Foreign [Music] We will discuss how to set the height And width settings for an image element In the click files editor In Click funnels navigate to the page That has the elements you shares and go To the editor In the editor select the element that You would like to adjust by moving your Mouse over it and either clicking on it Or selecting the settings here In the pop-up window that will open for Settings you will see the size and Position heading and beneath it settings For the image width and image height By default These settings are set up such that when The width is reduced Or enlarged by moving the cursor to the Left or right respectively the height is Similarly adjusted you can also affect The width by inputting a value between One and a hundred into the fields to the Right of the slider You can also set it up such that the Image height is independent of the width By selecting either percentage or pixel Size Setting its percentage you can then move It up and down to adjust the height Relative to the width when you're Satisfied with these settings click Inside of the pop-up in order to close
It and when you're happy with the Changes you've made to your clickfunnels Page don't forget to hit save in the top Right hand corner of the editor in order To save your progress