Do we need accountants anymore?

Do we need accountants anymore?

I've got a friend who runs an accounting Firm his accounting Specialist or Horrified by the fact that it answers Tax questions with 95 accuracy so what Happens with all these people who used To do this for a living…

9 ChatGPT Prompts for High Converting Sales Copy

9 ChatGPT Prompts for High Converting Sales Copy

Right so chat GPT is super powerful for Writing sales copy for your business but The question is how do you use it Because the inputs determine the output So knowing what to tell chat DBT is Crucial in order…

Perfect Homepage Design Explained (in 15 minutes)

Perfect Homepage Design Explained (in 15 minutes)

In the next few minutes I'm going to Walk you through the perfect homepage Layout we're going to go Section by Section breaking down every single Element plus along the way I'm going to Share a couple tips that are…

How to Change a Lesson Title in ClickFunnels 2.0

How to Change a Lesson Title in ClickFunnels 2.0

Foreign [Music] We're going to show how to change a Lesson's title to do this click on site And funnels on the left hand side of Your dashboard Then go down to courses and click on Courses And find the…

Do this with your holiday sale

Do this with your holiday sale

So if you want to do a holiday sale of Any kind one of my favorite ways to do It is you look at the components of the Thing or bundle that you have and you Splinter off just a…

By trying to avoid looking stupid, you end up becoming it

By trying to avoid looking stupid, you end up becoming it

Most people act really dumb because they Don't know the definition of Intelligence so it takes 20 hours to Become proficient at virtually any skill The problem is it takes people years to Start the first hour they're afraid of…

AI will be the biggest shift in our lifetime

AI will be the biggest shift in our lifetime

AI is going to be the biggest shift in Our lifetime it is the equivalent in my Opinion of the moon landing different Than the internet phone systems Television because what those did was They reshuffled the workforce this has…