All right so how do you build a funnel Agency from 0 to 30 000 per month that’s What i’m gonna do on this channel it’ll Probably be like a three-part series but We’re going to start with the Foundations of me picking a niche Choosing a pricing and going after this Specific type of group and i’ll show you Where i get these clients and then i’ll Show you the content creation that goes Into attracting those clients as well as The outbound the outreach method that i Use which is funnel audits or loom Videos where we sort of give them a Couple of tips we get them to request us To build Their funnel or improve the current one Besides that we’re not only gonna build The funnels for clients i am going to Build a team that builds the funnels i’m Gonna be the ceo that builds the Strategy that outlines the funnel and Then i’m gonna hire people which is Probably the the most exciting part of This challenge is i’m only getting to 30k because i’ve had 30k you know month In in my business but as a funnel Builder a solo freelancer funnel Designer i’ve had 20k months without any Team members the only issue was that i i Was kind of burning out so The reason why we’re doing this is i’m Going to show you the foundations for Scaling above 20k per month with a Funnel agency.
With just one niche using slps and um Building a team and system so let’s dive In this is a post that i made yesterday Who wants to see me build a funnel agent Circuit month with just one niche team Sops and everything 200 people liked it 150 people Commented I even got someone down here who’s Interested already so let’s see if i get My first client there we go so hopefully I can build a funnel for cody he asked Me what funnels do you do and i said It’s pretty much my elevator pitch i Built automated corresponds to pay Course credits 24 7. he has how much and Then i go into my dm closing scripts and And now another part of this challenge Which is so much different than anything I’ve done is not only am i building a Team which you know i have to remove my Ego and say look we’re going to help a Lot of people get to 30k per month i Need a team i don’t want to do this Myself i don’t want to burn out i have a Family i have a life outside of this i Have education company the other part With that is i’m just going to start Booking calls and if you know me i’ve You know closed 90 plus of all my Clients i’ve made six figures just from Dms messaging people just like cody here What funnels do you do i asked them a
Couple of questions i gave them a good Deal and it’s like 2.5 k here 3.5 k here 4 000 here just from dm so yeah this is Different but if i just do calls and Outsource everything else i can share That process here so that’s kind of the Strategy here so i have to sacrifice my Introvertism And become an extrovert reinvent myself But with that let’s dive in first things First that we’re gonna fill out is this Funnel agency pillars tool that we have Inside of ffd online businesses and more Specifically the sub niche is course Creators Funnel type is sales page to Order form to potential one-time offers Or upsells and then thank you page okay So that’s the funnel type it’s a course Funnel but those are the steps and then The outcome is well you could say Passive income through courses So we’re gonna sell funnels to those People we’re gonna build it so that they Can just focus on helping people by Making better courses because that’s Well needed in the industry well Obviously my new funnel agency is Automated course funnels i even have my Own simple Portfolio now we build automated course Funnels that bring in daily sales Got some Pr credibility and then i have like how
It works step one this is pretty good Because a lot of people have questions On like what’s included and so it’s good To have it outlined like here here’s the Steps here’s kind of how we work and Then our most recent projects i could Just take this one for an example Save the image go into facebook make a Post Saying course creators your funnel not Converting and i can make a post about That obviously you know a little bit More context and and copy there but then The next thing i will do is just go to Course creator Communities groups you can see i’m a Part of this already if that’s 50 000 People i could join this one the 67 000 And now we’re already at 100 000 people Boom you joined this one awesome and now I could start connecting with people who Are course creators i feel like this Person is a Course creator so i could go to their Main profile I can see Is their group Drive academy Client attraction summit first what i’ll Do is i will add a friend and i am going To give feedback on this People are waiting for you i feel like We could have a stronger Sales hook like the the headline there
But anyways so i could give feedback on This Same thing here if i have advice on yeah Like design along with the copy here we Already see Two things we could do to make this Better for example faq Down here offer stack anyways so i would Just record a video just like this click Loom and i choose screen only and then Current tab and i record this and i Record a video and send it to Sharla and i say hey i love your offer What you have going on with tribe Academy i build funnels for people like You i would love to see how i can help You with your funnel here’s an example Of a similar one that i’ve built and Then i show an example of a funnel that I’ve built and by the way if you don’t Have funnels you just build like a Concept funnel that way i can provide Value while out reaching to people and i Can get 20 people per day or 10 people Per day combine that with content that i Produce you can see i have 4.9k friends So you know when i make a post you can See 200 people so that is the strategy We got the foundations we got the Outreach and inbound strategy we’re just Using a simple social media profile and So people see that we’re all about Funnels and now Let’s dive into the most fun part so
This is really where we’re putting Together a team of people so like what’s The first step In our funnel agency the process You have to kind of look at it from like A road map journey like a journey Perspective and say okay what are the Steps the stages first the big stages That our clients has to go through and Then you ask yourself like who’s doing What so here for example prospecting That’s gonna be i’ll just put a card Here so we have some notes that’s not How it would uh bill out my system but It would morbid be like this like client One client Two And so here the next one which is sales As we book a call i would just move them Here and then when we close a deal i Would just move them here and within These we can have description like Here’s info on client one okay recording From zoom call And then i have a link there And then i can just add people in here By add to cart and i add members in There the next step is really where You’re the ceo and you plan out the Funnel Structure and the strategy so this could Be strategy And then the next thing is after you Have that you have all the info from the
Client You can do like a loom video for your Team the next part is copywriting And then from there we have design so The designer has copy to write from and Then just align the copy with the design That’s all you know mistake that i see a Lot of people make both as funnel Builders but also as ceos who hire Funnel builders and funnel designers They say hey look the copyright is Working on the copy you can just start Designing and the designer is like okay Like you kind of want me to just put Something in there and it doesn’t make Sense and and some ceos even have the Audacity to review it and give feedback To the designer like this is not what We’re looking for or this is uh the you Know the design doesn’t make sense like No like we don’t have any Copy and that’s why i write the copy and I and then do the design but if you’re a Designer wait for the copy so you know What you’re going to design if you talk About the offer you’re going to design Some mock-ups or some graphics that Communicate what the offer is next step We have is the review so this is quality Control and this is going to be by me so Once the copyright and designer has done Their their work the client one goes to Onboarding i do like the overview Strategy of the funnel copywriter gets
To work with the information we have From the onboarding designer builds out The first draft i will review it what I’m also going to do because i kind of Know how to build funnels after building 400 of them i can go in and make it go From a 8.5 Out of 10 to a 9.5 out of 10. then we Send it over to Review By client from there boom they give you Know feedback by the way if they have a Lot of feedback or edits you just move It back to the right person and then Again it goes back to the review And then from here we do like tech Integrations and then finally We approve it or launch it so we’ll just Call it done And then from there you can obviously Ask for testimonials all that to Leverage them to maybe get more clients Or get more referrals from them that’s Sort of the backend systems everything That i teach in fft the best part about This challenge though i sent out an Email yesterday about this There’s a lot of stuff that’s going to Happen and yes we share kind of Strategies and content strategies and How to get leads and close clients and Everything On here but in ffd and this but i want This to be like a huge pitch but i can’t
Share some of the stuff publicly like i Have dm closing recordings of me talking To clients and what i’m saying to them And what they’re telling me and Especially if you already have some of Them you know it’s going to be cheaper And i can give a A good package deal but if you want to Start with one and see my work that’s Also I can’t share that publicly but in a Small community in a private group like Ffd i’m able to do this so if you want To learn how we do that if you want to Learn how to maybe hire people for your Business we can build funnels and you Want to have the team and the systems to Do so they’re in ffd if you want to have The funnel design skills or the Copywriting skills we have those modules We have sketch canva we have figma we Have funnel templates 60 different Funnel templates for you everything Inside of ffd so yes it’s turning into a Pitch but i’m proud of it and the Feedback that we’ve had recently is so Amazing so that’s why i’m like look i’m Just gonna become an extrovert and i’m Gonna talk to more people help more People And that way hopefully as i build this Business i can share it document it and It’ll help more people so if i said I will see you in the next video and if
You haven’t already make sure you like Subscribe all the good stuff and i’m out I’m actually having a meeting right now With a potential client so i’ll see the Next one peace