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PS – Many bots/scammers on my channel. If it doesn’t have the checkmark next to it, it’s not me.
The person says I'm not really sure I'm Not sure if I want to move forward today Etc we say is totally understand what if This program were perfect would you do It then they'll say yes you say awesome Well then what's the difference between The perfect program in this program tell Me what's missing and what happens is They'll have to generate responses and Usually people are not very good at Generating responses when it comes to These types of things especially on the Spot and so a lot of times people Realize well I guess there isn't Anything missing and you say totally Understand that it might just be afraid Of making a mistake and I totally Understand too so why don't we talk About what we have to make sure that you Don't feel that way and some of the Things that we do to ensure that you get What you want fair enough great you can Close the deal if you're selling Services of any kind try this close