One of the best ways for you to improve Any website but especially your own Personal portfolio website is by Embedding a video of yourself right There in the hero section people want to See your face and they want to hear your Voice and it's much easier for them to Consume a video than to read through Your entire landing page now if you're Going to do this I would suggest using a Tool like Vimeo and hosting your video There and then embedding it onto your Website by using Vimeo you can match the Colors of your brand with the play Button and you can also toggle the Different settings that you want to show In the player I do this on almost every Website that I build and it's a great Way to engage people and to increase Your conversions
Instantly improve your #webdesign with this one simple trick
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!
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