How To Make Money Online Fast As A Coach – Use This “Coaching” Sales Funnel Template

Yeah and my would like hey what’s going On I do message back to creative yeah I Mean it’s been a while since we’ve done This so I’m going to go old-school you Know have a handle or something man a Man three brother what how does it Really do that that’s kind of cool your Mask he’s gotta make a foot pedal or Something right no no I have it super Abbott’s super glued to my chin you said Our plate for weeks what we haven’t Renewed for a Friday when can I take This off exactly and you know think About taking a shower in this thing Sounds good attention from the neighbors Your neighbors see you in the shower Anyway all right all right so what Friday’s then Ray’s been a while it’s Been a while Jim’s on vacations Everywhere you can hang out with this Head excuse me I was on vacation for one Week you’ve been the one that’s been Gone oh well I apologize to everybody But now we’re here for the next round of Vacation starting here before next week So I want to mention the elf in the room That yes I don’t know but me Steven and Jamie Smith over here all wearing a Matching t-shirt we called each other And actually from the offices so this Pencil backs from manager then we’ll get Get back to funnel building I think that Would be a delight all right so we first

Launching clickfunnels right we need our Own t-shirt and so try making t-shirt And Todd is like we should make a T-shirt that has like HTML code that Says click font so that’s why stuff Little bracket e things someone designed This well right looks like it’s like an Atari shirt or something so so we didn’t Use the design but in Todd took the Design printed two of them I think maybe Three I know Todd had one and then Jimmy Had one and that might be the only two In existence But every single event they went to you For cliff bones that was warm and Everyone’s like their shirt is the Coolest I was like oh it’s so anyway Yeah so pretty near the office so Jim I Can get you one set out to tall one I Would love to have one Let me call and then out were actually The whole text is venti in town this Week working on the onboarding process And there’ll be a chance for everybody Actually win one of these puppies for Free just by playing the clickfunnels Game which is coming soon – uh is that An html5 shirt I mean I’m only want the Latest HTML so so they said be cool for A couple reasons one its redness Valentine number two we’re still gonna Be fun wearing some photo scripts and The way that put Jamie Superboy’s in the Office put him on the hot seat and we’re

So a suicide yesterday finally University and CF Pro Tools to merge Together to one superpower and so James Is coming with every building lost like Five ten minutes and add in all his Magic ninja crap so double magic dust so That we can do make this funnel even Cooler so that’s the plan sweet that Sounds good Aussie flag all right so Jimmy had a Good idea what we should build – you Want to talk about that again say Remember you tell me about as you need Stuff set up it’s done No he can okay so we had somebody on the Help desk ask a question and it was I Want to do a coaching funnel that leads To a case study video and to an Application for a strategy session so How would that be set up and what funnel Script should I use and all that good Stuff Coaching funnel right sorry case study – A coaching funnel they opt-in and it Takes in – I’m assuming they opt-in and There’s a case study and then after they Watched case study there’s an Application for a strategy session that Was what I took it to me what if we okay So what if we do that and then to do a Cool Jamie Smurf let me get a paid Application there’s a coupon code we can Get it for a dollar instead of like Hundred dollars yeah okay alright never

Seen this before This is like revolutionary okay well let Me just so and just for grins I mean Just I know that this person’s topic is LinkedIn publishing I don’t know if we Want to do it for that or we’ll just do It for whatever like fried butter at Home you know being a fried but they’re Expert or you know some serious topic as Opposed to like LinkedIn I mean who even Thinks about LinkedIn I was good all Right so I’m game with whatever you Gotta write a copy so you tell me which One you want to run right for okay well I think we’ll do a LinkedIn thing oh wow Six hundred sixty seven thousand six Hundred two dollars and fifty six cent Is that my Kim let me change the link Really quick Sorry all right so as you see I’ve got a Couple of screens open these are all so Info mobility there’s like three screens You need to have open all game console One is funnel quits click follow every Color stop it we’re doing University with here’s all Jamie’s Scripts are here there’s also the other Software here that goes the Marisa fight The image generator I’m going to use That today as well it’s all from University then you got final scripts Are you loving our page eyes need the Dashboard these are all notice we have a Read we have a revamped dashboard whoo

Please nice alright okay so that’s the Game plan so I’m starting with funnels You’d be drawn out just for everybody of The three pages that we’re gonna make Yeah so much iPad refers to look sir Yeah so Wow yeah 30 minutes I’m starting Now to get you ready for that Hey here we go go if I’m not ready I’ll Disconnect suddenly okay so we’re gonna Paint this thing out first this is Paintbrush well I guess it’s the Mac Version I almost call but alright so we Are gonna do landing and these little The pencils this way cooler take pencil I and without a straighter my curiosity Based headline to get them to opt in For free case study being right so yep Case study something they will put an Email address you know and then they Will submit that’s a Smith in from there Do they go to a page like this so Amounts when everyone microphone watch That’s what I would get ejected is that It hasn’t apply is that you should apply For coaching but Kochi costs both in the Coupon code here it only drops down to One dollar to apply or something okay And then from there they come over here And you sell them a fried butter for Liebman so are they gonna get the are They gonna get the case study through Email then we’re just immediately gonna Take them from that opt-in to the offer For OB the case so the video we can’t

Talk about a case saving and it makes The offer okay Alright cool of my thought so okay so What that means Hey hey easy there quick draw um ooh bad Luck so we need a headline for the front Page but we’re going to need a headline For the the page or here a study page And then we’re gonna need I’m thinking What do you think like the who what why How script underneath that are here yeah It’s got a headline here we got a Headline here we’re gonna who what why How I think so yeah and then we’re gonna Need the CTA um we’ll use the CTA script To okay and then right here so then in Blue We’ve got Jamie doing coupon codes Coupon code Oh kinda and then Russell’s In black so and I don’t think we have in Thirty minutes that we can make her Complete offer there on that last Creator what would you put on that last Page just like thanks for applying okay And yeah There’s no script for that it’s called The thanks for applying script put in Your name button Thank you for playing there you guys It’s the same for everyone all the hard Stuff here’s the legend of who’s doing What Boom and we’ve already wasted ah pretty Minute forget it started

Alright when you sell your product Though so I got so product sales funnel Call this butter coaching know it we’re Doing LinkedIn not fried butter coaching Okay so this problem have a squeeze page And then I’m not gonna sell space-time Around order for that’s other people Okay so I’m killing sales page I will Turn set order form age into a sales Page I’m gonna kill order confirmation Page and another Thank You page so Simple funnel if you look at how right Here we did one two three one two three Knows where sink now I got in the Framework to start building on alright By the way Jim this is some cool no Knows about we’re working on a secret Project here called the funnel hacker Cookbook and then who wants to see in my Life show this part so obviously this is So this is not done thing but the five Kubik has an online version like this And you can you can pick like which Industry you’re in invite this is fun we Should use like a chime generate lead You try this and it shows you the actual Funnel for your industry for your goal And then I pick it and then instead of Hike right now I’m gonna go through pick A different template for every single Page which is kind of paying the but you Know how the template that goes across All the pages so anyway so what we’re Literally gonna be building a six

Hundred fully done Temper on those templates August 15 4050 Here boys with a bunch of designers Maybe so then what we need to do is take The main stuff from that and I can use Those to supplement the funnel scripts Blueprints so that we can tie specific Funnel scripts to specific parts of Those funnels and and just so there goes Of you who can see my screen at home I Just want to point out and then I’ll get Back to work but we have totally Revamped the funnel scripts blueprints So now we have 15 of them in here Instead of seven and we have a whole Training around the blueprints so that You can go through and pick and see with All the new funnels the funnel scripts That we’ve added all the different ones Based on where you are and you’re Creating your funnel you can grab the Appropriate scripts and we added up a Bunch of them down here with the new Stuff so it’s pretty cool people are Digging it awesome so but back to the Funnel that we’re building now that we Only have 24 minutes for a video on Youtube I can use someone ripped my Video and made a video about it yes Hello from fun logics I was gonna use Biology iPhoto awesome video anyway and This is gonna be the next page yeah but Peters empty youth yeah okay we we just Have a line to be huge Jim so makes us

Page not like naked is funny I stood by Awesome SLC I actually own an awesome Sauce alright I have my demon fell on This page I’m working on a big boy easy I almost done what are you doing um what I’m doing is I’m filling out all the Stuff before to create the headlines That we’re going to use and actually I’ll be able to Pick two of them but so I’m putting in This is the killer headline wizard our Killer headline script rather not it’s Not one of the downloadable Wizards but Basically I’m just putting in all the Stuff so our niche audience is a Business professional LinkedIn Publishing LinkedIn marketing and I’m Just putting in all the stuff about that And let’s say 15 minutes is when you can Get the results and then we’re gonna I’m Gonna have all sorts of wonderful Headlines for you and let’s see how to Get more business from LinkedIn without Wasting money on LinkedIn ads how to Make more money with LinkedIn as little As 15 minutes even if you’ve never Published on LinkedIn before I like that New case that o prefix new case study How to mate you like that one or no okay So you want me to copy that and send it To you yeah okay it’s almost too easy Jim I paid a lot for copywriter write me Something half as good I should have never shared this with you

And just made myself available hey Russell let me write some copy for you Hmm Hey answer these questions and then I’ll Get back with you in two or three days Once I’ve had a chance to do this um Since every copy writer since fellowship Scheme oh let’s see okay so that’s the Headline the heaven I just sent you is For the main page there and so now while You’re working on that we’re gonna need A headline for that well do we need a Different headline for the page for the Next page thinking about this I’m gonna Need a different headline view well well It might be something though that we’re Trying to transition them over into Wanting to hire this person oh you know What let’s use one of the expert one so Oh here you go here’s the one for the Next page top LinkedIn publishing expert Reveals insider secrets to get more Business from LinkedIn without wasting Money on LinkedIn ads cool is that cool She gives like better A bad one that’s nice but not for the First page for the second page over AC Wait once they won’t for page – yeah I Like page so I said that’s bubble Scripts are using Yeah that’s comp that is funnel scripts I’ll take out this the third LinkedIn so It’s gonna be top LinkedIn publishing Expert reveals insider secrets to get

More business from LinkedIn without Wasting money on ads is that cool yes Yeah so I just sent that to you hey you Go to pass thank you but you know hey Dude I still have to do the who what why House correct let’s do this so we’re Gonna adapt the who what why how script It to UM filling out the form Yeah why do I can do okay checks out hey So this is this is me awesome so I’m not Put a video on this page but I want them To see what the deals gonna look like it So said here’s the YouTube video I’m Gonna put on the page so I take a Screenshot so I use drop ler or do I use Face cloud out it doesn’t matter you use Whatever so it’s your boo thang yeah and Then here’s a picture I just took of the Thing okay so I’m going to save save Image as okay okay then I come back here To funnel University now if I’m the University is a bunch of cool software Programs one of them is called video Image generator I launched this Application this is what I use officer Day okay here I click on this upload Image take my case study picture I just Took and I want to be go play button in The middle of the scene you play I can Apply the blur to the background picture So we kind of blur because they can’t See it they’re gonna watch the video Next page then that’s awesome and then I Can make a smaller better and I said I

Like it sends Amazon it uploads it to my Amazon s3 account and there’s the link Copy link come back here there’s your Image now I’m gonna make this like a Two-column now yeah yeah and then on This side they’ll see this cool image It’ll tell you click it it’ll be like There’s we can do is attach the submit Action to its it turns that unionized Recipe read if they try and click it be Cool was that Shana because you got a Glue they didn’t finish Douglas should Add oh did you know Kannada brother it Was from your last calculate button it’s Broken would get yeah yeah yeah cuz the Borderless thing yeah Good thing it was a border don’t like That ordered a black border yeah anyway Okay a little faster kids say night There’s the case study you will get if You opt in Smith a here no shriek Headlines dang it I’ve also space I’m Doing way too much time on it but if Your periscope is probably a watch on Facebook or YouTube down that go sir See how come I can’t it’s not this Narrow row I want the room bigger the New editor he can’t do that right if This section wider yeah because you’re Just always like oh I couldn’t make it a Full page section no Brady who that’s Like big font and big words big Everything three cases Travon 15 is in ansan page mark a high

Page boy is done JB sir sweat back he’s like three Seconds no I just do simple do your Skinny you do two step I just you won’t Need all the shipping address and all That stuff for a okay I don’t know You could it’s part of the application That you step imagine just lead Everything so if I’m completely honest Because that’s how I roll okay three in The week everything alright we’re back Okay so I got a quick question for you I Did the who what why how script and I Can I actually use the lady’s name who Sent in the the ticket and so my Question is when we get to this page the Next page and I’ve got this script You’ve got that video now are we gonna Pin this script to the end of that video Or or house or this is going to be Written or how are we gonna do this I’m Just curious I see imperfect world mission appended To the video but all right some of the Coffee also underneath it okay I’m a big believer in having multiple Modalities I think it’d be good to have Okay so so then my question is do you Want me to kind of rewrite this on the Fly right here as we’re doing this or Just send it to you or what you want me To do I’m gonna read this out to you and I’ll just rewrite it on the fly yes Okay so I’m just gonna read this hi my

Name is Tracy NUS founder of Tracy a News calm I’ve got a free coaching Session for you called LinkedIn business Breakthrough strategy session that’s Going to help you specifically with how To get more business Get more visits from LinkedIn no matter What you sell and we’ll go with option One so if you’ve been struggling with Wasting time or money doing the wrong Thing to market on LinkedIn then you Need this free coaching session because Among other things it will help you with How to get 10 new clients this month so You can get more business no matter what You sell let’s go with that and again I Mean I’m just winging this for her thing So just fill out the form below or You’re gonna have it below right yeah Just fill out the form let me know your General address and will and I’ll send You your free coaching session Application right away Hey for Sonoma hundred bucks doesn’t Keep on a gift for LA without a special Ok here we go yeah Normally the session costs normally the Session costs $100 but with this coupon Code which you enter below mm-hmm you Enter below you can have it for $1 how I Do that Jim apparently nobody saw my Screams lost like ten minutes so I’m Gonna think of screenshots that gives You can see how the following you

Software the interesting works pregnant Why are you typing that so I’m gonna Base wonder I’ll put an image of the Thing here with the video on it come Back here – I seen him do this – you see How I did it I seem so slow Come on okay well I like this so here’s The pitch of the video I’m gonna spin up So I think a screenshot of it with Anything like droplet or cloud app or Gene in picture of it and then save the Third look at the picture save it to my Desktop and then I come back you’re Following University I go to the app Right here which is called video image Application click right here and then I Upload the image this will appear and Then here I can pick like put a play Button on it you can apply it blur to Make it was blurry in the background Like clean every want I can change the Crop wise it fills the whole image just Kind of cool you can do other stuff here Moving what play button to be activate I Want it here or here or here and then I Like it automatically uploads at your Amazon s3 count I can grab this here I Come back in here and I can put in so What we did is on this page did obscene Thing over my video it’s always just Like huh anyway I’ll show you guys I Can’t save this page for some reason and I got like two minutes leggings to Jamie So I put image here and boom I got

School image there that that’s Ozzie Button on it oh so awesome anyway that’s That is okay so video and then down here And then I’m gonna have some headline It’s just something I think get your Instinct keep on code no you keep uncle Go inside to work for Danny what does it All work Thank you guys just having it what would It I can’t read lips I’m trying to tell Me something I can’t relive okay that’s Awesome Click phone’s spiriting technical Difficulties at the moment live I sort Of you know it’s happened when you do Live no matter what you do live you can Do it 10 times perfectly in practice and You should go live it’s gonna break Yeah these things still play the editor While we’re all playing You are on the code yes that’s how it Works I think so and actually so so They’re actually going to fill out the Form right there on the page right we’re Not going to a different page we’re not Going to a different place okay you does Before use code don’t explain why the Coupon code works or they actually gets Code I just assumed the day you run this To do now nine minutes they say so this Bit of it we’re going outside funding to You So guess what I got so far so feel free To do whatever the next time mr. Mickey

Ponds work All right D visa run then run the show Okay so promo codes work in this way you Grab basically you’re creating two Products your regular price product and Then your coupon price product or your Promo price product and then you grab The script from funnel you never see the Screen so we go in here to funnel University CF pro tools add-on section And then you will find towards the top Should be C F promo code so if we click On that there’s a video inside here that Explains exactly how to modify the code With your product ID so your main Product ID and your coupon Product ID so You jump in you basically copy all of This code right here that’s on the page First watch the video then copy all the Code grab this code and then in that Code you’re gonna just basically edit This product ID the top one You’re an added the promo product ID and You’ve been whatever code you want well So it could be you know free forever you Know wonderful sauce $1 case-study Clickfunnels rocks you know whatever you Want you put that code Jimmy’s head is a Big unicorn yes Unicorns are awesome and you that’s case Sensitive boys yes yes and then you copy That code and you drop it into your do We have the page up as okay cool so um Then so we’re gonna copy this code okay

We need to copy this code we’re gonna go We got this one here to start order for Him okay awesome then we’re going to go To settings tracking code footer code And then we’re gonna paste that in there And we know we have the last thing we Need to do And these things so what do we want to Code to be Jim Oscar and dislike the Note said always put this in an Uppercase because the code is expecting To be an uppercase it doesn’t matter how The user puts it in but you put it in up Here in uppercase and we’ll put it in Awesome so we got that so we’re gonna go In next and we’re gonna actually you Need to create the products so let’s Really go okay so we want to go in to Our funnel that we’re creating sun’s out Guns out we’re gonna go in we’re here It’s our butter coaching so we’re gonna Go into our funnel cause we got the Duty-free products all right nothing Better coaching it’s locked in coaching It’s not okay we did okay this is what It is So we’re gonna go into our order form in The funnel step and create our products So we’re going to add a product and We’re just going to do this real quick Basically going to create two products One is the regular price product and one Is the promo price product okay here we Go so we’re just going to call this you

Know hundred dollar coaching session Awesome and what I recommend is calling Them both the same you do that that way Somebody actually feels like though the Whole point of the promo code in this Case is to make somebody feel special Like they’ve got something special We’re just gonna attach this buddy like They’ve got something special yeah they Did they put in a code and they saved Some money off and but they can see the Difference they can see this is Legitimately selling for $100 and Because they got a special code then They get special access that gets people To increase your conversion rate with That and then we don’t need I’m gonna Just drop out the email options here Five minutes 37 seconds he’s he get in There we go He’s got this easy see okay awesome so No he says oh it didn’t like my amount For some reasons Okay awesome and now we’re gonna go in We’re gonna add another product and this One’s going to be our one dollar product So we could just name this you know We’ll name this one $1 coaching session We’re gonna call that special because Everybody wants to know that it’s Special and we’re gonna strike we’re Gonna put in one dollar one time so We’re all set don’t worry about the Emails right now can you do this in

Pesos I think you can actually we can Yeah just make sure you put both Products and pesos don’t mix thank you Together you gotta go all pesos or no Base so so then we got our products and The next thing we need to do is grab our Product ID so we can do that by over our Edit link actually includes the product Needs so we’re gonna copy that link Address I’m not open a new browser tab And I’m just gonna paste this in and Then right after click phone’s calm Slash Falls slap oh that’s the wrong Your copy doesn’t work like my copy copy Link address there we go Paste it why is it not it’s not grabbing My link let’s do the weirdness read this Down the status bar Wow Why is it so long this is different we Get a little bit different interface Than normally this is gonna go here we Go It’s products this what comes after Product so it’s products / 95 3 1 3 2 There we go so we need that we’re gonna Go back into our code here that’s our Regular price Braco in a tracking code Protocol knows what products yeah Exactly this is how flip funnels knows Oh I copied the whole thing I don’t need The whole thing I just need this Product ID let’s see so we got copies oh boy Okay so Everybody who says boy they make it look

So easy yes we do make it look easy This is okay so this one is 95 3 1 3 3 So 9 5 3 1 3 3 copy that in wrong it’s Gonna go to some porno product Somebody’s got a funnel for good ok no Stephen we would have made it if that oh You know what oh you use it to stab There’s a disc you’ll see where you We’re gonna do bread we’re doing a Regular order form okay let’s run kill The two-step we’re gonna put in an email Address you get different code for a Two-step different codes are two steps But we already put in the regular code So we’re gonna do order select and we Need we need text code we need to set The black because we can’t see it on the Page and product color black so we can See it on the picture okay cool so we’re Set and then we’ve got to throw in an Email address these inputs And here’s our input we’re gonna drag This just above yes gonna put this in as An email field okay to email Gmail Z Quit picking on your credit card form First time on on Fridays and we put it On the heat we’re gonna drag this down Okay and then we’re a credit card form Credit card form scroll it down okay Good and now we need a button we’re not Gonna make this super beautiful with That but it’s gonna work or going to What’s our what’s our call to action Jim I this crap registered okay that’s cool

Got that and so and I can’t stand and Not have this have margin it we got to Put a little margin in other words do Different margin for middle science work It’s always on B hat it if he doesn’t Make it either okay call this my my Order form better hurry up 14 second Okay what do we got what else we got big Let’s let’s let’s preview shall we Jim who is your paragraph I’ve sent it To you like eight years ago Oh new copies paragraph right here That’s a preview we’re done for the People buying your coupon code awesome But wait you won’t show on this page Just type out on there your code is Awesome you didn’t ice what okay oh yes Please okay so this is to recap free LinkedIn marketing case study sorry okay And I like the Jimmy said new earlier or Exclusive something that adds to that That cap punch of that pre headline I Think is awesome right the new coolest Thing ever attended sometimes it’s Spellcheck Do we show you one more thing and then Because it’s a fake video here it should I mean yes Well the thing that kills us but yeah to Move use yeah I okay now we got the Spring conferred is that’s pretty fast Okay so let’s let’s break down what just Happened in the last 30 minutes No she busted out an amazing headlight

Here inside a shoe what Sponsorship see in June what is it Fall scripts is an amazing collection of Both online and downloadable software Wizards that work on both PC and Mac to Help you do anything you need to create Sales copy for your funnel including Headlines bullet email follow-up Sequences and introducing some amazing New auntie em worse book some amazing New scripts straight out of Russell’s New best-selling book expert secrets With more to come in the coming couple Of months Yeah oh that’s amazing headline would Take Jim did it in eight seconds right Here is the image we got from funneling Universities image uploader software Which is free for all Pharma University Members already go yeah and then the Rest is click funnels then the Petersons Opt-in which take big number two we send We got the next amazing headline which Is all in red from gin and thumb scripts We got the actual case study video then We got who what why how script modified Wow yeah you took like the last Paragraph or something but yeah you took A part of it and then what I would do it Would truth be told is play whatever Your video is and then I would record The who what why how script on the end Of the video as your pitch since you’re Giving it to them for a buck it’s not

Like you need an eight-hour explanation Right so that’s the purpose of the who What why how script which is straight Out of Russell’s book calm secrets Published a couple years ago but still Just as valuable today as it was back Then Yeah never knew what my half script now It’s like here I would obviously stylize The crap out of this but there it is There and then refresh it here So the case study video then they hear Like oh I have skippers pitches them on The thing and then it’s like oh crap It’s not about channel pan or dogs wait A minute there’s a QR code it’s all some Say company I type in awesome and then The price changes so after they did After they do this they should be taken To a I think on the next page is where The actual application form would be yes Yeah so give me a dolla and then you Fill out the application form yeah so From a strategy standpoint thing when People are fascinated when snake charge Medication I’ll show you for free and it Has hard to do with like like your lead Flowing like charge of application and Not is like how you want control your Lead flow so if you have no leads don’t Charge an application like let people Come apply for free you have too many at Least to handle estar charging if I know It Frank Kern he’s have a call center

And he would he’d had people calling for Him said free applications then he Started himself to put alcoholic ations They only talk people who would I get a Pin thousand dollars talk to me so I Thought that’s how you like gauge your Weeds like slow down by increasing the Application price and then go back and Forth and that’s how you can like and The lead flow to pay for you you and Couple salespeople whole bunch baby Cells people however things like that so That’s awesome and people who want beer Don’t be like me and you don’t want to Talk to anybody just don’t put up the Application yeah there’s that talk about An invisible funnel yes so for the Discount code folks inside from a University so you’re gonna copy all that Cooked first thing you’re gonna do is You’re gonna watch the video the video Is gonna tell you exactly how to do it It’s super simple stuff like that that Walks through and shows you exactly how To do it and then this was the CF CF Promo code so you’re gonna copy that Code down below and then paste that into Your order form page and then you need To modify you’re gonna have two products Your regular price product which is your $100 product in this case and then your Promo prod is your promo price which is Our 1 dollar product in this case you’re Going to grab those two product IDs from

Your products tab you’re going to simply Just paste those product IDs in the Right In the code and then you’re gonna paste You’re gonna type in whatever promo code You want to use in this case we used Awesome it could be whatever you want it To be and save your page that’s it as Long as you’ve got a product selector Element on your page it will Automatically swap that out with the Promo code field below it so that Somebody can type in their promo code And and see those products switch on the Page sweet so to get this suite of tools We use today Friday calm and since our Auto-playing that’s talking not positive Trait that’s sweet as in SW eet or as in The fridge sweet as in collection boats Both sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet it’s Right here click photos right here you Get photo strips right here you can get Funnel University and there you got all The magic tools and you don’t see all The backup so the gym it is amazing Helmets a lot of them there’s some good Ones and that’s amazing good absolute ed I guess I don’t mean to pick locks this One to you oh yeah for G’s waiting you Or the crazy one photography and Friday Night at the Edwards house does get Exciting let me tell you a sexual sense I got a trailer to last kind was 31 well What a lost episode fun as always and I

Kinda think I had chance to do so yet So thank you yeah thank you it was fun People been asking I know everyone’s mad At me today when you do fun Fridays your Fries aren’t the same without the Weather you have time to breathe man cuz Like you have like you have like eight Masterminds next week and then you’re Flying to Timbuktu and then you’re Giving this event in that event and then You’re I know it’s kind of like there’s My calendar it’s completely because wait What was it like 11 events in one month Or something yeah the next like 40 days Like 11 They attend oh I need to retire but I’m So much fun when I’ll be there in four Weeks and we’re gonna be filming a whole Bunch of stuff for final scripts out There James governor Boise we can do real Special fun on Friday than not a Friday On Tuesday will be funnelled Friday Tuesday episode final tips Tuesday go Register the domain quick before Somebody else gets it and we could only Use tips funnels Tuesday you know yeah Cool and and i-22 pole contest with you See if I can beat yes I mean my main Goal oh how many up to back when I was In shape or now yeah all that matters is Now honey how many L make you do right Now 20 in a row without stopping yeah I

Think I gave you there by then cool you Feel fun fresh from my wrestling room in Actually let me tell you what’s not Gonna happen we’re not going to do let’s Wrestle Jim I’m old and little bones This is why I’m into guns I am NOT gonna Have somebody wrestling me I’m not gonna Do you know I’m not gonna show you my Ground game or any of that stuff I don’t Do that so just letting you know he’s Back and he just okay yeah just just Forewarned is forearmed that’s how old People get hurt when they start to Wrassling anyway will be awesome so well Thanks man for being on your bigs Through the show get it was awesome you Just had a great time thank you and We’ll get back summers up close to over All the back to normal publishing Schedule once again here in the near Future profits awesome Well this was fun and I hope you guys Enjoyed it awesome make sure Mickey Jamie’s a Steven Jamie great job all Right guys

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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