All right so in this what i want to Break down my 10 different active and Passive income streams and as well as Give you the pros and cons of each of Them we’re going to start by the lowest Amount and then work our way up i’m also Going to share with you which ones i Think that you should be focused on in 2022 because i don’t think you should Model what i’m doing i’m not saying you Should have this one or this one Specifically i’m just going to share Everything what i’m doing and so that You can hopefully be inspired to choose The best ones for you so let’s dive in Here’s my stripe account you can see Yesterday was a thousand one hundred and Forty five euros payouts here expected March 15th you can see here month to Date in march so far almost two weeks About 9493 Some of the sales number is going to go Out as commissions because i do pay People who are affiliates of mine a part Of this but you know out of 9.5 about i Would say 8 000 is my revenue so far in Two weeks which is okay that puts me About 20k 25k maybe in march in revenue But not all of these income streams Produce a lot of revenue so let’s start With The most obvious one because i am a i Guess i’m a youtuber now i don’t know Couple thousand subscribers but i am getting paid from youtube so you can see.
Here this is in swedish but it says 800 So far january 1st To march 11th rpm is pretty high because I’m in the business space i’m in the i Guess you could call the finance online Business make money online industry And so that is pretty good 800 dollars In two months and about two weeks so That is the first one now should you Focus on youtube when you’re just Getting started it’s gonna take you a Lot of time to Build this up so if you have a stable Job a high paying job and you wanna Become a youtuber definitely go for it But there are better ways to get to 5k 10k per month and beyond if you want to Make money quicker not get rich quick But quicker Youtube is not definitely not the the Fastest way to do it the second one is Software so i have a framework software Which basically the marketing and sales Frameworks for any online business to Get your offer right your messaging your Sales scripts your copy everything is in One place you can’t really join now and You can’t really sign up because we had A beta group who’s now using it and now We’re making changes before the Launch of it again as the optimized and Improved version but this one is not
Really paying me That much because what we do is we Bundle it together with other products And so if you’re selling something like A software you could sell it as monthly Or annual payments so you get recurring Passive income that way or you can Bundle it together with maybe a service Where you sell something every single Month you do a service and they also get Free access to the software or you sell A digital product and because they buy This product they get lifetime access to This software again softwares are not Really that expensive to run so you can Bundle it together to increase the value Of the offer and then you don’t have to Fulfill the software part because it’s Digital it’s code so that is the second One and then the third one is here’s Just an example but it’s physical and E-commerce products so like merch could Be our coffee brand again this is not Really paying me that much and i’m not Really focused on it because it’s like a Passion project for the long term but You know i’ve had people ask me hey Where do you get your freedom merch and So This is one example of that again full Transparency we’re not making a lot of Money from this brand because we’re not Really focusing on it we’re making way More from you know the the funnel agency
And and like that sort of stuff which You’ll see here in a second So number four we got digital products More to the low end so this could be if You’re selling a workshop if you’re Selling templates like digital Downloadables and that sort of stuff it Could be an ebook i’m selling digital Assets where they can download the Template just one click plug and play The funnel templates this one comes with Tutorials so that people can launch it As well and it’s like a really low Ticket product that is affordable to Pretty much anyone and it’s you know 100 Passive and you’ll see the difference Between this one versus my premium Flagship course full-time funnel Designer in just a second so that’s Number four number five is my new One-on-one coaching call where it’s like Uh 30 minutes it’s 300 and you know any Business owner in any industry in any Niche because i’ve built 400 funnels I’ve you know built funnels for clients Like click funnels robert kiyosaki like I’m not gonna name drop all of them but I mean 400 funnels so the experience That i have i’m not bringing back to People Live on a zoom call for 30 minutes to Break down their offer to see where They’re leaving one on the table to fix Their conversions fix their messaging
Their sales process all of that And so that is my income number five Number six is you can see here my Affiliate earnings from just one product Last 30 days is thousand and three Hundred dollars so this one i’ll give You one example of a video that i posted This is free click funnels trial and so What you can do is you can have maybe a Tic tac account where you you know put a Content then you have a link in your bio To a software or product that you Recommend some people recommend a Software like click funnels like myself Included some people recommend a product Or course like full-time funnel designer And then i pay them 40 of that so Instead of you having to create your own Course you just recommend mine and i pay You like 300 Every time someone buys through that Link so what you literally could do Is you could create a youtube video About click funnels here’s what Clickfunnels is here’s who is for use my Link below and you can get two weeks or With this offer 30 days free And you can promote this and you can get Paid without having to create anything Same thing with my course a lot of People instead of creating their own Funnel course they feel more confident Promoting my course because they know The experience they have and so you know
Instead of creating their own course They get paid for promoting or Recommending mine just sharing it so you Could do like a youtube video where you Say review of full-time funnel designer Ghosten’s course you know and then you Talk about it here’s who it’s for here’s Who it’s not for here’s what i love About it here’s what i don’t like about It here’s if i think that you should Take this course and if you do there’s a Link In the description and you know people Click that and you get paid that is the Next income stream this one is Consulting so i do one-on-one For bigger brands as well not just like People who want to start a business Which i also do But i do consulting sometimes like i Create a package where it’s like hey We’ll meet one day and we’ll sit down With the president the ceo the marketing Team and i’ll map up to your funnels and I’ll tell you about the offer what you Can do on the back end to increase your Profits and then when you’re done when You leave the meeting you actually have A 90-day plan and you have access to me To message me And i can do loom videos and i can do You know i can give you support to to Complete This launch process this funnel process
And i help people from a distance to Overview their marketing kind of like a Virtual cmo and then we have the next One which is again we’re going from like The lower Income producing income streams to the Higher ones so this one is Funnel agency lab our mastermind so me Scott and pedro and obviously for this One we split the revenue but my part is Still something that i would consider a Decent you know thousands per month and So this is basically a funnel agency Mastermind for people who want to start Or grow a funnel agency with three Coaches so if you want to get access to People three of us with six and multiple Six figure funnel agencies specifically And a lot of people hire a business Coach To grow their funnel agency but then the Business coach Doesn’t know anything about a funnel Agency They just know how to message a ton of People get on the phone And then sell to them and it’s like cool Like nice that helps a lot and so that’s What we have funnelizing still out but This one is also producing me a nice Income and then we have my flagship Program full-time funder designer which You know now we have over 300 people i Think we’re getting close to 400 people
Now who are in here from all over the World creating successful and profitable Fund agencies getting clients and Building funnels for a living and so Then we have the last one which is the Funnel agency so this is still my main Source of income this one is what’s Paying for the travels for my bills for Example recent client that i got was 3 000 And then that pays for traveling to Portugal both the stay and the flight And so then you know you have other Income streams like the next client pays For the bills the mortgage for my house In finland and then we have you know all These other nine different income Streams that pay for Literally everything plus savings plus Investing plus taxes plus everything you Know because life is expensive and so uh I want to leave you with this when You’re deciding what you want to do Because i’m not saying you should do This this and that i’m just saying What’s working for me if you look at the State of the world right now we’re kind Of entering into a potential highly Likely recession what that means is we Have inflation we have Prices going up pretty much Across the board and i’m not saying this To scare you i’m saying this to prepare You so that you can if you have a job
Don’t quit the job Increase a side hustle income And then if you make 10 000 a month and You feel comfortable quitting your job Then you can do it but what i’m saying Is a lot of people right now should in My opinion there’s no financial advice But i think a lot of people could start A side hustle and just add to their Current income stream if you have a Business maybe add a revenue stream add Another offer And stack these on top of each other so Some of these are active like if you Have a done-for-you service like my Funnel agency here you see these funnels That i i’m still building these funnels For people My main client is still clickfunnels and I love doing that so i’m not gonna Cancel click funnels and russell bronson As a client but i also have like all of These other nine income streams so i Know like yesterday here in portugal we Went golfing we went shopping and then i Did some work while we were shopping i Actually made back you know from my Income my passive income streams i made Back the money from the rental car and The shopping like i’m not again i’m not Saying this to brag i’m saying you want To create these income streams but Realize it’s going to be hard work it’s Not it’s not easy but it’s worth if you
Set it up once and then you just focus On serving clients and you see where There’s a need and when you see there’s A need you fix it by offering a solution So the best way to do that is one-on-one With people like hey what is it that you Need like if you’re in volta funnel Design you know i help you close clients And dms by asking the right questions if You’re just starting out you can pick a Niche and say i want to work with course Creators and build funnels for them Right then you find those of course Creators on like for example facebook Because there’s communities on facebook So you go into these groups you add These people You message them and you provide value And you offer free information maybe Free funnel template free audit And just help them out so that you get To know them and then once they see what You can do maybe you set up a simple Portfolio they’re like hey can you build A funnel for me because i’m launching my Course Or i’m launching a new one or can you Redesign mine because it looks ugly then I That’s a problem that i can solve and Now i have a business That is it that’s the marketing in sales And so that is how easy it is to get off The ground and if you look at services
It is 100 profit margins you’re just Selling your time versus e-commerce Where you know you sell something for 20 Bucks then it’s like 15 bucks over here Like there’s nothing left which is why I’m not focusing on those types of Things and then lastly there are some Income streams that are gonna be like Bonuses so like youtube adsense is a Bonus like as the audience grows That’s just the result of value being Proven to the marketplace so i know if People like my content they’re gonna Like it comment below and my audience is Gonna grow and with that comes more Eyeballs and more adsense from youtube And so i get a piece of that so that’s a Bonus income whereas some of the things Like funnel templates i can create them Once and then millions of people can use Them as well as courses other Digital Assets like code so the software and That sort of these are intentional Investments up front like the software Is you know paid over five figures so i Had to pay upfront more than 10 000 to Build everything But then you know once you do that it’s Producing income on the back end and so The number one thing that you want to Focus on is finding a crucial problem But it doesn’t always have to be like a Huge problem sometimes it can literally
Be as simple as like hey can you Redesign my page and that’s not like a Painful painful thing the problem could Be conversions and your solution is just A redesign to increase conversions if You don’t know how to do that i’m happy To help links to everything that i Mentioned in the description and i know I’m biased but the main one that i would Recommend is funnel agency because it’s So easy to get started you don’t need to Pay thousands of dollars to get started There’s no risk because you can work for Free for the first client then get a Testimonial build your portfolio and Then get the next client and so it’s Easy to start you can do it from Anywhere and doesn’t cost you anything To get started so with that said if You’re looking to get started you can Get a 30-day access or account with Click funnels similar to what i Mentioned in this video and if you want To learn how we do this inside of Full-time final designer make sure you Check that out below as well If you want to see more videos like this Let me know what you want to see next in The comments below right now it’s late So i’m going to go to sleep but thanks For watching i’ll catch you in the next One [Music]