How to Create A Bridge Page Will Increase Your Sales | Funnel Fridays Ep 61

We’re live are we live actually is in Face yeah yeah relax dude yeah it’s just Us sending up to go live but it says on The thing we’re live please say it’s Working all right I think we’re live What’s up Jim what’s up hey you make Yourself into something today what just Happened why are we celebrating Something amazing well I mean normally I Don’t need a reason to celebrate with a Bottle of bubbly and a blow-up unicorn But we did have something exciting Happen yesterday at 4:12 a.m. in the Morning and no dirty minded people it Wasn’t that it was awakened 4:12 I got a Message on boxer at 4:12 a.m. which is Kind of creepy which is 2 a.m. your time So you were just going to bed so we Yesterday Russell and I hit the 10 Million dollar mark for funnel scripts What dude you’re not going to open that Near your computer are you a lot of Drinks I don’t know how this works Oh my fake water champagne do not hold That near the computer there’s not a Cork on this so does the same impact to Try it busy a can of pop whatever shake It up rogue and open these things Together close there’s only about a Hundred grand worth of electronic Equipment in that office go ahead all Right Ok nervous so how many guards camp ok so We’re also pretty focused past 10

Million dollars this weekend sales yay All right I’m ready exploded hey I don’t Like fizzy water if I’m gonna drink Anyway alright this is hell this is like Mine oh my god is the worst yeah Congratulations everybody Congratulations and thank you to Everybody it was a team effort Absolutely a team effort every Supportive photo scripture last few Years it’s good now I want to talk about Something that I’m mocking didn’t know But yes may notice how clean shaven and Beautiful gym looks today So when did this whole bet sir I can’t Write what Always like 14 months ago on a funnel Friday jig hey dude I know you’re trying To get the 10 million dollar award and I Was like yeah he said well hey you gonna Not shaving that beard till you get There huh and I was like yeah yeah That’s great yeah we can do it and in The spirit of funnel Friday’s yeah and Then and then I’m like I’m gonna have to Grow a cat on my face which he did yeah I’ll see ya I looked over to the Facebook live yesterday are you cutting It yep All right here it is you guys to see What happened yesterday after after we Passed the 10 million dollar more about To witness the trimming of the 10 Million dollar beer so here’s the story

About a year ago Russell Brunson said to Me hey man you’re gonna not cut that Beard until you hit the 10 million Dollar mark with funnel scripts and in The moment he asked me this on funnel Foam Fridays I was like yeah man I sure Will do it and then after I said it I Was like dang I’m not going to be able To shave this Muskrat first a while so I’ve been busting butt to get it over The 10 million dollar mark we got it Over the 10 million dollar mark so are You going to trim this thing because I’m Tired of having this big hobo beard on My face and so here we go [Music] [Music] I could get a second job shearing sheep My wife’s laughing at me to turn it you Know you missed the spot huh oh man so Glad we captured this before ever there You go there you go so there you go so I Was listening there’s a couple lessons That help everybody learn from this Experiment so number one is lucky wise And then let themselves off the hook Jim was like all right I’m gonna set Something that’s gonna annoy me every Single baby itchy and long curly until I Hit the goal and then he went out there It’s like I got it this cool so that’s Number one like if you guys are all Comfortable cuz you’re hitting your Goals like make something uncomfortable

Like to finish up in pain so you have to Go and do it number two and he’s noticed We didn’t like launch fun little strips And then just like sit back last four Years waiting for people to buy it it Has been an intense labor of love Jim’s consistently been increase in the Value adding more scripts adding more Things doing more things do more Training always increasing the value so The price of final script seems cheaper And cheaper and cheaper cheaper and then We consistently talk about it right how Many final Friday’s is this episode like Would we outright a lot dear like we can Consistently talking about it week in And week out and week in and week out I Think a lot of people they put the thing Up with oh I’m gonna be rich and then I Just sit in there wait and then it never Happens so they’re like you like learn Can I add one more thing to the lesson Yes you you got to have a vision for What you’re doing and that vision is Gonna help to sustain you when other People either don’t have the vision or Other people can’t catch the vision or You’re the only one that believes that It’s going to work I’m not saying that’s What the situation was but you got to Have a vision and the stronger the Vision the bigger the vision the the More you can do and without a vision and There’s somewhere in the Bible it says

Without a vision the people perish and There you go so so thank you Russell and Team because it It would not have happened without you I’m grateful V man this has been your Vision from day one we first nested like This is gonna be huge and then you’re The one that put in the effort the work You need to do is so beautiful P may Have an amazing partner and it’s just Fun to celebrate with yet we’ve got some Bubbly water whoo there you go and my Fake so on top of the top of celebrate And say with you guys we also wanted to Have some fun because today we are we Are in the process admission a recording This all right there we go we’re gonna Do a fun photo Friday stay and we’ve got A new script we’re demoing I believe got Some other cool stuff and I’m pumped for So you want to kind of talk about what The plan is for today sure so one of the Things that we’ve been talking about and It’s really resonating with people are Bridge pages and we did a training over In the Avengers group where if you’re Not in the Avengers group you should be In the Avengers group because there’s Some amazing stuff going on over there And if you youtube search click levels Avengers it should pop up their Affiliate stranger absolutely and so Talking about bridge pages there are all Kinds of different ways you can use

Bridge pages and we were showing how to Use funnel scripts to create bridge Pages and one of the things we told People was you can do a demo and I’ve Always kind of taken things for granted About doing a demo because I’ve done Thousands of demos over the years and Then something interesting happened this Is like gonna be a combination epiphany Bridge story so if anything happened was In the in the help desk We got a question somebody had joined Funnel scripts and had bought Russell’s Network marketing secrets book and they Asked me will she do by the way Everybody she had this book and I’ll Tell you why so they were asking you Know which funnel scripts should they Use for which the funnels that Russell Talks about in there and I was able to Answer it pretty quickly but then I said Russell’s got a network marketing Secrets book I haven’t read this book Can I get a copy of the book sure Jim You can have a copy of the book they Sent me copy of the book and on page 39 I read something that changed my life Forever it’s actually on page 40 but it Starts on page 39 And it’s Russell talking about the demo Doing a demonstration in this case of Whatever product the network marketing Companies sell and I was like yeah that Makes sense

Oh my god what’s this one thing in here That he teaches the formula and this one Thing right here eliminate the Alternatives I might my forehead was literally Getting flat and I think my beard got Three inches longer cuz I was pulling on Going oh my gosh oh my god oh my god This is it this was the missing thing And so I tried it out with with a couple Different demos and you know I’ve always Gotten really good results but then when I did this was like boom through the Roof people were responding I would you Know the the it was like doubling the Response I was getting and I said There’s something here and I need to do This consistently and the best way to do This is to create a script so that’s What we did we created a script we Unveiled it this week on the funnel Scripts training for everybody and I Sensed on Tuesday when we unveiled it I Have overhauled the script again to make It even cooler and so what I thought We’d do is Russell real quick explained Everybody what a bridge pages and what The purpose is of a bridge page why you Would use it and then we’ll explain why This is so important and so helpful Because these are one of the coolest Tools and most misunderstood tools in The internet world so there are times And places when you want to sell

Something over here and maybe you don’t Own this website so you aren’t affiliate For this thing or it’s a network Marketing opportunities to the company Corporate website or something in like You have no control over this this page And so the only thing you have Controlling is the pretty frame that Somebody enters into this page width to Go back back here is something that we Call a bridge page a bridge page and so Bridge makes you drive traffic because Like a lot of times if you drive traffic Directly to this page the hits and this Bounces off because the patient convert Well There’s a thousand fillies offering the Same page or there can be a million Different different reasons why just Driving traffic directly here doesn’t Work something hammer has never wanting To let you do that directly if your Affiliate like and so the bridge page is Basically it’s it’s the thing in between Between your traffic and the thing You’re trying to sell so for example This and walking up on the street And I see somebody I could just let’s Say Sam you know that put network Marking see curses from network marking Book right so let’s say I’m a network Marketing company I am selling this Fancy-pants bubbly water right I can Walk up to like somebody on the street

Like here’s the order for him to buy the Water and right wait what is that it’s The order for my son you want bubbly Water is really good like the lighter Than buying is not very good right That’s the equivalent of sending Somebody directly bridge pays me kind of Like hey I got to tell you story this is Why as far as May this is what I like About it slice off like you tell your Own story You’re doing a product demo he’s got Citation I’ll just see how good and this Is amazing you do your product demo is That you like the stuff cool go over Here to go buy it and then you push Somebody from there what to do the thing Over here so bridge page traditionally Is me or whoever doing some kind of demo We call it in the network marketing Secrets book I call the Billy Mays demo Because he has never Billy Mays he was Like the OxiClean dude he was probably The greatest pitchman of all time passed Away a couple years ago and I keep down After he died I write him and his Pictures I watched like literally every Infomercial I can find of his and like Billy Mays scripts based on like here’s All the things Billy didn’t every single It was infomercial mini it is all They’re always like a little micro Infomercial Ike that the 30 seconds Two-minute infomercials and so that’s

What the script space sounds like Demoing the product bridge the gap Between where that and then the thing You’re actually going to sell that makes Sense yeah that’s awesome as far as the Structure for a bridge page typically Though with the the bridge page is as Simple as a headline a video and a link That’s it that and the more you add Actually the the less it will convert And the cool thing with bridge pages is You can use them for affiliate offers You can use them for your own offers When you’re literally just bridging page With people from from one mindset over To where you ultimately want to make Make them go It’s the thing that pre frames them and Explains what’s going on so they Understand what’s happening so one of The most effective things you can do for A bridge page is a demonstration a Demonstration of a product the Demonstration of a physical product of a Piece of software some of the most Profitable things I have ever done in my Life online have been simple bridge page Demonstrations of other people’s Software Hey guys Jim Owens here found this Really cool tool for you that’s going to Help you do X Y & Z let me show you how It works Hey you just do this this this and this

And it’s gonna it does this all you Gotta do is just exactly what I showed You and hey if you buy through my link I’ll give you this in this so click the Link down below and then send me an Email with your receipt and I’ll give You the bonus yes so simple so the thing Is that people think Oh events you know I’m not selling a piece of software Jim That’s right so what I want to do is Show you guys the I’m going to show you The script and then we’re going to make A bridge page demonstrating Russell’s Book and we’re gonna make the bridge Page inside of funnel scripts and what We’re gonna make the script we’re going To use the script inside of home scripts And Russell’s going to make the actual Bridge page inside of clickfunnels and It’s going to take like less than 10 Minutes So like we did on YouTube before we go Back and forth our screen zooms right so What what I would suggest we do on zoom Is let me demo want you you set up set Up a basic bridge page show them yeah Just get it ready with a headline where We’ll put in the video and then a call To action the call to action is going to Be get your free book guess real quick I’ll do bridge page but all Fridays [Applause] Right 60-something episodes and no one Else does it

I did it after you did it I keep taking It tied to building the software so Everybody does that mm-hmm so that’s Okay so I’m just gonna pick just use a Blank page where we have a button page Do you have a blank page template blank Page templates I hate using templates But that’s just me all right okay like The bridge pages this is like literally A 30 second project if you spend more Than that you fell down so simple do you Have mine for me at all you know me just A um I will have a headline for you in Just a minute but I want to show them How the script works real quick and Won’t take long video it’s a video and Call to action that’s it so I’m Basically ready I’m just gonna delete Everything else okay I make this bug Bigger cuz I like big buttons big like Big buttons and I will not lie we are Wrapping when a button walks in with a Big button in your with big text in your Face you get clicked okay the longest Part of this template is deleting all The other stuff boom all right cool so Now when I what I need you to do is to Stop sharing your screen so I can share My screen back to you Okay cool so what I’m going to show you Guys here real quick is the new I call It the demo script and this follows the The format that Russell teaches that he Got from the Billy Mays thing and it

Basically demo the product you show them How it’s faster and easier you eliminate The alternatives intro the price get Urgency and scarcity do the risk Reversal all the time and they’re using Your call to action so what I did was I Took me like 10 minutes to type this up And so what’s that and and we have a Couple of cool examples in here we have One for funnel scripts which is software We have one that we did on Tuesday and The live training for a camera bag Really was cool So this one that I want to show you Could do it with just a book so what’s The name of the product service you’re Demonstrating network marketing secrets What is it what’s the biggest benefit The biggest pain this eliminates what’s The big payoff what’s the alternative Most people think of when they try to do This then what are all the things that You want to show about the product so Step by step what do you want to show in This case I listed off each page where It had something cool and then what’s All the stuff they don’t need to do Anymore so this is eliminating the Alternatives then what’s the price What’s an alternative way to express the Price how fast can they see results why Should they grab it now what’s your risk Reversal and what’s call to action so Now it actually puts it all the pieces

Together with your hook intro faster and Easier demo eliminate the alternatives Intro price urgency scarcity risk Reversal and then I downloaded the Script as a word document and I got all High tech and printed it off okay and Then I printed it off and I literally as You’re gonna see here in a minute okay Rather me I held my phone I held my Phone in my right hand quite clumsily as Though I had some sort of a palsy and Then I held the I held this printed off In my other hand and I read it as you Will see I tried to do it with the least Amount of panache as possible and so I Actually recorded it and I’m gonna send You Russell in the face book I’m gonna Send you the link to the video so you Can pop it in there and people can watch It but I mean the sound sucks it’s done Like you know somebody would do it if They were just giving it a half an Effort you can see that this thing takes It can take anything and create a really Really really cool demo and the cool Thing is is that you don’t have to sit Around and wait you don’t have to Struggle to not Get all the right pieces in there you Don’t have to pay somebody hundreds or Thousands of dollars to write you a Script and you don’t and the biggest Thing is you don’t have to waste two Three four or five hours trying to

Figure it out and you don’t have to wait A couple weeks for some lady to get it Back to you you just do this on your Phone I did this on my phone like Literally right before we got um you Were in st. Ursula five seconds ago yeah And the only reason I didn’t do it live Was because I it was I couldn’t transfer It from my phone fast enough All right is live swatches when I get The audio to work cuz you got a when you Share your screen make he run share your Screen real quick yeah and then when you Go to share your screen before you do it There will be a little box that you can Click that says share computer audio Look at that zoom do that and that Should play all right you refresh the Page to share your audio please it’s all The Zoom audio device are you kidding me Oh sorry no that me works okay me Refresh this page Sorry French for our technical Difficulties get them using you want me To you want me to play it from my side Back to you Jim let me say I’m seeing Links of the the page then you can okay Alright it’s back to you I’m gonna Unshare off’ i this so you can start be Sheriff eyeing it on sheriff alright and I know hey one one thing before and I’ll Show you this one thing if you’re Looking for the perfect headline in the In this where it has the hook what if

You could easily find the right people To join your MLM team without suffering Rejection from family and friends your Headline is how to easily find the right People to join your MLM team without Suffering rejection from family and Friends That’s your headline for the for the Page okay Meet I’ll put it plug into the page okay You know I mean okay you’ll have to fix The stuff and put a how-to on it but Yeah there you go Do you want me to wait till you do that Give you 15 seconds no hat okay okay but I mean the the thing is while I was Doing this guys I mean I wanted to do This not as not perfectly so you could See even not doing it perfectly it’s Passable it’s doable especially if you Were to I mean here’s the other thing a Bridge page the more it looks like it’s A real person teaching something the Better you’ll do in the past when I’ve Done stuff where it’s like you know the Phones ring and then the kid opens the Door and in other stuff those typically Will do better than the ones that look Super polished and they’re they’re best Lit and other things like that there’s a Time and a place for that for a bridge Page like this where you’re just demoing Something and showing people how to get A result you know just make keeping it

Real keeps it real and you’ll get better Results so that’s one thing I did want To show you guys and that that just just Taken that hook right there and turn Them into your headline that’s like Cheating Okay thank you refresh that is ready to Rock and roll okay the bridge page Didn’t do sweet how to easily find the Right people to join your MLM team Without suffering injection from family And friends dude that’s that’s mint whoo We can okay see we see your dental Scripts will on screen Oh you’re not seeing it okay let me stop Sharing that’s weird because I was Seeing it but oh okay that’s all right I’m not buying stalking zoom anytime Soon okay so are you seeing it now okay Play wise not playing Maybe it’s go directly for YouTube page And just watch okay well here it is on The YouTube page Ready hey guys Jim Evans here with a Brand new book I want to tell you all About what if you could easily find the Right people to join your MLM team Without suffering from rejection from Family and friends Well now you can introducing network Marketing secrets and network marketing Secrets is a revolutionary new book that Makes it easy and fast to find the right People who are super interested in what

You’re selling and they’re actually Going to raise their hands and ask you To sign them up and this is so much Faster and easier than having to badger Your friends and family until you’ve Alienated basically everybody you know And everybody they know as well so let Me show you why network marketing Secrets is so amazing first of all on Page 18 Russel explains to you the lost Funnel and the lost funnel is basically The way that you can leverage somebody Else’s expertise in order to get people To sign up even if you don’t know that Much about the MLM that you are with Right now so the cool thing is you don’t Need to worry about basically talking to People that aren’t interested in what You’re selling and you don’t have to be A total expert yet to be able to do it The second thing that this does for you Over on page 20 is it shows you how you Can be a big-time recruiter even if you Barely understand what your company is Selling so the cool thing that means it Does not going to take you months and Weeks and years to build up to this you Can leverage this to get results super Super fast the other thing that teaches You over on page 26 is how you can Differentiate between the people who are Interested in buying your product versus The people who are interested in your Opportunity and how you can

Automatically recruit both which means You don’t have to Struggle with either recruiting or Product sales you can do both and do Really really well with it also over Here on page 60 they’re gonna show you How to take the proven home part on them So excited I can barely hang on to my Phone They’re going to show you how to take The proven home party formula and apply It online so that you can use the power Of group sales but you don’t have to go Anywhere that means no more Heading over to hotels it means no more Trying to get people to agree to meet With you in your homes you don’t have to Worry about traveling anywhere you just Make sales and then also on page 66 this Must this may be the greatest thing ever They’re gonna show you how to duplicate This entire process in your own MLM Business so that you not only can do it But then you can take these proven Things that they’re gonna teach you to Do in this book and you’re going to be Able to help your team do those as well So it creates a giant organization of Sales which means you never have to Worry about how your people are going to Be able to duplicate your success now The great thing about this if that Wasn’t the only thing that was amazing Is this book is absolutely free all you

Have to do is just cover a small Shipping charge and the shipping charge Is less than the cost of a trip to Starbucks so you want to grab this now Because this book holds the key to you Joining the elite ranks of your Company’s top leadership and being a Rising star in whatever organization You’re in because it doesn’t matter what Your selling physical products services Doesn’t matter this book is going to Help you do it and by the way I think They’re crazy for this but if you don’t Like the book you don’t even have to Send it back and they’ll refund the Shipping so go ahead act now claim your FREE copy while supplies last I’ll see You guys soon Okay demo2 book right and it’s I mean I Just down And it wasn’t the it wasn’t the greatest Demo in the world but but that was Without even practicing it that was Without practicing That’s what withholding the thing Imagine if I’d have put the phone on a Tripod or had somebody else with steady Hands hold it if I had to practice the Script two or three times which would Have taken a total of 12 minutes to Practice it three times and then just Delivered it amped up my my excitement Level and all of a sudden you’re doing Demo after demo after demo and you’re

Hitting all the right buttons and it’s I Mean you guys can tell us in the Comments down below whether you thought That was any good or not for a first try With absolutely no rehearsal whatsoever But I’m telling you this script can Change your life and using bridge pages Is a way for you to use clickfunnels To build a business so freaking fast and Without even doing it with your own Products I mean if I was gonna do this I Would I would I would do this that’s Exactly what I would do I would take and I would do demos of Russell’s books then I would do demos of all the different Cool features inside of clickfunnels and After every single one of those videos I Would direct everybody to sign up for The 14-day trial for clickfunnels and Then I would go out onto social media And I would look for where people were Asking questions that clickfunnels could Be the solution for them and I would Start answering questions by either Answering him right there or I would I Would direct them to the videos that you Had showing people how to you know how To use click phones to solve their Problems it’s it’s just it’s the Simplest way to be able to use Clickfunnels and to use final scripts to Be able to create things that will turn Into money quickly so tell a little Secret that mr. Steven Larson did

Because he did this process right after He stopped working clickfunnels he went Home and then he’s like okay he booked Like a squeeze page in people’s email Addresses was like get access to all the Tools I used to build my business and he Had like 90 different tools like click Funnels and Google dog And all the stuff right and and like Half me at affiliate links for he made a Demo video for each one like here’s how I use this here’s how I use Trello your Site and just a get all these things and Some rocks in you could make an email Every day of like here’s next week next To a next to and he makes Commission’s Off of myself other people’s stuff and Just that’s what he did literally just Demo all the stuff he uses friends Business and made ton of money so for Any of you guys in any market you’re in Like let’s say you’re in the stock Trading market like what are the tools You use to trade stocks going like most Probably I set up in Philly program go And crate them all demos on all of them Boom that can be your whole your hope is Anyway yep this is like if T keeps on Giving the strategy the script and this Bridge base concepts so simple so easy Exactly and think about it will all the Different things that you’ve ever bought That were from a demonstration Everything from a Ginsu knife – I bought

A $1500 shrink wrapper off of a 45 Second video that showed lift the thing Up throw it in slam it down it comes out Shrink wrap person yep I’ll take it I mean it’s think about that and I think It’s it’s one of those simple things That absolutely can change your life and Think about your own products how if you Did demos for different different groups And different solutions that just doing Demos for your own stuff and creating Bridge pages to your own stuff people Arise that all 60 whatever episodes of Funnel Friday’s is literally you know Moving demoing photo scripts and me Demoing click funnels and we just passed A $10,000,000 yesterday so does it work I don’t I don’t know I don’t know my so That’s that’s that’s amazing if you guys Don’t have click funnels yet you need to Go to click funnels comm and sign up for How can they get click funnels Russell You always ask me how to get funnel Scripts oh yeah first I’ve just be Living under a rock it’s the thing ever Talk about every single day for Literally almost five years fact our Five year birthday is next month with a Huge birthday announcements gonna be Happening craziness is ensuing they’re All gonna freak out but for last five Years talk about every single a because It is the tool that has freed more Entrepreneurs abl on this planet I think

Today we are at 90 3806 active Entrepreneurs who are built-in funnels Live our platform so far you guys have Built 5.4 million funnels you have Processed 3.8 nine billion dollars and You have generated 925 million contacts Inside a platform there’s our live stat Board so yeah there’s Counting Who’s like so it’s not matter if you’re Gonna use click phones this when so you Can do it in the future or you do it Today because there’s no like honestly If you think about it there’s this old Ancient Chinese proverb that said the Best time to plant a tree was 20 years Ago but the second best time is right Now so the best time you Cleveland was Actually about five years ago the second Best time there’s right now so go to Click balls like op get your count right Now now Jim if they have a click photos Hand already but they’re copy sucks and Other phones converting what do you need To do well you know you really need to Get funnel scripts because funnel Scripts is going to help you to create All the copy you need for your bridge Pages for your headlines for your emails For your webinars for your master Classes for your follow-up sequences for Promoting your webinars for anything you Want to do with a funnel we’ve got a Script for that and if we don’t have a Script for that there’s one on my board

But I guarantee you now with over 60 Online scripts and six or seven Downloadable Wizards and all the recipes And the blueprints and the and the we Just did our 40th straight month of live Coaching in in funnel scripts this past Tuesday 40 straight months of new Training every single month teaching People about copywriting and how to use Them to build their funnels you need to Head over to funnel scripts calm you Have a couple options one you can watch An amazing training that Russell and I Just did a couple months ago and they Will teach you three secrets three key Secrets to copywriting as well as give You cool demos of funnel scripts and if You’ve been on the fence about funnel Scripts you need to head on over to Funnel scripts calm /go and you can just Sign up awesome Congrats on everything I I have to go Right now and go fish right My book which is not fun but I’ve really Enjoyed the last 45 minutes saying now If you look up the new haircut on the Beard and so excited just you guys know Jim for the last like two weeks every Day I’m getting a message just like the Screenshot how closer to get closer Closer closer and it’s super exciting Patti may have tried all the work you Put into this product this program and Hopefully it inspires people to keep

Reaching for the same goals as well Beauty being on stage actually getting One of the big ol fat diamond rings and A big all huge just like this big the 10x award is the same so gonna go right There I have a spot for it already That’s amazing Excited so we’ve an amazing partner and Just a great friend especially you know Last fire for five years and just Grateful for you and all you do for our Community thank you And I’m right back at you so I Appreciate you very much and it was Definitely it’s been a team effort Definitely and and I will tell everybody You are the best partner I’ve ever had So thank you that’s awesome all right Well everybody appreciate you saying Thank you Jim make Karen for watching And if you have any questions comments Plumb postman links down below I’m sure Will answer them and we’re go back and Get wasted on my bubbly watering on Alcohol we just you so fix everybody We’ll talk to you again soon bye bye Everybody

Ace The Funnel Builder
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