you for signing up through my link For taking action today I actually want To help you with your funnel so I want To make sure they’re successful so I Want to give you a bonus I want to give You my personal email so you can reach Out to me anytime and we can make sure That you’re successful together because There’s a lot of opportunity out there There’s a lot of money that can be made Online with click funnels they have the Ninety six ninety six thousand active Users as of right now it just did they Launched launching the click funnels Platinum so that’s a huge thing they got A lot of new people from doing that so It’s a lot of money to be made online And click funnels and I want you to be a Part of it so click link below take Action today
Now sign up for the 14 day trial I am Only doing this for the first 50 people That sign up using my link down below so Make sure you you’re one of those first 16 that you take action today and so I Hope that helped and we’ll see in the Next video.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
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