The WORST things when starting a green juice company – MARKETING SECRETS EP. 3

Since recording this episode, we got the new, better tasting shipment of Zuma Juice!
Try it yourself →

Over the last few years I have been acquiring a few virtual real estate companies one being Zuma Juice.

Since taking over the company, there has been a lot of ups and downs. I wish there were more ups than downs, but in this episode of the Marketing Secrets Show, I share the truth behind Zuma Juice and the hardest thing when starting a green juice company.

If you want to ask me a question about the process head over to and send me a voice message.

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3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: Learn more about sales funnels, sales funnel strategies, marketing, traffic, and more with the Marketing secrets show:


That peach was actually really good Though holy crap i bought this company Called zuma juice and i remember getting To fhl i hadn’t actually tried the Finished product i was so excited brand New this is no one knows it yet we’re About to bring it back from the dead And guess what It did not taste like peach rings It tasted like green drink And my heart sung i was like oh my gosh [Music] Hey this is russell welcome back to the Marketing secrets show today we’re gonna Be showing you guys behind the scenes One of our virtual real estate companies Called zuma juice which i’m really Excited i’m gonna talk to you guys about The reason why i started this company Why i was excited by it what we’ve done How we manufactured the product how we Created the funnel the people we funnel Hacked and why who was the target market How we launched it the flops along the Way me on stage at fun hockey live being Too embarrassed to even talk about it Because of some of the mistakes and a Whole bunch of other stuff i hope you Guys enjoyed this episode also don’t Forget you can always go to and there’s a Section there where you can actually Leave voice questions for me about this Product this funnel and i will be

Answering those live on future episodes Which is really cool also as you listen This episode i want you to set your Intentions i’m showing you guys behind The scenes of a business that i am Building and launching that eventually i Think i will sell and exit for eight Figures but i’m showing you guys the Entire journey and the end of this Episode spoiler alert um we’re ending on This not doing well yet and so um i want You to set intentions as you’re Listening to this to just kind of think About like your business like i’m Guessing that you’re not trying to Launch a group dream company my goal is Not to give you the blueprint for a Green drink company but all the lessons I’m learning along the way think about Your business as you’re doing right now There’s one piece like i can apply that To my business like oh i didn’t i missed That step in the process i should do That or oh my gosh like russell failed And it’s okay i can fail and be okay as Well so listen with ears To hear and if you do that there’ll be Something in here for you and the last Thing is that this episode is actually Brought to you by one of my favorite Sponsors the sponsor for this show is Zuma juice um Actually no i’m not gonna sponsor zuma Juice because the funnel’s not live yet

So take that back the sponsor for Today’s show is actually dan kennedy This is bobblehead dan if you haven’t Met him yet if you’re listening you Can’t see him but i’ve got a little dan On an aux for the bobblehead if you are Not subscribed yet the no bs newsletter Make sure you do on the no bs newsletter You get a print newsletter in your Mailbox twice a month one is from dan Kennedy teach the top marketing Strategies in the world and number two Is the behind the scenes letter we’ll Actually show you guys behind the scenes Of this and other funnels i show you Page by page what we’re doing why we’re Doing it we show you stats conversions And numbers those newsletters come to You directly to your mailbox they are Too controversial and cool to post Online the only way to get them is by Going to Go subscribe and you’ll get personal Letters both for me and from dan kennedy In the mail twice a month go to no to go get subscribed to the No bs and the behind the scenes Newsletter without said you guys i hope You enjoyed this episode of the podcast You’re listening to marketing secrets With your host russell brunson Okay i’m excited today we were talking About the zuma juice funnel as you can See here if you’re watching the video

Version we’ve got the samples of the Boxes the packaging everything here for Both zuma juice the green drink and the Red drink people always ask me why did You buy Why’d you buy zuma juice why’d you buy a Green drink company there’s a lot of Green bean companies and so i’m gonna Tell you guys a lot of the reasons why What we’ve done so far things that work Things that haven’t worked and yes i do Things all the time that don’t actually Work so hopefully that’ll give us some Guys some comfort as well to know that i Do things all the time that flop and We’re always testing and tweaking and Trying to get things working in fact Literally on my way over here today to Record this kevin told me they stopped All ads the zuma juice funnel which Means it’s not converting which means I’m sharing this even though it’s not Like crushing it and doing a million Dollars or anything But i want to share the journey with you Guys because i think there’s a lot of Cool things you can learn along the way And it’ll help me unpack just the Thoughts in my head as well so this is Partially therapeutic for me and Hopefully beneficial for you guys at the Same time So the backstory behind kind of where we Found zuma juice one of my friends luke

Jaden if you know luke he’s an awesome Marketer he does a lot of direct mail Postcard businesses but then other Things i remember a few years ago he Launched a new company called zuma juice But i remember when luke launched and my Favorite thing is the sales video that He made you already know you should be Eating more fruits and veggies One way to get more of the good stuff is Green juice do you like yours chunky I like mine a little chunky it was so Good uh one of the best sales videos I’ve ever seen and it looked like Something the harmon brothers had made And i messaged the as the harmon Brothers dude he’s like no i messaged Him they didn’t respond back to me so He’s like i actually wrote the script Myself and we had some guys who Published it and everything The first version of the video they Launched it and it started going viral There’s a scene where like the girl is a Fruit ninja and she’s chopping things in The kitchen it’s just it’s awesome they Ran the company for another year or two Or something and then some of the Business partners came i don’t know the Whole detail but they ended up turning The company off and it shut down and i Remember for a long time i was like man That’s such a cool company like i wish I wish i could have it like the sales

Video was done i remember messaging like Hey would you ever sell it he’s like let Me ask my partners and they never could Figure it out and so every year or so For the next five or six years i’d Message luke like hey can can i buy the Company he’s like oh let me ask my Partners and it never worked and finally I think it was in the middle of like Right when covet hit and i don’t know What would change but they’re like yep And so i bought the company it wasn’t That expensive but it was cool so i got The entire sales video which i think you Spend about 250 000 making the sales Video plus all the assets plus the Formulations plus all the work you’ve Done i got for not that expensive which Is really cool so that was kind of the Reason i was like this would be a cool Company i know the sales video copy is The hardest part about any business is The copy and the video so that video was Really really good and so that’s kind of Why initially why i bought it and it was Going to be just a fun project with my Kids and some of my friends and that was Kind of the original goal for it The very first thing we did is we did a Call with luke jaden so again luke’s a Great marketer he’s also the brainchild Behind this whole brand and the company And the copy and everything and we just Picked luke’s brain for an hour like why

Did you create this what was the Reasoning what was your goal who is the Target audience who is the actual market Right you have green drink companies uh Like athletic greens for example which Just got bought for a billion dollars But if you drink athletic greens it’s Literally like drinking grass clippings But it’s like the hardcore people like Inject in their veins because it’s like It’s the best stuff right and you got Other green companies that taste like Candy but they’re like It’s not even healthy for you and There’s this whole spectrum and it was Like who are you trying to target with This and so he talked about the target Market who it was it wasn’t like the Hardcore health junkies it was like People who knew they need to be Healthier but they want something that Tasted good but it wasn’t like trying to Drink kool-aid either like they’re kind Of in betweeners and with zuma juice was Like we want something like you would Enjoy where it’s like hey i want fruits And vegetables and breakfast lunch and Dinner so i’m gonna have it three times A day because it tastes good it’s really Good for me and so that was kind of the The market and segment he was going After we also learned about the tone Like you know just from the sales video Like the fun tone the email sequences

They’d written in the past so we could See the playfulness of how luke Communicated the audience we wanted to Keep that and recapture that I drink this every day [Music] Then we had to go like to the Manufacturers we found a manufacturer we Liked we sent them the recipes this one These look like these are the things That are in it but the original flavor Was mint i wasn’t obsessed with the mint Flavor i’m more of a candy guy so i was Like i want to do the same thing i want To be exactly identical don’t change Anything but instead of mint flavoring i Want to make it taste like candy and Like what kind of candy i’m like peach Rings because come on now peaches are Amazing and that was kind of we gave it To the manufacturer and then luca also Created a red drink so different between Red drinks and green drinks is fruits And vegetables green drinks are your Vegetables red drinks your fruits and i Love red drinks because there’s so many Vitamins nutrients from reds that we Need but typically with reds you get a Lot of sugar as well right he built a Really cool recipe for zuma juice red But it didn’t have all the sugars and Stuff in it which was really cool so we Took that to the manufacturer like we Want to make both reds and greens greens

Are all making tastes like peach rings And reds like some kind of fruit punch Flavor and so we sent those and that Started the process now manufacturing For his supplement company is the Longest hardest it’s not like an info Product where you can have an idea and You create it you launch it with Supplements it’s like months going back And forth and then making stuff and Setting tune you’ve got to taste it we Did tons of taste tests like this flavor Versus this versus this and something We’re good something we’re bad and then We write a huge check the manufacturer They start ordering the right Ingredients and putting them in the Batches and stirring them up and making What was going to become zuma juice [Music] Then if you watch the sales video the Main person the hero in the sales video Is a girl named ariana and she’s an Amazing actress and model and like Someone who’s really really cool and so I was like man she’s in the video like i Want to i want to use her for ads when i Use it for the sales page so we ended up Having a time where she flew out here to Boise and then we got a whole bunch of Pictures of her like holding the box Like this and putting down and like Holding the packet and ripping the Packing we got a million pictures of

Like all the things we would need for Like sales pages upsells down cells we Need these uh images for funnels for ads For social just for all the things right So we did a whole bunch of pictures with Her and then we also thought as long as We have us film a whole bunch of ads so We filmed a whole bunch of really funny Ads and then we wrote where you know She’s eating peach rings and drinking Juice and just a whole bunch of short Form ads we can use as well oh and don’t Worry unlike other green juices out There this one doesn’t taste like Sipping swamp water she also owns a Video production company so then she Went back home to california and we had Her make a whole you know dozen or two Other ads first as well so we had a Whole bunch of assets when we did the Funnel live we have these ads we can use To push people into the funnel one of The big mistakes people make is they and I’m Honestly guilty of this a lot is i’ll Spend so much time working on the funnel You forget about the ads and it’s like Oh what are the ads going to mean it’s Almost an afterthought whereas now i try To be more conscious like as we are Producing another product is we’re Creating ads along the way right because Now we have all these cool assets while We were creating this and that now

Become the eventual ads And then it was coming back down to like Okay now we got to build out the funnel So step number one for building on a Funnel is what it’s funnel hacking i Want to see for everyone who’s selling Green drinks like what are they doing Right now like what’s the best practice What are people using and so we found Every greeting company we find online And we funnel hacked them funnel hacking Simply means we went and we bought their Product and took a screenshot of here’s The sales page here’s episode one it was Upsell two here’s the sales videos i get Transcribed here’s the ads and we just Get as many screenshots as we can in Every single funnel right and so we Probably funnel hacked a minimum of a Dozen different funnels and so i gave us Some ideas like what what are other People doing what are the hooks what are The angles and this is where most people Get funnel hacking wrong they think Funnel hacking means like oh cool i like How organifi did i’m gonna copy them That’s not what funnel hacking is i Don’t know how many times i get in Battles with people socially about this Like in fact some other day was like Someone ripped off their thing like well Russell told people we could rip it off Like i didn’t say that and the guy said Yeah you said that as long as you change

The words you can steal everything else I never have said that ever like it’s Unethical it’s illegal i get ripped off More than anyone and every time i see Somebody uses my colors like their book Funnel they use my colors it Makes me angry like that’s not what i’m Saying i say funnel hacking is about Understanding like what what’s in the Market right now right it’s doing your Homework so you know like here’s what The athletic greens here’s the market Their target here’s organifi here’s Who’s skinny greens here’s who patriot Greens all of them are targeting for Audiences right patriot greens are Targeting like the preppers and so their Messaging is for preppers right organifi Is targeting biohackers you got athletic Grades you know it’s like they all have Their segments and it’s like where do we Fit in this ecosystem i don’t want to be Another me too i’m not trying to make Another green drink i’m trying to figure Out here’s a segment of the market that Doesn’t have a green drink yet that We’re trying to target like so i want to Get a glimpse of the ecosystem as a Whole that’s one big reason why i’m Doing funnel hacking not to copy but to See what like where they are and where They are so i can be where they aren’t Right so that’s a big thing i want People to understand number two is like

Understanding structure structures that Mean instilling their graphic structure Means like like are they doing trial Offers is are they doing you know Straight sales are they doing a vsl to One bottle three bottle five bottles They store it in continuity like i’m Trying to understand like what are People doing right now in this specific Market that’s what funnel hacking is Just i’m trying to get trying to Understand what the best practices are Working today right so we laid out the Structure he throwed the copy we had the Videos we had the pictures from ariana So we had funnel designers who designed It and then funnel builders who hooked It all up and we got the very first Version done in live about the same time The funnel hacking live last year which Is 2021. [Music] And so the product was about done and so I said hey we ship like a thousand Satchels of zuma juice to fho we’re Gonna put everybody’s bag it’s gonna be Amazing so the shipping was shipped Directly to there and i remember getting To fhl and i hadn’t actually tried the Finished product i was so excited brand New this is no one knows it yet we’re About to bring it back from the dead And guess what It did not taste like peach rings

It tasted like green drink yeah i’ve Ever been stronger before so i wonder if I’d spend more than last time or less Water or It was almost like they created it and They forgot to put any of the flavoring In and my heart sunk i was like oh my Gosh but i want to say i’m like maybe I’m just maybe i’m sick like maybe i got Covered maybe my taste is gone maybe i’m Just so i started making it for like Colette and my head collecting oh it’s Good i’m like you know if you don’t know My wife colette she’s very much like Just like oh yeah i was like no like Please be honest and she’s like it’s not Very good i’m like oh crap and other People tasted everyone’s like i thought It wasn’t supposed to taste like Picturing i’m like yeah there’s pictures Of petring on the packet on the box and It didn’t taste like picturing and i was So embarrassed and like our first grand Entrance five thousand funnel hackers All have a packet of it and i’m like i Hope they don’t drink it i don’t want Them to try it because that’s gonna be The first sample and it’s not gonna Taste good i remember being like Devastated but only that like we printed 5000 of these satchels for fhl but we Printed like hundreds of thousands of These things that were now done in a Warehouse and we were going back to

Manufacture and i was like hey this Doesn’t taste right And i would have seen the red drink the Red drink same thing i bought like Neither these tasted right and so and What they did was just super cool of Them they went through and took all the Packets reopened them dumped them all Back in added more flavoring in and Eventually got one that tasted really Good send it back to us i was like oh my Gosh it tastes good again finally we got New versus done we got boxes we got Warehouse right hey finally we’re ready Launch this funnel it’s gonna be awesome We started launching it now we started Getting sales coming through but our Cart value wasn’t as high as we needed To be if you guys know the funnel game There’s two metrics like how much you Paid to acquire a customer cost cpa or Cost to acquire customer and their Average cart value so we’re spending More to acquire customers than we were Inside the funnel and i think in my head Still to this day i still think the Biggest problem is we don’t have the Full sales letter that which we need to Really get the conversions where we need To be but then as i was meeting with the Funnel team went back and forth i found Out something that’s like devastated me On this product so this is For anyone who is launching a business

And you’re frustrated because things Aren’t working the way it’s supposed to Be i was talking to copyright i’m like Where’s like this element like these Things were missing from the funnel he Said oh we had to pull him out i said Why he said well the actual recipe that I built the sales funnel if you look at The ingredients in the actual zuma juice They don’t sink so i had to pull out all Of these Ingredients that had claims for like the Benefits they had to pull these out Because they’re not actually in the Product like what are you talking about He said yeah like Like the recipe that i wrote the copy on You gave me which was the recipe we got From luke jaden he’s like this recipe Does not match what’s actually the Product i mean what are you talking About i gave them the recipe i said Build that and like i go to the Manufacturer i’m like this is the recipe I gave you this is what’s in here right And they’re like yeah that’s what’s in It i’m like are you sure because Copy told me anyway we go back and forth And also and i get a message from the Manufacturer like oh my gosh we’re so Sorry we see the mistake you’re right Like the recipe you gave us is not what This zuma juice is And i just sat there and i was like oh

My gosh Like Literally Mean my hard cost for inventory are over Six figures hundred hundred fifty Thousand dollars or more inventory That’s now sitting there and it’s not The right formula And i’m like oh my gosh like what do i Do do i just like Not say anything and just like okay well We’ll just tweak the copy but i was like Man i didn’t i didn’t want to go create A product that that just tasted good i Wanted to create a product that matched The promises we were trying to make for The audience we’re trying to make it for And so i went back to manufacture and They’re like we’ll fix it we’re so sorry I was like you know what there’s been a Couple mistakes and so we decided to Transfer over to a different Manufacturer we’ve used for other Products in the past i gave them the new Recipe and right now we’re literally in The middle of doing taste testing with Them going through the same process of Like okay how to make peach drink taste Good with the formula has all the stuff We need to i think that’s part of the Problem is like they couldn’t get it Taste right with our formula so they Pulled some of the things out to make it Taste right it’s like no we can’t

We couldn’t do that so we’re going back And forth back we have a couple Different flavors or taste testing like A sour apple which is really good kiwi Strawberry and there’s like a mojito one Which is really good and then on the Fruit punch we’re testing a bunch of Flavors as well so we’re doing the whole Process over again which sucks and it’s Slow so we we’re working on the new Version but in the interim we have a Hundred thousand dollars worth of Inventory of a product that’s good and It tastes good but as you guys know my Belief good is the animated great and And if i want this to be something i’m Proud of and it’s got to be great and so Right now we’re doing testing in the Funnel we’re testing another version of The funnel it’s a short firm like free Plus shipping like hey get two packs of Peach drink two packs of fruit you know Red and green for free cover shipping Handling and from there pushing up cell Funnel just testing some things at a Small scale to see what we can do to Get the conversions right so when we do Have the new product we can blow it up And so this is the game right it’s a Game we all signed up for there’s the Ups the downs the positives and Negatives the pros the cons but that’s What i wanted to share inside of these Uh these episodes i hope by listening to

The zuma juice stuff you got some ideas You got some thoughts about the process Of how we do it from like why would i Pick this business like what is the most Valuable asset to me it’s the copy right Like i bought this company because of The copy that was the reason why i’m Trying to figure out who’s the actual Avatar for this and funnel hacking to Figure out who the uh who which avatars Are already being served what’s the Avatar that we need to actually go after I’m also understanding that like look Just because i’m russell just because I’m the funnel dude who builds funnels Who’s obsessed with who funnel hacks 15 Funnels before we build this one It doesn’t always work the first time Out of the gate usually in fact it Doesn’t uh hopefully helps also knowing That like i have problems with Manufacturing hopefully when you grow The manufacturer you make sure that That when you get the sample that you Know this is the actual formula it’s the Correct form you’re like okay this Tastes good is this based on this exact Formula but the cool thing is like when This is done when it’s right then we Start growing you get to 100 customers Then a thousand and five thousand and You know i was talking to ryan moran About this he talks about supplement Companies like you get 5000 active

Customers on supplement you can sell That company for 10 million So for my mind this is the goal like how Do we get 5 000 people on zuma juice and Then exit for 10 million dollars like That becomes a fun virtual real estate Property it’s like building a house on Park place and like adding the people All sorts of stuff then you sell it for You know for eight figures um and again If you enjoyed this episode please Please please share with other people And that is how you can get back to me The most because i’m doing these for Free because i i love sharing it number Two but number one but number two Hopefully you get some value from it so If you do please share it with other People and talk about it on facebook Share it on forums post on your feed Like whatever it is let people know About it and if you have questions about This product or any project go to again there’s a Block there where you can submit voice Questions and i list those questions and We’ll pull those ones back in maybe my Next zuma juice episode if you guys ask Questions specifically about this or Maybe if you watch the youtube version You post it down below my team can pull Those questions and we can answer them At the beginning of episode you know the Next zuma juice episode and that way we

Can kind of have this as an open Dialogue which makes it more fun for me And hopefully for you as well so that’s Kind of the game plan you guys hope you Enjoyed this episode uh we’ll see you Guys on the next episode of the Marketing secret show

Ace The Funnel Builder
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