Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
Right so I’m gonna buy funnel Builder Secrets by Russell Brunson and Clickfunnels so let’s go ahead and do That first and then review it and see if Actually any good and uh the way I’m Looking through this it with the lens of My own experience so if you don’t know Who I am as we’re walking through this My name is Ghost and I built over 500 Funnels for clients like Anna Robinson Car Sales with Russell Brunson and Clickfunnels Dan Kennedy Robert Kiyosaki Like there’s a lot of big clients and I’ve had this for uh my funnel engine For years and I’ve also been teaching This from people asking me how to get Clients and how do you charge High Ticket how do you stand out how do you Close clients without sending proposals Doing sales calls and everything and so My program is if you don’t know what it Is is full-time funnel designer we also Have a coaching program called Inner Circle so ffd is below 1 000 and the Inner circle is below five thousand and So I’m comparing this to that and you Can see that the way that I teach is I Have a lot of visual tools that I’m Curious to see if they have inside of Their program as well because anyone can Build a course and video trainings but Do they have actually like the steps and The tools and the temples and the Scripts because something tells me you
Can see just from these alone like the Templates playbooks and swipe Falls the Things that I go into in details with is Crazy and I’ve never seen any other Course have this so the price that I’m Gonna pay is 2 000 so it’s double what I’m charging for ffd me and Pedro and so I’ll just click yes I want funnel Builder secrets and you might be asking Yourself like why do you buy this if You’re a cortical competitor right well Number one I love clickfalls the people There I trust what they’re building There with clickfuns 2.0 and you can Never get you know so good at something That you say oh look I’m gonna stop Learning so you can like you can learn From from anyone there’s a thing that Goes something like a wise man can learn From a homeless but a stupid man can’t Even learn from a library something like That so that’s not to insult homeless People it’s just a mindset of like Always trying to learn the saying goes Learners are earners I know it’s cheesy But it’s true but that’s not really why I’m buying this to learn new stuff it’s Because I’m going to be paying 297 a Month for clickfunnels 2.0 and with this I get the classic which is 1.0 and 2.0 Funnel hacker plan which is the most Expensive one I get both of those for a Year plus the course and the funnel Scripts and giru which Guru is a funnel
Mapping tool I get all of that for 12 Months which is super valuable so let me Buy this and then let’s take a look at The inside okay so now we have the order Bump the triology trilogy Trilogy and I already have this I don’t Have all the books I don’t need that and 2 000 one year of Click funnels 2.0 Included yes I can count some other time And also I’ve seen people ask me uh if I Get this through your link goes like What are some of the bonuses and also Can I downgrade and not just from this But like people in general are getting 2.0 as a trial so the moment I sign up I Can downgrade to a lesser plan so you Can you know if you get the free trial You can try for 30 days and then you can Cancel without paying if you get this Package uh let me actually show you what I’m gonna be giving so Um five different bonuses and I’ve been Getting literally like emails all the Time and people asking my bonuses and we Just launched a free well I start free But we launched a cf2 migration tool That moves people from 1.0 to 2.0 uh It’s a software it’s called move my you probably saw the video Or got the email if you’re on my list And um it’s it’s literally in three Seconds instead of like manually moving All your funnels over and so a lot of People jump in on that but instead of
Paying 500 for it or a thousand for the Agency account we’re gonna give you the Business plan which is 500 bucks for Free when you use my link to get the 2K Offer and 12 months with click funnels And the vulnerability course and then I’m also going to give you a funnel Agency masterclass so this is the exact Roadmap that I used to get over 100 Clients that paid me thousands for Billing funnels for them and even Recurring Revenue without cold calling Calling them and sending out proposal Even doing any sales calls so out of Hundreds of clients there’s less than Five percent that have closed over calls And zoom meetings it’s just DMS and You’re gonna get that training that Shows you like the entire roadmap and Then you’re also going to get my Advanced DM closing scripts my 3C Communication framework and exact things To say not only to present your offer But also the pricing and overcome any Objections and to do follow-up so that You can convert more people and make More money and then um that includes all The messages that they send and what you Should reply to that as well and then Finally you’re gonna get my live client Closing DM actually like five of the Clients that have closed in DMS as I’m Like showing you the text here’s what I Said here so they said here’s the voice
Message that I sent and I like five Videos five clients start to finish even Ownerboarding and the email that I sent Out to onboarding even even the Onboarding questions to put when you Like onboard the client so all those Things and also 25 ways to get clients It’s a new playbook nobody has ever seen This and I’m uploading it uh to ffd and For those who get this this offer with My link it’s literally the best thing to Dominate client acquisition even if You’re starting off from zero because it Has outbound inbound leverage it has Like all the things that nobody’s Talking about and it’s a game changer so I’m really proud of that one as well so Now let’s see what Russell says also Again and first off congratulations you Joined the funnel Builder Seekers Training program which means you get Access to click funnels you get access What’s this before you go I want you to I want to give you one last chance Tesla Our funnel Builder certification program For 30 days free then it’s just 2K per Month for five months and Bam you’ll be An official certified Russell Brothers Approved funnel build awaken okay so Should I get that one and get certified I don’t know because I also have a ffd 3.0 certification program coming in uh 31st of October or last yeah last day of This month I mean very clear you already
Purchased my course have unlocked Everything I’m giving you a second Chance Last Call to join the Certification program okay so we got Agency Plan Three click funnels uh Workspaces so not just domains but three Businesses inside of one agency account We got course I don’t know funnel Builder search I don’t know what that Did or that is to combo Club live final Builder Marketplace I mean we also have A Marketplace for funnel builders in ffd But this one was it has more traffic so I’m not saying it’s not worth it you can Test drive my funnel build a Certification Pro for 30 days Should I get it test arm are for this Builder program for 30 days 30 days free Why not I can cancel like if I don’t Want to do it I can just cancel yeah Let’s do it okay x large funnel Builder Welcome yeah let’s do it okay Congratulations welcome to this funnel Builder certification program all right Dollar share social badge Um okay so this is so look at this uh Dashboard here I heard this is the click Funnels 2.0 with some custom coding so I I guess this is when CF 2.0 is full to Develop This Is How They want the Dashboard to look so I’m not going to Watch this right now kickoff call okay The private community Members area
Bonuses create your account okay so Let’s create my account Click funnels 2 when I have that already Oh you’re saying create an account for Click funnels well guess what man I Already have that so okay so we’re Joining marketing Secrets Circle which Is it’s a community platform which is Pretty exciting so that’s taking courses To the next step is having additional Community okay so I’ll create this later I guess the community is like tabs of Everything actually let’s skip this so You can see the inside of that as well And we’ll just blur it out if there’s an End any sensitive information in there Okay so we have Front Builder two comma Club X category Kings then Kennedy so if I click for an Example expert Secrets I can see Trainings I guess introduction let’s do Oh yeah phoneability certification so Welcome traffic beta access Okay so it’s a community to ask Questions and get them answered uh which Is pretty cool especially if it’s like a Lot of high level people in there but um And this is the course excuse me this is The course and this is where I think I Can learn a thing or two fun build a Dashboard success path certification Well let’s do funnel Builder success Path because that’s the course that I Really wanted to buy okay welcome your
Journey definite purpose generate leads Funnel Basics momentum and funnel Builder foundations the value ladder The core funnels okay so this is where The certification comes in where you go Through every single funnel so let’s do Book funnel for example strategy Okay so strategy how to implement it and Then copywriting very similar to how I Have done it let’s take a look at the Trainings Motion logic fear I’m happy that Russell is teaching Because sometimes when you buy courses And you spend a lot of money on it it’s Not actually the person there’s nobody On this one person teaching it Webinar funnel is there like a one hour Call with okay yeah that seems to be Like like a one hour call For each of them So Let’s take a look at the Offer creation from OFA okay Core funnels Let’s see coming soon coming soon let’s See here Okay so you gotta unlock the modules and You see the trainings there gotcha core Elements A lot of the tech stuff Okay so I’ll be honest I’m not super Impressed with and I might be in the Wrong place I might have to go to the
Certification since I literally just Joined I didn’t even know I was gonna Join that but um and if I uh by the way I might be missing something this looks Crazy like this actually looks good the Certification so the 2K program I mean I Think it’s good for someone who is uh Either a beginner or someone who’s built Let’s say 50 funnels or 30 funnels or 10 Funnels but after building like 500 Funnels I’m really looking to invest in Mentorship because it’s more of about Like how do you go from 1 million to at Least one million per year you know and Then I don’t you know scaling from there So getting started Success path let’s see funnel planning Okay so dashboard Okay 14 different oh funnel Hub training As well so this is very tactics about Okay Content Hub design Of the fold Okay yeah I think the main thing that I’m seeing is they’re making sure that They’re covering everything from zero From scratch so that anyone can go Through this and so if you’re a beginner Or if you’ve you know built 10 20 30 Funnels then I think this is really good If you build 500 to 1000 funnels then You probably want to get the Certification so that you can get Certified and get I mean depends on what
You want like some people just want the 12 months of Click funnels and if I Don’t sound like I’m super impressed is Uh it’s probably because I have like Super high standards and I’ve seen a lot Of of stuff and also built a lot of Funnels I don’t want to come off as like Cocky so that’s why it’s important to Keep in mind in mind like where are you In the journey right now like are you Just starting out are you looking to Scale Um but you can see here kind of what We’re seeing so far and it’s it’s not Bad it’s definitely a lot of trainings That I’ll dive in myself like I said I I Love that Russell is like doing deep Dives on every single funnel type Because then as I unveiling funnels for Clients I can and what I like about Russell is like his stories so he’s like This client wanted this and then they Came to me and said this and we launched This instead because that was better and Here’s the results that we got and a lot Of that so like I honestly think and a Lot of you watching this you have my My ffd program as well so if you want to Get this for uh one or two reasons maybe You want to get it for the course or for Click funnels free for 12 months Um the full package instead of paying 297 a month like that alone saves you a Lot of money so if you want to come you
Know combine that with these Um you know the stuff that I’ve built in Ffd which yes I have all the funnel Design tutorials the Pedro has the CSS The technical the funnel Builders the Light I didn’t see any funnel live Build-outs like started to finish Bailouts in funnel Builder so I think It’s probably that is it wrong to say It’s good to have both like I said you Can you can never learn too much the Only time you can learn too much is when You implement too little so when you get Stuck in like just consuming so Um that’s it if you want to get my uh Let’s go to move my if you Want to get my uh bonuses just use the Link in the description below this and It’ll give you this for free so this is The migration tool that if you have a Click funnels 1.0 account and you want To move all of them over all your Funnels like in limited pages in that One account you can get this for free Instead of paying 500 bucks when you use My plan and then if you ever want to Upgrade to agency plan do this for Clients and build funnels for people and Redesign and move it over like you can Do that for a hundred different clients Let’s say you charge a thousand for each That’s a hundred thousand and then you Also redesign in and do a makeover Rebrand all of that is included you can
Get the 500 accredited from this for the Agency plan so it’s only 4.97 but you Can start with this for free and then if You want to upgrade later you can just Credit it so it’s 50 off but um but yeah As far as the the program goes I bought It for two reasons to get more insights Learn more from Russell and then get 12 Months for free of Click funnels 2.0 so Hopefully this is valuable let me know What you think about this because I mean It’s uh 11 p.m almost as I’m filming This and I would probably be more Excited if I wake up and I’m like I’m Checking it out but it’s been a long day And that’s why I’m like looking for the Golden nuggets you can’t really do that In a video and make sense of it so you Got to go through it you gotta watch the Videos and if I did an update like 30 Days from now I might be like whoa this Was crazy or I might be like Um but you know if you know me and how I Operate if there’s anything I want to See more of I just tell them like hey we Would love more of this and that’s how I Tell my students as well in my programs Like if you want more trainings on uh Copywriting or funnel building or design Or whatever it is like let me know and I’ll add it that’s how I built the Course to now be the number one in the Funnel agency space so very excited to Be a part of this and if you want to
Sign up just use the link in the Description email me at support and I’ll get you all the Bonuses.