All right so this might sound a little Bit crazy but this is the closest thing That i have found to legally printing Money and now this is not a Get-rich-quick scheme this is a Education company and starting And selling digital products templates Courses coaching that sort of stuff Pretty much anything that people can buy Through an order form and a sales funnel And then get added automatically to Their stuff and you don’t have to be Involved whatsoever so you set it up Once and then it runs on autopilot and i Have been able to make over six figures Doing this myself and so in this video I’m gonna break down how i do it the Seven different things you have to focus On and once you set that up it’s gonna Run without you but fair warning please Do not be one of these sketchy gurus out There where they just focus on selling And selling and selling and they never Update their product they never update Their course they never update new Videos they never respond to questions So please if you do this don’t do it Just to make money and forgetting your Customers actually Serve and care about your students and That way this is going to be a great Revenue stream for you so whether you Have an online business already selling Services you know other products or if you’re just starting and launching or Wanting to launch it into the product.
This is a great way for you to Generate an additional couple of Thousand dollars per month which is what I have been doing for a couple of years Now and it is still bringing me Thousands of dollars every single month To my business but first let’s talk About the elephant in the room you see a Lot of people want to have passive Income through courses digital products And they want to make money but the fact Is statistically ninety percent of People Fail you know businesses start they fail Within the first three years and so how Can you avoid that what can you do to Separate yourself and actually succeed Well if we look at patterns of Businesses that fail and patterns of Business that succeed the ones that Actually succeed are the ones who have Frameworks strategies and systems in Place to building an audience then Turning those visitors and audience Those followers into leads so you can Nurture those grow your audience Actually own Your list and your audience you can Reach those people with a single click And then actually turn those into sales And customers and buyers of those Digital products that you launch and
Also this is not just for courses if You’re selling events maybe challenges Workshops anything in the video that People can buy through an order form This will work for you as well so here’s The seven things that i would focus on That you need to have in place To actually launch a successful Education company or digital product Business so first thing you need is a Niched community then you need a digital Scalable offer a two-step funnel a Membership area content marketing angles Freebie hooks and finally an email list We turn those leads into paying Customers through promotions and that Sort of stuff and in just a second we’re Gonna break those seven down so i’m Gonna share examples for each of these So you know exactly what to do at every Single step but i just as a side note There’s actually one more thing you can Do to grow your audience that i did and I still kind of sometimes do i used to Leverage other people’s audiences opa Other people’s audiences so in real Estate people use other people’s money You know the banks and investors money To buy real estate and that’s how they Grow their investment portfolio but for Us we can leverage other people’s Audiences and go on a podcast we can do Interviews in other people’s facebook Groups so i used to go in other people’s
Facebook groups and they would interview Me and i would provide valuable content I would share what i know and that’s Hopefully you know valuable to them and In exchange i gave them a free gift so i Said at the end of the interview i said If you want to learn how to do this i Have a free gift you can go here to Check it out and i drop the link and That way we built reciprocity i provide Value first and people say okay this guy Really knows he’s talking about and so They went to download the free thing Some people messaged me and you know They wanted to buy something or they Went to my paid offer and the actual Sales funnel which we’re talking about In this video The automated course funnel sold them Something and that’s because i leveraged Other people’s audiences and through That i was also able to bring in a Couple hundred people maybe a thousand People into my audience of targeted People who are interested in what i had To say and share with them so that’s Just a side note but that is free Traffic keep in mind that’s free traffic That’s a free way of you to get more Leads and get more sales to your Business okay so now let’s break down The seven different pillars and start With a niche community so a lot of People talk about picking a niche well
If you want to sell courses to let’s say A fitness community and you’re helping Them with this specific outcome right What you want to do first is find the Niche community somewhere else because If there’s no communities it means There’s no demand there’s not enough Demand for you to actually build a Six-figure digital business so you want To find you know these groups on Facebook you go in and you add these People to your friends list so people Who post people who like who comment who Are active in other people’s groups that Means they’re also active when you add Those as friends to your profile so you Can have 5000 friends on facebook so me I have a lot of people interested in Funnels and funnel agencies and their Freelancers and course traders and Coaches consultants which is what my Offers you know can help people with but You want to go into communities where They’re hanging around because they want To learn how to get this specific Outcome so you go on facebook you type In like fitness gym weight loss whatever It is and you add those people and try To get to 5 000 friends the next thing Then is an all-inclusive offer so Instead of just having a simple offer That’s kind of like yeah an example of Having a bad offer would be where you Just kind of scratch the itch
So you know let’s say you help people Fix their back pain or just remove the Entire pain from their body their joints Whatever it is scratching the itch would Be something like hey i help you stretch Like something that can pretty much Learn on youtube like that’s a commodity Right but if you told me like right now I’m i’m healing from a back pain and Injury and so if you said here’s a Complete package where i will remove Your pain Your back pain in as little as 10 Minutes per day for five days or three Days whatever it is and so it’s like a Complete transformation from being in Pain not being able to sleep properly Because you can’t really move in bed Because your back pain is so Excruciating To just removing the entire pain Through these simple exercises you can Do from anywhere that’s a great offer so With funnels for example instead of Saying you can learn how to build Beautiful funnels that look fancy which Is like a benefit it’s like a feature Like funnel design but instead i would Say i actually help you generate passive Income through digital products using These funnels right or i help you Achieve freedom and make 10k per month With your funnel agency and so instead Of just teaching funnel design you know
What we teach is how to get clients how To deliver actually funnels that convert So that you get happy clients which is Sustainable and long-term growth for a Business so it’s like the full Transformation instead of just saying oh Learn this one thing and then three this One is pretty simple this is a two-step Funnel it’s just a sales page An order form and thank you page so you Can you can see examples on Fulton funnel designer this works for Lower ticket let’s say you know a couple Of dollars to a hundred dollars to 500 Or even a thousand dollar it’s just the More expensive the product is the longer The purchasing journey is gonna be for a Buyer so for me i post on facebook Instagram youtube and tech talk and all The things and so people watch my Content when they’re ready to buy they Go to the link i don’t have to be Involved You know my content lives on the Internet so that’s what you want to Focus on and you set up those funnels is Simple just make sure that you know how To design or how to write the copy so That it can work as a salesperson for You 24 7. number four a membership pair This is just where you upload your Videos or your downloadables so this Could be you know if you sell a bundle
Kit of downloadables you want to have Those okay here’s where you download Everything maybe a tutorial that walks Them through how to implement what You’re giving them this example with Full-time funnel designer there’s like 100 videos in there so like we have Structured the modules and everything But you want to have a content portal Where they can easily log in you don’t Have to be involved you just connect it Either through click funnels to kajabi Or if some cases if you’re using like Podia then maybe you use a software like Zapier to zap this information boom add It to the membership area and have Access without you having to be there Number five this is where you turn your Content into marketing angle so instead Of posting content to try to look cool You post content that are marketing Meaning they’re moving people closer to The sale that’s what marketing is you’re Switching beliefs you’re meeting them Where they’re at you confirm their Suspicions you Join the conversation that’s already Going on in their mind and you talk to Their pain so they know they feel Understood but then you move them closer To the cell so like a great example of Bad marketing would be hey you know this Is what i do that’s kind of like talking About yourself which they don’t really
Care about you they care about their Problems so a great example would be Let’s say it’s you know in the Relationship niche if you’re working With people helping them find their Dream partner example a great copy or Great content would be How to content so how to find your Long-term partner you know another great Example would be biggest mistakes so That would be the category of mistakes That people are making that are causing This pain so biggest mistakes when Looking for a long-term partner another One is why finding a long-term partner Has nothing to do with Looks for an example so these are more Like polarizing content pieces that are Also working as marketing because people Might have limiting beliefs like if i Want to find a partner it’s all in the Looks but you might be teaching Confidence communication and that sort Of stuff and now number six freebie Hooks so this is what i call 25 Downloadable so think of a house let’s Say you have four different pillars the House is standing on right the Downloadables are hooks to get people Into your email list into your community Right like so i have a facebook group of 4 000 people right now an email list of 6 000 leads and so when i get people to Join i kind of own that community and
That email list but how do you get them In well you can’t just get them to sign Up for an email like newsletter nobody Wants to be on a newsletter if it’s not Like super valuable so what you want to Do is you want to offer one of the Pillars of the house so a 25 Downloadable would be like hey here’s a Free funnel template that get you Launched and then you can figure it out And if it’s confusing like here’s a paid Offer that gives you the full Transformation so that’s kind of like Scratching the edge not the paid offer The freebie can do that it’s almost like Getting people the first win so that They can see like this person knows what They’re talking about i want to work With them over this other person who’s Just like hyping it up but never Actually showing what they can do so It’s a way to also help them and provide Value but also build trust because you Show what you can do for them so now you Might be asking yourself like what type Of downloadable could you offer for your Business for your digital product so I’ve given a couple examples here it Could be something with mindset it could Be to so tips tricks tutorials it could Also be assets or gear tips so an Example if your outcome is you help People lose 10 pounds in six weeks then The freebie could be
Five simple homework outs you can do in 10 minutes per day to lose 10 pounds in The next six weeks so five simple Homeworks you can do in 10 minutes per Day To lose 10 pounds in six weeks that’s How to Right but then you can also break their Beliefs and and kind of meet them what They think that they should be doing and Explain to them why that’s not working And do this instead so A freebie a downloadable could be three Broken diets Stopping you from losing weight so That’s like there’s an intrigue there Curiosity like i want to see What those broken diets are maybe that’s Why i haven’t been able to lose weight Because i’m following broken diets so Think for your business what it would be Get them a quick win so that they want To you have to push them but they Actually want to join your paid offer And then finally number seven the email List so again this is why i said it’s Kind of like the the closest way to Printing money legally because i can for Example my email list i can push one Button and get out to thousands of People and i can get money coming Through with a special offer the same Day and so that’s why i say it’s like You just it’s like a money printer the
Bigger your audience is the bigger and More targeted those people are the more Nurtured the more value you provided and You built up the more give you give the More take you can do when you actually Push that button and launch a promotion So that’s it let’s quickly recap you Need a niche community you need a dental Scalable offer a two-page funnel a Membership a content marketing angle System then you need freebie hooks and An email list and community that you own So you can launch your monthly Promotions so for that helps now i’m Curious what type of niche you’re in who Is it that you Serve and the reason i ask this is Because i want you to comment below so i Can create more content for digital Product owners maybe you’re a course Creator a coach or consultant but you Want to have More content that shows you how to use Funnels to scale with automated course Funnels and if you want me to build your Funnel you can go to Because my new funnel agency is actually Working with course creators to build an Entire funnel for you i’m actually gonna Give you a special discount if you allow Me to Build a funnel Show this youtube community so send you
Some traffic as well but actually you Know use that as a video for my Community so that it can be available Content piece as well but yes you’ll get Everything copied design Email sequence mobile optimization and Everything in one place with a huge Discount if you send a message you can Go to facebook or instagram send me a Message and let’s see if it’s a good fit And i would build out your entire Automated course funnel so you can make Passive income with your courses and Built by me i built 400 funnels if you Don’t know who i am you can go check out The portfolio at the gossip song four Slash funnel dash portfolio or automated Course funnels dot com or if you would Prefer to just learn how to do this we Got funnel template you can just plug And play it at 37 Or full-time final designer where you Can learn the offer the salesman the Copy the design and everything for Yourself or if you’re a funnel designer Funnel agency you want to sell these Funnels for other people make a living That way All the links in the description and I’ll see in the next video