How To Set Goals And Achieve Them In Your Life and Business

– For those just tuning in
my name is Russell Brunson, And right now we are answering
a whole bunch of the top Marketing, sales, funnel
building, traffic generating, Cash producing questions
you guys are asking. And today’s question
is about goal setting. So I do I effectively set goals for my life and also for my business? So, this is a great question, And I actually learned
a lot of my goal setting Principles from one of
my buddies Alex Charfen. And it’s funny because
he taught them to me In a business context. And then since then I started
use them with my family, I don’t know if you
guys know much about me, But I have a beautiful
wife and five kids. I was like, how do I set
these things for goals For our family as well? And I think a lot of times The problem with
us entrepreneurs, Is we get excited for our goals, And like I wanna make
a bunch of money. And then we’re like
whoa running around. And then a lot of the
times nothing ever happens. Or we’re running, and we run
out of runway really quick. Or we don’t have a good
vision of everything we want. So, you start actually
building a company, You start trying to grow a team, You start trying to
do something amazing. You have to start looking
at things differently. So, what Alex taught me, And that we are doing
really well as a family. And we’re incorporating
it now more and more, Here in our company,
inside of ClickFunnels, Is a couple things: So what Alex talked
about is that,

If you look at a traditional, Here’s a football player, right? In fact let’s just say… That nose is horrible. There we go, there’s
a football player. This is a coach. Here’s the whistle so you
can see he’s the coach. Okay let’s say it’s
Vince Lombardi. The first day Vince
Lombardi has a meeting. What does he say the very first Of every football season, right. Gentlemen this is a football. Now he’s got his team and here’s
all the players down here. And he’s like, I gotta
get these players To help me win a Super Bowl. And so the first thing
they set as a team Is what they call a
Hall of Fame goal. So, what is your
Hall of Fame goal? As a football player they all
wanna be in the Hall of Fame. So it’s easy. They want to be in
the Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame, okay. So for you my question is
what’s your Hall of Fame Goal? If you’re doing this
for your business, What’s your Hall of Fame
Goal for your business? If you’re doing this
for your family, What’s your Hall of Fame
Goal for your family? I sat down with my
wife and my kids And I asked them, I said, What’s our Hall of
Fame as a family? In 10 years from now, 20 years
how do we know we succeeded? What is it that that looks like? And so we developed a Hall
of Fame Goal as a family. We’ve done it here as a company.

Like, what’s our Hall of Fame
Goal here as ClickFunnels? So now that we know, This is where we’re
trying to go long-term. Then we gotta step back
and say cool, cool. That’s where I can go long term. Number two then, what
is our Super Bowl goal? For football players, it’s easy, We wanna win the
Super Bowl, right? They all have that. So that’s the goal. Okay, so no we look at this, Okay, what’s your
Super Bowl goal? In the next 12 months, what
do you wanna accomplish? And one of the big mistakes, And I’m as guilty of
this as everybody else, Is we set these goals like, I’m gonna make a
billion dollars. The problem with that
is if you don’t hit it, Then everybody fails, right? And so you wanna
set realistic goals. You wanna set goals that
stretch you pretty far, But you also wanna
make them realistic, Where you can actually, It’s possible that
you could potentially, Actually hit those
things, right? So you’re team’s like, Yes, we’re gonna go
for the Super Bowl. So you set a Super Bowl goal. Now you got that,
now it’s like okay, For this team, if they
wanna win the Super Bowl, What do they need to do
this month at practice? And the season? ’Cause this is like
the season, right? So then you come
down, you’re like,

Okay what do we
gotta do this month? Then what do we
gotta do this week? And then what do we
gotta do each day? And so for you, if
you’re setting goals, It’s the same thing. With my family, what we did is
we set our Hall of Fame goal, Then we set our Super Bowl goal, Then we said, okay, to
hit our Super Bowl goal, What do we gotta do this month? Then we broke it down, what
do we gotta do this week? Then what each day. Then me and my kids and
everyone, we use Trello, We have a little checklist. My kids know every single
day, I gotta do these things. And they do all those
things every single day, Then at the end of the
day, they get a reward. And then we have
our weekly goals. K, each week we gotta
do all these things. And one of them is do
the daily tasks list For an entire week, right? And then we have a couple
other weekly goals. And then we have
our monthly goals. And then we have
the Super Bowl goal. So now everyday,
we’re coming in, We know exactly
what we gotta do, Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And every week, what do
we gotta do this week? Boom, boom, boom. Every month?
And then boom, boom. And it moves you
towards the goal, okay? And so that’s how I do
my goal setting here As a family, also
in the company. But any entrepreneur, again,
the biggest problem we have Is all that most
of us see is this,

The Hall of Fame goal. And we’re like, oh I want that. And we start running. We have no idea
where were going. You have to understand, you
have to reverse engineer that. So like, okay cool,
that’s awesome, But what’s this, what’s this,
what’s this, and what’s this? ’Cause this is what
you’re doing day by day. And sometimes people struggle ’cause they don’t know
where they’re going either, They just have these
daily tasks lists And they’re going through
to do lists like crazy. And that’s also tough
as well because, In fact I bet if I was to
ask you guys, like hey, Where do you wanna be
in 10 years from now? For most of you, let’s say… Let me draw this a
little differently So you can kinda see it, But if I said where you gonna
be in 10 years from now? You’d be like, okay,
here’s me today, Here’s me 10 years from now. And I’ll have you explain to me. And you’ll be like, I’m gonna be doing
this and this and this And you have a list of all the
stuff you’re gonna be doing. And I’m like, cool what’s
your to do list today? And you’re like, here’s my
list of stuff I gotta do today. And I’m like, okay does
anything on this list here Have anything to do with
this list right here? And 99% of you
guys would be like, There’s not a single thing
on today’s to do list That gets me even a
step closer to that. Yet that’s what we’re
doing every single day. And the next day
we got our new list

And we got our new list, and
we got the things we’re doing, But we never
actually are focused On things that get us to that. But going through
this process of like, Okay here’s our
Hall of Fame, boom. Now let’s back step this, okay
what’s our Super Bowl, boom. Now let’s back step
it, what’s our monthly? What’s our weekly?
What’s our daily? Now everything you’re doing here Is gonna move you towards here,
is moves you towards here, Which moves you towards here,
which gets you to there. And that’s how we do goal
planning and goal setting Here in our company
and with my family. I hope that helps
any of you guys Who are trying to figure
out how in the world To set your goals so you
can actually achieve them Both in your life
and your business. Thank you so much for watching. Every single week we publish
new secrets just like this, So make sure you subscribe so
you don’t miss any of them. And I will see you
on the next video.

Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial

Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)

Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder

Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help

Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee.  I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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