My Mentors Made Me Rich… The 3 Part Framework To Find A Mentor

One of the most important lessons I have ever learned is to find a mentor and do everything they say.

That sounds simple but when all your social media feeds are full of ”mentors” it makes it extremely difficult to know who to listen to.

That is why I wanted to share My 3 secrets to finding a mentor.

Let me know in the comments if you found this helpful!


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Hey this is Russell Brunson welcome back To the channel on today’s video I’m Going to be showing you guys a special Presentation I did for my top level Mastermind students we talked about how Do you find a mentor there’s a lot of People who claim to be good mentors or People who want to help you but how do You find a mentor who’s actually going To get you to the finish line to get the Result you’re looking for and Milwaukee Is through three criteria points that Are essential to make sure you’re Listening to the right people and also On top that we’re here inside of my Brand new Napoleon Hill room where I’m Surrounded by books from a whole bunch Of my mentors people who have passed on Who have literally changed my life and So uh that’s what the new scenery is Here right here with that said I’m gonna Load up the video if you have any Questions or comments let me know down In the comments I’ll be checking those Out and also like And subscribe to get More videos just like this with that Said here are the steps make sure you Find the perfect Mentor for you one of My friends uh Preston Eli he wrote this Blog post this is probably 10 years ago It’s my favorite blog post on the entire Internet and it’s the funniest thing Ever but he goes through like his Routine his daily routine thing after

Thing and it’s like intense like second By second like second number one I wake Up secondary I blink three times second Number it goes through this it’s like The most insane and like I literally Have time read I sent him I’m like dude This is literally the best blog post on The entire internet and um but my Favorite line is he goes through this Whole thing about supplements he takes And all that kind of stuff and then he Stops for a second in this blog post He’s like you ask why he’s like because Tony Robbins told me so he says and I Obey all Giants with Mighty helicopters And Stage presents and um actually Jenny We need to make a t-shirt with this for This group like this would be insane I Obey all Giants with money helicopters And Stage presence now for all of us Like this principle is key and I’m not Saying to blindly follow people right Not like just like everything I say you Shouldn’t do it like I’m not saying that But I am saying is that you need to do Your due diligence to figure out who Your guide is going to be and when you Find a guide who you believe with you Connect with the same values and things Like that then you’ve got to do this you Obey all Giants with many helicopters And Stage presence okay when I hire Someone to be a coach I spend a lot of Time up front vetting them similar to

Your spouse right they always say like When you’re dating someone you date with Your eyes wide open and after you Marry You Close Your Eyes down right Because that’s how it works I think same Thing like I’m gonna go look at Everything make sure that my values Aligned with the person I’m going to Hire to be my guide or my coach or Whatever it is and after I’ve done that Now I obey everything they say that’s The whole like hashtag do what Russell Says thing came out of it Brandon Caitlyn were the first really to blow up A company inside of our coaching Platform and what we were doing and they Came back and that was what they did Like whatever else it says we’re just Gonna do it and they just blindly Followed everything I said because they Had vetted me ahead of time they decided That I was going to be their guide and Then they put on the blinders and they Just did it Russell Brunton I’m having a Moment dude so we’re having a serious Moment we just got our Dream Home under Contract Love you man hashtag do what Russell Says And so for me I always when I’m going Into something where I’ve picked Something with definite a purpose the First thing I’m trying to do is who’s Already been there I do not want to

Trailblaze this thing on my own okay I Might not make it but if I can find a Guide and someone who’s done it before Then it’s not gonna be that difficult Right so who is the guy A couple things is number one if I want To have someone to be a guy that person Has to actually have a strategy they’ve Got to have a framework for example how Many guys love Gary vaynerchuk When I listen to Gary the reason why is Because Gary creates a certain belief Pattern in my mind I can talk about over And over and over again guess what Gary Does not provide a map He doesn’t have a framework There’s nothing so like people will sit There listening Gary for the rest of Their life and they’re going to change Their belief patterns but they got no Map they’ve got no guide Dan Kennedy I love Dan Kennedy Dan Kenny Is really good at this right if you Listen to his courses it’s like mind Hacks from the greatest courses of all Time it’s like 47 different mind hacks To do in your sales your Market it’s Amazing but there’s no Frameworks to say Here’s a whole 47 cool things you can do Like whoa this is amazing But I don’t know where to go now like so Which one do I do first I don’t know if there’s no path Okay so I love listening to other

Outside influences because they’re gonna Help shape my belief I listen to Ed Kennedy all the time because I start Thinking like Dan Kennedy I listen to Tony Robbins all the time to start Thinking like Tony Robbins listen to Garyvee to start thinking like garyvee So there’s value in other people but if They’re not a guy do not hire them to be Your guide find somebody who has a Proven step-by-step process so I picked The I pick the mentor who’s got a strat An actual strategy I buy in and I have To look like I have to make sure that Their their strategy isn’t just like Here’s the overall strategy but inside The strategy do they have tactics like Step one step two step three so I have a Path I can actually follow if they don’t Have these things they can’t be my guide Okay they can be an influence but They’re not going to be my guide Otherwise you’re gonna be spinning in Circles to rest your life There are multiple ways to get to the End result right I don’t have a Monopoly Online the only way to build a business Right like if your end goal the definite Purpose I want to make money there’s a Lot of paths there there’s Russell’s Path which is funnels there’s this one On eBay there’s Amazon there’s this like There’s a million different paths and The reality is most of the past will

Actually get you there that’s what’s Crazy about it you can do it it doesn’t Really matter but you got to pick one Path but the way you’re not going to Ever get there is if you got one foot on Russell’s path and one foot over here on The this path and you got an arm it’s Like that twister Game you’re like this Like you’re never going to get to the End ever right because you got to make Sure that you are picking on one so you Pick the path put on blinders and do What that person says otherwise you’re Going to be this and spinning and you’re Ever actually going to get there okay my Biggest frustration we used to have this Mandy can remember this we used to do These calls with Inner Circle members Back in the day we call them decade-day Calls where I had a 30 minute call with Every single person I can’t tell you how Many times people get in fight with me Over something [Music] Oh my gosh I hire so-and-so then because They apparently didn’t know like but This way works for me it’s worked for Like I got tons of case studies I can Show you what we’re 15 16 1700 people Have been two common clubs but like There’s a process there’s a path we’ve Been over and over and over and over Again like just focus on the thing you Have right now when you succeed on that

Then do the next thing This is one of the epiphanies I had this Week where I was like freaking out if You ever heard that phrase people are Like you never want to meet your mentors You never want to meet your Heroes Because they’re going to disappoint you Like for example Dan Kennedy Dan Kennedy And I share a value we both have value In marketing right we share that value We’re all passionate and so I study them I loved and everything and I have a Chance to meet and what happens is you Meet somebody and it’s like oh my gosh Like I have this value that’s the same These other values aren’t in alignment And we freak out like oh I don’t like This person anymore because our values Aren’t the same and like it destroys Relationship okay it doesn’t have to be That way I can love Dan Kennedy because Of the things we share the value we Share he may not believe the same Religious beliefs as me you may have the Same um other beliefs to me that’s okay Okay if we think that the only people we Can like are people have 100 same values As us it’s going to be very very lonely Miserable life for you In our church uh there’s uh Joseph Smith Wrote thing called The Articles of Faith The different articles of faith in one Of the Articles the faith says if There’s anything virtuous lovely of good

Reporter praiseworthy we seek after These things in every relationship I’m With what I have value that overlaps I Can find something virtuous lovely of Good report inside of that thing and I Can love that person because of it I Don’t have to degree with everything to Get value from the relationship I want to stress that because if not You’re going to struggle like some People in this room probably are like Russell I don’t know why there’s some of These things I don’t believe in a God I Don’t believe that it’s like that’s okay We share this common value if we’re Trying to change the world inside of our Businesses so like let’s focus on that So when I’m when I’m picking my mentor I’m picking somebody who we have the Same value right they’ve been where I’m Trying to get to and so I’m looking at This what person I picked my mentor what Are what are their beliefs what are Their rules what are their habits and Routines because I want to model people Who are successful if I pick that person As my guide I want to understand what They’re doing why they’re doing it how They’re doing it because it’s going to Save me all the time and energy trying To figure these things out on my own

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