The sequel everybody would live by the Way welcome to ready for Friday’s I do Great ten seconds before the intro but Oh stuff was happening so my coolest Started for anyway then they were Shined-up Wooden my live but if we’re All on your sheets where marks you today In the house with everybody and stays Funnel fries gonna be fun for a couple Of reasons first off we’re gonna final Friday which is always fun second off Jim and I were matching shirt so it’s Not plan to coordinated but take that we Page I mean and every other want to be Funnel themed service and jvzoo thing in The day yeah it’s ticket I can say it Physical thing is so slow zero mark Joiners for our world to know so mark is My very first mentor so 12 years ago This years ago the day I was born This is called the farewell mark if You’re tired minute mark me I this was $1,000 that I didn’t have you paid for The package so for like three or four Months that I’m selling this thing and I Was like I have to have I can’t afford To have to have it finally one night is About to close down and I listened to Interview my chin like eight times in a Row over and over again and I was like My success depends on whether or not I Invest in this welcome to morning woke Up my wife and I was like I need to buy This thing she’s like how much is I’m
Like $1,000 an hour credit limit at the Time was two hundred or twelve hundred Dollars on her credit card and she’s Like that’s all her credit I’m like I Know it’s gonna be I brought was this Gonna work and so she’s like alright Which is like my wife she’s just pretty Cool about that kind of stuff so I Bought it okay this is what it was dis Number one and two is they all the Source code is entire business and all These were interviews and this was how I Launched my entire I really I think was A huge mistake Special internet marketing doesn’t work Anyway so actually marks this weekend We are we are filming an episode fun Lacquer TV no you guys have seen the Episodes yep that turned out really cool And it’s all about his original book Mind-control marketing oh so what we’re Gonna do today when we build this funnel Jim’s and Balaam follow scripts we’re Gonna have mark we’ve been a little Mind-control into these pages as well That’s kind of what’s going down Yes I’ll cool with that sweet all right So let’s move this back or so mark many Come a little closer to me is gonna be Awkward but I know 10 like we’re Professionals yeah cuddle up to him Russell’s chair is higher than mine Don’t drink the drink just don’t drink The drink we’re NZT time I’m drinking it
We’re good to go I gotta I gotta have Mine too I feel left out I don’t have a T-shirt but I got my so I’m from Idaho As you guys all know hopefully Boston is Pulling dynamite at least once if not at Your home works on the weekend you can’t Just like people outside either like They drink their dreams late like you Have drinking and pulling down in my House when you drink it that’s why I Drink really intense because it’s the Polynice but it is Neal so this is Scalding hot Pedro all right so already Where does some different and fun today Which is gonna be really really cool so A Philly boot camp so you guys know we Started so how do we do we started to Feel at boot camp we started there’s a Hundred days left till the end of the Year and basically in hunt in the year We’d have a zero teleportal explanation Hundred days left in the year and so we Figured if everyone if you can get one Personal style cliff bones a day for an Entire hundred days that gives you 100 Members that’s $4,000 a month recurring And it gives you the point where you Hundred members we buy your dream car And so basically if you focus on getting One member of an A if next hundred days You can retire by then this year like That’s our goal for anyone who’s like in This program and so far you guys have Been going
So four which is awesome and about five Minutes ago we decided to what a cool Thing to do today would be actually help You guys with that process so I woke up This morning I logged into Facebook and Winter Jones his brother Dylan and him With ones who Dylan is a co-founder Winners his twin brother and they built A ton of click funnels the editor a Bunch of stuff this morning he posted Here if I can you see Franco screenshot I’m gonna ship to uh I should to screen Load it’s been a week or two since we’ve Done this I remember the whole process Wow everybody look at Stevens pecs yeah That’s me five bucks Alright so you see the screen right now So this is the post winter Joe’s mate For all the funnel you members basically Made a cool funnel for you guys to use Two Broke click funnels and it’s awesome So whatever it is I’m gonna pretend like I’m you guys right now I’m just gonna do This thing and we’re gonna make amazing The only thing is too noisy use an ugly Picture of me and so we’re gonna replace That please come on down you can do Better than that you guys so first step Is there to share funnel links so if you Go to this and we’ll post this as well Through the funny Friday’s calm like an Hour from now we’ll post this link here Otherwise just go on our Facebook group Which if you go to project click funnels
Calm and said that if yesterday Redirects to our Facebook group I kept Trying to tell every I get the Facebook Group and I’m so confusing so project Click Falls calm take you to our Facebook group and look the most winner Jones and says without the sheriff Flowing you see the pictures of it right Here so I’m gonna click on right now and It’s gonna add this funnel my click Phones account if I did it right Alright so that was queued up hopefully This will queue fast I think Steven may Have already proven it so may I can find A fast for waiting forward to you like Books for March other word free done it A little shows teachers okay I pre did It that’s how they’d say it here I’ve Done pre did it you get your funnel did Alright so this is the page right I look This yep hoping we’re gonna do to your Job on it what did you spend That was like oh god I hope it’s good Thank you Cool and all right so it’s not the page Right now cool so we got a little work To do so well in that youths wrong you Know check this all right Hey this is Russell we did this oh it’s An ex oh cool so that’s what page works Okay so the video here so I want to make Your a really quick video tasteful I Didn’t know what I should look there’s a Little display key which video did he’s
Still working your squeeze me regardless Lord opal is listening Oh winter so what If that was really cool video me they Actually talked about what boot camp is So that’s kind of cool Ashley okay Alright so I got everything figured out So now we’re starting any time where we Take this and try to make it even more Amazing through photo strips through Mind control marketing and through me Build some funnel so 30 minutes and then On the clock and this oh yeah alright so Uh it’s basically what Winter said do Again here’s a share funnel anyone can You smoke on the university using one Hyper focus video squeeze page here’s How you starting everyone grab a share From link boom did that number to Replace redirect overriding enter with Your affiliate link for funnel University alright so first day I get my Filling for funnel University slowly Does you don’t know how to get that Login to your click forms account come Here to the top actually I’m okay you Coming to the top where’s that Affiliates click on the affiliates so my Account and click on affiliates ooh No it’s cousin make any money I’m in the Wrong Channel well little sword alright So then you come out here and there’s All the different or Philly programs Done xsplit test booklet closely center Photoshoots funny University so grab
Affiliate links Thank You googly Center And boom there’s my affiliate links I’m Going to grab that copy it and then come Back now and paste it come edit this Does he said all right it’s the replay So reader or any editor with your Affiliate link could funnel you Otherwise you’re gonna send traffic is Going to promote Dylan or winners thing Which is fun good so I’m gonna change This right here to hold the redirect Over ice Wickham settings we’re gonna Override boom right there so there Happens with some opposite now I’m Simple on the next page and the fun when You go to your third link for funny University which is kind of cool and it Also you can come if you want to you can See there’s different pages there’s like The squeeze page to follow you there’s Squeeze page there’s a survey page which One goes to the cells of cell spate I’m Gonna actually sales page for a link cuz I’m re putting them through a squeeze Page on poop – – squeeze pages right all Right boom so now it’s an opt-in I’m Gonna go and get paid all right my Previous patient looks like we’re adding Some magic javascript so yeah the Countdown clock Hey this is Russell so what I’m gonna do A couple things first off I’m gonna kill This countdown clock for me it’s more Click finish so first thing we need him
On the final script side we need a Really good a headline to get people to Watch this video so this is like a Reverse squeeze page which basically Means you’ve given content first and Then the end you’re like telling them to Go and and do something which works Really good for Facebook as people are Hating your ads because you’re just Trying to still stuff from them try get That email so that’s the benefit of a Reverse we space basically there’s a Training video here that is say long This thing is 10 minute long training Video showing a process called list Hacking so how do you headline for some Way so okay so my quick question is you Need a headline for this page where the Video is yep do you even watch the video Probably also see a headline similar we Use on a net okay so I will I will make A headline for that right now Do you um can I ask you a couple of Questions while we’re sitting here yep And then mark leave it any mind control Stuff too so ask a squid do we want to Show my screen or or we’re just gonna Yep okay The themes locked I’m trying to keep up with you guys yeah We’re going to 26 minutes may go fast Alright so now we go go these are funnel Scripts now so he’s gonna do all copy Side of it okay so we’re gonna make the
Headline right now now I did I did Actually just out of my head pull one Discover the long-lost video that Explains exactly how you can hack your List a hundred times bigger in no time Flat I just made pulled that out of my Noggin while we were sitting there but But let’s use funnel scripts so who’s Our target audience know that Jim said Our target audience these are people who Want to build a list of probably Affiliate marketers and maybe internet Marketers as well okay so affiliate and Internet marketer all right and our main Cut our main keyword here is list Building right yep and also list Building right but um what’s another Thing that this is about list hacking Yes this hacking the hack that was fast Big result they want is a bigger more Profitable list if you don’t have one It’s a big concern yeah that’s a big Result another big result they want is Make more sales How fast are they going to get results Most if you follow process you should Gain when you start building a list you Should be first self in a week you Follow the process we actually got ton Of people inside affiliate bootcamp if Made month they want yeah I first click Actually yeah that’s actually true so The process is everyone has be 24 hour The process in India where our meat for
Sale that’s right pain they want to Avoid what the big pain they want to Avoid all the techie stuff in the Frustrate and they want to create a Product There’s no procreation this beautiful or Processor okay so getting bogged down in Product creation or you know recent okay Or the tech side both of those are okay Let’s see getting bogged down in all the Tech details prom they need to solve Getting everything set up Set up fast to build your list Everything fast even if you have never Been able to build a list before how About that all right so boom oh here it Is how to build and grow a bigger more Profitable listings but little as 24 Hours so yeah I’d like and make your First sale as well Sure yeah building grow a bigger more Profitable listing as low as 24 hours Even if you’ve never been able to build A list before mmm I’m just throwing them out you guys say Say whatever you want to see here great Can we do it so he said that there are Guys who got their first sale in 24 Hours right can we call out to a Specific case of that remember we’re Talking about that yesterday all that Specificity yeah really drives at home People everybody saying how to do this How to do that right but if you can show
Somebody who did it who somebody mother Makes the way oh yeah actual click Follows Facebook rich a Facebook Superman actual testimonial no no you Down there with like a hundred comments Although ten lines that Jim was coming Up with automatically there which were Beautiful by the way I’m are excellent but you know Automation can’t give you that extra Juice right so using it as a template Yeah that’s true and that’s and and That’s you just pointed out that’s Exactly what this does this makes the First draft that most people struggle For days and weeks trying to come up With and once you got the first draft Then being able to do extra stuff to it Is it’s a lot quicker that’s right you Got let’s work with getting there that’s The the right stuff that has to be there Right because what happens is a lot of People get wrapped up around all the the Sexy dressing around it but they miss What the the core message needs to be And your scripts needs to do that which Is beautiful okay so I can’t find like The actual let’s see maybe surgeon who Came from top right you should be able To see how much I did ago Oh man clock ticking this is good yeah Because like side of a fighting ok she’s Looking for this let me just toast some Ideas out here here’s an interesting
Idea Jim what do you think about this Very simple short headline I love these Joe Sugarman taught me about the power Of short headlines on simply I got my First sale exclamation point on I want To know more when I read that but that 10 that subtly communicates that same Message I got my first sale I don’t like Exclamation points as a general rule but You get I mean in this case it kind of Works I got I got my first sale in 24 Hours yeah that’s that’s good too yeah You know that kind of works right there It’s not bad I want to know more but it Could be it could be a little more Enticing like I so if we could add Something to that to make it a little More specific a little more believable I Got my first sale in 24 hours I don’t Know why was this leap is kind of cheesy Right everybody says that but if we Could add something like that that adds A little extra component well they want To build their list right that’s the big Thing so I got my first sale and and Something my list in 24 hours and Started but I got my first sale and Exploded my list just thinking out loud And this is an affiliate sale right yes It’s telling me the story from my video Which we probably watched but we watch Little video Idaho I wish I really watch These videos if I were doing this for Reals that watch the video yeah okay so
Okay let’s let’s see okay I’m gonna Change the register now it’s I hate the Word register now it’s something awesome Use for button Jim would you headlines Line throw your list now yeah yeah it’s Something like that yeah yeah benefit Now grow get your personal now yeah boom Good call brother get some subtext or Even today works too you know no I found Today that ah that’s an interesting Nuance difference but alright listen I’m Trying to think there’s something we Need to add to that I got my first down In 24 hours it’s powerful I got my first On 24 hours but if I can say something Else you know while an alligator was Chasing me you know in the Okefenokee Swamp Okay I’m going very very Howard a bit There right but I mean something like That are we compensating okay what can What random thing can we throw them in There what ran in fact let me tell you You’re running Gary Halbert story every How we used to love this headline you Would you never used it he just said you Know what Mark came with this headline There was you know something along lines Of a naked Cuban man washes up on the Shores of Miami with a secret every man Woman and child in America needs to know What is it now there’s so many beautiful Things that we talked about with that But it adds a certain amount of
Specificity to the drama Can we add a dramatic component in there That has a bit of a story feel that will Make them more of that cigar Nick hook Well let me let me just throw one thing Out there and maybe one word to throw Into the headline you got right there That I think creates a story I finally Got my first sale genius adjustment I Love it that is a lot of people are Frustrated they haven’t even made the First sale yes I finally got my first Sale and exploded my list Who is this Jim networks guys mr. smart You know how a hilled how a cheeky Part-time chicken rancher from the Swamps of southeastern Virginia Discovered the formula for amazing Funnel sales copy that wasn’t Gary Albert inhabiting my body I don’t know What was your channeling Gary right There New editor will not as issues you guys Okay Delmas odd there’s a bit of a Mismatch there I finally got my first Sale in 24 hours it’s like well you Finally got it it sounds like it’s been A long time but then you said in 24 Hours and I did it and I did it in 24 Hours Yes there you go that clears up the Disconnect rested Yeah and I did it in 24 hours very nice Guys I just want to point out that what
We’re doing right here is how I’ve done Some of my most productive copy you get Three or four people around with various Levels of caffeine and supplements and Them just going around and around and Around and around and it’s actually fun To do that with funnel scripts to you Get a friend or two on like a go-to Meaning or this right here and you just Start playing around and start throwing Stuff out and all of a sudden you come Up with cool cool stuff yes to Maya’s Messaging like a random times anybody There he’s like and then there’s like What am i I want to point out the most Important component of what you just Said it has nothing to do with Experience and knowledge it’s really all About Okay so first page is done now up the Old so winter has initially had a KU Clock on his I love Fox vertices here See I’m not sure the point of the clock Unless it’s been cut let’s just go into 100-day thing so I’m gonna add in a I Just learned this as a feature clicked On so I type up here it shows you all Its fans been there since day one okay Okay uh they can’t see they come down so We’re counting down to the date when we Were ending this contest we still 16 yep Midnight just minutes but the next day I Want to M hey just see us all know I Don’t even this yet so if we hit our
Goal for uh so our goal is get all you Guys get one more person 600 days you get a car awesome goals We’re trying get 100 new members a day For a hundred acres gives 10 thousand New members which we are crushing that Right now thanks to all of you guys so Thank you and as we do then on New Year’s Day this is probably guys New Year’s Day will see is it New Year’s Day They have a Polar Bear Plunge here in Idaho where they break through the ice Of the lake and everyone jumps in and I’m gonna do the Polar Plunge if we make The mark and Dave’s gonna come with me Of you in sure sure yeah they’ve all Been on TV so anyways all right okay so There’s the there’s the deadline these Clocks are cool I’m a big NY I like the Clock of where’s the circle dude Stiles you’re number one So you okay there’s a kind of clock say Now this temple if you look at winter Did it the big emphasis is on the pop-up Because I’m the picture me so if you Edit that out okay now we need a Headline for Slavens so it clicks on This button boom and then it pops up Pop-up opens and that’s where they’re Watching that video that long-lost video Right because actually so wait works so It’s kind of it’s a reverse squeeze you Come right here and like the video Starts playing my default like oh cool
It’s awesome and then either if you Leave or you click on button it’s like Cool off to now so it’s kind of uh what Do they get when they up did they get That’s in question so we push them to The phone you let’s take the that’s a Good question so let’s look at the Affiliate link so if I go to Philly Because we’re being opt into afterwards I know it is but it is a 45-minute video Showing some weird marketing experiments That are awesome Hey hey that runs the box down there it Is and it’s quite fancy okay I just want To make sure that I saw that and then Notice that I dropped it determine get It the right way Hudson boxers boxer Shorts they’re similar You know alright so this is 45 minutes With test and little tweaks they can Make the website to give them huge Increase in in response okay so what are They’re getting a video or what it’s the After they often that takes in this page Right here you to watch the 45-minute Video okay Alright so and again it’s this price of Congruence things here’s we gotta figure It out cuz we’re just going so fast to Get a 13 minutes left been through that And then watching you bail out list a Key minute come here I want my first Step so that pops up so saying okay the First step you your first sale is like
What’s next logical thing use that hands Really quick I just want to see a couple Of this I mean that you could just use That headline yeah easy which headline That one this one cuz they’re gonna list A king there’s more remarking stuff I Know but they just came off of like I Want to make my first sell today yes Yeah I wonder if doing so for uh for Boot camp yet know so soon what’s the Bootcamp want to be a veteran tossed in There so through camp I absolutely will Be in here hopefully by today yeah Because that’s where you want to learn About this process better so what would Be better one so instead of picking fun When you virtually super weekend this is Very congruent with what the actual Front page is hey everyone is this page Can bring my crazy right now Okay so almost 5000 people give up the Five thousand options and last week on That theme yeah your first day on get Your first sale in one day we’re tyring A hundred days yes yes boom okay so much I’m teach redirect override real quick So I put my flute leaf literatures down Alright so right here you’re saying it’s A good process they just watch this Video how you for sale couldn’t remember So today pops up this that says mark was Connecting them first you get your first Seller so your personal in one day Retiring 100 days be cool I wonder games
Do they know why that’s a did you Mention that in the first you know when You come to this video with those so the Second video was great but it doesn’t Explain and see in the first so but they Might know maybe it’s just it’s hooky Enough to get them that yeah you call I Just made that up on the flat that’s a That’s a jointer ISM Can I make a box set up there’s no Jordan box our Jam is mine just don’t Use ology in your title alright so they Say no thanks and we can so I don’t Normally do this but some winner did Something you know thinks he could out And redirect it to you clearly Anyway there’s something yes been an Awesome in well so how do you change This background envisions over the top Right there okay I’m sorry I hope Settings background should be right There He did some ninja things some ninja what Changes button copy yes yeah that’s good English too you can change those button Copy we get pages at its farting CSS so What is the ninja because these weird Things I don’t wanna do but I’m guessing Something weird Oh look at all this if I just changed This there’s the image right yeah so There’s an image link finds if I delete That Russell be gone technically there’s Gone there yeah sweetie look my my fat
Face you go uh we can’t change all right So button copy what you wanna do there Then I don’t know like something like no I like work no no he hit make it a Qualifier yeah I had like to work I want To tired six is better yes on you Gendered Harry plan well I want more Time but name is threesome seconds Hey Jim do we have that something we can Bust out an email for even on the Morning the sequence at least the next Nine minutes do yes yes let’s do that so Let’s do it Email what do you need to write an email For us yes I know I like work yes I like Money not I like to work yes I Work I’m sorry no I like work yes I like Money Yeah do they have to be sent before you Don’t know you smile a smile I see my Son was two thousand words you see no no No I’m talking no not the email the bolt The button if we do the like not side by Side we could go longer but where did That he was killed in the links viola Well it’s kind of cool all right so Basically that all all caps by the way I Put that small entitled ish yeah they go And actually come on one is if you can Rule it yeah there you go yeah Much much better what this is all right Give me my first cell now good that’s Good too yeah actually So come he’s unavailable retire home pay
The 7x thing yeah because we didn’t Mention that on the first page so that Retire does it is potentially in Congruent they happen but give me my First sale now then I’m just gonna give You the whole idea then you can pare it Down but give me give me my first sale Now then then give me a hundred more Something like that or maybe my first Sell Mel Brunson so the thief or so now And then popping up now said say yes to Be its Jeff or how about or bonus will Give you 100 more two rebounds when you Act minute winner used to be we don’t Pick up anyways we go sir and when they With the email and and all this stuff We’re sending them to what we’re gonna Send them to the opt-in video we’re Gonna send them to what we’re send back The food we cancel he just opted in and So be something kind of reap itchiness Like hey so it’s a new video yes this Any of these off to do to see so he say Don’t Watch they leave or whatever okay and What’s on title of the video that we’re Going to we’re sending them to so you Can’t have retired a hundred days Something that might be a little bit More congruent on that so head bonus on My first sale now well I was gonna say Learn how to give me another one a day For the next 100 days but that’s more Congruent with you know I get my first
Sale in one day not anyway love you guys Good How about I make one every day for the Next that’s what I’m thinking yeah Somewhere I make one day for the next Days math six minutes guys make at least One but you know the same I’m almost Done I’m stressed I’m I said what Exactly So specifically okay when they go this Thing how is this gonna help them get Get what they want how’s it gonna help Them to do the retirement there’s gonna Be the initials like that the Inauguration training so that you can Excuse me the inaugural trading – count When is Jackie’s template that just Happened with her I’m sorry man anyway Whoa Alright wait you guys all right you guys Coming from okay so basically if I’m Hearing you’re writing shows you exactly How how to how to create recurring Income if this is having every time you Give someone a free clip-ons account you Get 40% Commission for trying to give Away one free account a day if you got For 100 days at the end of it you Recurring commissions four thousand Dollars a month plus you in a free car That’s kind of what the whoo okay so Okay I know what to do and what’s the URL we want To go to buff Iliad okay so I’m find a
Template school I’m told leaders account I don’t know how that happened wakes up And sees it I’m gonna post hey a Twitter I think I may have over rode your boy Tim live on funnel right sorry man You can see it happening oh man okay Alright so be template three minutes 40 Seconds I’m tweaking okay you know my Subjects dizzy some a couple quick for Me male will be so close out zeros was a Melee Creek email okay editor Alright now I’m ready to believe some of These things cuz all right I’m just I’m Just this is so awesome I mean I just Want you to know here’s an alternative This knows no bounds I’m gonna send you what you said to do Where am i sending them to where you Said to meet you that you know I got Worried and it’s actually a kind of Stuff okay I think so don’t be like just Copying and pasting everything there are Two different emails there and there’s Also like Different tweets as well that people can Grab and just want because I used on Clickfunnels I used the fast teaser and Tweet script not only does it write two Different email teaser first drafts for You but it creates over a dozen tweets That you can use on Twitter people still Tweet I don’t know dude I don’t but I’ve Been having a lot of fun putting up Unicorn pictures on Facebook so I’d
Probably use these on Facebook too with The unicorn picture alright one before a Second now read the email to read the Email and shown how awesome it is get me This life than the hyperlinks can so are You in the market let’s make sales I’m Break are you doing track are you Dealing with trying to make your first Cell line but don’t know how to figure Out tech side details about a good new Video for you come on Boom Lee a new video helped you get Ideas told you to succeed exactly Recurring you come it’s called Philly Boot camp randall embolden axis awesome Click here for affiliate bootcamp calm Details Masumi for using the canal via Their calm is that okay alright Leave the rest is template something That goes perfect without it we’re gonna Be add in here because we got a second Time there’s a double how-to in there And a couple things but yeah that’s Basically it’s done for seconds came Down image of can you imagine how Awesome we would do if we like gave Ourselves 35 minutes that’s crazy talk To him Edwards six more 30 minutes not We’re gonna I want to retire today I Don’t have that kind of time Jim come on What was I thinking Four seconds you can’t do it 30 you must We must delete all this crap it makes 19 Seconds yes there’s no key I attend four
PS Which means say closed done I think It’s page going live my thing because Right here pop-up comes in put my email Boom and then the email will come Through will look a little bit like this Guy right here which I open show you Email it doesn’t need a little edit but It’s all let me tell you something if I Have 30 minutes and total concentration I would kick your butt I know that okay But what you guys just accomplished here In 30 minutes is absolutely astounding Cuz it ain’t bad man it’s pretty good It’s pretty good Oh and there are people who you could Give him a week and they couldn’t come Up with that that was that was very Impressive that’s awesome so weird jobs Man I’m so sorry I jack of your Templates it looks like I definitely Made your account but hopefully helps People you feel pretty good I can have a Position uh sorry man sorry I think I Have a master I have a master key so I Can automatically log in people’s Accounts and I thought I was my own but Apparently I was in winners and I didn’t Know that until it was too late so yeah Sorry about your database dude so uh the Cool thing guys is this one was fun but Every week we do one of these if you Have a stadium or other episodes go to Photo friends calm which is cool is that
When schools we are kind of mom and what Stock lesson ones we built long before Games we’ve had some fat some fun ones We’ve had the Soul Stealer which Whatever so the Soul Stealer Human charger episode number 5 episode 5 You see us do the Soul Stealer gym Though We did that we picked locks last week Anyway it’s always fun so you watched a Stepstones here also a couple more Things first off if you’re not a through Camp yet go to filagot Capcom or if you Look on Fridays you’ll see it so go Through the training guys we’re on day 89 is that right I’m sorry 89 so the eight nine days left if you’re Behind you can still get into this you Can wait for one clickfunnels account For free count for a day for the next Hundred days you literally could retire So it’s kind of exciting which is really Really cool Also this would be also just open up Tickets for funnel hacking live Supposedly guys who have not seen it yet I would reserve your tickets it’s gonna Amazing Tony Robbins is coming and Speaking Jim Edwards is gonna be Speaking I make show up – it’ll be Awesome We’ve already pre-sold like a third of The tickets they’re going really fast so We decided there’s two ways to do an
Event want us to get like being a been You can have five or six thousand people Or number two is make it small lift it Just the hyper dedicated people who want To really do this or involved that’s What we did we made it smaller so it’s The intimate thing this ticket smooth so That you’re one so let your two will Sell your three so now is the time of Your tickets they’re all infos there and One thing I want to mention claims is Kind of cool I don’t even notice you Maybe do but we’re trying to give like a Theme for this year’s event and I gonna Pull up and I’m really proud of it Already this is one of my favorite of All times if you watch this video it’s One of the best videos of all time That’s a nice headline to you um so Having this one I came from so initially Was like you’re one but one your cell Phone away from financial freedom There’s like no you want thrown away From some people want financial freedom Outside weather in this okay well Something maybe you’re one phone away From like changing the world or from Getting your message out firing your Boss or anyway everyone’s got different Reasons why don’t we sum that up into One thing and the way wait a minute Let’s just leave it open you’re one fun Away from what it’s the only one that’s Different and I was telling anyone
Before three times my business I’ve been One fun away from bankruptcy three times One funnel saved me from the from like Literally one day was at an office of a Bankruptcy lawyer taking in Alliston Which is a horrible experience and we Clearly watched a funnel and saved Ourselves that’s happened three times Now I don’t want to brag about that but I guess she’s doing on live TV okay I’ve Endure spots where I was one phone away From rifle changing the world like We came out it took us I need six Funnels before that before that company Took off first and they were sayin that Sube hit it we were one funnel way from You know tens of millions of dollars in Sales but more importantly now we’re Over 21,000 people whose lives have been Changed because of it so for you guys Has something different so everyone’s Got that so let’s open this event it’s Like you’re one phone away from Something from greatness from from Change from whatever it is for you and I Want you guys to think about that as You’re watching this video and you see The speakers are on the line of kids the Whole thing is that it’s like you’re one Funnel away and we want to help you get That on you execute correctly Gary Halbert said one time I said that you’re One cells alone away from being rich I’m Also say one one good idea properly
Exploited is worth more than ten Lifetimes of artwork and that’s what It’s all about it’s like it’s like all Of you guys should one phone away so Come to Conn lacking light and just get That funnel because it could be it could Be change you looking for so this Message is Mark Toner and Jimbo what are You talking about the event is you’re The first speakers actually been on this Live you can actually how do you get a Sneak peek well basically one of the Things that I’ve learned from especially With funnel scripts and just helping People to who aren’t experienced Copywriters to get that first draft done Because that’s the hardest thing as I’m Sure you guys will attest writing sales Copy once you’ve got something to work With it’s easier it’s a lot easier to go Back and tweak it and test it and so Traditionally the way people been taught To write sales copy as you go read a Bunch of books you go read a bunch of Sales copy and then you try and write Like that and one of the things that I Have discovered is something that I’ve Called sales copy building blocks where Instead of trying to write the whole Copy what you do is you identify the Pieces that are important to build the Copy and we use it just like we think of It just like we do Legos so once you Have gotten the the what people want
What are the obstacles they have who’s Your target audience what’s the biggest Thing that’s holding them up there’s This whole list of things that when you Look at it that way it doesn’t make copy Really intimidating what it It makes it very doable and then what we Do is we take tools like funnel scripts Now I’m going to show you a whole bunch Of other templates and things that you Haven’t seen before and then show it to You visually in a way it’s just you’re Just gonna get it and once you Understand this then you’ll be able to Put together any copy you need for any Purpose to build any funnel and you’ll Be able to do it in one one-hundredth of The time that everybody’s taking to make Copy so it’s gonna be really Transformative it’s going to be a lot of Fun I’ve already working on the visuals and Stuff for it and I think it’s it’s just Really gonna be helpful and I think the Light bulbs gonna go off for a lot of People can I back that up with something There’s a great Eugene Schwartz quote he Said people think that you like coffee You don’t actually write copy you Assemble it yep now if Eugene Schwartz Did that that is a total endorsement for What you just said yep and I and I’ve Heard that quote before and that read That yes thank you that’s gonna be a
Display quote on my presentation right There thank you must be actually writing Copy is the worst part of me the last Two years the clickfunnels link I our Community has become amazing at building Funnels and I think that we have been a Focus on the coffee side of things which Is why this whole weekly thing we do at Jim’s so important because it’s like Like the most important part of the fun One is the copy make but all said and Done that’s right that’s it it’s so like A lot of times like I remember I first Wanted to learn coffee I still need the Story yesterday I went to a one of our Co friends Joe vital and mr. fire calm I Went to his website that 1012 how many Years ago I remember he had that a page We could hire to Joe to write copy I’m Like oh cool I went to it was like hire Joe to write copy $5 a word I was like Even like the little words like uh it Was five bucks and I was like I can’t Embattlement what how’s that worth that Much money and then um and then I went I Started I started trying to hire Copywriters and I couldn’t afford it so They loaded coffee and I was like it was So hard and I expected and probably so Many years learning coffee time to Actually do it And then caught them sir hired Copywriters which you know the typical Copper has anywhere from ten to twenty
Five thousand dollars a letter that’s Typically what I’d normally pay and it’s It’s hard and so that’s like when this Whole photo switch came about like it’s Changed our community people now don’t Become coffee masters they to understand The message understand the hooks film The right blades and then boom you give This this output this like nine next on The way there so just check your my Funnel scripts yet where’s the best Place they can go well you go over to Funnel scripts calm we got a great Training that you can attend to find out All about it plus an amazing a Demonstration with one of funnel script Or click photos most successful users That you’ll be able to see us create not Only headlines not only emails but an Entire perfect webinar presentation in Only twenty minutes Hey I want to share with you guys real Quick a quote this is from look look Lookie here this is no lie what does That say say hey Gary Halbert letter Right and here’s a quote from Gary he Says if you are in need of truly World-class copywriting you’re probably Going to have to learn to do it yourself You see the few of us who really can do It right copy that sells are in so much Are so much in demand you can’t even Think about hiring us unless you’re Willing to spend an arm and a leg and
Even then you still have to wait in line So that is true Yeah so if you want to write kana me if You need good copy you need to be able To write it for yourself and become your Own million-dollar copywriter so I don’t Want to give away too much fellas I did I am going to take that I’m gonna find That quote go ahead good job good job on That I’m gonna help in my whole Presentation with that quote I’ll give You credit for that mark and Mark but I’ve even heard the quote before but I Forgot it so he gets half star they said We’re paying out today and she’s known The week in fact I’m gonna be a say on That next week my kids might be part of On Friday next week which would be we Should have my kids build a funnel next Week Jim would be I think that’d be Awesome as long as their kid doesn’t Look at you since you’ve been gone so Much and say who are you that’s me oh That’s not true We’ll do that and maybe I thought maybe Have to do final scripts and we can have You show i got twin boys I’m one of them Pumping out final switch one during the Final we know that we both a Ten-year-old funnel live do you anything Else I was just telling someone how your Kids do it it’s too hard it’s too I was Like no literally these kids do this and The speed of like my son male show story
Next week Noticeably but this is a regarding Effect he yes hook for next week so um So we watched Shark Tank is a family Obviously in any way down on those Buildings first funnel on Stalin’s Door-to-door doughnuts and so is this Donut service and then you had an order Button and then you made two buttons and I was like why did you put two buttons Down like you people are just gonna buy Usually one button and he’s like well This fun this to sell Donuts and so say I like buy donuts now or something Goodbye donuts and the second one said 500k for 20 percent of my business and He’s like this one’s for investors to Buy a precision my business who think You can buy my product i buy my company Like now there’s anyway so maybe they’ll Take off maybe that’ll increase Conversion you don’t get one sale and It’s yeah strange things about let’s see A hundred million dollar button on the Bottom of clickfunnels alright fastly as Next week my kids miss school updates Was perfect We’re building funnels for 10 year olds They can show you guys how its work so No more excuses for anyone it’s done Hopefully you’re gonna be done by next Week but it might not all right everyone Makes so much for hanging out today by Everyone on Facebook and Google and
Everybody knows and watches appreciate You all thank you guys thank you mark Rains out today and now we’ll see you Guys all again next week