HONEST Kartra Review 2022 ❇️ Is Kartra Worth It? 🥶

What’s going on guys welcome to my Karcher review video so today i’m going To be going over everything you need to Know about katra and giving you a honest Car chat review okay so we’re not just Going to be going through the pros of Karcher but we’re going to be going Through the cons as well so you’re going To be getting a real good idea of what Cartridge is all about you’re going to Be learning what is kartra i’m going to Be going for the pros and cons obviously I’m going to be going through the Cartridge pricing and most importantly You’re going to be getting a inside look Of the cartridge software so you can see Cartridge in action and you can kind of See all the features for yourself on Video and you can see me work around the Software and all the different tools and Features that cartridge has to offer Guys do or are looking for a car to Trial then you can click the link down Below to get a karcher trial for only One dollar however before you do Actually go ahead and do that please Watch this video so you can actually Have a full understanding of what katra Has to offer but with all that being Said let’s begin all right so as you can See we are inside of cartridge so this Is going to be your culture dashboard Where you can just navigate through all The different tools and features inside

Of culture so you have the product Section your email marketing where it’s Where you’re going to be creating your Pages your forms your membership sites You get the picture i’ll be going Through all this in a lot of detail Throughout the video showing you all the Features inside of karcher but before we Actually begin and show you through Every little bit of the software i want You to like have a good understanding of The pros and the cons of this software And i want to explain briefly what Exactly cartridge is all about all right So i actually went ahead and created a Powerpoint for this video so if we go to My powerpoint right here i created a Very quick slide here explaining what Culture is all about so if you don’t Know already culture is pretty much a Collection of essential business tools That you need to run an online business So it’s an all-in-one solution where you Manage all of these different tools in a Single account and the tools you’re Going to be managing inside of culture Are going to be your shopping cart System right here your email marketing Because culture has their own email Marketing autoresponder a complete Affiliate management system so you can Recruit an army of affiliates promoting Your products so you get a bunch of free Traffic right a sales funnel builder so

You can create landing pages sale Funnels webinars whatever it may be Departure videos so you can host videos Without them being on youtube to the Public culture helped us which is going To be the support help desk membership Sites web hosting split testing so you Get all these tools inside of culture Which is why a culture is known as an All-in-one super tool all right so now That we have a basic understanding of What culture is all about let’s go over The pros and the cons together so with Any software guys with any product with Anything in life there’s always going to Be pros and cons my advice when it comes To evaluating the pros and the cons is To look at if the pros are going to Outweigh the cons and in my opinion they Do but there’s always going to be con so Let’s go over the cons right now so the First con is going to be their pricing Plans and the reason why i even call This a con by the way is mainly because I know that committing to recurring Pricing plans like this can be a bit of A struggle sometimes depending on which Stage you are throughout your business But with that being said i think we all Can agree And can clearly see that you do get a Lot more value than what you’re paying For monthly especially if you keep Consideration that you would normally

Have to pay a lot more separately for All the individual features you get Inside of car drive so i think the Silver package is going to be the Perfect middle ground long term but the Startup punch will be more than Sufficient now i did real quick want to Actually show you how you can get a 30-day trial instead of a 14-day trial Of kartra and i wanted to quickly show You this in today’s video because i know A lot of people aren’t talking about and This can really give you more time to Really try out the platform before Making a concrete decision on whether or Not you want to use culture long term so All you guys have to do just simply Click the top link down below in the Video description and it has to be Through the link down below because you Need to see the start your troll option Right here or else this method won’t Work and this is at the time recording This video so this could change in the Future but all you have to do is click On start your trial and you’ll be Redirected to the processing page right Here and you want to make sure that you See the pick your 14-day troll option Right here or else this won’t work and Then what you want to do now is just Hover over your tab and try to like you Know exit out of it and then you’ll see That you actually get this pop-up right

Here that says for a limited time get Your 30-day trial by clicking below so You can actually double your trial and Get more time using the culture platform Through using the link down below so i Just want to quickly mention that for You the second con is that live chat is An open 24 7 for cartridge and the last Con is going to be that cartridge isn’t Really designed for blocking purposes so If you are an seo if you’re creating Content and want to rank it on google And you’re using wordpress cartridge is Not going to be able to replace your WordPress blog i’m just going to be Honest with you It’s not designed for blogging all right You can replace everything else with Color chip or not your blogging platform Or wordpress okay so now that we’ve Covered the cartridge columns let’s go Over the cartridge pros so if we go over Here we have a bunch of culture pros and The first one’s gonna be done for you Campaigns so if we exit out of this real Quick and if we go to kartra we can go To campaigns and you’ll see that you Have a assortment of different campaigns You can choose from and a lot of these Campaigns were actually designed by Frank kern so if we click on this one Right here this campaign was actually Created by frank cohn himself so you can Actually just go ahead and model success

And implement this to your business Right off the bat for free inside of Cartridge so i found this to be like a Nice Big bonus actually inside of cartridge That you can leverage right off the bat Now if we go to our pros list right here Cartridge is a very clean and easy to Use interface which is a big pro as well I simply drag and drop a page editor They have three cartridge courses so if We go back over here and we click on Culture reverse training portal you will Come to this page right here and they Actually offer two free courses right Off the bat if you have cartridges so The first course right here is the Cultural training program which teaches You how the culture actually works and How you can really maximize all the Features and settings inside of Cartridge and the second course right Here is the cartridge accounting which Is going to show you how you can Actually implement the marketing Campaigns how you can start you know Running the email campaigns and how you Can just really do all the marketing Aspects of your business so it’s pretty Much like a marketing course right here And this is going to be a cartridge Navigation course so you can pretty much Get familiar with the software so those Are the courses you get with culture and

You can also sell your products with Upsells and down sales that’s pretty Standard stuff as well but it’s Important and you’ll be surprised how Many other softwares out there don’t Even allow you to add upsells and Downsells and naturally you can build Any type of sales funnel or page you Like and in fact if we go to culture and We go to my pages you can create any Page you want so if you click on my page Right here you can create squeeze pages Via sales pages thank you pages long Sales pages common scene pages they have A bunch of templates you can use right Off the bat for all these different Templates and legal pages whatever you Want pretty much and you can do this Inside of a card shop very quickly and Very easily so you can build any type of Sales funnel sales page and they have a Bunch of templates to complement that as Well they have their own built-in email Marketing tool which has super high Deliverability rates all right now i’ve Done a lot of research to confirm this What i’ve been told by a lot of people Who’ve used cartridge is that their Email marketing tool is the bomb all Right so the emails you send inside of Carlton are not going to be sent to spam File but they’re going to be sent in Your subscribers inbox so that you have More eyeballs onto your email so i have

Split testing for maximum conversions Leveraged cultures video hosting you can Have an army of affiliates leveraging a Cartridge affiliate management system so You can have all these other people Permitting your products without you Spending any money on ads so that’s the Whole purpose of an affiliate management System you can create amazing membership Sites for your digital products and all Of your marketing campaigns inside of Culture will be gdpr compliance so if we Go over here you can actually go over Here to your profile and you click on Gdpr and this is where you’re going to See your gdpr settings and you can have The option to pretty much activate gdpr On all your pages so as you can see here You want to be gdpr compliant you can Just tick this right here and all your Culture pages and all your forms are Going to have all this information right Here you know the gdpr terms agreement Clauses two agreement labels right here The cookies disclaimer banner that is Going to be on all your pages so if You’re concerned about being gdpr Compliant then you don’t have to worry About that because you can easily do That with just a click of a button Inside of culture which makes life a Million times easier and last but not Least is that you do have a 30-day Money-back guarantee and most software’s

Out there have a 30-day money-back Guarantee if you don’t like culture Maybe culture isn’t right for your Business you can always get your money Back no worries and yes so we’ve gone Over the karcher pros we’ve gone over The cartridge cons and we’ve covered Exactly what katra is all about and the Tools that culture has inside of their Software now let’s go over to their main Page and let me show you some of their Features In the actual culture software itself Because there’s a lot of different Things in culture that i want to go over As well but now that we actually have a Foundational understanding of cultural We can really dive deep into their Specific tools in a lot of detail and Show you some demos of how the software Works right so to start the video let’s Go ahead and go over to my integrations Because when you first get your trial Account in culture and start using that You want to integrate all of your Different payment integrations or Anything else that you want to actually Use inside of cartridge so you can do That right here so for example if you Want to integrate paypal stripe Braintree or authorize that you can do That right here so that you can actually Accept payments within culture and that Moves on to the next thing i want to

Talk about briefly which is the culture Products page where you can actually Create your products you can do your Tracking you can actually add coupons Manage sales tax and self billing here As well and this is going to be where You manage your affiliates so if you Want to actually have affiliates for Your product you can set up your Affiliate program right here for your Specific product and you can have Affiliates permit your product for you All the time and if we go over here you Can see all the analytics for your sales For your affiliates and your overall Transactions as well everything right Here is going to be in the sales Analytics you can check all your Products right here your whole funnels Yeah so you have a lot of data a lot of Information you can go back to and look At anytime so now if we go to my pages We’ll be creating our first page inside Of culture because a lot of you guys Want to have a look of the cartridge Interface and how that drag and drop Editor actually works so let’s go ahead And choose a template and again we have A lot of different templates we can Choose from right off the bat so let’s Just go ahead and click on squeeze pages And let’s click on one of those squeeze Pages templates so let’s go ahead and Click on

This one right here it’s quite simple And it looks very nice so we’ll click on That and we’ll click on launch builder And what we want to do now is just give This a name so let’s call it culture Demo For video And we’ll select the category which is Going to be no category in particular And we’re going to click on create to Start creating our new page alright so Here we are we are in the page editor we Can make this completely customizable we Can change the color we can do anything To it so if we go over the settings we Can change seo parameters we can add our Tracking codes for ad purposes we can Add our tags page redirects and if we go To styles we can you know change the Background the fonts the font styles and All that type of stuff now if we go to Sections this is where you’re going to Be seeing all your blog templates so if You want to add in like for example A call to action you can choose from Other variety called action templates And you can just go ahead and drag and Drag and drop it like this and you’ll Have a call to action template now you Probably want to add a call to action Template on A squeeze page but you you know what i Mean like you can just drag and drop all Of this onto here and what we can do is

Actually go and use this to add aspects Of this for an example but if we go over Here and we click on components right Here we can actually add like the small Little details within the page so we’re Only going to be modifying the Components instead of the columns but if We click on columns we’re only going to Be seeing the columns and we’re not Going to be able to add the components So you can always like see the high Level overview of all your stuff by Clicking on columns but let’s just click On components and we can add all of this Right now if we actually want to drag And drop this we can just drag this like Right here That doesn’t look the best but just for Example purposes we can also clone this The style we can go ahead and delete This if you want We can go over here with this as well we Can add the text so we can just point in Any text let’s just point in yeah random Letters set this example and we can Always undo our actions so we can click On undo undo undo undo to make it look Like the way it was before and we can Click on here to actually go ahead and Delete this section because it’s not Going to be too relevant to our squeeze Page and there you go this is pretty Much how the editor works and there’s Still a lot more i want to show you as

Well by the way so if we go back to Sections we can add call to actions Features we can add countdown timers so If you want to add some scarcity to your Squeeze page or to your offers you can Definitely leverage these countdown Timers and you can just drag and drop This here and you’ll have countdown Timers it does look really nice but i’m Going to go ahead and delete this just For example purposes and we’ll use Something else because there’s a lot of Different things we can use now if we go To footers you can see that we have a Bunch of templates and yeah it looks Pretty nice doesn’t it so if we go back To block templates if we go to faqs you Can add faq boxes and you want to answer Some of the questions regarding your Product you can have faq so that could Increase conversions and really add a Lot of value to your customers so those Are some of the block templates again Testimonials download boxes opt-in forms I mean there’s just everything here so If we go to components now you have Columns headlines text buttons images Look up compositions so these are going To be like your graphics so you can add Up like a picture of your product or Whatever and yeah you have like a bunch Of mock-ups like done for you already Which is pretty cool you can have videos Countdown timers boxes

So these components right here is what You’re going to be dragging In between your columns so like i can For example add a countdown timer and i Can put this like right here So you see how that you know goes well With this you can basically add Components sorry to your components Within the columns so your components Are going to be inside of the columns And your columns are going to have all Of the components inside of the columns That make sense so yeah these are the Components we can add to our funnel so If we go back to pop-up window this is Where we’re gonna be adding our pop-up If you want to add like some sort of Exit pop-up before our visitors leave And we can add footer bars as well so we Can choose this footer bar for example We can just drag it here and as you can See There’s going to be a folder bar right Here like i click on the action scarcity I mean this looks pretty nice especially When it comes to adding scarcity and Increasing conversions for your sales Funnel or for your pages so that’s what You can do inside the photo section we Can add basically a help desk so when People go to the bottom right hand Corner of your page they can click for Supports and people can submit a support Ticket and get more help and more

Support for your product all right so You can add code here if you want to Mess around with that and yeah i mean That’s pretty much what you can do Inside the editor it’s pretty awesome It’s very simple to use so let’s go Ahead and go back to the main culture Page and i’m just going to click on Leave all right so we are back inside of Culture and we went to my product so we Already covered this in today’s video so We went over how we can create products Here how we can actually have affiliates So this is going to be our affiliate Management system inside of culture for Our products and we can check the Analytics right here as well so we’ve Already read over this already so let’s Go over to the next one my communication Is going to be where you actually manage Your emails so you can see a list leads Tags you can manage your communications By setting up broadcasters sequences or Animations and you can go to analytics Right here and you’ll notice that in the Analytics section for your email Marketing since all these tools are Integrated with each other is that You’ll actually see a new statistic here Which is going to be showing you how Much revenue you’re actually generating From your emails so i found this to be Quite unique and very exclusive towards Carter at the point of making this video

So it’s very interesting so if we go to My pages already created our pages Already now if we go to my forms this is Where we’re actually going to be Integrating the form so people can Actually opt in on our culture pages all Right so if we go to my forms i don’t Know why i didn’t load so just click on That now We can add you know correct forms so These forms are going to be integrated With our pages and if we go to my Memberships right here we can create Membership sites right here so if you’re A course creator if you’re selling Digital products you can create Membership sites right here and you can Basically integrate your product right Here and start selling products right Off the bat and you can give your Customers access to their membership Site which was what they’re going to be Buying from you right as a online Digital course creator so you can go Ahead here and click on membership and You can give your membership a name so Let’s call my membership Test for video i don’t know what to Really call it for the video so it’s Going to call it tesla video click on Create and it will load up where we can Actually start building our page so we Can just give our membership site some Basic information okay test for video

Tests for video external url so what you Want to do right here is because a lot Of people are going to be going on your Membership login page right so if you Actually have like some sort of like Sales promotion page on your login page So if people who haven’t actually Purchased can go on your login page and Click on the button where they’ll be Taken to your promotional page where They can actually buy the course right So you want to put in your sales page Right here then click on save and next And this is where you’ll build your Membership portal let’s go to builder we Can click on builder and we can load a Membership builder and manipulate our Membership so this is going to be where Your logo is so this isn’t really a Proper logo i just uploaded an example Logo here for this video but you want to Upload your logo here and you can do That in your profile section you can Click on upload logo here and you can Just change it here if you want and the Page editor on the side of here is drag And drop as well so you can drag and Drop certain elements so this is going To where you’re going to be adding Categories so you could have one Category being the videos about youtube So there we go And you can have it like another Category about let’s just say google so

This is where you’re going to be adding Your categories you can add a new post By clicking here so this is going to be A new post for google adwords so you’ll Have the name of the post so let’s just Put in lesson one we can have a Description just put in anything here And click on save so this is going to be A post and right here you can add Content so you can add a headline you Can add a video you can upload this Video onto cartridge video and you can Click on no category and you can select The video that you want to upload to Your membership area so just click on Welcome for example and you can add you Know dividers right here to make it look Nice you can add a download box a button You can you can add um an important box Which is really nice actually so if you Want to your customers or you want your People visiting your membership site to Know something important about it like Don’t share this course to the public or Something then you can state that here You can add a checkbox which looks Really nice professional and yeah that’s Pretty much how you use all these Different tools right here you can click On actions right here click on save and Exit if you want for an example and you Can choose the color of your membership Area you can choose some of these Templates

As you can see there’s lots of different Templates we can choose from so let’s Just choose This one right here and we can click on Save and exit and then we can move on to The next steps when it comes to creating Our membership area so i don’t want this The whole video to be about the Membership area i just want to like kind Of go through all these features so you Have a high level overview of everything But so far i’ve covered the my Membership areas with the forms and my Pages my communications and my products So let’s go over my videos which is Going to be cartridges video hosting Platform so if we go over here let’s Click on this and as you can see this is Cartridges videos so this is where You’re going to be uploading your videos Using karcher’s video hosting platform So this is all about replacing wistia And vimeo and all these other softwares That you have to pay money for where you Can just leverage cultures built in Video hosting and obviously a lot of People are going to be using youtube but For example if you want to actually host Videos for your membership course and You want that content being exclusive For the people that buy your course and You don’t want that content in public Then what you can do is actually Leverage culture video to upload the

Content and cultural video so that your Content is only going to be seen within Your membership course so it’s not going To be public it’s not going to be Unlisted it’s not going to be anything Like that where people can share and Expose and leak your course it’s going To be inside of your course and that’s The only place people are going to find That right that’s what you can use Culture video for and you can obviously Host videos in here as well for other Stuff if you want and if we go to Analytics right here we can actually see Your engagement and you can see a lot of Statistics like you can with youtube as Well so there’s a lot of data right here As well you can keep in mind like watch Time which is pretty good you can check Out the engagement as well now if we go To my calendars right here this is where You’re able to schedule appointments for Your clients and for your customers and Your visitors in general for your Funnels so if we go to here to the plus Calendar option right here we can select The calendar model for either a Consulting model your recurring class Model a g model or a live event model so Let’s go ahead and click and cancel but That’s exactly what you can do inside The culture calendar click on agenda Where you can see more information and Do more of your managing right here and

This is where you’re going to be able to Like you know review and approve and Reschedule your appointments so if you Want to be organized if you want to Leverage this you can definitely Leverage this part of the tool to be Organized and to review and schedule Your appointments now if we head over to My help desk right here this is going to Be where you can add a support panel and A help desk to your funnels so for an Example if you have a page you can add a Column on the right bottom right hand Corner where people can click on it and They can submit support tickets or even Like a live chat for an example so if we Go to help desk this is where you can Create one from scratch you can you know Organize your tickets and see all the Tickets right here same with your live Chat and you can see the analytics and See how people are responding to your Help desk when it comes to like you know Your live chat your tickets and all that Type of stuff so that’s going to be your Help desk now if we go to my campaigns We are addresses as well a little bit so If we go to done for you campaigns you Can choose from a variety of different Done for your campaign a lot of them Have actually been designed by frank Kern himself and you can just go ahead And click on one of them so let’s just Click on this one for an example and you

Can use it within your karcher account For free so let’s just click out of that And if we go to my marketplace right Here you can also actually buy funnels And all these different pages from other Marketers as well yeah i just wanted to Show you that as well because that does Actually exist probably just stick with The campaigns here and the done for you Campaigns that you can leverage from Frank kern because frank kern is a Well-known marketer he’s done this for Years and years and years if we go over To integrations we can integrate Everything so if you want to integrate Payments your membership sites emails Sms calendars whatever it may be you can Do all this in your integration section If you want to promote products from the Culture affiliate marketplace you can go Ahead and click on marketplace and you Can see all of that if you want you Don’t have to do that but that’s Something you can do inside of card shop Now if we go to promotions you know You’ll see all this information here you Can see your analytics here you see your Payments all that type of stuff all Right so that’s culture and all the Tools you get inside and giving you an Inside view of the cartridge software Now if you click the top link in the Video description you’re going to be Able to get a one dollar trial of cash

Because with this you’re going to be Able to really get the hang of the Software really get to use karcher to See if it’s going to be right for you But that being said thanks for watching Today’s video make sure to leave a like Subscribe for more content and yeah Peace out.

Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial

Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)

Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder

Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help

Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee.  I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.

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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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