Was there a point when you were like I Want to become a thing on the internet I'll give you the long real answer I Really wanted to be rich and Anonymous And there's like one video that Caleb Was found of me being like content And I did that for a really long time And then what happened was Kylie Jenner Hit the front of Forbes and she was like 20 and a billionaire I was like Depressed for a day you know my ego was Like no it's just Chris and it was Organized and then Conor McGregor came Out with proper 12. boom 600 million and Then Huda Beauty and then the rock Finally I was at a buddy of mine he's Very famous and I was like don't you get Tired of like the weird messages people Threatening your family I was like that Sounds horrible he said if that's the Price I have to pay for the impact I Want to have I'd make that trade every Day of the week it just stabbed me after That point I was like all right we're Doing it
This Is Why I Started Posting
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!