Special LIVE Interview With Mark Joyner – My FIRST BUSINESS MENTOR!

Join me for a very special LIVE interview with LEGENDARY marketer (and Funnel Hacking LIVE speaker) – MARK JOYNER!

Mark (A.K.A. The Father Of Digital Marketing) is an entrepreneur and author of over a dozen books – 4 of which were #1 Bestsellers! He started the FIRST ebook publishing company, was the inventor of the TRACKING pixel, AND started the first online ad tracking company. AND, he was the first to use one-click upsells and funnels in digital marketing!

Many Funnel Hackers know that Dan Kennedy is one of my heroes and mentors. (He was the mentor that helped me take my internet business and scale it.) But BEFORE Dan…Mark Joyner was my FIRST mentor who helped start my internet business! At the time, I was in college, and Mark was retiring from the world of internet marketing. So I bought his ‘Farewell Package’ with the last $1,000 that I had. I listened to Mark’s course again and again. That’s how I went from having NO money to getting my business started online!

I’m so excited to introduce you to my FIRST business mentor, and revisit some of the fun stories from when I was just getting started online! And more importantly, I can’t wait for Mark to share more with you about the ‘INTEGRATION marketing’ strategy that he’ll be speaking on at FHL 2022, so you can learn how to weave your business into other people’s sales funnels! That way, every time someone else’s funnel gains a new customer, that customer becomes YOURS as well!

The awkward second now what’s up Everybody we’re live I’m here today with One of my friends one of my mentors Someone who I’m so excited to be Bringing to funnel hacking live this Year I’m here with the one and only Mark Joyner Mark how are you doing today I’m Great man how are you I’m just so good I’m I am so pumped to see you in person I haven’t seen you in person since Yeah it’s been you came to Boise I Didn’t remember I mean four or five Years ago four or five years ago when we Did the the reality show that never we I Think you did one episode I hope you Still do that We just need to push it out Yeah it’s like on the 99 yard line I Will go get it done and yeah at any time I I thought the episode that we shot was Pretty interesting man I mean there’s a Lot of funny stuff in there actually Yeah Like this basement and film this like Dark cool like yeah I still use that Video to this day I haven’t been able to Beat that control man like that That’s so cool well for those who don’t Know who you are I’m gonna tell you my Story about you and then I’m gonna have You kind of introduce yourself but cool Um back when I first got on the internet And this is man now probably 20 years Ago like which is was strange to me I

Just had my 20-year anniversary Yesterday so about the same time my wife And I got married Um she was supporting me I was wrestling I was like I got to figure out a way to Like make money uh and help like to help And so I did what everyone does you go To Google and start typing how to make Money and I started going on the rabbit Hole and Googling things and getting People’s email lists and after about I Don’t know six months of this um I’d Gotten to probably 100 people’s email Lists and all of a sudden one day Probably the first coordinated product Launch that I was ever aware of in our Industry there was this Mark Joyner is Is retired from the internet his Farewell packaged and everyone was Emailing and my inbox was filled with This stuff and that was my first Introduction to you so I started going Like who’s Mark Joyner he’s The Godfather internet marketing he invented The ebook he invented like uh split or Testing and like um analytics all you See I’m like what in the world and so I Started studying you and learning about You and I kept seeing all these promos But the course you were selling was a Thousand dollars which I didn’t have at The time and so for weeks and then Months I kept watching this promotion And then finally I mean number one night

Uh I bought like a 27 interview that Mike Chen had done with you uh talking About the farewell package and you Retired from the internet and I remember Sitting down and listening to that and I Couldn’t sleep that whole night I stayed Up all night next morning my wife woke Up and I’m sitting there looking at her I’m like Can I spend a thousand dollars on this Thing and she’s like you’ve been trying So many things I was like this is the Thing that’s gonna change everything for Me and she said yes and put our credit Card I bought the farewell package and That like was the thing that changed my Life like of all the things I’ve done This was the thing like Austin I bought A farewell package went through your Trading and like the light bulbs clicked And like my life was forever shifted and Changed because of you so I don’t know How much I’ve ever told you that story But Um but you were the beginning for me man And so I’ve just been forever grateful For two decades now because you’ve Changed my life so much so that’s my Introduction to you but I’d love for you To introduce yourself For that man no not awkward at all I Mean I’ll tell you what so before I I Say a few things about myself I’ll just Comment on two things there that I think

Are extraordinary So one is you know normally you hear That story of like I spent my last Thousand dollars because it was my last Hope and it totally didn’t work it was right so it was a scam it Didn’t work yeah and I mean I’m glad That that I was able to be that unicorn For you you know you spent the money and It actually worked yeah um well I mean The the cool thing about that was was That was I was like hey I am actually Legitimately stepping down like I don’t Want to be the internet Guru internet Marketing Guru anymore I so I may as Well tell everybody like how I did it Because there’s a lot of stuff that I Did that people didn’t understand yeah Since then a lot of that stuff has Become de regor the other thing that I Wanted to comment on which is also Extraordinary was that a lot of people When they become successful later they Forget the people that helped them they Forget the origin of things it’s like oh I invented all of this myself and you Know nobody gets the credit you’re quite The opposite of that you’re quite Gracious about the way you do that so I Wanted to hat tip you for that it’s it’s A rare skill and I think it’s very Important because it creates a hell Healthier ecosystem of ideas when people Are recognizing how other people help

Them because when they don’t it punishes The Creator unless people want to create Everybody gets paranoid so cheers to you For that Um so in terms of you know talking about Myself uh I’ll talk about a classic Mistake people normally do when they do That they’re like well I’m gonna tell You every detail about my whole life Because you’re gonna find it super Interesting Um I’ll just tell the the high points Here that I think are relevant so I was In the military when I started doing Digital marketing and I was doing it Pre-internet on these things called Bulletin board systems I remember them No that’s right and and I’ll tell you What I was selling digital products back Then The a couple things that that I did that I think were significant there are a lot Of people in those early days that made Great contributions right and you know The whole father of digital marketing Thing propaganda like all propaganda I Made some important contributions I will Gladly take credit for but there were a Whole lot of other people involved in That too but some of the things that I Think were significant are so you know My company was responsible for the Tracking pixel Um uh we could talk about how that came

About but it’s evolved into something Very different now we were the first to Do you know one click upsells like as Funnels exist now we were the first to Do it but the concept of funnels and I Think you’re writing about this now is Of course much older than digital Marketing right you know I mean the the Idea of the customer funnel and I’m Curious to see how this fits in with you And Dan and you guys have been you know Talking about speaking out on it yeah And I mean this is something that uh Anybody in Commerce probably figured out It’s like oh okay I’ve created a Relationship with a customer how do I Optimize that to get get the most Possible money that’s the the Sensibility that you have to have to Come up with that answer I didn’t even know any of the Basic Marketing stuff I just started coming up With some of the answers on my own And some of the things that we came up With as a result of having conversations With digital marketers or not digital Marketers but classic old school direct Marketers like Joe Sugarman He taught me about for example things That he did with blue blockers people Would call up blue blockers and instead Of ordering just one they’d be ordering A blue blocker for their dog for their Grandma for everybody right I was like

Oh we’re not doing that on the internet At all we’re just like hey here’s a Product and then we give them a little Pat on the butt after they bought and Say thank you for your order it was a Huge wasted opportunity so we started You know optimizing that and thankfully It caught on and people were more uh Profitable now first ebook Publishing Company first uh ad Tracking Company and A whole bunch of other stuff that’s First that people are using these days Now which is which is kind of cool and I And I attribute most of this to luck uh If I hadn’t been at the right place at The right time you know these things Wouldn’t have happened but uh I’m Grateful so cool you lay the founder Station for so many of these principles And things that all of us use nowadays Every single day and Um yeah so it’s interesting now we’ve Been um it’s been fun because uh when I First met Union you were the first like Celebrity person and I was so scared to Ever talk to you because I was like oh I’m a little person here and like first Time we met you were so cool and then Throughout the years we’ve had a chance To go back and forth and hang out a few Times it’s just been super cool and I Know that we’ve talked about having you Come to funnel hiking live a couple Times and every time it hasn’t quite

Worked out because you’re out of the Country or covert hits or whatever the The problem is and um this year is The Perfect Storm where you’re in the Country and you’re able to come and like I’m so excited to have you there and uh And be able to share some of these Things because I know that Um uh obviously your marketing mind is Amazing but also you’ve built an amazing Business called simpleology that you run Nowadays plus you you know do a lot of Other things as well uh and just I’d Love for you to kind of talk about what Your plan is like what you want to be Talking about this year’s funnel hacking Live which you’re gonna be sharing with People So you wanted me to talk about Integration marketing which I will talk About but it’s interesting so I wrote a Book that I didn’t realize at the time Was going to be sort of a prequel to Integration marketing right so this book That I wrote called your roadmap to Money in the 2020 is at first I was kind Of like hey I want to you know teach People like hey what what an interesting Idea to teach people uh you know what’s Going to be important in 2020 to you Know for for marketing right and then I As this always happens with every book I’m like oh there’s actually a lot Deeper stuff I have to get into and it

Ended up being sort of like a hey here’s How futurism works and here’s what’s Going on in the world here’s the bigger Picture that you have to understand Right so I’m gonna give people a very Short version of like hey here are the The real essential points that you have To understand from that book like I’m Only going to be talking for 10 minutes And then you and I are going to be Having a conversation for another 10 I Think that’s how the the timing is going To work so in the short period of time If I only have a few minutes to tell you Like hey okay this is stuff that I kind Of think you have to know otherwise You’re going to have a real hard time Succeeding in business or life What do I tell you in 10 minutes right And that’s what I’m going to do and Subsequently it turns out that a lot one Of the conclusions that I come to is That integration marketing is extremely Important in this climate there’s two Other things that you kind of have to do When you ask the question how do you Navigate a world where it’s going to get Increasingly difficult to predict what’s Next Right so that’s what I’m going to be Getting into it’s awesome yeah and Obviously there’s the world like as a Whole and there’s like the advertising World too which both are shifting so

Dramatically and I think the reason why I wanted you to talk specifically about Integration marketing uh at the event is Because like when we launch click Funnels Um it’s funny we always tell people like We didn’t buy our first Facebook ad for Two years and click funnels part of that Like we were doing 100 integration Marketing like I had my entire team we Read the book and the book’s a short Read like read it like hey this is the Plan like how do we integrate click Funnels into everybody’s sales flow and Their follow-up sequences And now you look at you know eight nine Years later like we’re still getting Customers like even to this day we spend I don’t know a million million half two Million dollars a month on paid ads we Still get more traffic from our Integration marketing and our affiliate Efforts and we do all the other paid ads Combined oh we set up a decade you know Almost a decade ago now I’m using that Clip by the way you should be using that Because it’s true and I even understand Like in my coaching programs people Always come and they’re like talking About Facebook ads I’m like yes those Are good that Zuckerberg’s one person You should integrate with but he’s the Worst partner of all time like he Doesn’t like you he’s like yes there’s a

Million other partners like look Differently in fact the traffic Seekers Book that was like the premise like they You need to understand you know anyway So yes and these are all principles that Like you ingrained in my head way back In the day in fact every time I teach List building I tell people that like uh When I learned list building was in the Middle of like the Google AdSense era if You remember this right people were Throwing crap sites and making free Money and you were my mentor at the time And like yeah like oh you’re like just Build a list I’m like but there’s all These people making money doing these Stupid things like yeah but that’s gonna Go away just build a list built and like And luckily for you or for me I listen To you and like focus on list building And like I think your ability to like See the future in these things like your Is second to none which I always trust You and listen to you and keep following You because I want to like see what you See that’s beyond where I’m able to see Which is pretty pretty powerful so well It’s awesome to interact with people Like you who can understand it and Actually are disciplined enough to Implement it and also discipline enough To uh be involved in the rigor required To make a business work you know and I I Knew that you were going to be who you

Were going to become I I saw all of the Right things in you and one of the Really important thing things is the Wrestling background that you have that That instilled a tenacity and ferocity In you that is really potent in the Business Battlefield I want to Underscore one thing that you talked About here One of the things that I talk about as a Result of what’s going on in the world Right now and again at funnel hacking Live I’ll give people some massive Epiphanies because there are probably Some things going on that they don’t Know that they need to know and I want To use that time to make sure they Understand it one of the conclusions is That we have to have what I call Big Tech marketing Independence and you said It quite well I want to make sure people Don’t miss this The big Tech marketing platforms can and Will capriciously cut off your access Right and if you don’t have integration Marketing there to fall back on it’s Like it’s like giving a and this is a Gross metaphor and I apologize but it’s Like giving a serial killer uh a scalpel And saying hey please watch over me While I sleep and make sure I’m okay That’s what we do when we entrust the Future of our businesses with these big Tech platforms because they do very

Often cut off access to businesses and a Lot of people they’re like oh man my Business is going so well and honey We’re gonna let’s buy a new house and Let’s promise all these things to the Kids and then they wake up and it’s like My account’s closed what do I say to my Family and it’s tragic man and uh That that for that alone integration Marketing but there’s a thousand other Reasons yeah so cool uh all right so Everyone’s listening right now we are 41 Days away from final acting like let Them click the button if you don’t have Your tickets yet you got to come hang Out with Mark and I we’re gonna be Having so much fun going deep on all These principles these topics you don’t Have to take it you get at Funnelhackinglive.com There’s the link Um I think uh all of our speaker bonuses Expire next week as well which means you Need to get your tickets uh room blocks Are almost sold out too so it’s like This is one of those like urgency and Scarcity that are real like actual Urgency and scarcity because if you get Your ticket like in a week from now you Miss all the speaker bonuses and you may Not get in the actual hotel room which Means you have to like uber to some Other hotel at night which means you Missed all the late night fun and Activities and all the stuff that’s

Happening so you gotta make sure you get Tickets ASAP and speaking of speaker Bonuses Mark before we got on you you Mentioned the speaker bonus that you Wanted to give and I was freaking out Because I want it so you want to tell People what bonus you’re gonna be thrown In I was just sitting here right now Going say it say it say it because I Want to talk about it all right so Two of my dearest mentors I mentioned One Joe Sugarman uh and Ted Nicholas and I gotta take a deep breath because they Both recently passed away in the last Couple years and they were both like Fathers to me and um Their their impact on me was enormous They were dear friends over the years One of the things that I am very Grateful we were able to accomplish While they were both still alive uh and We built this I guess maybe 15 maybe Even 20 years ago now Symbology one of the things that we have In there is we have a lot of course that Are designed to make things very simple And easy to understand Um I I said to Joe and Ted I said look you Guys both have such profoundly powerful Direct marketing lessons especially in Copywriting I would like for you guys to Collaborate with me and let’s find out What if you could

If you only had limited time and you had To teach people the most potent Copywriting lessons that you could teach People in a limited time what would Those be let’s let you guys hash those Out then I want you guys to teach those In the best way you can and then let us Take those and turn those into even Easier to understand You know functional units of information That people can get so this course is we Had something in simpleology we were Doing for a while called the Great Teachers series and this one is Simpleology great teachers Joe Sugarman And Ted Nicholas teach direct response Copywriting and it’s freaking amazing It’s amazing and I’m so glad that we had The opportunity to do that with them Before they passed away because I feel Like this is the best distillation of of Their two lives and it’s it’s just great Ah so cool yeah both those guys I study Them a lot especially Joe sugar I spent A lot of time studying him when I was um I think probably through you like I got Triggers and all the books like that That were so good Um that would be fascinating to go Through so I’m pumped to go through that Bonus Um and those who already have your Tickets to unlocking live if you go to Funnel like live.com click on the

Members login link we will make sure in The members area there that Mark’s bonus Is there for you guys if you don’t have A ticket yet now is the time go to Funnelhackinglive.com watch the video on The homepage exp like imagine yourself Sitting in the room with us and then Click on the button you get your tickets And then Mark’s bonus as well as the Other speaker bonuses will be in the Members area like I said the speaker Bonuses expire next week which means Next week we pull them out of the Members area and they are gone forever So this is the urgency and scarce to get Us to get your tickets be in the room Where this is all happening Um this event is going to be second to None and uh like I said we’re 41 days Away just over a month which is crazy I Can’t believe it’s here again so Um anyway man I’m excited to be hanging Out with you excited to be hanging out With all of our funnel hackers uh any Final words before we bounce off today I Just want to say to the folks who look You’re buying access to something you’re Going to be at this live event and You’re getting all this stuff okay There’s no way you’re ever going to go Through all of it right you would you Know that I know that right Um go through this one all right this This is uh and look it’s easy for me to

Toot my own horn but I mean I’m speaking About the intellectual work of two of The greatest direct response copywriters That ever lived Um and it’s indisputable no I mean I Don’t think you could talk to any direct Response great and have them deny that Right these are two of the the great Titans and this is the uh I don’t think You will find a better expression of of Their most potent lessons so please go Through it guys it’s it’s that good So cool ah thank you thank you Mark I Appreciate you man so grateful you Changed my life 20 years ago and I Cannot wait for you to change life all Of our funnel hackers in 41 days from Now at the event I appreciate you uh Thank you everybody and we’ll see you Guys in Orlando in 41 days bye everybody

Ace The Funnel Builder
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