We got a new offer from clickfunnels It’s free and the promise is i’m looking For 100 highly motivated individuals who Haven’t made one sale with a funnel yet To partner with me and build your first Phone that generates at least a thousand Leads in 30 days or you pay zero i Actually got a link to this as well in Case you want to get it you can see it’s A 30 days free click funnels instead of Uh 14 days so a month free to test all Your funnels and click funnels and There’s a lot of free bonuses like the 14 day live coaching for an example i’ll Tell you which one i am most excited About i mean the cookbook there is Pretty good plug and play funnels look There’s my funnel so i’ve built this for Click funnels the book funnel template 102 insane done for you ready to go Funnels Free included headline generator Software Free list building secrets training we Got a private collection from tony Robbins The one that i really want is the dan Kennedy training that guy is so he’s Both funny and he’s so smart my gosh as I’ve been building some of the the stuff For them like if you go to Magneticmarketing.com you can see the Funnel that i built for them as i’m Going through their material and
Listening to the podcast and everything He’s such a funny guy and obviously the Goat of marketing so that’s the one i’m Looking forward to the most you also get A t-shirt all of that and here’s the Offer so free third day clickfunnels Trial 30 days book so that’s how to launch Your entire online business if you’re Starting from scratch in 30 days the Cookbook which is basically like how to Piece together all the ingredients into Your business Free 14 day live coaching the 100 sales Funnel templates headline generator Software free list building tony robbins Dan kennedy funnel hacker cookbook Recordings and then the 30 day behind The scenes so basically russell brunson Interviewed 30 different seven figure Entrepreneurs and asked them like what Would you do if you’re starting over What’s the first thing you’ll do the Second the third thing and that’s all For free which is why this is such a Crazy offer you wouldn’t before this you Wouldn’t even be able to get 30 days of Free click funnels and now you get all Of this and i think you pay 29 for Shipping because you get the actual Physical books and the t-shirt and like An entire box so that’s pretty Pretty insane for an offer i mean 29 Bucks that’s what it cost me to go get
Pizza for the family the wife and the Kids and so this is investing in your Future now with that said i’m also going To give you my bonuses if you use my Link because i think i get a couple of Dollars i mean from the 29 i probably Get you know seven dollars so i’m not Doing this for the money it’s not gonna Make me rich number one i love it and i Use it myself so i only recommend stuff That i use but i obviously wanna give You something additional to everything You get so that you feel incentivized to Use my link here’s an example of my Funnel templates before after what you Can do with them you know there’s 37 Actually the 60 funnel templates now in In this offer and yes you can buy these Separate at 37funnels.com but why not Just get them for free it’s actually More affordable to get it for 29 Your first funnel uh link is in the Description and you get all of these for Free so i’m also going to give you one Dm closing video so this one right here Is a like an actual real life scenario Where i close a client in dms what i say To them how i overcome objections and This one actually took a turn so you’ll See how to close someone when there’s an Objection and you have to kind of think Creatively what do you say to them so This if you don’t want to do sales calls And this is a client who paid me
Multiple you know thousands of dollars So you’re also going to get a video that Is called the four active revenue Streams with these final agency pillars This is from full-time funnel designer 2.0 my flagship program for people Wanting to launch their funnel agency to 10k per month and so you get this video That shows you all the four active Income streams with your funnel agency So yeah you have the training to set you Up the funnel templates and then the dm Closing video to show you how to get Clients with your business plus all of This so now without further ado let’s Scroll up and actually watch the video Together from russell to see what this Is all about If you’re here then chances are you’re An entrepreneur and you’ve heard this One word over and over and over again Funnel and along with that word comes a Story about someone’s business that Exploded going from zero to six or seven And eight figures in a matter of years Months and sometimes even days Like preston and lauren i heard that the Record for the fastest funnel to reach One million dollars is like 17 days Which is crazy and usually when they do That they partner with people like jv And there’s like multiple entrepreneurs Where i would do an interview on your Podcast and then we do a live master
Class together we do a workshop and a Webinar here and someone would sell To masses with the network that they’re Building with their brand so seven Figures in less than a year teaching People how to bake cookies cookies or Alex hermosie who was so good at filling His gyms using funnels he built a Nine-figure empire helping other gym Owners to do the same thing Or allison prince who went from Struggling to get her econ business off The ground now being able to donate over A million dollars to charity And the crazy so we got gyms cookies E-commerce And so that’s local business e-commerce Like it’s not just course creators i Think a lot of people who think of click Funnels think oh people who sell courses Right like the 997 courses i want to be Different and i also want to show people What you can do with funnels and the Best thing as a funnel agency what i’m Experiencing Is the lessons that i learned when i go Behind the scenes and build funnels for Other people so not only do i get paid Two thousand four thousand five thousand But i actually get to see okay this is The offer this is the messaging okay let Me piece things together here’s your Funnel it’s a lot of fun Part is that these stories they don’t
Even seem uncommon anymore they’re Literally everywhere Is it complicated for anyone to figure Out how to not with click funnels that’s What’s great it’s drag and drop ecom Business is blowing up overnight Influencers selling their knowledge and Expertise brick and mortar companies Being flooded with more new customers Than they even know what to do with it’s Happening in every niche and every Business you can think of Business owners are turning into funnels To grow their businesses at rates that No traditional website ever could but at One time all these entrepreneurs were Lost or stuck or afraid to launch their Very first funnel which might be Sometimes when i see click funnels sales Videos they use like the old school Because i know they have Hundreds of funnel templates and i Remember the first ones they had they Were ugly you know that’s just my Personal opinion like they looked Old-school and so that’s why i got into This world to transform the way people Build funnels and i show people that It’s actually possible to build Beautiful funnels that convert like this One or this one and people say when i Build funnels it’s actually the i think The best compliment i can ever get when Someone says is that built in click
Funnels you built that in click funnels If you take a look at full-time funnel Designer 2.0 my sales page for it you Can see that it’s pretty modern and That’s built in click funnels as well See how you’re feeling right now you Probably wonder like will this even work For me or how do i know how to start or How much is even going to cost and it Can seem like a lot but i can promise You one thing that it is your turn Because today i’m going to give you Everything you need to build your first Funnel completely for free I’m russell brunson and in my lifetime I’ve conservatively built around 1500 Sales funnels selling everything from Potato gum plans for you if you have a Challenge like i want to build a Thousand funnels because i saw someone Copy my mission to build a thousand Funnels and mine was really Out of wanting to become better at Building funnels but then once i got Better i started wanting to focus more On quality over quantity so if you’re Launching a funnel portfolio for your Business or if you’re launching your First funnel like it’s better to spend An entire day just like making Everything really beautiful it’s better To Make quality over quantity since the Supplements to clothing and courses and
Events you name it i’ve sold it through A funnel and it used to be really hard But eight years ago i teamed up with This guy to make it easier and that’s When we made click funnels the world’s Leading funnel building platform and Since then funnels became a bit more Mainstream we’ve grown over a hundred Thousand customers who have processed Over 5.06 billion dollars in sales Combined the numbers have been insane to Say the least but then i also heard About entrepreneurs on the other side of That who are frustrated trying to figure This whole thing out and they haven’t Found success within the funnel yet i Became obsessed trying to figure out how Come some people have tons of success Right they generate more leads they make More sales they went to comic club Boards they’re on stage getting awards All that kind of stuff while others come Into our community and they start an Account either gave up or never even Built their first funnel I studied thousands of businesses just Like a football coach would the sales Widow and yes it’s a sales video even if It’s like a free offer it’s a sales Video which is a lesson in and of itself Sometimes i see people launching like a Freebie like a lead funnel and like yeah But it’s free like i don’t have to Really think about the copy what they
Want like the headline the text the Images the graphics and i’m like you Have to sell them on it even if it’s Free and so as you watch this video Continue to learn how he’s communicating A sales message they’re watching and Re-watching game film figuring out what Plays worked which ones didn’t work and What were holding people back and some People i found were afraid the text side Of things while other people’s they Needed some accountability and some were Just worried about the cost but then i Noticed a pattern among almost Again that’s objection handling in a Sales video You want to talk about what’s already Going on in their mind so some people Want this thing they believe in funnels But then it’s like i don’t know how to Set it up which is why they included not Only click funnels but coaching with it So some people say they sign up but They’re like i never follow through Accountability so you wanna like this is How we create all successful Entrepreneurs it all came down to a Single word Start they started i rise of the most Common theme of all the success stories Was that they all individually built and Launched their own first funnel even if It was kind of ugly it didn’t have the Best copy it was filmed on an iphone it
Was the process that got them off the Bench and actually into the game My guess is if you’re sitting here right Now ready to get into the game to launch Your business to sell your cool new idea I love the fact that we’re showing People at home building funnels from the Kitchen table because most small Business owners start at home With a laptop or an imac and Just a vision and a goal and they They’re mapping out their funnels and The offer if you’ve been to funnel Hacking live that’s probably what you do The end of the day you go to your hotel Room and you like start thinking about What offered to launch what funnel do You need and like mapping everything out And uh it’s super relatable the the Visuals in the salesforce video so i Want to provide a service that helps People but then there’s some hesitation Because you still aren’t really fully Convinced of the powers of funnels well That’s why i put this together to give You everything you need to build and Launch a funnel over the next 30 days Completely for free literally my team Will walk you through step by step so You can finally achieve the business You’ve been dreaming of and with this First funnel you’ll be able to generate At least a thousand new leads for your Business does this sound crazy it
Probably is but this is the deal i wanna Make sure you’re successful so here’s Everything you’re gonna get when you Sign up today for this limited time Offer the first thing you’re gonna get Is 30 days access to click funnels so Like they could have made a video that Says hey instead of 14 days free trial With click funnels We now do 30 days right but they created An offer for an offer you want to have a Why it’s because some people are Successful some people aren’t what can We do to to improve that Longer time free trial so they don’t Cancel Accountability coaching funnel templates Trainings from tony robbins to up level Your standards trainings from dan Kennedy to help you marketing to drive Traffic list building secrets from Russell brunson so that you know how to Get a thousand leads in 30 days like Everything is an offer and it’s a Beautiful offer it’s really well crafted Now most people when they sign up on the Main site when we get 14 days we’re Gonna double that for you which gives You more than enough time to get your First leads coming in and start making Money from them that way you make money Before i ever do which is the way it Should be that’s one month or four weeks Or 730 hours of uninterrupted time to
Build things inside your clickfunnels Account now that should be a sweet Enough deal as is but we know that Throwing you into the game without fully Understanding the rules can be Well [Applause] So that’s why i’m going to give you over 8 735 worth of free bonuses to help Prevent that from happening [Music] By the way i know some people are going To hate on the value number because you Know it’s it’s youtube like in the Comments people go oh the value is like A fake number to Make the value be perceived as like Super high I’m working with russell brunson click Funnels and getting paid to build Funnels for them so if you look at the Funnel templates 102 funnel thumbplus What do you think they paid to get those Built And these are additional templates then You know you would rather get when you Sign up on click funnels so like The value there i just know they’ve paid Way more Than you know what they say 8 000 in the The value there like tony robbins for an Example dan kennedy like they’re not Cheap people bonus number one i’m sure a Lot of you guys will be wondering well
What funnel do i build first and what Template i use and which one works the Best and all the questions right so Instead of like putting you out there Hoping that you figure it out on your Own i want to give you access to live Coaching yes normally we sell coaching For 25 000 or more but for the next 14 Days i’m gonna give you access to my Coaches that means you come in you get Your new click funnels account you have A chance to go through the training and They will be in a group with you showing You exactly what funnel to build how to Build the step-by-step process by the Way again 25 000 for coaching is the Actual price you can even see it on Click funnels pricing page where it’s Like 97 297 and there’s like i think It’s 29.97 or 2497 For two comma club x which is the the Coaching program and that’s really for People you know scaling to a million From zero with there’s like a 10 coaches it’s crazy but yeah If you have any questions you’re not Stuck you can literally message them you Can message the community you can Message everybody and we’ll make sure That your questions are answered and That way during the 14 days your first Funnel your lead funnel will be done and Launched and live and leads coming in The door all right the second bonus is
So cool i actually want to ship this Physically to your house it is called 30 Days and this is the book i put together With a bunch of click funnels people who Had actually started just like you they Got into the game and eventually won a Two comma club award i got 30 of them i Said what would you do if you were to Lose everything today you lost your Business you lost your credibility lost Your money like everything disappeared And all you had the next 30 days was a Click funnels account just like you have Now i said what would you do for the Next 30 days to get back on top and all These two common club winners sat down And they wrote out this book they Launched i think a year two years ago or Something because i remember i got Access to it like the day they launched It one of the like most interesting part Was to see how millionaires think people Who already made seven figures and more If they had to start over no matter the Industry because what i could see is Like launch Frameworks or campaign structure and They didn’t only say i’m gonna make Money selling you know agency services I’m gonna do e-commerce they actually Said here’s what i would do with the First week to maybe validate the offer Here’s what i would do the next week to Get more traffic like all these things
That even someone who’s been in the Funnel space for a while i found really Insightful to get from like 30 different People detailed blueprints for you they Said on day number one i would do this Day number two i would do this day Number three all the way through 30 days And so for you this is a gift i want to Give you because i want you to get it in Your house open it and read through These plans and find one that connects The most with you and say that’s the Plan i want to follow and you can follow That plan over the next 30 days to get Your next funnel live now if you don’t Love reading or maybe it’s hard for you To read i also give you access to the Video interviews with each of these two Comic winners where they told me step by Step here’s a yeah they have like behind The scenes interviews as well which Reminds me Clickfunnels when are you launching the Funnel agency Interviews because we did an interview i Did an interview with clickfunnels a Couple of months ago it’s like 30days.com but it’s For funnel agencies maybe that’s coming Soon or maybe i said too much already i Don’t know Exactly what i would do so you can Listen and watch the video as well and This is another big win for us
Because as soon as soon as an email Comes in we’re selling them and on top Of that i asked him one other thing i Said would you be willing to show me Your two common club funnel now most two Comic club winners do not share these With other people it’s kind of like the Movie fight club the rule number one Fight club is you don’t talk about fight Club but all three of these people were Willing to actually show you their two Common club funnels we got on video they Showed you here’s page one and page two And page three you can see exactly what Happened inside their funnel and on top Of that we made a copy of their funnel That we share with you so you can take Their funnel and plug in your Information your products and your Services so this bonus something that Literally we can sell a thousand dollars Or more i’m gonna give it to you for Free when you get started today And then the next gift is also what i Wanna ship to you this is what i call my Funnel hacker cookbook the reason why This cookbook is so cool is think about A regular cookbook right let’s say you Wanted to go and you wanted to make a Cake what would you do you get a Cookbook you see the recipes you see Step by step instructions you know what Exactly the ingredients were you could Very easily go and make a cake right
It’s not that difficult okay the same Thing is true with a funnel hacker Cookbook there are a lot of different Types of funnels you can create and on Top of those all the recipes like when You open up you can go and you can find Okay i want to build a webinar funnel And there’s literally step one page Number one page number two and here’s All the ingredients that go on every Single step again this is what i was Talking about like Some of these funnel templates that they Use Is kind of old school so i wouldn’t Personally use this but you look at this Part you see the elements of like okay Why do you have a headline here why do We have a video here what’s that call to Action here and so you can use this when You get the book you can use it as a Framework and then just use my funnel Template so you get 60 different ones By the way i’ve updated it so if you Bought them already or if you want to Get my funnel templates at 37funnels.com Or just get them for free by emailing me At support ghostinson.com When you get the offer from russell Bronson link is in the description just Download the funnel template and plug And play what they’re teaching into my Funnel templates On the page if this is something you are
Going to love is this funnel hacker Cookbook and again i’m going to send you A physical copy to your house as well That we can put it next to your desk and You’re like oh i want to build a Membership funnel open it up flip that Section and you have the exact recipe You need to make sure you’re successful And on top of that i also filmed an Entire video course showing you exactly How to use these and implement them Inside your business this is like a real Cooking show now you guys loving this so As you look at the instructions you Watch the video of me walking through Okay here’s the first thing the second Thing the third thing and that way There’s no way you can fail the third Bonus we’re giving you actually Pre-built funnels that are proven to Convert let’s say you want to build a Funnel to generate leads or you want to Do a webinar funnel or maybe you want a Sales funnel maybe you’re trying to get A high ticket application leads like Whatever type of funnel you’re trying to Build we’ve already pre-built those Inside of click funnels instead of you Try to start from scratch and figure it Out and lastly i want to make this the Easiest biggest no-brainer decision of Your entire life so i’m throwing three More bonuses that should hopefully push You over the edge the first one is tony
Robbins okay tony robbins was my Personal coach he helped me through so Many times in my life when i was Struggling both personally my personal Life and my marriage to my family but on Top of that also in my business so many Times we get stuck in business not Because we don’t know the technical Things right with this package you’re Gonna now you have the software you got The training got the tools you got the Coach got everything you need if you’re Not successful it’s because there’s Something happening between your ears Some kind of mindset thing is holding You back from success and there’s no Person who That’s all true like i thought and maybe You can relate to this when you get Started in this journey obviously you Want to fix your mindset and you start Listening to other people who are more Successful than you are And it’s good it’s great it’s like Podcasts audiobooks interviews youtube Like events but then once you kind of Know what to do the motivation the Inspiration you no longer need it from Someone else you have the drive and the Fire already within you and so you just Want someone to tell you do this today Do this tomorrow so that’s how you buy a Course for an example or you hire a Coach to tell you like here’s what you
Know you need to change to make it Successful And so maybe you stop listening to Motivation or you go to Guru events and that’s what i did for a While i stopped going to events i Stopped listening to people who talked About mindset and i thought mindset is So stupid man like let’s just work work Work and actually do the thing that i Know is working and that is generating Results and so i did and then last Funnel hacking live i bought a ticket to Funnel live virtual and so this was 2021 And i bought the ticket mostly to learn About clickfunnels 2.0 because yes i had Access i was one of the first i was in The reaction video to the event when They talked about clickfunnels 2.0 but Uh I didn’t think that i was going to need The mindset training i didn’t think that I was going to be inspired by tony Robbins because i thought i was above That yes i know silly stupid of me Didn’t think i would need like Inspiration because i’m always like a Very motivated guy i have a lot of like Drive myself but when i listened to him Just the way that he used analogies and Examples of entrepreneurs doing this and Then realizing they had this problem They fixed it with this or when tony Robbins himself had a big problem he
Didn’t think he could overcome he found The solution by looking at it from this Perspective so I’m just saying all this to say maybe You don’t see the value in having like Access to tony robbins but you might not Need it today or you might need it today It’s seasons in life and so you might Need it three months from now like i Said maybe you just want to dive into That first to fix your mindset and then Go into funnel culture you’ve ever Walked this planet better than tony Robbins getting you unstuck mentally It’s the psychology of how to make sure You’re successful tony was nice enough To give us access to some of his top Selling courses to plug here inside this Offer that way after you’re going Through all the training and the Software you can also plug in tony Listen to him and help get your mindset Correct to help guarantee your success I’m gonna take the morning and not talk To you about how to do this We’re gonna figure out why too Because 80 percent of success in Anything is psychology and 20 is Mechanics next i’m going to give you Access to a very special course is no Longer on the market uh this is one that Was published by dan kennedy who’s my Very first marketing mentor now recently I bought dan kennedy’s company and in
The archives i found this course that Was so good that nobody’s seen in years It’s called the herd building formula And her building is all about building a List of customers who don’t just buy From you once so this is how you build a Community of sheep this i don’t actually Watch this one so i’m gonna watch her Building a training seminar again dan Kennedy Another level they buy from you over and Over and over again and so i found this Course i went through the recents like This is insanely good like i need all my Funnel hackers learning this stuff and So this is the course they used to sell For a thousand dollars i’m gonna include It inside this package for you for free So you can get in the mindset of how do I build a list of customers where i can Sell my products and my services to so That would be another bonus you’ll get For free inside your members area and i Got one last bonus and this is probably The most important it is the funnel Hacker t-shirt now when people used to Create a clickfunnels account very first Time we would send them out a t-shirt They would put on said funnel hacker on It and they’re literally the most Comfortable shirts you will ever wear Hands down forever and so that’s the Last bonus i’m going to give you guys All right so that’s the offer and i do
Have clickfunnels t-shirts they’re super Comfy but that’s not why i would Recommend you buy this again let’s go Back to The offer and this could be different For for everyone like some of you might Buy this offer to get the funnel Templates i think though most people if You’re here you’re probably looking for Two things if you already have click Funnels you probably want to get Accountability and coaching and yes the Trainings the templates everything like All of that is cool for some of you if You’re new to this and you don’t have Clickfunnels yet or maybe you’ve Cancelled your account you want to start Over or maybe you want to create a new Account because you want to get my Bonuses But you’re probably looking to get 30 Days of click funnels so you can test it Out again take one of these 30 days Interviews look at what successful People are saying then decide what Funnel you need for your business And have one month for free with Clickfunnels and like i said you can get My bonuses which is all of this all the Funnel templates all the trainings and Everything As well as maybe you’re a funnel agency Owner a funnel designer funnel builder Copywriter freelancer and you would like
To know how to close people in dms i’m Going to give you a training of that as Well and if you want more multiple Streams of income you can get this Training included as well so so that’s It for this video a little bit of a long Video but hopefully that was valuable to Get my insights my perspective on this Offer if you want to get the bonuses Make sure you use my link down below in The description and once you do get the Offer through my link make sure you send Me an email as well to support Customsun.com and we will get you added To All of the the free bonuses so that’s it For this video i’ll see in the next one [Music] You