How To Start On Online Business And Use The “Dream 100” Hack To Drive TONS Of Traffic

We’re live over here and hang out to be Live over here we’ll get started The show is about to start All right Facebook slide periscopes live Yeah Welcome everybody to find a Fridays Welcome everyone here and Google Hangouts Jim how are you doing today I’m Great how are you I’m doing amazing what What is that today I’m doing this from Outer space what’s what’s it like in Outer space the different in here it’s It’s cold here hang on Oh much better It’s awesome in space because that’s Because funnel Friday’s is out of this World we have a teacher for that that’s We t-shirt Jim’s spaceship head it says That that would be that’s actually Pretty cool so alright everybody so Today we are starting a new series Series some cool stuff inside fun Fridays because all you guys are getting Good you’re saying like wow I can build A funnel in 30 minutes as opposed to Like 16 years and so that’s great thank You click thank you final scripts and Then now you’re like bill now funnels Super fast everything’s going good but What’s the problem everyone’s like I Have nobody can come to my funnel I need traffic I need traffic Russell Can you solve that for me we can do that And so that’s what today’s photo Friday Is about we’re actually doing a two-part

Series today on that today I’m gonna be Covering what I think is the most Important conceptual thing to understand About traffic after you’ve got that Figured out then the second piece that We’ll be talking about is the actual lot Someone what are the tactical things and So that’s kind of what’s happening so Next week I’m actually gone next week so We have a special co-hosts coming Stephen and John will be running John’s To show you how to take we’ve learned Today and then John and Jim reveal now Facebook ads inside final scripts which Is gonna be awesome right And we’ll be sharing all of Russell’s Personal passwords while he’s gone as Sad as he actually probably knows what I Know Oh man which would be cool I should Probably snapchat this real quick so We’re on every platform known to man Because you hate to miss one and just Have some day I didn’t know about this Today everybody we are live on final Friday’s over here if you check it out Jim is dressed up in his spaceman Costume all of our social networks are Crashing snapchats not even working all Right we’ll try this one more time I apologize Zuckerberg screwed me over Whoever did fun whatever did this Programs this are a most effed up weird Vibe up on the Fridays and if you’re

Wondering Jim is dressed up like normal Today so come over for Friday’s car we Can check it out we’re having some fun Bye all right now I’m taking your Snapchat I want to get to some business So what I’ll talk about today you guys This is the concepts I want to cover Because traffic is easy it’s super easy Everyone’s not looks like mine block I Get so hardened but becomes easy when You understand a couple core concepts so Stuff on me talking about is from my Book comm secrets given reddit go get a Free copy at comm secrets book calm but Inside of here I talk about some things And one of the most important things to Talk about is concept I like to call the Dream 100 boom the dream 100 what could That be all right So and then after I show you guys the Cost of dream 100 we’re gonna build a Funnel that actually will literally go To your dream 100 ideas and get those People to come into your email lists how Many guys want that to happen Me yeah all right so here’s some Background so we understand this and we Can jump into the building so first off Dream 100 I learned this concept Initially from chat Holmes Chet he Taught it a little differently though Cuz he was using it to get clients and So he works for a Charlie Munger who was A billionaire running a magazine

Division and Charlie said hey Chet worth The bottom or the worst magazine we want To be at the top what do we do and this Is in terms of advertising sales right So Chet look daddy said look we’re we we Look at the entire industry and a bike Of the thousand people that could To buy ads that are in our magazine There’s only like a hundred that like Almost everybody that spends almost all The money so he said we’re gonna take Just those hundred people and we’re Gonna build a campaign around it where We’re gonna relentlessly market those Hundred people until they become our Clients and so he set up campaigns where I keep mem something in the mail then he Called next week and he mailed something Email he’d call him and within like six Months she had gotten like eight or Sixty or seventy of the dream one of his Dream 102 switched advertising over to Their magazine you went from the the Lowest magazine industry to becoming the Top and so he told me that stories like That’s kind of cool but how does that Relate to me they told me another Stories like well I thought it’d be cool To go and write my own play so he wrote His own his own movie or play on Something he wrote his own thing and He’s like I don’t know anyone in Hollywood I’ve never been to Hollywood I Don’t know how to get a scene produced

So he build out a dream 100 list of the Top producers actors and people who Could make this this play that heroes Movie to erode actually become a real Thing and he started a dream 100 Campaign to those people where every Single day he would go and he’d send Them a box in the mail then he would Call him on the phone then he’d send Them the script in the now that he’d Call him on the phone and within like Two months he’d sold the screenplay of Someone Hollywood they made a movie and He became a rich famous movie guy I Guess I don’t know then the story but it Was it was kind of cool and so I thought About that like how does that work in Our world right and I started thinking That each of us like we’re selling all Sorts of weird stuff right like let’s Just say I’m selling this packet of Magic powder right now somewhere out There my dream customer people that want To drink this in their drink are out There somewhere I don’t know where that Out but they’re somewhere and so my goal Is to figure like who are the hundred People out there that already have my Dream customers on their list right They’re already like obsessed with them I mean I wrote this book I was like I Want to sell a whole bunch of these Books the first thing I did is I built Out a dream 100 campaign I said who are

A hundred people who have an email list Or a Facebook following their podcast or Whatever it is of my dream customers on It so that I can go and sell them this Book and all right so that’s kind of the Overall concept so a couple graphs here From the book that I will share with you So this right here is the first part of The dream 100 so look right here I like To sit down and write mapa who my dream 100 who are those hundred people and the First thing there’s two steps this first Thing is to dig your well there’s a book Out there called dig your well no it’s Called dig your well before you’re Thirsty I never read it but the tide Was kind of cool the concept was like You don’t go like wait and wait wait Austin you’re like I’m thirsty I need Some water oh crap I gotta dig a well Like can you start digging here well Today right so for me it’s like soon you Have an idea for a business first step Is start building a dream 100 start Digging your well so how do you dig your Well well I find out the dream 100 I Follow or my friend um I subscribe to Their podcasts and newsletters I buy Their stuff I get to know them I become Friends I invite them to my podcast I Provide value somehow so I can build Relationships with these people so That’s kind of first step here the Second step is promotion so for us what

We do is with our dream 100 we launched Our book I sent out packages in the mail I call him on the phone I did a whole Bunch that’s so Jim you got this book in The mail during my dream 100 campaign Right I did that was actually a you and I became friends we knew each other but That was Jim was when he’s little little Stick figures right here I was the Good-looking one yeah here’s one of the Spaceman helmet he got a package me in The mail and they became friends and Partners and we’ve done went to stuff Since then right I thought your package was very Impressive well thank you but we all Drink well drink like Napoleon Dynamite Every time we drink the canister you Normally up yeah anyway all right so That’s the overarching constant the Dream 100 but won’t talk about today is Not the package or anything else I’ll Talk about this piece right here says Parasites okay so in my perfect world I Would approach someone like Jim Begg hey Jim come on my book and then you would And he did and thank you for that by the Way um but sometimes people won’t or They can’t or whatever so the second Step then is with your dream 100 how to Become a parasite to them and I’ll Explain that here in a minute Okay the first step that Ivers down do Is this okay everyone you got to build

Your dream on honey this is your Homework assignment for the weekend it’s Very very very very important so I did Is I break down my dream 100 to four Categories so list owners bloggers Podcasters and social media influencers Right so I say okay who are the lists Owners that have my dream my dream Customers on their list I’ll think about That so our bike number one Tony Robbins Number two yeah I Canada number three Jay Rayner for Jim medow is under five Armand Morin number six everyone that Has an email list that has my dream Customers already on it then I go to the Bloggers who the people have huge Successful blogs that my dream customers Already on it all right down like copy Blogger and all right now all these Different all the different bloggers Right Neil Patel and I just Bloggers I can think of right then I go To the podcasters we’re all the Podcasters and I got John Lee Dumas I Got like entrepreneur entrepreneur fire All the other party a heck of a role Until you got to that part good job keep Going we’ll edit this out Alright let’s tell the podcasters and Then socially who are all the big guys On Instagram Twitter Facebook Snapchatters like anyway listen alright So soon I have a do list of 100 or 200 Right now my dream 100 I think we’re I

Cram five or six hundred people on my Dream 100 so I kind of messed it up for Myself but for you guys this is like This is this is the key right all Traffic stems off of the dream 100 and That’s not people some of this company Sometimes it’s but is people that have Already aggregated your customers okay If you want to go and aggregate your Customers from scratch you can but it’s Really really expensive That’s funnel hackers we don’t have that Luxury typically so we allow other People to congregate audiences for us we Become a parasite and get these people Into our world that make sense is ever Gonna do your homework this is important Write this down don’t forget all right Now that I think care of so how did Become a parasite so the cool thing is That all these people right if they have A podcast like how do we get on their Pod how do we advertise their podcast if They have a blog Harry on their blog how Do we and so obviously the best-case Scenario these guys promote for us this Guy sends an email list he writes a blog Post about us the interviews on the Podcast they tweet about it or whatever It is right like that’s the best-case Scenario and but what I’m gonna assume Is that like nobody likes me I’m really Annoying and no one will promote for me I’m just a beginner whatever that thing

Is right so if they’re not gonna do it Like how do i how do I still get access To their audiences now so we’re talking About today now next week’s episode John’s gonna come on Genres all my facebook guys are saying Everything ad based John runs for all of Our companies and he’s gonna come and Actually do this with you and him and Jim are gonna be building out ads to go And target the Facebook following of These list owners for the Twitter fall Or whatever though YouTube followings Things like that of those people so That’ll be happening next week this week Learners I want to show you the funnel But we’re gonna driving those people to Definitely fun awesome Jim’s excited oh Well this is actually this one will be In the new book that I was up till 2:30 Last night hiding experts secrets the Book is coming soon should we give them Access In the final Friday notes yeah if you Guys share this right now on your Facebook page whatever and I at least 100 shares will add this the notes okay All right there you go all right with That sense so here’s stephan1 this Process right so with that said I think It lays the foundation for what we need To get started so I start the egg timer Today so I’m in good shape Yeah Jin’s got the easy job today I got

To do all the work stop saying that Then when I mess it up you could throw Me under the bus I gave you the easy Thing to do Jim well I needed from you Was an entire sales letter and at a Webinar pitch yeah here we go so we got 30 min that timer clicking star and boom We are alive okay so here we go so I Know my dream 100 so say got my dream 100 people for me the first step in this Process should we be seeing anything on Your screen beside you Oh good call seriously why are they Looking at me at all on them circles and Lines boy talking about that dynamic Compression and you only need three Friends and we’re all going to retire It’s gonna be amazing All right here we go so first step in The process for me dream 100k so I know That guys so many full couple names Let’s say Tony Robbins is my dream 100 We’ve got Dan cannon we got J bran we Got jet homes we got our there’s a Couple right so all these guys have huge Followers on Facebook right Tony fact Let’s go to Facebook let’s see how many How many fans and followers Tony’s got He’s got two or three we’re mo more Tony Robbins public figure All right so Tony’s got 2.3 million People who follow him so Mike’s sweet He’s on my dream in hundred someone Access who’s 2.3 million people right

Let’s say you’re in the juicing market I’d type in drew Canole and I’d be like Okay drew Canole organifi I see actually Spry still lives Hit live TV Boom so he’s got ninety two thousand to His old page have like five minute Anyway whatever it is like you figure He’s on my campaign But they got a huge idea so how do I get Tony’s 2.3 million people to come to me And give me money right that’s what’s Going through my head personally I hope That goes through your guys head as well Because that’s the right question be Asking so first thing I’m being is like Okay there’s Tony’s people this is the Pool of people that I want access to This is coming back now to chapter 1 of The dot-com seekers book where we at Where we at ah Oh dang it I mean into my time but this Is important for everyone to understand All right where’s the secret formulas Chapter 1 introduction okay the secret Formula I was talking about this where We add key as me see this another camera Andre there you go so like I’m always Looking at who are my dream customer Here who’s my dream customers so Alternate Robbins people my dream Customers where are they congregating They’re hanging out Tony’s Facebook page So the next question is what’s the bait

I need to create to get Tony’s people to Come to me okay so that’s the question So I’m a Tony Robbins family what did Tony Robbins fans like I don’t know they Like Tony Robbins stuff right did I cake Tapes tape ok so where do I find Tony Robbins Memorabilia the people like I need that Your closet my closet my my shelf is guy Looks like to use call eBay you may have Heard of it before I’m a tie-pin Tony Robbins I’m gonna see what people are Stupidly giving away for almost nothing All right so we got I’ll blow this up a Little bit we got Tony Tony’s both matches game that’s kind of I want something rare and unique because Like I don’t want something that they Can get on his side right here’s like Tony Robbins personal power – that’s the Normal 1 H power thin which not – ooh Breakthrough so that’s a that’s the TV Show Tony Robbins was on here’s an old Life master VHS that’s kind of cool At least the power then owners mansion For the brain so I like the old ones Time to time Tony Robbins rare pops Amazing cool let’s see Well 2020 Robyn’s record I’d buy for Myself I was excited for second all Right Ten ten cassettes of Tony Robbins Personal all right so this is the Cassette tapes of personal power those

Got that old that old like sigh bored Looking picture on them too you know Those are the original ones I was exhausting so these are like tapes Right so that would be like something I Would look axe it’s kind of cool what Else would be cool alright so Tony’s one Person who else Jim should we look up See what we can find something cool for Them what are we trying to what are we Trying to build an audience around let’s Do it let’s do it for let’s do it for For my book just cuz I got on my hand so The internet marketing related so well But the one thing that everybody needs Ultimately to figure out with internet Marketing is how to write sales copy how About some Dan Kennedy stuff and Kennedy All right who the bank and copywriting Clinic for eight bucks This is this is awesome audience good Tapes and a printed spiral bound Notebook Okay that’s freaking awesome for eight Bucks daddy bucks will make you guys Like probably hundred grand if you Understand it ready renegade millionaire We got the DNA offers eight hundred Bucks and $12 for the information super Conference ninety-one edition I think I’ve spoken to ninety one edition no I Actually don’t mind that’s a long time Ago no you’re like three lady for my Time no I really was three Jim you’ll

Just be really cool today uh know by Looking at for like J and Gary Halbert Yeah yeah who the direct mail boot camp Holy crap the guy was marketing master Summit program good thanks Explain to everybody why you’re looking For old vintage hard to find stuff for Each one of these people because it Might not be clear on why we’re doing it Alright so I’m trying to find bait so I Want something that like if I’m Targeting Tony Robbins audiences they’re Gonna take whoa or if I’m targeting I think I got that from you that’s the Stephen thing he gets exactly anyway So it could be a Tony Robbins thing it Could be dad Kennedy you look what you Sir Stan Kenny to talk to see other Relates to Frank Kern Gary Halbert Abraham Brandon Bouchard she can kind of Click through and try to find something Cool like he uses Bates so let’s just Say let’s do Tony Robbins just cuz he’s Hot right now and and it’s kind of cool Right he just came out with a new video Let’s see so I’m gonna do I’m gonna do This one the original home study course Okay so this is gonna be my bait right So it’s gonna cost me 48 dollars 50 Cents to get this bait yeah this bait is Gonna get me I know 20,000 new opt-ins To my list and then in the future I can Sell them my other stuff right so that’s Gonna be what we’re doing so this is

Gonna be the bait I’m gonna create There’s the picture on this I’m gonna Take a snapshot cuz this is what we are Gonna be using here by the way I’ve used This technique a ton and it’s amazing One of my buddies just did this concept He he’s in the fitness space and he he Won the big fitness companies out there It’s called rogue fitness and he was Like hey my dream customer would love to Have like their own personal private gym Of rogue fitness so he figured out it Cost him like like 5 grand to get a Personal gym so he took pictures of all The stuff he would put in a personal gym And he put up one of these campaigns About to show you guys and had the Campaign up he went to rogues audiences And and marketed it and he got leads for 38 cents apiece he end up getting 13,000 Leaves for 38 cents apiece And then he awarded one of those people The home gym and he made it save some Money from that list so this is kind of Actually let me whiteboard a Southie has Got the concept again we’re going to Strategy the whole time this we’re kind Of build the same but it’s important Because he has a understand the strategy Everything else becomes easy I’ve opened Up like 12 instances of my paintbrush Thing sorry about that Alright so here’s the overarching Concept that if you master this and you

Understand this everything else comes Easy right so so here is here’s someone Our dream 100 so here’s like a Tony Robbins let’s say right Tony Robbins has Got a crap ton of people so let’s just Say this equals two point three million People write 2.3 crap-ton done ok crap Ton all right so there’s a whole bunch Of people right so we need to do is we Can get access to those people so next And I’m gonna create a landing page that Has something amazing these people wants Landing pages like hey get this amazing Tony Robbins course for free get a rogue Fitness home gym for free whatever that Is right so here’s like here’s like Opera star equals the free thing All you got to do entered this contest Is put your name email address in here So then we do that they have to put the Name email address and I’m taking the Page number two and on this page before That we call their up viral campaigns They get these people now to share it so We have a little viral campaign we’re Talking about that here in a second as Well which then pushes people back into Here and then next week John and Jim are Going to show you guys how to actually Create the ads that these people will See they get them to come into this Funnel but for today that’s we’re Focusing on this right here so we’re Creating something amazing as a giveaway

Contest they come and opt-in to win that Thing And then that’s how it works that’ll Make sense you guys hopefully so Basically just to clarify so so these People we’re gonna create a page where We’re giving away this thing that you’re Gonna buy off of ebay and in order for Them to enter the contest they need to Put in their email address and then We’re gonna sell the crap I mean we’re Gonna make additional value added offers To them to those email addresses related To this topic correct and then one other Piece we put in just cuz I think it’d be Fun in the next three minutes is enough Viral campaign so system enjoins that Right hey you can actually get more Opportunities to win this if you share It with your friends a post on Facebook And tweet about it all and that Hopefully these people all start sharing As well which will give us even more Customers coming in and we’ll just build A huge list almost for free and one last Question and I’m not I mean just because I know people will ask this look at look At the other look at the other cameras So it looks like I’m looking at you look Look over here so what are we to the Left your left there you go right there Thank you I fear my question is this you Know you’re gonna you’re gonna advertise Something in this case or the example is

You’re gonna be giving away this Tony Robbins thing but since you’re giving Away a physical thing and you are Describing what it is you’re not really Violating an Thing or or doing anything to raise a Problem with the person whose name You’re kind of leveraging but you’re You’re giving away something and you’re Just saying this is what I’m giving it Away and it just happens to bed this Person’s name in it yeah yeah it’s not If you do with like a like an info Product here I’ll give you a bed digital Access this guy’s product I bought like That’s super bad right I did this so With Dave Asprey we wanted to get his Audience so I went and bought like five Hundred dollars worth of bulletproof Oils and coffee and all sorts of stuff Give it a big giveaway and then we mark This Dave asked for his group like hey a Whole bunch of Dave stuff for free and They’re all excited and it was awesome Okay I just wanted to clarify that so People understood that that’s you know We’re physically giving something away That’s how we can do this because I like Tony’s not gonna be happy if you just Start trading off of his name yeah you Could be upset so anyway and Tony may be Mad at this so maybe don’t do Tony – Someone doesn’t care as much but for This example we’re doing this and we

Yeah very ok so we’re giving away Tony’s Awesome new program alright so I’m Coming to clickfunnels and now it’s time To start building gym I’m gonna need a Really cool headline from you to be able To get people to want to give us their Email address in exchange for this Amazing piece of this artifact this Piece of history that is no longer Available to anybody except for me cuz I Bought on eBay Okay so I’m gonna do just a basic funnel I’m gonna call this one Tony Robbins dream 100 calls one funnel Friday we call him freight demos I think It’s all my dad yeah I’m in their own Cameras by Handel area I mean I like 50 Counts and I always get confused let me Uh let me shift over to to my account Real quick all right man the clock is Karen King Oh bleep we come to watch Strategy for you guys you guys like Enough so far is nothing good this photo Should hopefully be quicker to build a Theory so all right collecting emails We’re calling this one TR green 100 cops One funnel Friday’s all right building Funnel we have to still do that right Like we did last week Sure all right I just don’t want to I Don’t wanna lose that part of that was My favorite part of the show all right Okay so I’m gonna pick page someone as An opt-in page I’m just gonna pick any

Of them cuz as you guys probably know This point I just like to strip it all Out oh and Jamie Smith gave me a really Cool thing if yeah our Facebook group he Gave me this he calls that the gut this Thing button and so I’m gonna dive never Tested out live we’re gonna test out Live today so basically I picked my Template click on edit page and normally I like working off a blank canvas so I Go when I delete all his sections and Jamie saw me do it every single week so He’s like he did it but you create this Little button I can put up here my Browser says gut this thing so in theory If I click this it should gut this whole Thing so see if it worked that’s maybe Like 30 seconds on the video 30 seconds Talking about excited about it so Totally negated itself in the future now That I have that anyway he gave that Away for free to Facebook groups vs Search they got this thing in a Facebook Group anyway go so I’m down to bare bone Brass things am I talking about Brass tacks brass tacks is that a thing All right so I’m Bill have a funnel I’m Gonna do this one quick what questions Do you need for me Jim on headline while I am kind of building out this the Structure on this thing I’m just I’m Just going through the wizard playing Around with it um let me expand that That’s like a weird thing I know

Something Oh Jamie your script Jack me I Lost it I lost one of my I lost my Ability to make this a full screen thing Oh everyone don’t use that script now Yeah Alright alright an attack 15 minutes can Trip back in alright come out I just Save that Mikey a today yeah all right I’m not gonna totally get it this time Because we’re on time for that now Waste too much time having fun alright So here we go so I’m gonna going to That’s picture here so I’m gonna save This picture to my desktop Koni stuff I’ll call it I’m gonna delete This here we are going to put an image What we’re giving away this nice thing About this this process you guys it’s Not a hard sales pitch like couldn’t the Sales pitch is like hey do you want this Thing for free give me an email to enter A chance to win the thing that I’m Thinking is a pre a pre headline if I Get your hands on this get your hands on This rare tony robbins classic course Yeah that’s kind of the pre head when You teach the good stuff if you know What i mean Wink wink was censured by the media let Me tell you what if you’ve seen that Netflix special he ain’t is censored by Anybody and then something like I’ve Just been playing around with the wit That over here and I guess maybe I don’t

Know if I should show my screen or not But but the thing I came came up with Using the headline script was like you Know how to tap into your into your Unlimited potential and get unstuck in Your life in as little as 30 days that’s Good did you know you make that pre the Pre on that off the top header is that Part of the funnel I made that pre headline just off the Top of my head cuz it’s like and try to Remember because I was really good I’m Get your hands on this rare on Tony Robbins classic home study course I mean That’s just kind of that’s that’s from Just plant you know thinking doing some Copy stuff but then you know either how To or discover how to tap into your Unlimited potential and get unstuck in Your life in as little as 30 days That’s what the course is about right You don’t like that totally still in the Core well I guess we see how do we do That we’re selling the option didn’t win The course but ship some that what it’s About so let me maybe that okay okay all Right I’m free win this free win this I Mean I just win win this win this Unlimited power chrome study course by Anthony Robbins win my original copy of Available anywhere or any prize well That’s kind of BS well can you get it You can’t get your original one though My personal do do my personal original

Copy because it is yours if once you get It it is your personal copy for then Enter your your email for a chance to Win how about if it said enter your Email for to automatically be entered All good Evil you Eat it here or you’re away that nice Right let me like I give we will Announce the winner on June what do we Have in July right the students you Typically run one of those for either of Like a month okay excuse me have time It’s August 31st can I can but there That’s pretty good right Your twin Robbins fan you baked sweet That’s awesome and if not like find Something differently eBay that you like More but conceptually that’s it You’re giving away a really cool rare Thing all right so similar one it is That and that’s the whole that’s the Whole thing you wouldn’t you wouldn’t Put your Brunson box in there if I time I definitely Brunson box but we got to Have 10 minutes we started you up final Campaign I’m making sticker so he’s Gonna be stressed now I’m kind of like Give him as little time as possible and Seam work under pressure okay this is Actually if he does well he gets laid He’s out the door alright so number one Now we come over here to baekje page Actually what i do a lot of times

Because sometimes I want I just want to Copy the whole so a new editor will let You save sections and rows and stuff Which is coming out hopefully in the Next 30 days but right now we cancel it So I’m just gonna I believe the Thank You page I’m cynical own this cyclone The final step that way I’ve got all the Design the same so there’s congruence From page to page just that’s one of my Little tricky things but soon as a new Editor comes out you’ll save sections Just copy and paste and so it won’t be Nearly as important I’m gonna change us From opt-in I’m weirdos little things Like the names on the sides so I’m gonna Change this to someone s with the Brunson boxes oh oh you didn’t watch Last week Oh for shame Roddy’s comm Scroll down below and you can watch last Week’s episode and you will find out What we’re actually working on a funnel Script now to make Brunson boxes and Brunson bullets ooh So exciting so it’s gonna be awesome All right okay so we got first page view A thing next page now you could you make Thanks well any of the drawing go by my Other thing but what I’m gonna do is Some kind of cool so thanks so much is That what that’s a injury all right and Then it’s me something like this so I’ll Be I do like step number one want more Chances to win share this with your

Friend at side that can do this one row I some have more chances to win and then Come on sorry already down time I Thought we would have way too much time To this one hour Alright so one more chance to win show Us your friends so we’re gonna add in Underneath here we’re gonna add in its HTML block right yeah so it’s gonna HTML Block were and put in the up final Campaign so either this right here they Put it up for our campaign and then step Number two some reason that one’s being Funny but I’ll just clone it here Alright so step number two then is this Is what I push them on what I’m selling So uh check out Russell Brunson’s new Book it’s freaking amazing Alright and then I don’t have like a Button here that leads them to my book Get your free copy now alright I don’t Make it’s huge like big buttons make it Not blue because everything else is blue On the page there we go okay alright I’ve linked my book there um what else We need we need to put this picture here We shrink it down really small and I Believe this rail here Right so now we got to do is that create The HTML code is gonna go right here so We’ll share this it goes viral all right You’re up man you on drive yes okay Stephens gonna drive he’s won several of Our campaign last time all right and you

Excited oh okay we’re down six minutes And 46 seconds let’s see if he can do it All right here yeah it’s right there at The top of the top tab all right cool Well we’re on Facebook mentions and Periscope you guys are excited for Stephen to do this Give him some ups neason some hearts to Taps and sharing so what is up viral Tell her a part of this really cool Script one of our inner circle members Built it and it creates a viral campaign So we used it what we did was it called Snap snap final stop snap funnels that Funnels icons and we basically put the Basic concept we promoted snap phone Stock onto our list we got I don’t Member right two thousand people opted In and now if they opt-in and it says Hey do this thing and we’ll give you Something cool for free and then even More people we end up getting like Another two or three thousand off we Double our opt-ins by adding this viral This viral campaign is pretty cool so we Don’t have to go in exactly how it all Works but Stephen shine remember how it All works been like going quick a month Since he’s used it he’s out of five Minutes He’s trust now no now I’m feeling great If he hadn’t been screwing around it Would have been good so come on now all Right so basically create the campaign

So in there you said you put your ads of A few pages that click funnels in there I’m doing is integrating so those you Grab the Thank You page URL the opt-in Page URL and it’s pretty easy to use a Viral II just all snaps so if you can Copy and paste then you can we want to Embed in page I’m just gonna go with all Defaults all right I’ll use this Template I’ve been five seconds no Pressure so how much does this raise This little campaign looks like so like See you like it says like here’s the Link is my link and then they can share It to Facebook Twitter Google and every Time they do that they get points right Yeah so we And incentivizes in to share with people So they get more points depending what They do and how many friends they share With so that’s how you can choose who to Give your your free product to so it’s Kind of a cool way to track it all yeah And you can instead of the poll that Points to stuff based on where he wants You say they should face with me two Points but they if they tweet it they Get five or whatever if they write a Blog post and you can have all bunch of Cool things post title free stuff Doesn’t matter yet we’re moving on all Right now here’s the point so sign up Points I won’t go in each one these Things right here gonna put it I did

Last time so they’re gonna get one point If they share with someone on Facebook a Point if they share it to all their Twitter following Google+ following LinkedIn Pinterest and why can’t we Click on this alright next step Oh Andy okay three first this is truly Live some NASA this parts like well this Is not good though this is a separate Tool that whatever inner circle members Views that we just kind of love Especially for these vital campaigns Like we’re talking about during on Today’s episode we’re targeting tomb 100 And giving away cool stuff to get people In it just makes this way every person Off sin and having like work to opt in So it doubles your your leads just kind Of cool alright so we don’t have an Autoresponder setup for anything so I Got a skip all that part another three Minutes 14 seconds we can’t do that all Right track it okay done Go on to the next part alright so this Part isn’t too crazy all we’re gonna do Is take this piece of code here at the Top and you got to add tracking in so We’re gonna copy this one here says add To the actual first page of the campaign So we’ll go here you go inside of the Editor with loads and jump down to the Tracking code I didn’t think anybody Could could whack that keyboard and Mouse faster than you Russell but I just

Found him alright look quick save so We’re just put it inside of the the foot I’m sorry the footer custom tracking Area and I’m gonna go to this next part Yes I’m 2 minutes and 30 seconds wow That’s 2 minutes I want to use many Hearts flying on Paris too many comments On Facebook like he needs our help you Guys you can’t do this by himself and I’m gonna go crazy I mean some love About to break down we got Paris yes and See the hearts are flying my dragon goes There Cool so we got those in someone asked in Any Tony’s permission so I wouldn’t Technically problems for Tony because he Has people to sue people a lot of times But other people works really good for You don’t care you guys can find my Product need ain’t sell them think it’s Smart strategy so do it Yeah definitely consult your lawyer First Blah blah blah I’m a market guy not a Legal guy one made 51 seconds you guys Give me some love give me some hearts to Show him we got so much time I’m gonna Take a nap or something all right good Oh do great okay so this is the last Part so this parts a little tricky but Up viro-ex has awesome support articles To go just between clickfunnels and out Pile so it’s actually pretty easy to set Up once you’ve seen it so here’s the

Pop-up Okay so integrate with a new HTML form This thing form will copy it in you got A you click parse name email I think Button Sydney walk in it alright is it Working okay here we go is this live yes That’s 13 sign for the sign for the Thing chest ready go to the next page This is live reputation and alright guys If you think I should still get a raise Go ahead and give me some hearts okay 30 Seconds hmm some said you guys are Insane 21 seconds I think I think I’m gonna make it I mean 15 I’m getting nervous for you now man We think Jim’s gonna happen actually I Don’t think I’m gonna make it yeah I Don’t know save come on this is honestly Great sauce okay where she has a process And one that’s completed we got so close Yeah it was it was close last few little URLs we got to put in there if you don’t Snap photos communist and action and you Also see a video me snapchatting on my Bike mom’s killing myself okay look There’s a Bronson box at the bottom with What stills from the video so it’s worth It’s worth go snap fellas calm suit Prostate mistake um here you opt in opt In and so your step one watch the Training there’s a sweet training here With brandy and Caitlyn To see behind the scenes alright then Here it is right here that’s what it

Looks like So all they do is you click share you Click Facebook Twitter or whatever it is And you’ll share immediately a but a Little pop-up will jump up and you can Share to your jump on to your your your On wall it bands about social media Going for but it gives you a point Inside the system and so you can set Rules a nutbar like only let people who Have you know five or six points you Guys only want to get the the goodie or Whatever it is so it incentivizes people And you’ll actually we actually have Seen you know I’ll show you this too Here inside of our own campaigns it’s We’re gonna the snap phones one what’s Cool is it at one point after a while All of the referral traffic starts to Get higher than the traffic we send is Really cool yeah yeah it’s the whole Point it’s pretty amazing It’s like free free leads yeah free Leads this stuff’s cool yeah she’s the Stats this from our other campaign yeah Cameras out here just look at that it’s Huge so what kind of some of the numbers That means all right so there’s 1500 People that have shared on side of snap Funnels 1,500 shares 350 are on Facebook And these aren’t things that you’re just Instead of With something cool so on snap funnels What we did is we said as soon as you

Share and you get three points so they Don’t go with with three different People the share link for the whole snap Photos URL is the is the prize at the Giddy so it incentivizes them everyone It’s really cool a lot of free traffic For you it’s pretty sweet yeah anyway so That’s kind of process you guys it’s Cool all right very cool thanks man These four uh you did fail you didn’t Make it I just kidding I was amazing the Raise but given the Soul Stealer from Last week alright cool so does that help You guys from from how do we start Getting traffic standpoint what kind of Recap a couple things first thing we Talked about was the dream 100 which Cameron and I need to take it off let me Go back to uh things allowing how do I Take off stop screen share alright step Number one is for your dream 100 and This is key because all of your traffic Is all stemmed off of this if you have This right it becomes easy don’t do this You’re struggling like Russell I can’t Get traffic says you haven’t false step Number one dream 100 so you gotta go and Actually exercise where you figure out Who your dream 100 who has your dream Customers who with list owners the Bloggers podcast social media people After you figure that I fear who do we Want to target you’re gonna find Something amazing you give a wave on

EBay or whatever you call for self Interview and give away the interview There’s a million of ways to if you Create something cool they create a Funnel-like when we shared and then next Week Jim and John Jimmy John’s Jimmy John’s Jimmy John’s who are gonna come And actually show you guys have now Create the ads inside a funnel scripts And to go and target these people’s I Uses to push them into your viral funnel You create it’s kind of like the one we Just showed you today so hold on here Gum and Mike truck Jimmy I need to add On that I think it’s awesome I’m out of Here I thought that was great I mean I Think it’s this is now the trainings Going way beyond you know it I think This is really cool it was very helpful I actually learned a couple things I Learned that when I have questions about Clickfunnels I know who to call but Just fly-in now I thought it was great I did want to share one thing I mean is It okay to do a shameless plug for Something I like something in like it is Right so we got a I’m gonna share with You guys just a really cool testimonial That we got from from one of our final Scripts users Hey click phones teens I Just wanted to share that I just used Phone scripts to write the emails for a New beta program I’m launching I’m using I used to write emails from scratch and

Was like pulling teeth I’m someone who Even enjoys writing funnel scripts has Helped me to write my emails in half the Time with none of the stress thank you For this amazing platform best Caitlin So I mean that’s right there one of the Things you’re gonna have to do with one Of the things you’re gonna have to do With this funnel that you set up is You’re gonna have to start write and Follow up emails so that’s a great thing That you can use funnel scripts for is To help you write those emails to follow Up with all these cool new leads that You’re gonna get given away old stuff You found on eBay and going after Somebody’s going after going after your 100 so I mean this is an awesome awesome Strategy just you know follow the Cautions that we gave you and I mean Personally I would just say me Personally I wouldn’t go after a Tony I wouldn’t use Tony Robbins just from What I know I wouldn’t use Tony Robbins But like somebody if I was doing a Copywriting thing I would I would go After like Gary Halbert I’d go find some Gary Halbert stuff people love his stuff Nobody’s gonna complain you’re not gonna Trade off his name same thing with Dean Kennedy if I was gonna do internet Marketing thing I’d go find a physical Thing that you know everybody from Armand Morin

Russell to anybody I mean it’s it’s you Know the funny thing is you could also Use this for if you were doing an Affiliate thing I mean just just roll With me here real quick this came Through my head let’s say you wanted to Sell somebody something as an affiliate Well go buy some of the product and you Know a physical thing this is I would Really stress this is physical thing but Go buy you know go buy two of the soul Stealers and then you know give them Away do the Exact same thing and and do this and Then you build up a bunch people that Want to buy you know soul stealers and Then you send them an email and say you Have to watch the funnel Friday’s from The other day but um then you tone hey Look you didn’t win the Soul Stealer but You can get this cool bonus that if you Go buy a Soul Stealer through this link You’re gonna get this bonus this bonus This bonus and this bonus what’s the Worst thing it’s gonna happen you know So I think this is yeah friends in the Cooking market so she did she got she Found on Amazon in these little little Plastic mold and you put cookie dough in And you cook the cookie dough he pulled Out and it makes cookie cups and he pour Malcolm cookie cups and you eat it it’s Kind of cool right like I said they’re Like the hottest thing on like Lucy she

Went and bought one she put up a Campaign just like my showed you guys And she went to the cooking things and She was getting lead strike one or two Pennies apiece people freaking out they Wanted that thing and on next page is Like kuleana the contest to win it but In case you don’t win you should Probably buy one and there’s a link and Then she was selling tons of them Through Amazon affiliate links so Because you knew what do you know about People who want cookie cut molds they Wanted like yeah so sell them the thing That they opted in for free cuz they may Not win but they still want that thing So and I think people intrinsically know Hey you know I probably won’t win but if You’ll cut me a deal on one of them I’ll Buy one and if I end up winning great Yeah so I think this is tremendous and I Thought it was great how you tied that In tell people a little bit about the New book you have coming out soon Russell Oh man working on any book until 2:30 Last night working on it it’s funny we Uh I had 240 pages done and then last Week I deleted 230 of those 240 pages And just said you know what Starting over it was this was the Problem it was a really good book the Problem with that is I didn’t want a Really good book I wanted a book that

Will stand the test of time and be Amazing so I started over and I am Really really proud like honestly the The chapter that worked on last night I Think is the most important thing I’ve Ever talked about or created or done to This point and people get that piece Everything else will will unlock and so I’m aside for to go to pop right You didn’t really delete it did you I Really did i said i snapchatted If you those who watched it like i Copied and i delete i click paste or Delete and it was gone and then i Started we type in smoke yes you didn’t Really get rid of all the content did You I really really I touch could have Used it you could have used it like as The Lost Chapters as an incentive for People to buy but if I people like Probably 10 snapchats come back like I Will pay you for those pages I’m fake But they’re gone they’re gone Wow so uh Back because I want to be amazing so my Goals were trying to launch it in like November December ish so but like I’m Way behind publishing so now that I Deleted the whole book so we’ll see but It’s gonna be awesome it’s called Experts secrets and it’s really this is Like strategy overarching for right all The ways to grow a business expert Stickers is very specific to if I’m Getting started today what’s the one

Funnel I should focus on we go deep so Deep and it’s it’s exciting so it’s like If I if you say Russell you know Something what if you had a gun to my Head you’re like Russell you got to Create one funnel and make a million Dollars in the next 30 days and if you Don’t you’re dead your family’s dead Where would what would you do this is What I would do this is all video I Would I would I would follow the pages In this book like the Bible I wouldn’t Deviate Wow cool he’s on a sales pitch Actually I was pretty good that was good I especially liked your gun you know you Held the kind of sideways all gangsters Oh alright Well that said you guys have you here Today thank you for hanging out with us On facebook on periscope on Google Hangouts If you want to watch the replay this go To funnel Friday’s calm we have this Plus all the past episodes on that page Archive almost pages you’ve done Everything from my affiliate marketing To supplement funnels to what else we do We did we’ve done some amazing stuff all The back archives are there you can come Watch them also there’s a special deal On clickfunnels you can get clickfunnels Backpacking action shanks for free for 6 Months of that page reinvest in funnel As any fun with scripts top funnel

Scripts we invest in a the funnel Hacking course uh Scripts is there which is the software We used to do right all the copy for all The pages Jim developed it based on all The scripts in our book and it’s Probably the best it’ll make you more Money than anything on earth it’s a Super good discount price at final Friday’s comm also you get free access To funnel University we get to funnel You black card for free a bunch of Anyway there’s bunch of cool stuff go to Photo Friday’s comm check it out Jim Makes too much hanging out today next Thank you personally Begum but we have a Steven we’ll be hosting it with John and Jim and they’re gonna be going into They’re gonna be going into the ad part Of what we talked about today so they’re Use funnel scripts try the Facebook ads On Facebook targeting they set up a Whole campaign to run it live in 30 Minutes it’s gonna be amazing that you Watch this funnel hack it model it for Yourself and that is what we do here and It’s gonna be amazing I’m not gonna be Here so I want to make sure that that You guys come and support and keep the Energy up and high and excited because Just leave your credit card so we can Run the whole bunch of ads lots of Testing on Russell’s dime a card here on File anyway they said we bring it out

Thank you Jim Bye everybody see ass off

Ace The Funnel Builder
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