All right so i just got an email from Clickfunnels about clickfunnels 2.0 and Finally it’s going live to even more People so yes we know that so far the Inner circle the two comma club x Coaching program members have been using Clickfunnels 2.0 including me and the Team obviously inside of click funnels But nobody outside not the fun liking Live attendees the 5000 people it’s been Delayed and then it’s been delayed again And this time it is going live and as You can see On my screen here we got click funnels 2.0 beta event i don’t know i say beta We’re following live 2021 attendees on June 22nd 2022 4 p.m est registration For beta event is now open so i don’t Know if this means that if you didn’t Attend funking live and you’re not one Of those 5000 people who get access Tomorrow if you can still go to this Site i’m not gonna be the one saying Like hey everyone go sign up and i Promise that you’ll get access to it Because i don’t know maybe it’s just the 5000 people now finally get access Because they’re on a specific email list Or if it’s everyone who register to this Event but i i know that i’ll be there And watching this event because there’s Like a walk through there’s the tutorial And like they have something very Exciting that you haven’t seen in 1.0

Which is style guides and themes i’ll Explain at the end of this video what That means and it’s very important that You understand this but it says Important must attend you must attend The event live to claim your Clickfunnels 2.0 beta account so that Might mean you didn’t get a chance to be At fun liking live and you still want Access like maybe if you show up to the Event maybe you know if you register Maybe there’s a link there where they Say hey go to this link and get your Account now introducing websites on Click funnels create your website on 2.0 Imagine all the power of click funnels But now for your entire business that’s Exactly what’s possible on 2.0 in the First beta release of clickfunnels 2.0 You’ll be starting with your blog and Website but not just any website you’ll Learn how to build a website called a Funnel hub that drives traffic directly To your funnels so you don’t just have a Website you have a website that actually Builds your business and generates sales So i’ve been talking about this i Remember a couple of years ago when i Started building funnels for personal Brands we built personal brand hero Funnels which basically was like hey you Have a personal brand and you have a Community people know you for you but You have like a lot of different offers

So why don’t we build one home page you Know funnel that Funnels people into your all your offers And we have one phone for all of those Right and then This was before they started talking About funnel hubs but now they’re called Funnel hubs where it’s like a website Because that’s a blog and then also Product so this is the cool thing about 2.0 that 1.0 didn’t have which is you’ll Create your blog in the blog section Just like any other blog platform right And it’s even easier than like a WordPress blog because there you gotta Like format everything like here it’s Native so you create a blog post it’ll Update it on the front page you create a Product it’ll add it to The front page where you have all your Products so when you have services low Ticket maybe you’ve been doing it Offline and now you want to move online Now is the time for you to create like These digital products and and add those On the front page to your funnel hub Okay see this this theme right here Launch boss this is one that i have Designed This one as well this image Yeah a lot of this i’ve designed but um I know there’s one that is not on here That i also have designed which is like A black and gold premium theme that i’m

Hoping you get access to tomorrow make It easy for entrepreneurs to run an Online business your business will never Be the same clickfunnels was created so So the entrepreneurs like you who aren’t Programmers and who don’t know how to Code can easily build beautiful pages Inside of a sales funnel to grow your Company online but now Yes clickfunnels built i’ve been built From the ground up to go beyond sales Funnels and bring that same entrepreneur Focus imagine your entire business with The power of clickfunnels that’s 2.0 Yeah so If you go to cf2 because i Want you to watch this video i don’t Know again i can’t promise anything i’m Not a clickfunnels publix announcer like I’m just sharing kind of what i’m seeing And what they’re publicly saying in Their email in fact this is the email That i got so if you take a look at it Your clickfunnels 2.0 beta release event Access details awesome you’ll be Registered for the clickfunnels 2.0 beta Release event on wednesday 22nd at 4 p.m Eastern i can’t wait to show you one of The newest big features that’s ready for The release sites to access the live Event and by the way i know we want like Everything we want the membership we Want the upsell pages the order form i Don’t want to share it too much but like

Maybe you feel like oh it’s just that One is done and now they’re starting the Next one no like it’s a big team working On these things and so they’re just Releasing them obviously so that you get Access to this you build your products And your blog and your funnel hub and Then you get the next thing so this is Not obviously public information it’s Just my opinion kind of what i’m seeing Important you must attend the live event Yeah we kind of knew this okay so here’s What you’ll get Click 2.0 access when you attend you’ll Get instructions how to access your new Beta access account new funnel hub Strategy will get you early access to The newest funnel hub strategies learn How to leverage them in 2.0 new editor Tools while the 2.0 editor will feel Familiar many of the features made your Shift and how you build and design Sites and funnels my team and i will be Demoing key elements for you so you can Jump in yeah so there’s a lot of things Like i’ve had to do manually as i build Funnels like for example when i add Shadows and i want them custom and i Want them like beautiful i would do that With css and and you know write the css Script add it to the css section it Creates this shadow and so you know Background gradient colors for an Example i had to do that with css um if

We look at background layers so upload An image i want like a darker color on It i’ve had to do that in a image editor And upload it right but now all that’s Inside of the editor there’s a lot of Cool things that as soon as i get the Green light i’m just gonna go ham with Tutorials for free here on the channel As well as build outs in full-time Funnel designer which is the education Company that i run we have over 400 People now building funnels so they’re The first people who get to see what I’ve been doing for a year now almost They get to see that in depth there but I’m excited for you to to try this out If you get access to this tomorrow so if You’re watching this june 23rd 24th uh In july august maybe you’re watching This 2024 i don’t know but check the Links that i have in the description Those will take you to the next steps Because depending on the timeline i will Be the first person to have all the Videos the tutorials how to master Clickfunnels 2.0 for both business Owners who have their own products or Services or want to have them or funnel Agency people right so funnel builders Funnel designers copywriters who sell These services to clients to online Businesses or offline businesses and you Sell them as services and that’s how you Make your money because i have both six

Figure business in education six foot Business in a funnel agency where i Build funnels for clients and so with That said i’ll see on the well i won’t Be presenting this time last time i did One of these videos i was invited to Share my story on the click funnels Webinar with russell but this time i’ll Be just attending to see my own funnels That are built but also like see the Walkthrough and the demo from russell Brunson and his perspective and Todd as well and and anyone else on the Event so i’ll put the link again cf2 i don’t know if i’m allowed to Share this link so this is just the Email that i got if you go there cool if Not it doesn’t really like matter it Doesn’t change anything for me and Hopefully click funnels if you see this Hopefully i was allowed to share this And yeah i’ll see in the next video

Ace The Funnel Builder
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