I Bought an Audi R8 for $59

More alright I just bought my dream car And the best part is I didn’t even have To pay for it myself let me explain How the kid never switch codes but he Comes with Focus staring down your team With a frozen ice cold look that could In the summer so disgusting [Music] Plays from a plane while I’m off court But we ain’t the same you were lame I’m A monster Thank you [Music] All right so you know what’s crazy this Picture right here is from 2017 an Audi R8 that I screenshotted and passed my Background kind of like inspo and here We are five years later and I have my Own audio Audi R8 and I didn’t even have To pay for it here’s how I did it and It’s funny because it all started a few Years ago many years ago when I was Playing Need for Speed I think it’s Called carbon where you had the Audi R8 And I always liked it I don’t know why It wasn’t as small as an Audi TT and it Wasn’t as you know expensive as like a Lamborghini or Ferrari so then it fast Forward a few years I was 21 I had tried All these different jobs and trying to Make more money and actually afford more Stuff in life just in general and I had Tried 15 different jobs and none of the Jobs I could find would satisfy me and

Feel like I was alive inside I was Always feeling like I was dying and not Fulfilling my full potential and Actually progressing in life which was Super frustrating and also knew if I Wanted to have nice things and help more People and do big things bigger than you Know outside of myself then I needed an Online business I wanted to have a Vehicle that could provide for me my Family and make a an impact in the world I know this sounds cheesy but I knew That business was the way to get there But it wasn’t always easy A long story short after trying a lot of Different online businesses I started With social media marketing before I Actually did some mlms not super proud Of how I did those but I learned you Know you live and you learn so social Media marketing at least I could work Online and help businesses and Everything but I didn’t like it I didn’t Feel like man I’m having so much fun I Get to be creatively fulfilled like it Was more so like I felt like they like I’m a slave to these businesses because They depend on me to do everything for Them all the traffic conversions Everything which you know now I build Funnels and I’m more of a part of the Business instead of them relying on me To drive all the sales for them so I Started search Mira then did sales

Funnels and I now got to a point where I Was making a few hundred thousand per Year and I could afford a dream car but I wasn’t sure which one so I saw this Online it was a Porsche I think it’s a Porsche Panamera or something and it’s 51 900 euros so about the same in Dollars so fifty thousand let’s say it’s A ten percent down payment that’s five Thousand so I’m like okay I can do that And ask my friend what do you think About this one and they’re like you know It’s it’s good looks nice yeah you know If you want it do it you know if it’s Something that means something to you Like if you know you’re gonna have fun With it business is sometimes super Stressful so why not you know do Something to reward yourself and um I Was kind of in a place where I wanted Something like more like an Audi R8 I thought maybe I don’t need a Lambo but just something that feels like It’s the right thing not just rush it Because I see this I can buy it right Now and I even sent them a message and Said hey can we see if I get approved And we fill out the paper I got approved But something didn’t feel 100 right so I Kind of put that on pause and I was like I don’t need it right now like I have a Long-term mindset I’ve always had it Like even when I started my business I Knew it’s going to take a while for me

To thrive and actually like be Successful so I have that mindset Already I don’t need to buy a Porsche Because I don’t know I keep saying Porsche I can buy I can wait a little Bit right like I’m not even 30. I can Buy when I’m 30. that’s that’s a good Idea let’s let’s buy it when I’m 30. Yeah yeah and then I see this I see an Audi R8 because the marketers know with The pixels they can track me and send New ads from from car stores and I saw This from a dealership in in uh Turco It’s about five hours from here and uh I Mentioned to my wife like what do you Think about this she’s like terrible Yeah no it doesn’t look good I would Prefer the the family car we have I’m Gonna try with my my friends and like Yeah it looks awesome how much is it I Said it’s 67 000. and uh it’s not 100K It’s not 50. it’s in between it’s it’s It’s doable 10 of that is uh 6.7 000 and Like money down and then you know it’s About 700 per month in in recurring Payments so monthly monthly cost and I’m Like that’s doable it’s blacked out it’s Beautiful so what’s my thought process Behind like making this decision how do I know if it’s a good decision or not And uh this is kind of where it took a Turn and I think that there’s some Lessons that you can learn from this all Right so here’s my thought process

Behind this and the um decision that I Made so I could have paid that 10 down And actually when I reached out to them They said hey if you have one person you Applying for this you’re gonna have to Pay ten thousand but if you get your Wife on this deal as well we can get to 10 instead and then it’s 6.7 so I’m like Okay Um my wife hates the car so I’m not Gonna do that I’m not even gonna bother Because it’s my little toy if it was for The family we could do it together but This is my toy besides it’s actually Gonna help me get to my office and also Leaving a car for her at home so it’s Actually good for both of us but um if We break this down you look at this as Okay you got personal life and then Business right and then in personal life We have things that we Sorry need this Is stuff like mortgage or rent or food Diapers Electricity bills everything and then we Have one so what are some things we want To invest in in our family so like we Recently upgraded the well we bought a House one year ago and then we’ve Upgraded the garden spent thousands on My wife was able to build certain stuff That she wants in the garden we have a Trampoline a like all these things for Our two daughters to play with we have All these things right and they’re taken

Care of and we have a savings account so That’s already good and then in business We have what are things that we want to Invest in for the growth of the business And then we have minus which is like Expenses things going out of the bank Account could be the team it could be Taxes it could be Um whatever monthly cost you have Ongoing so I looked at this and I said We have everything that we need Personally everything that we actually Want this would be a personal thing like Yeah Audi R8 10 000 down payment Um I could do it I could pay it this is Smart right now and here’s the lesson Where it comes in because then we look At business and we go okay I’ve invested In myself already for a few years over a Hundred thousand in different courses Mentors conferences books coaches Everything and I’ve grown it to cross Over a million in Revenue over those Five years which is not too much is 200k Plus on average started at like 100k the First year now we’re at maybe be 300 000 Per year and growing so I’ve done that Before ever buying something for fun and Then I’ll also paid my team I have more People now with the YouTube team and the Courses and support and everything so Like I’ve done that as well and I’ve Also paid recently a cropped Automotive To taxes so I’ve done my part okay and

So I’m like I actually deserve this now It’s been a few years I’d even remember The picture from 2017 but apparently There’s been a dream that I just Suppressed for a very long time and one Of my good friends said something he Said listen the car is actually a mental Anchor and so when you sit in it you Feel like like if you have a bad day You’re reminded that maybe you’ve done Some good things in your life maybe You’ve actually achieved something and Uh when I hear like a million dollars in Revenue I’m like yep I don’t have a Million dollars I don’t feel enough a Lot of times and I have high standards But then the car and I sit in it and by The way gets a lot of like looks and People like I don’t like the attention Around it but when people look at it or Turn away I’m like oh this is special For some people like this is maybe I’ve Done some things right and I’ve actually I don’t want to say like you know Achieved you know I don’t look at myself As successful but um maybe I’m on the Journey of becoming successful and so I’m like okay I’ve deserved it let’s Have some fun like what’s the point of Making a lot of money if you don’t spend It and like so far I’ve just like invest A lot of money back into the business I Can buy a 70 000 car it’s not that bad Um but then it hit me and I think this

Is the lesson that you um can take a lot From is I said what if I gamify this so Let’s open a new page we have a 67 000. I don’t want to get my wife involved Because it’s my toy it’s my Responsibility to make the money and so I’m like that’s the total fee the total Price of the car but the down payment is Ten thousand okay so that’s how much I Need to wire them right now and then the Rest is about 700 per month in yeah Monthly payments and then it’s going to Pay uh be paid off in a few years okay Ten thousand down payment and I have a Business I have multiple streams of Income and so look at how can I gamify This and not pay myself maybe that’s the The cheap person inside of me who’s like Uh can we gamify this somehow so Ten thousand my services for my funnel Building where I build sales funnels for Businesses which basically just means a Website sort of multi-step funnel that Sells their offers so they have a Website for all the info they have many Websites to sell their offers so I build These websites for them and and I charge I did charge 3.5 000 back then and I increased it to 5 000 because of the demand I have so many People I can’t even like take on all the Clients that I get Um and so I said two clients Uh two clients

At 5K Is 10K So then if I can make 10 000 in like in A week then I don’t have to pay myself I Do my thing I start posting content and I do some lead generation and I get one Person interested and he’s like yeah I Would love to hire you for this funnel That we’re building and by the way I Have other projects that I’m working on As well and so I uh jump on a call with Him he sent me an invoice uh no sorry he Says send me an invoice of 5K and let’s Get this built and he says I want to pay You up front because I value your Expertise so that’s five thousand and Then I’m like I show my wife and she Still thinks it’s a dumb investment but I say but I’m not paying for it and I’m Working harder yes sure but I love my my Work my my business my job I love it I Love I love being creative building These designing writing Copy being a Marketer like I love this and so he’s Like okay you do you like it’s your Decision it’s your car it’s your money And then I get another one Um similar prize and I make 10 000 in I Think it was 10 days Money in the Bank Cash collected up front and now I go and Visit the store the dealership so I go There on a Saturday I take the train is Five hours I haven’t even seen the car Right in person I’ve only seen images

And I’ve signed all the papers yeah I’ve Done all the work I just have to go There and when I get there it’s Interesting because he looks at me the Sales person he looks at me kind of Interesting like like I’m like I’m crazy Because I look at it for like two Minutes yeah it’s like looks good let’s Start it let’s take a look at it he’s Like you want to go for a test drive Like I’m like no I’m good I already love It I love it because for me it’s a Mental anchor that this is something I’ve worked super hard for and it’s Something that I’ve earned and also at The same time it’s just a toy so if you Stole it from me today I would be still Just as happy if you took my entire Business I would still be just as happy And all I had to pay for this from my Own money from the down payment was 50 Bucks for the train ticket so now we go Into the monthly payment so we have 700 Per month And I look at my passive income streams And I say okay so the course isn’t super Passive because I update it all the time Literally this week I’ve been filming so Many videos my funnel agency isn’t Passive because I’ve been well I build Funnels it’s my time and I build my team And now I’m hiring people and I Systemize it but it’s not passive but I Have one thing that’s passive and that’s

My affiliate commission so there’s a lot Of affiliate marketers online some of Them promote like Amazon products they Do reviews and they get like I think Five or four three percent of all the Sales generated through that link and so I generate um I promote softwares so SAS Software as a service and I have Multiple different softwares that I Promote that help people build a Business online and I use these myself Right so we have like click funnels and We have active campaign and we have like All these things right and so what I uh Do is just put out more videos on YouTube to then show these tools and Provide a lot of free value and then a Couple people from those videos go and Sign up for the thing because I Recommend it and I I only recommend what I use so people trust me because I’m not An affiliate marketer who pushed a ton Of products to get those commissions I Have my own business a real business and Then I just add the products and Recommend them when I love something and So with click funnels I’m like yeah I Love click funnels be using it for years And so I just make a few videos and then People use it more and I get more Commissions and now I’ve scaled it to uh I’m just gonna say four figures because It’s growing Um so I don’t want to get too much

Specific details because a month from This it could be completely different But it’s thousands per month and I Actually increased it by 700 per month By doing that and now I don’t have a Monthly payment and so this is my way of Gamifying this whole thing and obviously Yes there’s gonna be people in the Comments saying oh but what about taxes What about this what about that what About all these things guys I’m still Paying the car I’m the one who’s is Doing it but instead of making 15 20K Per month I was able to scale my Business to 30k per month and a 300 000 Per year business through multiple Streams of income in the funnel industry So for you what’s the lesson I don’t Know if you want to buy something Um maybe have a long-term mindset it’s Okay to buy nice things but first Um make sure you’ve earned it by not Like being impatient so first do the Right things then you can invest into Having fun because what’s the point if You’re working super hard and you’re not Having any fun that’s it subscribe [Music]

Ace The Funnel Builder
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