Mastering Efficiency: Learn how to finish all your work in just 2 hours every day!

Are you tired of always feeling like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything on your to-do list? Do you find yourself constantly falling behind on work, feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Well, it’s time to put an end to all that! In this blog post, we’ll be discussing how to become a master of efficiency – how to finish all of your work in just 2 hours every day! With the right techniques and mindset, you can revolutionize the way you work and achieve more than ever before. So, let’s get started!

Mastering Efficiency: Learn how to finish all your work in just 2 hours every day!


Do you feel like you’re always working but never getting anything done? Do you spend hours on end staring at your computer screen without producing anything productive? It’s time to take charge of your productivity and master efficiency! With these tips, you can learn how to finish all your work in just two hours every day.

Schedule Your Tasks During Your Biological Prime Time (BPT)

Certain work requires a lot of creativity and brainpower. You can’t force yourself to be creative when you’re exhausted, and you can’t expect to get any work done when your brain feels foggy. That’s why it’s important to schedule these tasks during your biological prime time (BPT).

Your BPT is when you are the most productive, awake, and have the most energy. For most people, this time is in the morning, but it can vary depending on your individual sleep schedule. Pinpoint your most productive hours to schedule work around them.

Avoid Distractions During Your BPT

Distractions can kill productivity, especially during your BPT. Emails, social media, and other notifications can wait. Turn off your phone, close your email, and focus on the task at hand. You need to give your full attention to the work you’re doing to be efficient and productive.

Schedule the Most Important Tasks During Your BPT

To get a full day’s worth of work done in 1-2 hours, schedule the most important tasks during your BPT. This is when you’re the most productive, so you can knock out the essential tasks without distractions or interruptions. Once you’ve completed these tasks, you’ll be free to tackle less demanding work.

Track Your Tasks to Find Your BPT

To find your BPT, track your tasks and rate each hour based on your energy levels. Over time, you’ll be able to see a pattern emerge, and you can use this data to schedule your most challenging tasks during your BPT. You can use popular time tracking apps like RescueTime or Toggl to help you track your time effectively.

Increase Productivity by Completing Difficult Tasks

Following these steps can increase productivity when completing difficult tasks. You’ll be able to work smarter, not harder, and you’ll be getting more work done in less time. By scheduling during your BPT and avoiding distractions, you’ll be able to break through creative blocks and work at your best.


Mastering efficiency is all about working smarter, not harder. By scheduling tasks during your BPT and avoiding distractions, you can complete all your work in just two hours every day. Remember to track your tasks to find your most productive working hours, and you’ll be able to power through challenging tasks in no time.


  1. What is Biological Prime Time (BPT)?
    Biological Prime Time (BPT) is the time of day when your body and mind are most alert, productive, and energized.

  2. How can I find my BPT?
    You can find your BPT by tracking your tasks and rating each hour based on your energy levels. Over time, you’ll be able to see patterns emerge, and you can use this data to schedule your most challenging tasks.

  3. How can I avoid distractions during my BPT?
    To avoid distractions during your BPT, turn off your phone, close your email, and focus on the task at hand. You need to give your full attention to the work you’re doing to be efficient and productive.

  4. Can I be productive outside my BPT?
    Of course! Your BPT is just a guide to help you be more productive. You can still get work done outside this window, but you may find that tasks require more effort and time.

  5. Is being efficient the same as being effective?
    Efficiency is about working smarter, while effectiveness is about working harder. When you’re efficient, you’re able to complete work in less time, but when you’re effective, you can produce high-quality work consistently.

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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