– Hey, for those who
are just tuning in, My name is Russell Brunson
and today I’m gonna be Answering a whole bunch
of different questions On marketing and sales
and growing your company And funnels and traffic
and making money And a whole bunch
of stuff in between. But today’s question
is one of my favorites. In fact, it might cause
a little bit of a rant. The question is,
websites versus funnels. And the questions says,
so maybe I’m crazy, But I don’t see a
difference between A website and a sales funnel. Why do I need a sales funnel? Oh, thank you for
asking that question. I’m gonna try to
doodle this kinda fast So you guys don’t
miss any of it. So this is a traditional
website, okay? You come right here,
you got your website, I’m sure you guys have
seen this a billion times. Website. And on top you’ve got
your logo and there’s like A navigation menu,
there’s a secondary menu, Then right here if they
click on any of these It drops down a sub-menu with
like 20 different options. You click here there’s
like 20 more options. Then there’s like a section
here and a section here And a section here and
a section here and then, Every section they click
takes them somewhere else. And then it takes
’em to the secondary Page and the third
page and they, On page like 92
there’s like a place Where we ask for money, right? I’ll make it green. This is where we
finally ask for money.
That’s a traditional website. What does that look like to you? Let’s you go and you give
Mr. Zuckerberg some money On Facebook, he drives a
whole bunch of people here. It’s literally like, let’s
say you have a store, And in front of the store
you had a whole bunch Of people blocking people from
coming into the front door, You’re like, ah, ah, but wait, Hold on, do you
wanna know about us? Wait, you wanna contact us? Wait, do you want my about page? Wait, do you wanna
see my product page? What do you wanna
see, and you’re like Blocking them with
all of these links. They’re coming here to get
to the link right here, Let’s say this is like the
money link where they’re Gonna give you money because
of this page right here. But they gotta pass one,
two, three, four, five, Six, seven, eight, nine, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, There’s like 20 or 30
things they have to navigate Around to get to the spot
where you actually want, Where they ask you do
something to do give You money or to become a
lead or whatever it is. That is your
traditional website. They drive me nuts,
though, right? There’s either that or
the other variation. If you’re looking at
these in the real world One of ’em is like,
here’s your storefront, And you’ve got like
armed guards out front Blocking people from
coming through the door. So there’s your website,
that’s what a lot of You guys are doing if you
got a tradiational website. You’re like, don’t come in,
please, I want to confuse you. The number one rule of
direct response marketing
Is a confused mind
will always say no. So you are blocking
them and confusing them, They’re like, ah, I
don’t know what to do, And they just leave. Or the second option
is you do more like A traditional e-commerce
store or Amazon. And you don’t have
these guys blocking ’em, But you’re like,
welcome to my store, And they walk in there’s
a billion things and they Walk in they’re like, I
don’t know what to do. Or they walk, have you guys
ever walked in the library? I wanna learn how
to tie my shoe. You walk in the library
and there’s like eight Levels like 800 books,
you’re just like, Um, I don’t know what
to do, and you walk out. I’m sure the answer’s
somewhere in there, I just don’t know what it is. That’s what most people
are doing with a website. They’re blocking everything. So now take that, let’s
shift that to a funnel. So what is a funnel? Here is a funnel. So a funnel is like
imagine this person, Here’s the dude right
here coming to your world, He comes into your store. Instead of blocking
him or ignoring him, You meet him at the front
door and you’re like, Hey, what’s your name? They’re like, oh,
my name is Russell. Oh Russell, great to meet you. I want to make sure you have
the best experience possible So step number one, what are
you actually looking for? I’m like, oh, I’m going on
a camping trip this weekend. Cool, so what do you want?
I’m like, I’m actually
looking for a tent. He’s like, oh, you
want a tent, okay. And the guy grabs me over here And takes me over to the tents. He’s like, here is the
tent section, Russell. I’m like, oh, sweet,
the tent is awesome. Thank you so much for the tent. And they’re like,
what else do you need On this trip you’re going on? I’m like, well, I’m gonna
go backpacking with my kids. Well, do you have a backpack? No. Oh, well, you should
get a backpack. And the dude walks me over
here and I get a backpack. And he takes me
through a customized Sales process
specifically for me. That’s what a funnel is. When I drive somebody from
Facebook and they come To a page, page number
one is a very simple like Usually there’s
one thing, right? A confused mind always says no, So maybe I’m saying, hey,
welcome to my landing page. In fact, if you go
to ClickFunnels.com Right now you’ll
notice it’s like, hey, A lot of people
use ClickFunnels. Tell me kind of business
you’re in and I’ll Tell you exactly what
type of funnel you need. And so I have this
like survey here. They tell me exactly what
kind of funnel they have. Based on that I have 10
different pages I take them to. Just like if this dude, if
I walked in and I was like, Hey, I run a retail location,
how do I use funnels? He wouldn’t walk me over to
some other weird section, He’d take me
exactly where it is.
So on page one of
funnels it’s very simple. I ask who they are,
what they want. I take ’em
specifically to a page That gets ’em exactly
what they want. And then from there, I
take ’em to the next page And I’m able to
walk them through a Very simple sales process
where they only see One thing at a time, I take
’em through this process, And what happens is two things. Number one, this customer
that you just paid for To get to your website
or to your funnel, Because he now has a
customized experience, He ends up being really happy,
like a lot happier, right? He’s like, wow, these guys
treated me really, really well. They didn’t just like
slam me into a brick wall And hope I could
figure my way out. They didn’t block
me and confuse me. They took me through a
very systematic sales Process so I understood
exactly what I was doing. So your customer
becomes really happy. The second thing is,
you, as the shop owner, You can come down here, You become more happy
because guess what happens? They end up paying
you more money. So what happens is the customer
has a better experience, You as the owner of
the funnel makes more Money so you have a
better experience. Both people win. My definition of business
is when both people Leave fee knowing that
they got a better deal. And that’s what a funnel is. If you hate your customers, You should definitely
keep using a website. Keep blocking them.
Confusing them to make sure
they don’t know what to do. Or, if you want to like
change their lives, Then build a funnel and
take them a systematic Sales process to get ’em
exactly what they want, To have the best
experience possible, And you make the most money Possible from every
single person. There you go. That’s the difference between
a website and a funnel. I hope you guys liked
that rant (laughs). Thank you so much for watching. Every single week we publish
new secrets just like this, So make sure you subscribe
so you don’t miss any of ’em. And I will see you
on the next video.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.