ClickFunnels education team “Introduction to Marketing in ClickFunnels 2.0”.
ClickFunnels Education I hope you’re having a great Day today in this video we’re going to Be talking about the marketing tools Available in your clickfunnels 2.0 Account You can find the marketing tools by Clicking on the marketing tab on the Left hand side of your screen In the marketing section of your email Account you have a number of tools that Are available to you for your use in Building your audience and communicating With them To begin with we’ll discuss workflows Workflows are a series of interconnected Emails and system actions That will occur when a series of Conditions are met by a customer or Member of your audience These workflows can be useful for Creating what appears to be an Interactive experience that is fully Automated and does not require your Direct intervention Broadcasts or emails sent to a large Portion or all of your audience or user Base Send broadcasts in your click funnels 2.0 account Is easy and straightforward and you can Build templates to help build broadcasts More quickly
Importantly broadcasts are said once and That are finished so if you want to Queue up a series of automated Broadcasts you’d be better off setting Up workflows However for a one-time communication With your audience or user base A broadcast is a great tool Email templates in your clickfunnels 2.0 Account are an easy way to build both Workflow and broadcast emails quickly You can build templates in advance and Then use them when constructing an email Countdown timers in your click funnels 2.0 account allow you to set up timed Events in your pages funnels and courses That can allow for such actions as Redirects or interact with when and how Your pages are available to your click Funnels 2.0 audience and you users Events and said deadlines will be Showing up later This is a coming soon feature and we Look forward to sharing it with you In your marketing settings you can set Up your marketing contact email address Or email address as well as your Physical address You can also set up topics for your Emails This helps you to find your emails more Easily when you’ve created them in Advance and want to make sure that they Are going to the correct groups of your
Users And members of your audience with whom You wish to communicate That’s all for now in regards to you the Marketing Tools in your click funnels 2.0 account We’ll go into more detail about each of These tools in later videos if you have Any questions or concerns please feel Free to reach out to our excellent tech Support team or check out other Academy Documents or videos for more information Thanks and have a great day.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.