How To Make Money Online In 2018 With The “Expert Secrets” Funnel

Hey guys Russell Brunson here welcome to Funnel Friday’s we haven’t done in a While [Laughter] Damon does Batman does the light just Blind you all right ah this is like I’m Doing real I feel like I’m doing Real-life JibJab You know with Russell everybody oh damn I just hit my head on the microphone Yeah really Russell hit puberty he’s got a beard yes What a manly beard it is today okay Enough of that well honey Russell masks And I love your Batman mask though it Appears a bit uncomfortable that’s Awesome so it’s going really really well We’ve been super busy we’ve been helping With the with the promotion of Russell’s New book expert secrets available for Free just pay a small shipping and Handling available at expert Ford slash gym where you’ll receive an Awesome bonus from me – do you like ice Lit that is too late now that’s the link [Laughter] That’s awesome can we end it today yeah You know what you guys Nancy don’t you All these dudes are gonna come in and Swoop in the end there Oh Edwards got This many I’m gonna kick his butt in This place I want a pokemon card awesome 50-cent pack of Pokemon cards that’s Fine

I’m just wanna be I’m just happy to be Part of the team well glad here what’s Fun later fun Fridays like like a month Or it’s been a while it’s been a while Yeah yeah yeah lots of cool things been Happening – we’ve been adding funnel Scripts left and right and you’ve been Actually using the clickfunnels platform To create something awesome yeah it’s so Fun like I’ve been so much time like Teaching quit following people excited Output files it’s fun like last week to Actually sit down and be in clip-on Building in and I think we built a work Of art yeah a great light it’s amazing I’m really proud of our of our new Funnels probably I agree it’s pretty It’s pretty impressive So we’re team up for today’s show it’s Normally we build a new funnel but like I just want to start with one we have You just want to see what we have don’t Rush to go through it all the psychology I do all right we do that Nijinsky show You some new stuff you got happening on The funnel scripts idols be really cool So all right yeah let’s do it all right This is the kind of thing you can be Watching while you’re waiting for your Copy of expert secrets to show up in the Mail available at expert seekers comm Forward slash Jim go ahead so screen Share sorry guys this is like a oh now There’s a screen oh yeah I remember this

Coming back to me Hey good job all right so do like this All bloody seems a little bigger so you Cannot see anything on my screen a big Basket and camera apps we can all hang Out and like slope off you guys cuz I so Yeah all right yeah sweet get it boom All right so what gets in the funnel I Swear in front of Friday’s today every Straight you guys kind of what we did Why he did it and hopefully he goes Outside and then Jim’s gonna break out And show you some of our new photo strip Stuff so all right so first page here And I’m not gonna show the stats on my Pages but you see we had a hundred seven Thousand visitors so far she’s pretty Awesome those visitors would give us a Full shipping address which is also Awesome I think I was up today the Writing this we’re at fifteen and a half Thousand fifteen fifteen and a half Thousand fifteen So it was like 14,000 when we left Yesterday it’s been like a half day so First off everyone who’s been who’s Participated in the launch thank you Thank you felt so the book thank you Jim Thank you like I bought the book like Can I put that 15,000 and a perspective That’s one and a half times the Population of the county that I live in Well is this crazy no so New York Times Is telling this Trudy again this year I

Promise but how New York Times Bestseller was just like 8,000 copies You got ourselves we’ve doubled over it Takes to be coming to your house Bestseller in it in like 48 hours which Which because they don’t like people Like me they’re not gonna give it to me But we freakin thrash and like Harry Potter who’s that changer great no we Perhaps them shades of Russell so thank You guys for helping us destroy the Publishing world all right so this is Page number one alright so a couple of Things there’s new things we to hear you Click on some of these features not yet Available to you the way it works is Like I get my wish list my team and then We create some amazing crap and then Later that I everyone wants to sweet Fair I’m making clicked on so what other Stuff may not be clicked on yet but now That it’s been out there like that’s my Secret is to get them to be alright okay Let’s make so eventually something lost You can do quick homes by default some Of us coming soon hopefully to a funnel Near you but alright so here’s the Initial landing page and a couple things First off it’s gorgeous And I started and this is gonna put Photo scripts in perspective for Everyone the coffee stuff like I wrote On my own probably a dozen headlines I Did functions a dozen or two or three

And I couldn’t find a pen I like some Finally I found a guy who’s a really Good copywriter and he charges a hundred Dollars per headline or eight lines for Me in these two of them he came up with Which is so simple but this person is One of people yeah what if people Actually pay you for your vice I was Like that’s too simple goes perfect and This one which if I was to read in my Book right now I’d make this the title I’ll find a message bill to try and Change the world so anyway that’s like How much time and effort goes into like Just a headline make hundreds of my own Then paint someone in fun anyway so Headlines report alright so there it is Video turned out amazing I’m so good So probably mini if just once dat five Seconds of it you are great and what I’m Doing right now so I recorded that dirty Inner circle because I let the week the Week before launch outside of your Circle meeting so it was a little Stressful but it turned out good Do you can buy your scoop if you didn’t Have pre clear shipping offer and try to Get to sell immediately right so it’s Like all these things there’s like Headliner grab them in there’s like Talking about the offer I get a free Copy then there’s like a big benefit and Then there’s like the offer pre copy the Website shipping either say all these

Things in free ebooks videos talking About sewing there’s like 20 things all Pushing to like this one thing to get The free book right and so most of like The hyperactive which is like the Majority of all our people going by Really quick it was like The Skeptical Is like well I’m not expert well so the Next part of page is like trying to this Is all I can motion I got emotionally convince somebody and Then like because that’s not really Things to sell people then it’s like the Logical connections to the rest of pages All I focus on make the logic like this Logically convince everybody but this is Actually think for them right so we ship Down here we got here’s more like the Offer and then BOOM switching to the Logics there’s proof that it works and Then cool video TR and then now we got I Think a 19 or 20 stories or other people In other industries all doing this so This is Kailen telling her story we had Written we did a picture so you visually See it I’m wondering now because of all Different social media platforms how People consume some people are a picture Some people are taxed in to do a video And so I wanted to get all one Alaniz With this so we got Here’s picture for like the Instagram Folks here’s the text for like the the Bloggers and then there’s the video for

Like the YouTube / Facebookers and so it Hits all all three modalities every Single one and then here’s been Tom’s Hot dog cart story boom boom boom and You got Alison tower ecommerce store These are all people that have gone Through our extra seekers process and Became experts and if industry’s just in Those house with the terror with energy Ryan with sales Danielle with hair Extensions Garrett with beating the crap Out of men and making a men once again Jill network marketing Lynne personal Trainer Liz dyslexia Caleb Inspiring kids Emily helping kids write Books and she’s number one sleepover Actually in the world So Tim I’m helping helping all sorts of People become more amazing angry with Fitness Colton’s now fitness as well Chad they Decided chiropractor just tons and tons Of stories Liz over social media Jamie With dental an through bio happy you Jacob with jumping so I have so much He’s saying proof I’m walking more like There’s something with briefing or There’s something expensive stuff and They’re like nobody’s buying it’s like Look how much copy I have on this page To sell a free book like I hope that the Camera run hope that resonates people Like it takes a lot of copy to sell even Free things like that’s what it takes to

Go into it and down here’s last call to Action boom boom all the rest of it so Any questions or comments for searching In so far now I think it’s very lesson That’s in there Cool so that’s Payton one awesome from a Fast and there’s more like an actual 2-step order form yeah this is an opt-in Page it’s not to pay but it looks like a Tea step yeah what happened out Wade Happy because the to support from Wouldn’t do it call things I needed to Do yet yet hopefully yeah so this is Actually at an opt-in page and they Opted in here and then it pushes the way To little techie skills to push all the Info they push here to the page number Two which couple other things but on This page like we’re some the testing Like this orange color look at Amazon All the buttons are orange I was looking Beachbody keeps fighting about some Amazing conversion guys on their team Has it going all their buttons and the Text on their buttons by the way it’s This special offer click here so there’s Things we’re testing based on like Watching other people who I know and do A lot of really cool things so that’s Why the orange is here called the actual Text on the button like there’s Reasoning behind all these kind things Wasn’t just made up so alright so you Fill this form here they take step

Number two to seven or two now I want to Go away all distractions other then then Give me your credit card right and so You notice there’s nothing at the bottom The It’s more simplified like everything is Just simple I don’t want you open the Credit card one cool thing we did here Is is um I’ve said what’s so free book We all schedule a quick tip on the black Box so what I make I want everyone a – Your secrets book honestly I want Everyone have all the books so this is The black box then is the the default Order so you open it up it’s kinda the Experts secrets book inside of it also Has four other cool stuff it’s got a Click portal secrets book it’s got Through your funnel secrets book it’s Got action etic secrets book it’s got The secret sketches book which all the Doodles in both of the books he’s in Vast easy way to find them so awesome It’s got some cellphone hacker manifesto It was the great you can put on your why I guess I’m gonna see that you everybody See the chef’s – made it’s big it’s Pretty sick so your final hack here it Says the funnel hackers new breed of Entrepreneur smarter and lead a bathroom Freak my lakor’s wage guerrilla warfare Against big brands and win if I knock Your start better ma yeah it’s pretty Cool I get excited then you got a mini

Fester’s you put like on your forehead Or something because I feel funnels Attacks use for your not at you stickers For your for your laptops and dime Seekers book so that’s us aside the Black box just a whole bunch of really Cool stuff I think everyone should buy The black box but only if you like money If you don’t like money then great I Just say that that is super cool I think That is really neat thank you I have you signed of mine anyway so That’s the default offers black box and I know I just want the book that I can Downgrade to the book here and it Changes over to the also you can you can Switch back and forth there that’s cool How they have a pulse like that that’s Neat Yeah that one tech you guys for guys so And I’m hoping to create something Similar this inside the editors super it Doesn’t granny out to did it gray out That cool like the hormone that’s Awesome yeah that’s very cool So there’s gold all right slew the Credit card here and then I if if they Didn’t put it should be a adds on page One then you can put it in here too so Otherwise this party Hidden if they have shipping address in The cookie or something like that then I Can I hear it then we an order form Above you know we two courses price to

One to get a 24-hour expert which is how To create product really quickly and They also get a story selling how to Sell without selling any locals courses For price of one which is just for you Send dollars on that add the word form About and then click on shape my mug so That’s the first part of the process so If you notice so far and I know a Podcast on this my goal in live nowadays Is is how can I shrink the length of the Funnel increase the average cart value Of the fun way that’s how my mind is Always working because the longer your Funnel is initially the more annoying Customers will get going through it like How do we shrink the length of it but we Still need to increase the out of the Potential adverse Carbide that how much Money people could potentially give us If they buy everything in the cart Because those two things are like how How we win this game so it’s shrinking The the length of it increasing average Car guys so so far you see this scheme Where the free book was basically about Three offers like somebody could have Given us at this point almost $100 so in The past you in the past you would have Had that black box would have been like The first oto after they had done their Deal but now with this cool thing you Got there they got three different Things that they can do right now I

Think we’re like 27 28 percent of people Are taking the black box was just the Book which is kind of cool and then I Think our order form bumps a little Under 20 percent slower than I would Like but it’s not doing nothing bad all Right so that’s step one then you come To yourself Now the episode this is a the real we Talked about this talked about like Struck like how to structure to offer This has been initially this offer was Like hey get the mp3 player for $100 $150 anyway I don’t think we do um but Then it’s like that’s what that that’s Next even offer it’s like let me make This offer better now I was like well Everyone that comes to this process Needs our perfect webinar secrets train Program like and so the offer in payday Is like if you buy the expert secrets or The perfect webinar seekers training Program will be 50% discount instead of 297 dollars good for $147 and then when You do that you actually get you have to Be three player for free because people Are going to question slightly we took The same offer but we positioned it Differently now it’s way more exciting This dramatically increased our our So right that’s what the offer is the Primo to mp3 player with both expert Seekers and outcome seeks burger for Free when they invest in funcles perform

Our secrets and luring in 50% discount Offers whether our secrets that’s the Offer there we got it Allison Prince’s Testimonial there which by the way People are leaving Facebook comments About your products and services take Snapshots call them it’s the best Converting testimonials you can get our Facebook comments so there’s there if They say no thanks what they say yes That’s two options if they say no then What we do is you down so I’m like okay This is the deal I know you said what The audiobooks and I know that you will Check out o the digital cart render them What’s it called the table right over us So they look for his features turn Digital cable rushed and like themselves Come into a pop-up there some other People will see like let’s say lotion Approve of cells happily anyways Tentacles so sweet so now basically this Page says look okay if you store that Offers there’s 97 bucks but I’m not Gonna ship you the mp3 player you see The digital versions of it and you still Prefer webinar secret so you get that Right here if you just count or or they Can go back to the original offer and so Between the two of these offers you can Look at the upsell them and down so when You add them up almost 10% of people are Taking one of those swappers which is Which is awesome and then I want to get

I want to shorten it so that’s basically It that’s the end of the the funnel as You can see it but make sure they keep Page here says thank you and then Hopefully has all saw this when you come To Spain this is an hour and ten minute Video this is me teaching the first Three chapters of the book from the Phone hacking live limit which is one of My favorite presentations I’ve ever done So go through how to build your own Massive movements I just gave that Presentation for free because it gets Them into the book it gets everyone like In fact I was talking about staying on My my drive this morning I’m soon but I Learned sir rigea from alex mandossian He wrote a report like 15 years ago Called consumption theories like how to Get your Zoomers to how you get your Customers to consume your products and I Consumption like the hardest challenge We have is as entrepreneurs even people Actually consume so if they buy it and Then they don’t consume it then they’ll Consume if they don’t use it they don’t Get it and they don’t get the benefits And then they’ll buy other stuff like Everything stops that’ll consume it so Like the whole thought on this page is Like consumption I can get By combining tell them the first three Chapters of this book they’re gonna go Nuts and then they’re gonna want really

Doubt Jack should read it so this video Goes with first three chapters which is How to build your mass movement and Until they get back to presentation so Watch the 90 to the present hour and ten Minute yeah presentation give them to Actually oh I’m actually forced Consuming the product for I was going to Give them more side of cluster incentive Principles plus they go to work for me Plus all the other things I need to Happen if I ever want to sell them Something in the future which is kind of Cool so you get this awesome stuff they Get links to whatever they bought and Then down here it showed that it walks In suits new this is like taken into Funnel number two never funnel stacking We always talk about so this is the Register for this live I need change That’s my bit initiatives need alignment We changed it anyway how 93 hours Leaders are just like he beats created Their own seven-figure funnel and past Four months now you’re just one phone Away from your seven-figure story You come here to opt-in and then takes You to funnel number two which now is a Two hour 20 minute training over four or Five pages walk them through how people Got into comic level which is so genius Because usually there’s like a period of Time before the second fall starts but You decide put thank you page kind of as

An opt-in page yeah and combine them to Get head start in the next the next Process is to just say no and that’s how It works that moves the microphone over To sequence and in that funnel Happy by the book you can get that phone Where you can see it as well but it Basically walks you through this story And then to that it gives people really Special offer for click funnels and That’s kind of what is so witty Jim That’s that’s the magic I think it is Awesome and I know that that Presentation I mean I was there live When you did that presentation and it Was amazing and everybody was getting Hand cramps from taking tons and tons of Notes so I mean that that is actually Brilliant to start the consumption on The confirmation page instead of waiting For the product delivery so I’m gonna Steal that I excuse me I’m going to hack That idea then and then putting somebody Into the next funnel right there is Genius as well which shows me all the Money that I’m leaving on the table Because I don’t do that in any of my Stuff so I think that’s like my damaging Admission It’s funny I learned something whoa yes Do it I learned something but you stepped on a Cat Anyway they said that basically our

Customers will continue to buy until one Or two things happen number one we have Fed them and we pissed them off Which sometimes happen to have any Follow away too long or number two we Stop selling stuff and so like I know But you bike when I buy something like This am i outside my cool and I’m eight Once they got and I want more in the Night and they people keep buying until We allow them to stop so we should just Like allow them to keep money because They wants you don’t want to be like Buying is like the greatest time we ever Get right why do we take that away from People so that was my attempt if I have A short in the funnel but then increase Like the value as well if you get 90 Minute video and then you move that next Funnel which is a bunch of training and Then like this makes it a really cool Experience so someone comes in your Funnel and then my time they leave they Love you they keep buying stuff and You’re stopping them from doing that so Basically if I counted it right you’re Making six or seven offers but there are Only three steps yeah counting that Right as opposed to in the past that Would have been everybody oh that book It’s up still Hill all they’re doing is Juice making you say no to everything But the way you’ve got that now you’re Making seven offers including that last

You know the next funnel thing you’re Doing it in only three steps yeah I feel Like you did you get a 30 and then you Get more training in like just tons of Yeah I was some people like it’s not Harder to make this first sale but it’s Hard to make the second cell and so if You can like treat people really good Get an amazing experience in the second Cell becomes really easy cuz they want To combine so okay funnel gives everyone A gives it some cool ways to do it so We’ve been up we were up so we’re so Late I have never had that much caffeine Even I gave my system at one time I Literally fill the 2-liter jug just Because this day only and I like the Twitches so bad and he’s like 3 a.m. the Night before we still were data came too Late item morning and then we’re I think It watched sort of like 7 minutes late Because we were still like initially Finished and stuff as was coming out and I got a bit a lot he hasn’t asked this Question like I bought and I’m still Getting emails Goodbye that’s my bad but you guys know I were so much happening we’re building So fast that I set the rules we use a Genetics facility and I set the rule Inside of the emails too if you bought The book Don’t stunts II know but I forgot to set It to if you bought the black box don’t

Send this email off so and so a lot of You guys didn’t get the email you didn’t Buy it when you did buy so I’m just Admitting right now live and for one Mistake of all that’s not even so Address is and if you want to send him a Package yeah all right that’s all I had To share say do you want to talk about Some of the new final script stuff I Know they do engineer working autism Maybe you should tell people how they Can get their copy of the book Russell Please get a free copy I paid for the Book you just gotta pay for the shipping All you gotta do is go to see get your Call actually do you want me to give Money sorry I was rude and forgot to Turn off my phone somebody from Las Vegas is calling me Russell says that You should go to expert Forward slash Jim you get a special Bonus from my good friend Jim Edwards You’re right Russell that’s exactly What’s gonna happen they’ll get their Special bonus towards the end of next Week it’ll be great okay so the book is By the way I just want to say one more Time the book is awesome and when I told Russell I was like I got this book I Read it totally unsolicited I Facebook Message him I said dude this book is Really really good you did a great job I Think he was shocked it’s like and then I told them when I read this one I said

This one’s even better so what you need To do is get the black box so you can Have them both and if you tell Russell I Sent you one of those out of the next 10,000 that he ships out is going to be Autograph just one of them it’s like Willy Wonka and if you get the Autographed one you don’t get to come to His office and ride in his car you ride My magic elevator those that’s right so So you’re right some cool stuffs been Happening as far as final scripts goes And we have moved all of the show my Screen okay so we have moved all of the [Music] We have moved all of the scripts the Existing scripts over to the new version 2.0 engine which you guys send Kim see My screen right okay so what that means Is that now all of your final scripts You have the ability to save your Projects to your to your computer you Can load your projects they have a lot More features like reload and and things Like that We’ve also and I’ll demonstrate those in Just a second but we’ve also added I Think we’ve added three new scripts Since since we had our last funnel Friday’s I’ll show you one of them the Million-dollar content actually let’s do The million dollar sales ones but we Added two new headline scripts because We know headlines are super super

Important and so I’m just gonna load This project and I’ll show you how that Works so now you can actually just load The thing so if you’ve got some we’ve Got some of these scripts with like 44 Variables in it you can save them and Reload them later we whack the build Button and one of the neat things that We have is instead of I know there’s Like 135 headlines here and they all Start kind of sounding the same and Sometimes it’s easier if you want to be Able to just have one pop pop out at you So what you can do is just keep clicking This and it’ll keep loading different Headlines in there to give you ideas Like how its successful investors buy Gold new stock market discovery helps You beat the market like nothing else And in this particular one that I just Added I went through I went through About ten years of everybody’s familiar With bottom line bottom line reports Bottom line book they they’re they were Kind of like Agora before Agora was Agora And you guys are familiar with them Right so basically I went through ten Years of their advertising a swipe file Literally five feet tall that I’ve been Hanging on to and I found and identified Over a hundred the hunt over basically All the templates that they’ve been Using I identified them all and turn

Them into funnel script and so now you Can put that tens and tens of millions Of dollars worth of headline research is Right at your fingertips and I just kind Of impress upon people but why that’s so Cool So what this this and this and if you Open this and this what this is is what We call swipe file so this is like all These ads most of them from all time Companies that are all controls have Been running for how long you know like 10 15 20 years like the controls the Best ones that shows like how long they Ran for what the conversions were all Messed up so I think for granted these Three books because like as I’m writing Copy and stuff like that I might put the Could be seeking ideas Mike uses them oh I use them all the time my desk so What’s cool what ginger says he had Fourth feet worth of swipe files like This that he basically went through and Found all the best headlines for you Guys and plug him into funnel ships you Have to pay for Graham like I did just First white files that were as much as Jim did gather all this stuff so I just Want to stress the language this is how We all do it we do it the hard way and Jim it it the easy way So very cool that’s awesome so one of The things that that I also did was I Separated them out from the headlines

That they used to actually sell stuff to The headlines that they use to grab People’s attention with content so I Didn’t I didn’t mash them all together I Separate I’m out and distilled them down and so We took that so we have the Million-dollar content headline script And we have the million dollar sales Headline script as well and so the the Cool thing is that these use the same Variables but they give you different Results And and the neat thing is is that just Between these two if you you come in Here and and use them not only will it Give you great headlines but also help You generate awesome especially with This one awesome ideas for content that You can create whether you’re going to Use it for Facebook or on your blog or Articles or videos or emails or What-have-you And this one works the exact same way Just to give you some really cool Headlines that integrate all that Totally customized for what you’re doing And the neat thing that these do is as You’re going through and then when you Clear this clip in but we’ve added the Clip bin feature so that as you’re going Through here instead of having to copy And paste each one individually you can Go through and say oh okay let me let me

Pick out the ten that I really like the Best or the five or the two I want to Test so you come through here Went back to the sales headlines but we Can click this little shopping cart icon And you’ll see you know how successful Investors beat the market how to beat The market the the smart way how to Bulletproof your investing are you at Risk hidden danger is a popular Investing advice a little investing Mistakes can trigger big problems so we Go through here and then once we pick Down all of our headlines we can just Download them so instead of having to Sort through everything we just have our Headlines here that we want to use or as Always you can just download the results And grab all the headlines for that Particular project so or you can just Copy it right there by clicking the copy Button it’ll copy it right to your your Clipboard sorry Like to many different options it’ll Copy it to your clipboard and then you Could literally just go straight over Into clickfunnels And just copy and paste it and just Paste it right into there so you can Have funnel scripts opening one tab Click funnels open another tab and Literally you’re just boom copy over Your headline paste it in come over and Do your your call-to-action and and have

That done copy and paste it over there So you know everything that I know this May or may not excite anybody but it got Me excited we also have a much cleaner Look and feel that everything’s more Uniform the the forms are a lot easier To read easier to follow the output is Is cooler so I’m just it’s been a lot of It’s it’s kind of hard to explain but we Click funnels took off and did really Really well of course we knew it would And so this last 45 days has really been A consolidation time for us over here Even though we managed to get you to if Not I think three new scripts I’m trying To remember which was the I mean there’s We we started with I think 18 and we’re Up to 34 scripts now plus the we started With one downloadable script and then we Got four downloadable scripts so Literally though you just come over here And you’re copying and pasting stuff and You can add these to the to your clip Bin as well so the next thing that we’re Getting ready to start doing is focusing In on more email I’m ready to put the Finishing touches on an abandoned cart Sequence and then we’ve got a bunch more Follow-up sequences that we’re going to Be releasing as well so that’s going to Be the the big focus from here on for Next a little bit so anyway that’s those Two scripts are waiting for you I’m Sorry given well it’s important that we

Are able to keep fulfilling the promise Which is to give people The scripts that they need to be able to Create the copy and the follow up and And to make their funnels work and I’ll Be honest with you when we first started It I was like oh my god and how are we Gonna you know am I gonna be able to Keep coming up with new ones but it’s It’s like here’s my development list and It’s just getting longer and longer it Sits None of these are I’m never gonna run Out of ideas if anything we’re gonna Have to figure out a way to we’re gonna Have to come out with some more funnel Blueprints so we can show people how to Integrate the new the new scripts and Stuff so yeah I mean that’s that so That’s what’s new with final scripts it May not seem as sexy but it’s actually The coolest thing that’s happened with Funnel script since funnel scripts we Came funnel scripts because this totally User friendly now and just makes it so That you can get in get the copy get What you need and get over and start Building your funnels I think it’s super Sexy so yes thanks sailor I appreciate That Freddie I moved it for the normal But I think it was good it was fun to See on the final ship stuff be is that’s My juice from our funnel Batman has been Decapitated so that’s good news hitman

Superman gotta fight anyway Wow I’ll Wear my Iron Man mask next week anyway And it will sweet man so people don’t Have final scripts yet because they’re Crazy or they haven’t heard about you Where’s the best place when they get Started well what you need to do is head On over to funnel scripts comm where we Have a free training that Russell and I Have done not only to teach you the Realities of copywriting in the 21st Century but also to do a really cool Demo of funnel scripts and show you how You can get an amazing deal on a funnel Script subscription handling over to Funnel scripts calm now oh yes you this Is for signing up on Fridays your funnel Friday’s calm where we are live right Now every Friday Most part except for the last couple Weeks will you show like this and then All the our show archives are also in Fun Fridays calm you go there check them All out we’ve been dropping Every single week this is absolutely on 27 27 27 weeks of a magic so uh why do I You remember fun ones in the background Start watching about past episodes Because every sometime you need ideas Like this and we’re showing you behind Soon what we’re doing and how we’re Doing in she is all fired up about all Things funnel and related and we share We share information on funnel Friday’s

And and stuff I mean I want you guys to Think about something seriously this is Not one of those oh no this is real Russell just gave you a Behind-the-scenes tour of a million Dollar funnel what will ultimately be a Multi-million dollar funnel he explained How he compressed the funnel from what Normally would have been six or seven Steps down to three he showed you and Explained it and showed you the pictures Where else are you going to get that Type of training but right here on Funnel Friday’s it’s it’s amazing Russell is giving away what other people Would try and charge you four hundred Ninety seven dollars a month for we’re Doing for free on funnel Fridays because Click funnels and final scripts are so Awesome we know once you’ve been through Funnel Friday’s you’ll be like oh my god I don’t have click photos I’m insane oh My god I don’t have I don’t have click Funnels or funnel scripts I don’t know What’s wrong with me I’m not serious Unless I go to funnel scripts dot-com Right now and sign up I mean I can’t do Anything else no potty break no nothing You go to funnel scripts comm and sign Up right now because that’s the kind of Person that Russell is the two tools I Think in this day and age we’re in the Funnel world that you got successful so One more time how can they get a copy of

Your book for free because I’ll tell you Right now as I interrupt to ask them a Question that interrupted the best way For you to see that funnel in action is To actually go through it as a customer So you can hack Russell’s funnel which Means you go to expert Forward slash Say it Russell so I know it’s okay with You I still Jim yeah that reminds me one Time we went on the Jimbo we went on the Jimbo what’s at one time right when I Did my cruise for seven years and we Went in this port and we were meaning For a short excursion and they had the They had a sign that said the Jimbo the G ym boat it was you know so for class J I am you should ask J I am last month Get back into the rule to do this so man Preach thanks for doing it they tell Hangout this today I’m on Facebook Twitter YouTube Google I don’t where Else we’re streaming to but thanks you Guys all hang out today I think heresy up what not a business Yeah yeah yeah fresco not some people Tweeting with us yeah awesome thanks Everybody thanks Jim see you soon bye Guys

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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