– Hey, this is Russell Brunson And I’m gonna do
some questions today. And the very first question
I got from you guys Is all about time management, Which is interesting,
I’m guessing because A lot of you guys are wondering, Russell, how in the
world are you able To juggle a company
with over 250 employees, Plus have a beautiful
wife and five kids, And church responsibilities, And all these other things And not go insane? And, a couple things. Number one, some days
I do want to go insane. So, don’t feel guilty if
you’re looking at this Saying, ”how does he
keep it all together?” Sometimes I don’t. So I’m just like anybody else. There’s lots of ups and downs, But as a whole I do my best And I cram a lot into
every single day. And so the question is, What’s the secret to creating
more time in your day? What strategies do you
use to manage your time As an entrepreneur? And so there’s a lot
stuff I can share, But I just want to kind of
share what I think is probably The most important and
probably the thing that sucks The life out of more people
who are trying to be business Owners than anything else. In fact, I think especially
for entrepreneurs, People who are trying to sell
things online or make money Or whatever,
One of the biggest problems we get into is There’s so much information,
and then there’s, So you start reading books and
courses and watching videos And podcasts and more podcasts,
and you start getting all This overload sometimes. We have so many
things happening. And that’s the big part I think, Initially, is the
information overload, But then what’s even worse is
the communication overload. What I see people
doing all the time Is every single time
their messenger beeps, They’re like stop, oh no. And they’re checking
the Facebook Messenger, And then oh Skype read, Then they got a phone… Then they gotta check their
Voxer and then their Instagram And then their
feed, and they’re, All these amazing things that
are happening all the time, And we get so distracted
that we’re never able to sit And focus. And so what I want
to talk about is, And probably the biggest
time strategy for me, Is proactive time
versus reactive time. So what that means
is, if somebody calls
and my phone rings, I will never answer it
unless it’s my wife. She’s the only person that I
actually answer the phone for Because she trumps all things. But for anybody else, I
never answer my phone calls. I try to not ever do
phone calls at all. If you’ve ever tried to
call me on the phone, I’m like, Ah, I really don’t
do phone calls, either email me Or Vox me or something because I like to have
where I can choose. Okay, I’m gonna answer
messages between four o’clock And five o’clock today.
So from four o’clock
and five o’clock, I’m getting in the zone and
answering all my emails, Listening to all my messages,
just getting it all at once In one block, and that’s it. That gives me the rest of
the day to focus on doing Whatever I want to do. So many people, they get
stuck in this reactive mode Where they’re just every
single thing that hits them, They’re like, ”oh!” And they’re jumping here,
they’re jumping there, They never actually
get anything done. So, you, as a busy entrepreneur
who’s trying to change The world and trying to
create products and businesses And companies and do
all of these things, You can’t be jumping
off every single thing. You have to have focus
time where you’re able To actually work and
the biggest thing is Breaking out your time where
you no longer let people do Reactive communication where
you’re reacting all the time. You have to focus
on the proactive. So, you shift things and say, ”okay, this is the time I’m
gonna answer all my messages. ”If you have a question for
me, you have to send it to me ”in a way that I can answer
during this period of time ”because I can’t shift my focus. ”I need to be able to focus
on what I’m doing here.” I think that’s the biggest
time management thing That help entrepreneurs. I think most entrepreneurs, If you want to see how you’re
doing in time management, Do a time study where
basically you sit down And start mapping out… Okay, from 8 a.m. to 8:15, What do I do?
From 8:15 to 8:30, what do I do? And map that your entire
day for two or three days And really quickly, you realize, ”oh my gosh, I’m spending
like 80-90% of my day Just reacting to messages
and that’s why I never Get anything done.” The reason why I’m gonna be
able to move things so much Faster is I have spent the
hour at the end of the day Or maybe whenever that is. Maybe in the middle
of the day for you, Whatever makes the most sense. Just doing those things
and the rest of the time, You’re just focused on
destroying the next piece Of your goal and getting
closer and closer To your dreams. That’s the first question
about time management. That’s the secret to creating
more time in your day. And I hope that
that helps you guys. Thank you so much for watching. Every single week, we
publish new secrets just Like this one. Make sure you subscribe so
you don’t miss any of them. And I will see you
on the next video.
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