Funnel Agency Q&A // Niche? Pricing? First Client? DM Closing?

Okay so i made an additional 75 000 Without getting more clients and i’ll Explain to you how i did that as a Funnel builder and how you can do the Same but not only that there’s a few Segments in this video that you want to Pay attention to number one is why you Shouldn’t pick a niche but instead you Really want to pick a vehicle number two How you can close clients in dms and how To approach people and how to position The presentation and the pitch so that It’s different and they actually ask you To buy instead of you having to push Them to buy And then number three most importantly How to price your services not only as a Funnel builder but also as a white label Funnel builder if you don’t know what That is is like i mentioned in the Beginning i’ve made over 75 000 i Haven’t counted the exact amount it Could be six figures now where i don’t Get any more clients i just work with People and they send me work that they Close because i’m a white label funnel Builder for some people and that’s i Don’t have time to do that anymore but Hopefully you can if you want to make Money as a funnel builder you can take These clients because i can’t handle Them anymore so with that said let’s Start with the first one which is Probably the most important as it’ll Show you how to close clients in dms.

Without doing sales calls and this was a Question that we got on a zoom call a q A coaching call that i did in full-time Funnel designer i do them every week Okay so how do you close Clients in the dms let’s say someone Reaches out to you and they say hey what Do you charge for funnels In that moment you know that they’ve Seen some funnels that you built they’ve Seen your profile they’ve taken the time To message you the first thing that you Can do to destroy this and just mess it Up is to just answer that question and Just you know which sometimes the Nonchalance of not really needing them Helps you to close a client because you Don’t come off as like pushy and and Desperate so that can help you where you Say You know my funnels start at 2 000 but I’d love to to talk more and see if i Can you know give you a good deal i’d Love to learn more about your business Kind of understand your offer first Before i tell you that’s the tonality That you want even in text that’s the First thing is like they message you They reach out or even in dms where you Reach out to them You simply want to Provide not value because that’s so Vague you want to provide actual

Implementable Tips or tricks that they can do right Now it takes them a few minutes or i Mean if they’re going to do a full Redesign then it takes them longer and That’s why they want to hire you But something that’s very specific and Super valuable to them that will Increase their results and what is the Result that they want increased Conversions So leads book calls or sales when you Talk to them if it’s outbound you want Them to be the person who said you kind Of want to just mention it like hey i Can do this for you as well if you don’t Like if you want me to do it for you in A non-pushy way just mention it it’s a Soft pitch and then if it’s inbound you Want to just ask more questions you want To be like you know obviously that Depends a little bit on the funnel that You have in the offer but which offer Specifically are you thinking This funnel would be for Yeah for sure it would be for my real Estate course Great awesome do you have a link to it Right now that i can check out and then They send you a link to it or they say Nice it’s actually a new course that i’m Launching Great okay so would you also want me to Do the copy or is it kind of like the

Design only And they’re like well i would love to Get copy as well and then you want to Just you know dive in and say like That’s exactly what i do is we take care Of everything and again if you’re not a Copywriter you can outsource it to Someone else where you still give the Full solution to the client you know Sales trainers and gurus will tell you To do the mirror effect me if someone Uses like a sales trick on me it doesn’t Work and i don’t i don’t want to buy From that person i just want to have a Normal normal conversation Human to human so instead of doing like Hey so it sounds like You need this this and that and you know If someone says this to me i would be Like yeah bro like that’s that’s what i Told you like why play the sales tricks So instead i just want to make sure That i understand what they actually Need so i would say okay so that’s Exactly what we do we you know we take People like you and we do everything for Them design copy and i just stack Everything that we do so they understand Like he’s not a salesperson just trying To close another deal he’s a funnel Builder who can take care of everything For me and make it easy for me that’s What i tell them like you have this you Have this i’m going to do this and then

And that’s where i kind of kind of Pitched the next step and sometimes They’ll ask like okay so how much is it Well because you already have like the Offer in place and obviously i can you Know kind of consult you on what we can Do to make it better but because you Already have that in place uh instead of Charging the typical 3000 i’ll do it for Two or instead of five i’ll do it for Three or instead of six i’ll do it for Four whatever it is And sort of price anchor it there and Actually give them like a legit reason Why you would do that and then you Explain to them the way that it works is I’ll send an invoice once it’s taken Care of i will uh send you an onboarding Form and this is the best part about my Funnel agency that your clients tell me Is they love how streamlined it is So you just fill out the onboarding form And then I have everything i need in one place And we don’t have to go back and forth And i don’t have to waste your time And i’ll just get to build that funnel And that’s how we can turn it around in Seven days and that’s that’s what we Want to finish with is like fill out a Form and Hands off you don’t have to do anything I’ll do everything for you and you’ll Have your funnel live in seven days from

Now And so they they might have spent A week two weeks three weeks trying to Find a good funnel builder and they know With you they have it live in a week From now no more stress and pain of Having to find a good funnel builder and That’s that’s usually what gets people To be like Yo that sounds awesome Let me hire this person okay so Hopefully that makes sense and the next Question was then how niche should we go With our services here’s my response From jaden because how much do you think We should go with our offer whatever you Want bro literally like okay i so here’s The i had a conversation this week with A really good friend of mine if i said This name you know him he has a huge Personal brand and he said gus i want to Do youtube kind of what you’re doing and He’s making well he’s making good money And he’s like i want to do youtube like You i want to talk about this this this And that and i said Okay Here’s what i want you to consider Though is when other people post a Question let’s say in the clickfunnels Community And they say hey who’s the best at Teaching social media marketing Or who’s the best at teaching this one

Thing who’s the best at teaching Launches who’s the best at teaching Sales whatever it is that you want to be Known for what is the one thing that They say hey this person makes you go Check out his Youtube channel Right so he’s like yeah that’s That makes sense like that’s why your Channel is all about funnels Literally every video ties back to Funnels even when you you saw me Traveling or you know it’s not like i do Like vlogs but you saw me going digital Nomad and then we moved back because i Like my simple life of just building Funnels Every like literally even by lights here It’s like a funnel you know freedom Funnels so everything about your brand Has to be one specific thing And it’s the same for us funnel builders So jaden like when people say and you Said right now you’re focused on Agencies and coaches so if someone were To post hey who who’s the best funnel Builder for coaching funnels you know And the coach would probably be thinking Of their vehicle or funnel type not just Like the niche so If they said who’s the best at Application funnels for coaches How many people in your industry would Tag you

Right versus someone else So camilla is a great example here in Ffd camilla is a vsl agency owner they Do vsl funnels And so i’ve seen plenty of times in not Just the click funnels group but also in Other coaching groups where people need Via sales People have asked like hey who’s the vsl Funnel agency and people tag her so for You it’s not about picking a niche it’s About becoming a go-to for a specific Funnel type That a niche uses what is it for you is It agencies or coaches and then and Here’s why When you pick a niche And you actually choose make sure you go All in And then update and upgrade your Domain Your portfolio your profile to match That specific thing Like if i didn’t have All these businesses going on and i just Had my funnel agency here’s how i would Do it And let’s let’s use another example and Not automated course because That’s Easy for me to say i would do this Because i have it already Let’s say i pick sass Okay i’ll build funnels for sas

Companies as well so i would say Hey my name is go start build funnels For sas companies to do what to get more Trial signups okay To build you know to grow your business So 100 done for you funnels If we don’t increase your conversions For your trials Then you don’t pay Right so now i know in the beginning i Might do some free well my i will do Some free funnel builds to get some Testimonials my portfolio my social Media is going to be all about sas Funnels my content is going to be Talking about softwares in this industry My content and commentary is going to be About like hey did you see this new Thing about this software they’re Launching this my thoughts about this Software so clickfunnels operating to 2.0 and kick pages is updating to 2.0 Here’s my thoughts on this that’s Happening everything i’m doing is about Softwares and the software industry why Because then i attract a lot of those People and guess who they will go to When they need a funnel or they want to Increase conversions to get more signups Me Not everyone but a lot of them and i’ll Get a lot of clients So now my goal is to then go from being Known as the sas person

To Having more people know me as the sas Person You know two different things so i want To go to then having an audience of five Ten thousand people who will recommend Me and that will i’ll be able to do Outbound inbound and referral upsell all That and have a ton of clients all right So now to the white label funnel agency Part where you build funnels for other People just kind of like like i Mentioned i made over 75 to 100 000 Extra without getting more clients Because other people close the deal i Don’t communicate with the client i just Build a funnel and then send it to this Person who shows it to the client and i Can then grow my skills and get paid Thousands per funnel and so the question Was how to approach people to get these Type of white label deals and how do you Approach the agencies and i think my Response here could actually be not Shocking but it’s very different than What most people would say how to Approach agencies for white level stuff So you there’s two things you want white Label clients agencies who want to hire You and they want what What is it that is the most valuable to Them if i’m an agency owner in the Marketing space or tic tac ad for Youtube ads

Then i probably have a niche as well so For me it could be I do youtube ads for Let’s say coaches so we book client Calls application calls from youtube Okay Now what are some of the clients gonna Need they’re probably gonna need a Coaching Home page for the personal brand and Then they’re gonna need A call booking funnel And maybe if they have other products They’re going to need a course funnel Book funnel or webinar event funnel you Know like that’s probably what that Niche is going to need So then i go as a funnel builder okay How can i be of value to this business How can i look into what they have Already and this the beautiful thing About social media is they people have Links in their profiles So If you know an agency that works with a Specific type of niche and they do Something else then you can go to their Profile and see okay they work with These people let me check it out and see Kind of what they have going on and then I’ll make an offer i do a loom bit and i Say hey probably know me yet mia my name Is ghost and i build funnels for clients Just like you and the ones that you

Serve And what i’m suggesting or kind of my Question to you is do you already have The best funnel builders that you know You’re happy with them and everything is Going great Or Are you looking for someone to come in And kind of help you with the workload To build funnels for your clients Because i know you help them with the Ads and everything just check in if not Total okay Just let me know and happy to talk more You want to pique their interests so you Can also say you can ask something to Leave the engagement open like we have a Specific process that we go through to Build our funnels happy to share more if You want Just let me know and reply to this and So keep it like super short you can also Hear from my tonality that i’m very Focused on serving And it’s not like Hey i would like to make 4 000 a month i Want to build funnels for you and i’m Very good at what i do And i i think that the one you have Right now Is horrible And You know i don’t need more than four Thousand that’s it four thousand can we

Start on monday i’ll do the first one For free The tonality Comes from the intention And if you change the intention of look I’m just gonna reach out would love to Work with this person if not totally Okay i’m no emotional attachment to this To this brand or this outcome And i know the more i reach out to you With this intention the more people i’m Going to work with and this call is Great prasad said also approaching an Agency to white label funnel services What price point would be great to crack A deal with considering you to run an Agency and are streamlining your process So from an ancient perspective would be Insightful to us as builders to keep the Client flow consistent yeah yeah so if You Have to do it exclusively make sure you Charge you know thousands and thousands You know four thousand to six thousand Minimum to just do funnels for that Specific white label or that agency as a White label service But i would generally recommend you do More project based instead because if You’re fast Then you get paid per client funnel And you make more because you get Rewarded for being fast and really good Instead of like the same person spending

Four hours 40 hours per week and you get Paid let’s say 5 000 and you build three Funnels a week and someone else could Only do one per week so that’s why it’s Better to structure it in a way where You get paid every project and it’s Easier for them because what they value Is they value knowing their profit Margins every smart agency owner want to Know If i sell a funnel for five thousand And i have a team of three people i have A well plus myself and and i have a Project manager I have a copywriter and a designer five Thousand and i pay the product manager Per month so let’s say for each on Average is about 500 per client goes There so then i have 45 4500 dollars Left And with three people like me and the Two people are going to share it then It’s 1500 each and it’s 4 500. you know Designer copyright like so that’s they Want to know the profit margins And then maybe Once you have two clients per week they Want to offer you a full-time position Where you get 5000 a month 8 000 per Month whatever it is 3 000 per month Yeah because then they know they’ll make More by just paying you a flat fee and If that’s the case it comes down to Negotiating and how do you get the most

Leverage in negotiations you become Really good so that you have the Leverage Because you can have one position two Different people they would offer three Thousand to one of them and seven Thousand to you why because they know That you can go out and get clients And get seven thousand or more from Those clients but if they want you Exclusively they gotta pay you more Become better charge more all right Hopefully that was helpful if you want To learn more about how we do this if You want to join us a full-time funnel Design we just crossed 400 people not Too long ago so a lot of people are Joining us they’re billing funnels Making this a full-time thing i’ll leave A screenshot here of a message that Muhammad posted in the private community That was like it makes me so happy to See these kind of results and the if you Read this you’ll see the big thing that Changed everything for him Was that he said when i decided to just Go all in and just follow the system Then it worked before when i tried to do Everything else and i tried to do it my Way it didn’t work you know you know Almost gave up on this process but then Two months ago when he decided to go all In and just focus on this that’s where He got the most results so if that’s you

If you want to go all in and you want to Do this full time then check out fulton Front designer link in the description Hopefully you like this video if you can Join right now just keep watching this Video like the video subscribe to the Channel and i’ll see in the next one

Ace The Funnel Builder
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