[Applause] The 100 billion make money online scam [Music] The great resignation millions of people Leaving their jobs every single month And at the same time millions of new Businesses are being launched at a Record speed are these people legit Entrepreneurs who add value to society Or are they fake wannabes who just Update their instagram bio to hashtag Entrepreneur i’m an investor or hashtag F the 995. and if this is happening if It’s true that millions of people are Starting new online businesses you got To start asking yourself what’s Happening and what is behind this Revolution is there something you’ve Been missing and haven’t seen yet is There more opportunity than what you’ve Been paying attention to if everyone is Starting an online business is this an Actual personal awakening thing are we Living through an era where people are Now waking up from a broken system That’s done nothing but keep them asleep From their goals their dreams well Manufacture us into robots for the big Corporations Profits Maybe also maybe not not every job is Perfect but there’s also a lot of shady Stuff on the internet and so in today’s Video we’re gonna take a look at two
Different vehicles that people are using And driving to get to their end Destination jobs aka the slow lane Versus businesses aka the fast lane more About that soon but first if you like Marketing funnels and everything online Business make sure you subscribe post Notification thing on because we post Videos like this every single week for Free Part one the great resignation [Music] All right so you might have seen that More and more people are starting online Businesses especially now after what’s Been happening in the world i can Understand why people don’t settle where They don’t feel appreciated and where They feel like they’re not growing to be The best version of themselves according To the guardian there was around 4.2 Million americans quitting their job Just in october 2021 and equally around 4.4 million in september the phenomenon Has left economists scratching their Head as to what’s actually going on and We all know that it’s big connect that’s Finally paying off for all the Visionaries we got in early okay so a Ton of people left their jobs am i Saying that all of these people are now Successful online entrepreneurs with Seven figure businesses no of course not And while some of the reasons might be
Due to personal stuff such as not liking Their boss work times Paychecks or the magical everlasting Stemi checks we’ve seen a huge influx of New people shifting from the old Traditional economy to a new online Economy from web 3 crypto nfts to Digital marketing funnels e-com stores There’s always something new exciting Happening and if you’re not adapting You’re being left behind another big Factor you have to consider is the low Cost of entry [Music] Part two the low cost of entry [Music] Part two is the low cost of entry and There’s nothing lower than the cost of Smashing the like button for the youtube Algorithm when i worked at a Construction rental store we had Inventory and gear for hundreds of Thousands of dollars if not millions With all the machines And every time someone rented a tool a Machine would get paid a hundred bucks Here 50 bucks here and 200 bucks here Awesome but How many of you can afford to start a Business like that offline where you Have to invest A huge ton of money up front or how many Of you can get a loan to do that you see The best part of having this online
Business is you can start online for Like 100 bucks and be up and running Pick a niche name your company use a Free logo maker get a week free click Funnels account Create a great offer put it on the sales Page attach it to your domain and you’re Set that’s eight dollars for domain the Logo is free stripe paypal is free so You can accept payments and now you got A clickfunnels account for two weeks for Free to build your sites so now your Business is almost free to run but There’s a major problem with such a low Cost of entry whenever something is too Easy to start It’s also easy not to do think of Exercising outdoors for example and in Business we call this analysis paralysis Where you keep searching for the magic Button or you avoid doing the hard Boring work So if it’s easy to start Why aren’t you why aren’t we all Starting new things new businesses i Mean the millions of people who quit Their jobs i believe this because of our Past experiences these stories that we Tell ourselves the beliefs from other People not in a position to give us Business or any financial advice aka Limiting beliefs that we hold from our Childhoods our youth so let’s talk about It
R3 the elephant in the room A lot of people want to start but they Have limiting beliefs holding them back Gustan i have no experience nobody knows Who i am there’s other people already Doing that i love that by the way you See a lot of people think just because There’s competition out there there’s a Lack of clients for everyone see that’s A scarcity mindset and it’s very common In today’s society in fact i’m sure you Heard that if you told your friends About a business idea or a opportunity That you’ve seen but mark lisa jordan Someone is already doing that why would You do that who are you to start an Online business you barely even finished High school or college that’s always Funny to me because every successful Millionaire entrepreneur had the same Thing happened to them when they got Started they had doubters naysayers fear Rejection haters i mean all of it what They didn’t do though is let those People stop them from starting and going After their goals Part four the Versus the slowly There’s a book i’ve read multiple times Now called the millionaire fast lane Where the author mj demarco talks about The fastlaner versus the slow laner the Fastlane people see online business as a Vehicle to build wealth to take back
Control to achieve freedom and to serve Other people in the process they know That having an online business give them The control What they value the most their time and How they spend it the slow laner goes to A college gets a job hope for promotion Invest in their 401k and hope that when They retire they’ll finally be wealthy Then they can finally start living the Business owner knows it’s not going to Be easy but neither is the slow lane Slaving in a job that you hate isn’t Easy either so pick your heart if you’re Completely happy by the way at your Current job and you have no desire to Make more to exit a company in a few Years to become an investor for other People and maybe be an advisor or Elevate in your cash flow quadrant then All good what’s funny is just as a side Note we’ve been told money is evil all Rich people are greedy so most people Don’t even try they don’t want to become Wealthy because they think it’s a bad Thing i say money is just a tool a tool That you can use to enhance your heart’s Desire As who you already are If you’re a douchebag you won’t care About helping other people with more Money if you’re a millionaire Billionaire you’re just going to be the Same douchebag if you’re a good person
However you know how many people you can Help through donations charities or Overall just growing businesses Providing jobs to people but anyways now Back to the topic the topic of making Money online Part 5 the truth about making money Online The truth about online business is much More simple than we make it seem you Find people who have a problem a need or A desire you create an offer that helps Them with that need gives them that Desire or solves that specific problem If it’s valuable enough to them they’re Going to be happy to pay you for it Screw all the passion only instagram Quotes and people who are preaching that Well you should definitely follow your Passion You never want it to be above helping Other people so if you want to make Money online you want to help people Online want to make thousands solve a Problem that’s worth a thousand This doesn’t mean you have to sell just High ticket for an example got a Software that helps 100 people design Better images you can charge 10 bucks a Month and you make a thousand dollars Per month you got a blog writing service So if you can get 10 clients to pay 1k Per month now you’re making six figures Per year if you got a specific skill set
In marketing or funnels you could start Consulting people on the offers Messaging sales funnels you could charge Two thousand per client and get one of Them every week that would be 8 000 per Month around six figures per year The problem you’re solving tech design Automation and the expertise and knowing What will help get their message out to The world and sell more of their Products And their services you don’t even have To have your own products to have an Online business if you help others solve One of their problems needs or give them Their desires Then that’s an online business that’s Why i love the client businesses plus When you sell your services and only Exchange your time for money you have a Near 100 profit margin In your business [Music] Part six The conclusion In conclusion do i think that the make Money online industry is a scam even if There’s a hundred billion dollars in it Obviously not and while there’s a lot of Shady stuff in any industry not just Online or offline as long as you do your Own research you follow people right you Follow them for a while to see who they Are
See what others are saying about them i Think personally you can find a ton of People that you can learn from to start Your own online business learning from Others whether that’s books youtube Videos online courses mentors will help You shortcut your process by avoiding The mistakes that they have done and you Get to learn what they went through in Let’s say it took them three years Compressed now into three weeks or if You’re reading a book or a video it Could be three hours if you know me at All you know i’m a big fan of sales Funnels as someone who’s now built Around 400 funnels for myself and my Clients including clickfunnels i can Honestly say that there’s no other Business in the past where i’ve learned This much as when i get to work with Clients on their offer the design the Copywriting the conversions i mean Everything i get to see the inside of All these businesses As always though do what’s best for you Don’t be afraid to try new things and Always focus on the clients needs Desires and problems first and if you do That you’ll never run out of clients who Wants to pay you that internet money Right that’s it thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next one if you have Any questions post them in the comments If you want to learn what we do link in
The description and see in the next one You