My 11 Step Funnel Agency Client Machine (COPY THIS)

This is henry ford welcome to my youtube Channel in this one i’m going to explain The funnel agency client machine and how I took the car company and turned it Into a funnel agency machine instead so If you don’t know henry ford changed the Way that you build cars instead of Having one group of people just build The entire car from start to finish he Said look one person is gonna stand here And just change you know add the tires One person you know as the car moves Forward next person is just gonna add The engine just gonna do this part and They’re just gonna get really good at Doing this part and that’s how they were Able to accelerate the speed of Manufacturing and just build more cars Streamline everything build more Momentum and obviously i don’t know Their full history but that’s what i’ve Read so if we take the same mindset and We build a funnel agency the same way Wouldn’t our business also become more Streamlined in this video i’m gonna Explain the funnel agency client machine So you can set this up uh in your own Business so that it runs more smoothly It’ll make your life so much easier Because you have clarity on exactly What’s gonna happen here’s where i just Need to add more input to get more Output this is where i get more leads so I can turn it into more clients and then

This is kind of how i take a client and Then make sure that they’re happy with The results we optimize it we can even Add more recurring revenue through split Testing and that sort of stuff so by the Way if you’re also in a full-time funnel Designer we have a link in in the group As well and then the course with you Know all this stuff where you get the Onboarding scripts the funnel agency Onboarding form the invoice template Everything that we do to sort of make This client machine run even more Smoothly okay where do we start Attracting leads there’s three main ways That i do number one is messaging when You get someone messaging you because They saw your marketing your content Your funnel portfolio your designs they Reach out to you and they ask typically The first question is what do you charge For your funnels or can i see some of Your portfolio examples or do you have Any examples of funnels you know have You built funnels in this space you know Like people send me a message all the Time like hey have you built the funnels For real estate agents have you built Any book funnels have you built any Insert funnel type here right and then Email is if you reach out to people like Hey i would love to give you like a Funnel audit for free no strings Attached like just respond to this email

If you’re interested and you can even do Like a loom audit where you say here’s a Video a couple of things that i would Change on your funnel if you want me to Build it for you just let me know and Then referral this could be either in Your inbox or in your email where Someone says hey gustan just want to Introduce you to my good friend i know You build funnels amazing funnels and so I just wanted youtube to connect and That’s the first step in the client Machine it’s just attracting those leads Who are ready to pay you big money so Number two we got qualification or Qualifying those prospects because you Don’t just want to work with anybody so Number one the way that i do it most of The time is just in inbox ask a couple Questions go check out their links their Social media i can do a little bit of Research to see like hey this would Actually be a really fun client to work With or it’s like no i don’t know if i If i really feel it you know and Obviously if you need more clients you Should always say yes but if you’re like I will have to pick between like all These leads that’s where you can be more Picky In an application i’ve done this myself As well where people apply to work with Me and sometimes i don’t check my Applications because there’s one of the

Questions in the application is like how Much are you willing to invest in a Funnel and uh one person said well i’ve Been multiple but one recently said he Was willing to invest five to ten Thousand in a funnel And i didn’t reply because i didn’t see It quick enough and then i saw i think a Week later or something and then was Busy with like all the funnel work that I have already so yeah i lost five to Ten thousand from that one but you can Set that up so it’s automated as well And then we got from quality like once They’re qualified you can either do a Zoom call with them or a dm close where You just like in messenger in you know Instagram inbox email you just reach Agreement based on what they need and we Have the dm closing scripts for that Where tons of people are learning new Ways to close clients without doing Sales calls so those are the two options There And then once you have that how do you Send an invoice what are you including An invoice Well what you want to include is like All the deliverables the timeline when Can they expect this to be done and also If you have a guarantee like hey Increased conversions or you don’t pay Like full you know refund if we don’t Increase your conversions and that sort

Of stuff collect payments so strive Paypal payoneer depending on what Country you’re in and then this is where The funnel stuff begins because This right here is the client machine That will actually get them results Meaning they will buy from you more Often they also refer more people to you So now you go from reaching up to people Or posting content to get people to come To you to instead just build a machine Of like you do a little bit of work but Mostly you build funnels and you get Paid all the time for everything you do And people just flock to you like i want To work with you and i have a friend who Also needs a funnel and hey can i white Label your services like the seven Different ways to get clients if you Remember those from the channel in the Onboarding we have an onboarding form or You can also copy my questions from the Onboarding form just put them in an Email and say hey if you can answer These questions you know attach the Brand guideline and all the files and Typically everything you would ask in a Forum but through email or you jump on a Zoom call like hey i would just like Love to see kind of where your head as Is at when it comes to like the look of Your funnel like would you rather want a Fun like this and then you show like an Example either from your own portfolio

Or you can also find them from like Dribble or pinterest and you show like Hey here’s here’s kind of what i’m Thinking for your brand what do you Think like would you rather want this or This so it could be different color Combinations it could be different Fonts but you give them the option to Choose like i like that one more for More for my brand obviously ask Questions like hey what are the problems That you saw like what are the upsell Pages do we have like what are the Different offers do you have in your Offer suite your pricing Everything that you would normally ask On an onboarding call then you build the First draft so funnel strategy you Research their industry their niche and Then you build out the first wireframe The structure and then you build it out In your page builder so for us we use Click funnels you can get actually 30 Days for free if you want to try out Click funnels if you go in the Description there’s a link there then You build it out And you send it to the client for Feedback so you get feedback what i Usually do is like i do like a short Screen recording like aluminum and i say Hey hey client excited to uh to show you The funnel i just want to let you know Like any anything that you see the color

The font you know whatever it is just Let me know and i can update it tonight Or tomorrow like you want to be Positioning your message as like hey This is a draft and obviously you want To wow them you want them to be like Is this the draft like this already Looks amazing you don’t want to Send out a draft that’s like 50 because They can’t see and visualize what it can End up as so they might even ask for a Refund if it’s like ugly so instead what You want to do is you want to wow them But it’s still a draft because they Haven’t approved it it’s the first one Then you make edits depending on what They request so like hey can we add this Testimonial can we maybe remove this Image and use this one instead that sort Of stuff and then maybe this section on The copy It makes more sense to position it this Way because that’s what people you Typically talk about in this industry Implement the the edits and get feedback Again the client approves it transfer The funnel from your account to your First billing and yours you transfer it Over you set up the tech add the domain The autoresponder everything that needs To be added the payment integrator the Product everything you want you guys Tracking and then you’re going to Optimize so what you can do if a client

Is on the fence but they haven’t like Agreed on adelia you can say look what We’ll do Is we’ll include a 30-day split testing Period where we’re gonna just build the Funnel duplicate it change the headline Change a few things to test what works The best And then from there we’re gonna optimize For 30 days to make sure they’re Actually converting and even better if You have a guarantee like hey if we Don’t improve conversions then you don’t Pay then it’s like you go from maybe Closing twenty percent of your clients To eighty percent because there’s no Risk for them you optimize it and then After those thirty days you can build The next funnel if you’re launching a New product an upsell maybe they want to Redesign their home page or something Else because they want your new funnel To be the new standard for their brand So they want to change this one and this One this one and so let’s say you got Paid 2 000 here and then three more Funnels like two thousand Two thousand you bundle that together You say five thousand for all three and I’ll have them done in like two weeks All of them and your brand is gonna be Looking like this for every place and That’s how you upsell them you can also Do like monthly where you say hey every

Month we’re gonna do split testing we’re Gonna keep testing your offers we’re Gonna add more email sequences and track The open rate and click through rate Conversion from there and just add more Upsells and build up a bigger email Sequence to increase their overall Revenue And now you’re not just a funnel Designer you’re a funnel consultant and You’re a funnel specialist and people Pay for that for that skill for your Knowledge so that is the following c Client machine hopefully this helps you Build a better funnel agency if you see A place where you’re like man i lack in This place the onboarding hasn’t been Working and it’s causing problems Because the client isn’t like sending me Everything i need and it’s causing Delays and i’m only charging percent up Front And i’m not gonna pay the other stuff Because we don’t complete the funnel i Saw that you know someone recently Posted that in the private community a Full-time funnel designer i was like Yeah see this is what we need so i built This out hopefully this is helpful if You want to learn more if you want to Work with me every single day i’m in There answering questions and let me Tell you guys the community and i know i Mentioned full-time funnel center here a

Lot but there’s for like it’s for a Reason because when i started out i was Alone doing this then the community Started growing and we got some Engagement and then i started doing like Weekly q a calls where people could ask Me questions And then It’s just been growing where people are Now separately without me they’re Posting like hey let’s do a a huddle Together we jump on zoom we talk about Like different funnels that our clients Are doing and then they’re doing like Here’s a new resource i found here’s More illustrations here’s a graphics Library here’s this funnel like this one Is really working for me and i saw a Good friend of mine who’s in the photo Finals fundamental program as well in The private community he said look i Have a huge client i can’t even mention The name because he’s such a huge brand He’s like who wants to brainstorm on This project and so three or four people Jumped on zoom they brainstormed on Everything and so like this is literally A community a movement now taking place And i’m so grateful to be a part of it And i don’t even take credit for any of It because yes i’m doing my part i’m Making all these videos the course and The q a calls and everything but it’s You guys is the community that’s

Building itself right now and sometimes You don’t invest into just the knowledge And the templates and the tools the Trainings but you invest into a group of People who believe like you who think Like you who act like you to build a Business kind of like you want as well And that’s what we all want we want Freedom the way that it looks for you it Might look different for me like might Look different but everyone comes Together because we have the same goals And we help each other with building for Clients because we know as soon as we Take care of clients clients take care Of us we get paid so that’s how this Business work and that’s why i love this Community that being said if you want to Learn more about ffd there’s a link in The description for discount and also if You have any other questions on how this Works you can also comment below i would Love to hear from you more in the Comments on these videos because it Inspires me to make more of them as well That’s it i’ll see you next I’ll see you in the next one

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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