And we are live what’s up Jim cat what’s Up it’s not a cat it’s a unicorn unicorn Stylish I am too even left the price tag On there and see I’m all I’m all hip Hoppity with my things Yeah there you go You don’t the laser vision 3d vision or Something like it’s just the awesomeness That’s all you need that’s all you need To know it’s just awesome computer Awesomeness awesome sauce that is Amazing I love it Oh actually I have some today if you Guys all seen the most recent vengers Movie which one the most recent one oh The one with the fist in the Nick paid The way over here Josh survives melody Fades away Russell survived Jim fades away I’m like Oh no I’m stuck doing funnel fries by Myself I should have stopped yes anyways I thought it was cool I think it’s very Cool I got a new patch for my hat it’s The same type we can read it my mom That’s my new that’s my new patch for Today we come with a hat or did you know I people send me stuff dude but as Always we give you the warning ahead of Time at some point we will probably Offend you throughout this show not Russell but me Jim we’ll never find you I’m gonna try my best to clean up that Mess Afterwards oh yeah we’re gonna see NASA
Oh I decided to be with you I’m excited Too we’ve got some cool stuff to go Through So we’ve also got some neat neato Bandido stuff with a funnel scripts Oh Final scripts I’ve heard then improving Lately even more which is hard to Believe but apparently is happening it’s Also Kate or thought about who’s who’s Funnel were working with today We’ll talk about what we’re gonna be Doing okay do you want to show it on Your screen you want me to show it on Mine yeah I can show my screen okay well The basically what we’re going to be Talking about and this is pretty cool This is one of our funnel scripts and Clickfunnels customers and basically It’s super cool what she does is she Actually helps female entrepreneurs to Overcome stress and just the the things Specifically that are keeping them from Being able to succeed as entrepreneurs Yeah I stress out sometimes too yeah This is Amy’s a psychologist and got Degrees and stuff and you know unlike me That they just let me out of college and Said don’t come back she apparently is Like super smart and so what Katie’s got Is a course that she’s offering as well As she’s got a webinar that she’s using As part of her funnel so what we wanted To talk about today was just you know Knee-jerk reaction to what you see
Russell and then talk about how we could Use funnel scripts to to as the Brits Would say tart it up so yeah that’s a British phrase man tart it up that means Make it look make it look fancy make it Look better if I told my kids that they Would die tart it up there you go no Tart tart not heart okay a tea not a Dee Okay so you have one of these hatches by There you might want to get that close Little did I know so this is the sales Letter version for selling a product we Correct pricing down here is one select Price two seconds ago for 97 pounds how Much is that us do you know like twice As much all right so the G a thousand Bucks and this is the webinar version Right here a G a G a G G what is it call By a generator but Michael what’s Millennial I can say me because I’m a Young guy you can’t but I’m allowed to Okay okay so this is the two bottles We’re gonna do a couple things I’m gonna Get the timer started here so we can Start this party officially um but I Think the game plan is I’m gonna start Working on some of the stuff and then Jim’s gonna show off something exciting And new in fact when we start the clocks And begin the party um but uh so just You guys know earlier Jim was showing me All the new final scripts he has I’ve Seen if ownership side the new UI looks Insanely good looks amazing and jim
Ostell me was like yeah i was going Through all the scripts and it was like A little kid going through you cleaning Out your closet and you find all these Like toys right I forgot I had that toy And there’s all these amazing Partnerships I need to know about to Tell about today for a long time and so We want to use some of those for some Cool things so I just ruined your story I was so excited yeah so anyway I was Gonna show you guys some cool stuff but Then Russell just did it so it’s cool so But anyway let me show you real quick While he’s working on that this is the Circle not the framework of this foam Henry dude of all we’re going so I will Show me top there you guys so here’s Here is the new UI for final scripts and This is final scripts version 3.0 and we Actually have 51 downloadable or 51 Online scripts 6 downloadable scripts Now we started with 19 online and – um Two of the downloadable ones and it’s Just organized we got it really Organized well into like this is these Are all the experts secret scripts we Got it all organized into sub dashboards And and whatnot and makes it a lot Easier for you to use it Another cool thing that we have actually Is a save function so now you can Save/load and even share your funnel Scripts projects which is pretty amazing
You do it right there from the cloud so Photo strips Yes share it like share funnel scripts So let’s say you’re promoting as an Affiliate or you’ve got the people in Your niche That you’re that are also in funnel Scripts you can literally fill out Funnel scripts save the project and then Share the link to that project so they Can load it into their funnel scripts Use it as is or modify it so you can do That with all the funnel scripts now That’s pretty cool so this is actually The save page and I was working on one For for Katie and this is one of the Scripts that I rediscovered was the Timeless classic headline scripts these Are these are scripts that just have Stood the test of time for over like a Hundred years and they’re still awesome So what I thought we’d do is just come Up with some cool headlines for her as Always with the funnel scripts if you Have never used a script before we have A bunch of example projects and some of Them some we only have one or two but You just load one and then you want to Look and see how we answer them but These are super easy this is just asking You questions anybody can answer you Know who’s your target audience what’s Your main topic what’s the big thing They really want and who’s their enemy
So I mean this would take you like three Minutes to fill this out what he needs Us to do a funnel for him you must be Out next Friday is that theme I think That would be wonderful but you can Clean it up a bit for my buddy fun that Would be cool so let’s just go through a Couple of these and the cool thing that We can do I’m gonna clear out my little Clip in here for but the cool thing like With all funnel scripts is you can add These things to your clip in so like Most people struggle to come up with one Good headline now I’m handing you a Hundred so you can do amazing testing And whatnot especially with clip tongs Funnels makes it super easy to do so Here’s one a little mistake that cost a Female entrepreneur three thousand Dollars a year Oh thousands of female entrepreneurs Have this priceless gift but never Discover it now that sounds good for Katie’s thing don’t you think I like That you said that’s me says the head Headline right here look at this I can Do it super Watch this guy’s I can just click the Copy button and cut BAM take it over in Here and cut POW and I’ve sent it over To Russell did you see how fast she’s Like Kabam um let’s see who for female Entrepreneurs who dare to be rich that’s A good one to copy peace out do I need
Them both see look at that that’s the See this is why you know most people Honestly hear kids come on around I’m Gonna stop sharing my screen just for a Second explain to you most people when They create a headline they’re so happy That they got the one headline done They’re like I’m done it’s over I got a headline finished the thing that Most people don’t understand is that Testing headlines is where a huge amount Of your profits going to come from me Personally I’ve made as much as a 500% Increase in sales just by changing one Headline so you need to test your Headlines so but most people don’t So what five scripts let you do is come Up with a ton of different headlines so That you can test and in this particular Case they’re all based on proven Headlines that have been like proven to Work like over like the centuries man so Anyway I just I bring that up now back Back to the show back to the show that’s Good point cuz I’m the same way like I’ll switch on one headline things Amazing and then like I don’t know she’s You don’t wanna write another one Another one and honestly like with our Traffic team so drive traffic they want Like 100 headlines for me Mike so now in Fact I literally give them all on the Funnel scripts I was like how is this You guys write a hundred of them and how
Much more is the best it’s really cool And one of them goes in and uses funnel Scripts ins like rough I worked on this For a week I got a hundred can I have a Raise in Russells like yeah man these Are great it’s a shame for you not to Make good money when these female Entrepreneurs do it so easily it is a Really good headline especially for Mike Yeah I mean it’s this isn’t a normal I Was which Wizards you’re using this is This is the this is the this is the Timeless classic headline scripts and This is mint before yeah textbook owner Might know stupid sorry huh the sweetest Sound these female entrepreneurs here Online is the sales ding of their Shopping cart the secret to making a Huge impact that’s pretty cool okay so Anyway any more of these are you are Working you know these other coming Photo few success stories that the no The the last week said like a minute ago Which one was a so now these other they Dream about success like these other Entrepreneur just like that so easily it Is so easily that I talk to me literally And Jim while we’re in some downtime We’ve got some questions where these Headlights coming from they sound great Oh well these headlines are coming from Funnel scripts and funnel scripts is the Amazing online software that makes it Push-button simple for you to be able to
Create headlines bullets entire sales Letters even webinars just by filling Out a form answering a few questions no Experience required we explain though Cuz I think a lot of people understand Like Oh Jim’s made some headlines like We explained it like okay so here’s Basically how funnel scripts works I’m Gonna send you this headline real quick So before I forget Basically this is what funnel scripts Does what I have done over the years and And muscle help me but we’ve been doing This now for three years and I mean I Think we’d agree that pretty much this Is my baby now we worked on it together To begin with but basically what we do With funnel scripts is it asks you a Series of questions that you can answer That it does not require a whole lot of Thought but it Make you think the thought you should Think as far as your customers then I Have literally in all of these Synthesized in some cases tens of Thousands of different examples Literally and boiled them down to Templates that work and work no matter Whether you sell physical products Services digital products and then we Take your answers and we put them Through seriously a form of artificial Intelligence that merges your stuff with These templates and spits out exactly
What you need so in some cases that’s Simpler than others but that’s basically What funnel scripts does we take it out Of your head match it up with the wisdom Of the ages when it comes to sales copy And then give it to you and copy and Paste format that you literally can edit It and you’ve got your first you got Your first draft one other cool thing That we’ve done in the new version if You see all these headlines you’re like Man I don’t know which one or just it’s Weird to see them online watch this I Click get results I come over here click Do see acts click to get results I can Download all of these headlines in a Word file right through my browser now So I can take this I can print it off I Can mark it up I can share this with my Team I mean look at this we you just Most people are sitting there struggling To come up with one headline with the Click of a mouse you filled out a form In five minutes and I’ve given you five And a half pages of some of the best Headlines ever written in the history of People buying stuff from people look Like hours write your headline yeah yeah Carl Carlton like the less write your Headline you using it correct so that’s What funnel scripts is and we you know This is just one of the scripts let’s Look at another one because some of the Other stuff that people can do I’ll walk
You through it so we did the timeless Classic ones another thing you can do The we have the sales open or question Scripts which again this is one that I Told Russell I was like bang I forgot I did this one um but what this Does is one of the fastest ways or Easiest ways to hear you know it’s like So one of the easiest things that you Can do to start a to start an ad to Start a post to start off a sales letter A landing page or a webinar is to ask People a question and to ask them a Question is going to grab their Attention but it’s also going to segment Your audience and I’ve heard some people Who know about sales copy who’ll say Stuff like oh you should never ask a Question because somebody could answer No well let me tell you something They’re chucklehead whoever answers no Ain’t gonna buy from you anyway so you Might as well segment and right up front With the with the post or with the ads It will click your end it don’t cost you No money so you know this prevailing Wisdom stuff but but I digress um the Point is the fastest fastest way you can Create a headliner to write an ad is to Ask a question and so this is where the Sales open or question script comes from So let’s look at this so our target Audience here is a female entrepreneur We’re just gonna fill this out okay it’d
Mean that’s dude what’s your who’s your Target audience okay What’s something they want more of they Want more sales online what’s something Else they want they want more impact on Their on doing on your audience okay What the negative thing they want to Avoid they want to avoid making mistakes In online business okay what something Else they wanted you okay they want to Avoid feeling foolish okay boom how long Did that take to fill out like 60 Seconds okay and I’m not a woman I don’t You know I still I still filled it out Because I kind of understand what people Want but um you know you ask on in your Audience imagine you were talking to an Audience and you said you know you tired Of making mistakes in online business Yeah but look at this This is one of the things I said where We we have some artificial intelligence Here all these places where you have Blue text you can literally rewrite These bullets you know are you worried About Making mistakes in online business yeah I mean anywhere you say you can just Keep whacking this until it reads the Way you want You know let’s see do you want more Sales online yes are you looking for More online sales do you need to make More sales want to make more sales than
You ever imagined want to make more Sales than every other female Entrepreneur that might not be happy but Um you know want to make more online Sales than your competitors yeah yeah Yeah are you a female entrepreneur who Wants to make more sales so it’s we got All these questions here and if you Don’t like them like you know you tired Of making mistakes so you don’t want to Make mistakes or maybe they want to Avoid wasting money okay on online ads Or wasting money on ads that don’t work Well all we have to do is come up here Whack this button it’ll change Everything all right is wasting money on Ads that don’t work making you lose Sleep yeah you bet so so you can that’s An ad I mean that could literally be an Ad I’ve seen some of the most effective Traffic generation ads I’ve ever seen on Facebook have been and question with Black lettering on a white text Background just taking up 20% of the the Graphic because of their because of Their rule and that question right there Somebody sees that they’re like yep I’m Tired of it let me click it and see what That’s all about and if you’re not tired Of but they won’t click and it don’t Cost you no money you think a lot of People can’t do ideas if you look at Just your excuse I can see you again Like right there I give you Facebook
Live like you feel on your hoping to Make more sells online Hey I came over to me like I’m always Struggling boom bass with white or just You guys swipe up at River right and Then you show you let me show you Something else that’s pretty cool all Right we’ll open this one and the cool Thing about these now we can save these Online can you fill out to two things Real quick Russell you know here’s our Target audience female entrepreneur yeah Hey what are they interested in if I Could spell entrepreneur what are they Interested making more money making more Money okay watch this you want unlimited Ideas for Facebook live room oh by the Way what I’m showing is the sign Filled email topic ideas script but 11 Great money-making tips for female Entrepreneurs BAM questions yeah three Three questions every female Entrepreneur should ask about making More money what are two making more Money trends you see coming in the near Future dude you got ideas coming and Trends I see coming in the very near Future yeah Jim I don’t know Only if I came to your house and filled It out while you made my favorite lunch Which is sushi and I don’t know too many Sushi chefs but look at this here you go Go sit in your hot tub with this and sir No this is what I do I print stuff off
And I head out to the hot tub with a Highlighter and a pen but look at this Man six pages of freaking ideas you Could create content about and all you Had to do was fill in two things I mean Come on now and here’s the other thing I Saved this and I’m like whoa so I can Save this I’ll just put female ideas don’t take That out of context right now I can come Back over here and let’s say you know I’m going I’m in my saved projects and Stuff and I’m like me and I need another Idea so oh look there’s my female ideas Think notice all the little cool little Graphics there on the side that’s kind Of cool So anyway I can load that right and I Say you know what I’m targeting female Entrepreneurs but this time I want to Talk about book publishing okay I’ll Whack that button and look they’re all Completely different everything’s Different so you’ve got like a hundred New ideas and stuff so I mean that’s Really the power of funnels and we’re I’m just barely scratching the surface Of what this does for you now but with Between the save feature the training That we do every month I mean dude we do A live training every single month People tell me that they I should just Say the training is what you’re paying For and funnel scripts is free or some
People say thanks for the free training I don’t care it comes with the training Come for the scripts but come on it’s Time to get started with this people Look at the line piece I split the line Page literally I took headline number One just send me phone have my number Two team sent me boom and Down here and let number three and That’s that took three halation final Scripts I made this page converts it hi 60% I got plug-in Julie Susie’s and Amy Story’s here that’s let’s have like kind Of pre pre set up but that page it was a Template and click funnels it was free I Click the button replaces final script Words and now I’ve got a thing that’ll Make me insane amounts of money I don’t Know what else we can do Jim how to make This easier People are asking where to get it or do You get close where do you photo scripts If you don’t have it yet you go to Funnel scripts comm and you can watch an Amazing training hosted by Russell Brunson and yours truly that will not Only teach you some really cool things About sales copy but also do a demo of Funnel scripts or if you’re ready if You’ve been on the fence if you’ve been Thinking about funnel scripts over the Last I don’t know three years um now you Can go to funnel scripts comm /go and Sign up today I’m after Russell hardcore
To raise the price of funnel scripts Like every time of a when are we gonna Raise the price of fill scripts when are We gonna raise the price of all scripts Is like mmm-hmm So price once already so that’s true we Doubled the price so I before Jim forces Me to double the price again it’s common Because I mean this is we’ve got 51 Online scripts we’ve got three years of Training in there for you we’ve got six Downloadable scripts you can create an Entire perfect webinar based on Russell’s original comm secrets book and Then where he improved the blueprint of The perfect webinar you can literally Download a piece of software fill out a Form and have it pop out you’re amazing Perfect webinar all the slides all the Promo materials all the stack everything For you it’s amazing in fact if you have Experts secrets did you know that all The main scripts that we have an expert Secrets are also in funnel scripts you Can create your curiosity hook your ask Campaign your Epiphany bridge and short Epiphany bridge the masterclass the Opportunity switch headline the perfect Webinar the big Domino in Who what statement script it is like Russell I it’s like I sucked the book Out of Russell’s head jammed it into my Head and we had a baby together right There on the Internet cute so anyway
That answers the question of where do You go get funnel special worthy sorry Sure did you know that least did the Traffic seekers event last week and I do About every single traffic constant no Demand on these rules I know dude I Gotta watch the replay of that I should Have been there but I couldn’t require Scripts someday to go into scripts so Dude I’m all over that but can I just Share something with everybody can I Share one thing Russell can I can I Share something okay let me tell you Everybody’s got their wallet everybody’s Got a credit card in there everybody has The ability to come up with a little bit Of money that we’re looking for for Funnel script versus what you get or you Can go out this weekend and you can Literally set fire to the money in your Wallet by buying something stupid like I Don’t know chick-fil-a and Retin movies And all the other stuff or you can Literally take that same money invested In a year of funnel scripts and change Your freaking life forever the choice is Up to you Are you gonna take that money and do Something to help your children or are You just going to set that money on fire And have nothing to show for it when Monday rolls around except tears of Regret a lot of fun okay I built this is Your first time watching us on Fridays
Basically build this funnel and then After it’s done that we go to final Fry’s comic with the replay at this Video and the sheriff only for this and For every other episode wet so the room Today this is episode 51 means there’s 51 share funnels we pre-built that are Over there for you something that it was Like gonna be an affiliate Russell I was Like we lived like four episodes ago did A whole thing on affiliate marketing we Bought the entire funnel then we put it In there so there’s tons of gifts you Guys over funnel right I make it even Better Russell can I make it even better Please do I am sending you the links to The share Than a share funnel scripts dude I have Shared them and I am sending them to you Right now So if you have a funnel scripts account You will be able to load those projects In and use them there you go Well I know else we need over-deliver Today hope you guys had fun on the show Jim amazing time as always thank you for For showing off on the new the new fun Stuff for you guys who are stuck with They said landing paper this or Something like everyone is for ABS your Instagram have facebook lines or Whatever you just saw exactly easy just Come up with 5,000 things for five Seconds so final scripts calm is where
You get our stuff and the funnel fries Comes where you get this share funnel as Well as all the other ones down in the Past and watch back episodes of fun with Jim and I and if you want us to do one Of your products on the show you can Also come for a shot comes fitted there Right uh yeah then if you’re and if You’re a member of funnel scripts you Just go into the funnel scripts and Scroll down to the bottom on the left And you can see the link and you two Could possibly be featured on a future Episode of fun Fridays awesome Basically I appreciate you they can play Now us today on YouTube we launched our Periscope phone so Twitter doesn’t get To see this anymore but find that phone We’ll bring it back to Paris go to Anyway appreciate you guys thank you Jim Makes everybody paying it out and we’ll Talk to you all again soon bye guys Alright