‘Your First Funnel’ Challenge Celebration Day!!

Welcome to the ‘Your First Funnel’ Challenge Celebration Day!!

After 5 days of daily training & homework, we decided to bring together the BIGGEST speakers in one place, including…
– Dean Grazioisi
– Grant Cardone
– Jenna Kutcher
– Myron Golden
– Colin Wayne
– Travis Chambers
…and myself!

Watch this rare chance to hear from the BEST funnel builders all in ONE PLACE!

Jump in and start watching!

And if you haven’t joined the ‘Funnel Builder’ movement, don’t miss it:

[Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you Foreign Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]

[Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] Um [Applause] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Foreign

[Music] Hahaha [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Good morning funnel hackers turn on your Cameras if you are watching virtually Want to see those smiling faces start Waving and two everybody else that’s Here live with us today put your hands Together make some noise and welcome Mr Russell Brunson Foreign Good morning everybody Welcome from all Around the world we are so excited to Have you guys here today for our special Celebration Day uh we’ve got an amazing Day some amazing people uh here to serve You and to uh to be with you guys today So I’m so excited Um first off I want to welcome all the VIPs we have VIPs from all around the World which is so exciting I can see all Your beautiful faces on the zoom wall Here Karen’s still dancing and Karen we Love you this is so great I’m so excited To be here with you guys today Um also we’ve got millions of people in Facebook and YouTube and Instagram and All the different I can’t remember all Names of the platforms this is outside This has been a long week you guys but

We’re still here serving you guys Because we love you we care about you we Want to give you guys the best chance For Success which should be amazing and Real quick before we get started I’d Introduce our first guest Um I want you guys all to take 20 Seconds and think about I mean obviously So many things have been happening this Week when we think what’s the biggest For you like what was the biggest aha The biggest thing that was like that was The thing that helped me to get past Either mental block or a technical block Or as Brooke talked about was it a math Problem or money problem like what was The biggest aha you had over the last Couple days and just I want you to type It in the comments down below and I want You just for a couple reasons number one It’s gonna help you to recall like man We did a lot of stuff last five days Like what if we talked about what was The thing that was the biggest impactful Thing to do but number two is as you Guys start watching everybody else is One of my favorite things is like you Start remembering oh yeah I forgot that Was a big thing for me too and you start Realizing that hopefully if you’ve been Playing full out for the last four or Five days there’s probably like dozens Maybe make hundreds of different like Ahas and things you’ve had that have

Shifted right now they’re coming in like Check it out I can see on screen like Um Um the process procedures email Sequences I need to do the fact the Funnel building can be a career and I Can actually do it the kiss test some Got the kiss test yes like all the thing Yeah everyone keep typing them in I Don’t care if you’re on Zoom or Facebook Or Instagram wherever you are like type In your biggest takeaway because I want You guys Um really thinking about that because we Spent a lot of time this week Um going through like the technical part Right how do you build a funnel what Does it look like like what’s the Process and things like that Um and today really my goal is something Different today’s to give you like tons More technical things you’re going to Learn ideas and different ways to drive Traffic and marketing there’s a lot of Cool things you’re gonna be learning Today but my biggest my biggest hope for The um today is I want all of you guys Leaving understanding and believing that You can actually do it Like that’s one of the hardest things I’ve seen uh as people come into my Community I’ve been again doing this Business now for 20 years uh click Funnels now for man eight and a half

Almost nine years and the biggest thing I think is I see is that people come in And I believe that everyone’s got the Technical abilities right click funnels Makes it simple right in fact if you Were to to rewind I wish that all you Guys could see what life was like Pre-click funnels there was this thing That people like me used to use it’s Called front page Um that was like the first version then This thing called Dreamweaver which is a Little bit better and then people start Using WordPress which was not built for Funnels they’re trying to like build Stuff and work like the people laughing Audience like this was our lives right It was miserable like I would literally It would take us three to four months to Build one single funnel with a team of Eight or nine people and now I do the Same thing in an hour instead of Click Funnels like like the shortcuts are There for you guys and so it’s not Difficult like yes you have to learn how To use uh click funnels platform this Might be a little different than you Used to but like compared to hand coding Stuff in front page or Dreamweaver like I wish I could show you guys what life Was like because we’ve made it so much More simple for you and so like you guys Have the software makes it simple you Have all these things and the biggest

Thing I find that keeps people back from Having success is like belief that they Can actually do it like that’s it The people in this room who’ve had Success it’s not because they’re smarter Or better or anything the only Difference is that they believe they can Do it and then they do it so my goal for You today is like you’re gonna hear from Some amazing speakers people have Struggled people have success like all Sorts of stuff but the biggest thing I Want you having is like that feeling of Like I can actually do this like if you Believe it you could do this at the end Of the day like you can do it like That’s it I tell people all the time Like my core job at click funnels is to Be the head cheerleader and get everyone To understand and believe that they can Actually do it because the software is Not that hard creating a product is not That like all those things like yeah you Have to you have to get different skill Sets you just like grit stretch and grow A little bit to do it but like the Hardest thing is it’s getting you to Believe so if we get you to believe Today Um that’ll be the biggest success that’s My goal okay and so um anyway I Appreciate all you guys being here today I know it’s been a lot a long week we’ve Had a lot of fun things and um just

Today’s gonna be a really special day so To begin with today Um I want to introduce you to our first Speaker and this is someone who first Off I’m so grateful that she came all The way to Boise Idaho I’ve been trying To get her to voice thing now for I Don’t know four or five years since we First started hanging out uh but she’s Someone who’s just an amazing amazing Human Um and I think the very first time we Ever connected and um we we’re at a Mastermind in Puerto Rico we walked in The room I don’t think he understood we Were both gonna be there oh actually I Was like that’s Jenna Kutcher and then She was like oh there’s Russell and like We’re both trying to be cool like oh hey What’s up but inside we’re like that’s Gender I was freaking out and then it Was really cool and we started talking And um I had so much fun hanging out There and then the first thing she told Me she’s like I feel like you’re like my Marketing brother I was like I feel like My marketing sister this is so cool and We were geeking out on funnels and Slides and all the nerdy things that um That you’re gonna become they start Geeking out on with us and it was so Much fun and um and then I had a chance To get to meet her and then get to know Her personally her and her husband and

Her kids and we’ve had a chance Literally to travel the world together Uh in Fiji in Florida and all these Amazing places Um networking and talking about business And um and life and all sorts of things And um she’s just such a an amazing Person and honestly a huge role model For me Um and uh she’s created a lot of great Businesses I’m sure she’ll talk a little About him she’s got one the number one Podcast in the world called the gold Digger podcast uh she’s got some amazing Courses I learned how to use Instagram Because of her everything that we do in Our my traffic Seekers book the entire Instagram chapter is literally Um I was like Jenna can I just teach you Everything that you do because I just do What you said and um and she’s an Amazing person I’m so excited she’s Gonna spend the next uh you know 45 Minutes or so to hang out with you guys So with that said we all put our hands Together for Jenna Kutcher [Applause] Oh my gosh I was hoping I would get the smokes so Thank you guys for that wonderful effect And I can’t believe I’m in Boise either Um there are very few people that I Would fly out on a weekend for but Russell Brunson is one of them so one of

The things that I love to do when Thinking about when I’m speaking and Where I’m going is kind of think about The path that you’ve been on this last Week the path that you’ve been on has Been a marathon and a lot of you are Watching this and doing what I call the Hover where your hand is hovering over This decision this button and you are Thinking of all the reasons why this Isn’t for you why you are not qualified To take action and what’s super Fascinating is I was just watching your Comments roll in of your biggest Takeaways and almost every single thing Had to do with mindset and belief I Wasn’t seeing a ton of systems and Strategies and tactics I was seeing this Deep desire to have the belief that this Can work for you and so this morning I Actually had an entirely different Presentation planned and I woke up early And I started thinking about what would I have needed a decade ago I always tell Russell this story but my husband and I When we were first married we would go On these walks together and we would Both listen to our podcast and people Probably thought we were very Anti-social and I would walk down this Road in our small town in Wisconsin at The time and one day my husband looked Over at me and I was smiling like I was Just like smiling so big and he’s like

What are you listening to and I was like A webinar presentation Slide by slide And I was so excited about learning These different things by studying what Someone else has done So today I want to walk through four Things that I’ve learned some of them Recent some of them a decade ago but These are the four things that I think Can either take you from hovering on Making that decision and going all in or Hitting publish and starting to make the Impact that you know you can make So the first lesson that I’ve learned is That your product your funnel the first Thing you put out into the world are the 83rd thing that you put out into the World it doesn’t have to be your life’s Calling now I want to make this really Clear because I think especially for Women but for all of us we have this Deep desire for impact right like the Reason why we’re doing this is because We want to transform lives and a lot of Times we want to start with the thing That is going to become our Legacy Um there’s a chapter in my book I Recently wrote a book called How are you Really and there’s a chapter in the book That talks about this idea of Legacy Because a lot of times in movies Legacy Is depicted as this old man in this Beautiful Oak Library like handing down His secrets and lessons to his younger

Generation and yet we don’t acknowledge That Legacy is being lived out every Single day your legacy is not something That begins when you decide your legacy Is happening right now And so a lot of times when we think About this idea of impact and Legacy we Think about how our business our idea Our product our service has to transform The world and that’s a big thing to Think about right I remember actually When Russell and I were in Puerto Rico We did this round robin there’s this Amazing woman there and she gets up and The goal of the Mastermind was to share One problem that you’re having in your Business And she started talking and she talked At Russell speed and as she spoke she Started getting more and more anxious And she was saying like I have this deep Desire and I want to do these Retreats And then I want these retreats to become These relationship things and then these Seminars and then I want to create this Membership and then I want these people To go from not feeling loved to loved And in good relationship and she kept Complicating every single thing she Wanted to do because she was so Passionate about making a difference and What was fascinating is is that as she Spoke my anxiety started to build Because she had so many ideas and these

Ideas were so beautiful but because she Was over complicating every single step Of them because she was so dead set on Making the biggest difference in the World she wasn’t making any difference At all because she was paralyzed by fear And complication I often think that Procrastination really comes from this Deep desire for perfection And what was fascinating is that a year Later we ended up in that same spot at That same table and this incredible Woman had not taken action She had this same problems the same Ideas And that happens to us because a lot of Times when we hear about people who have Changed the world when we hear about People who have made a difference we Start to think What is my calling what is my legacy I Need to start with that And so the first thing that I want to Share today is that I want for you to Figure out how you can start small and Make mistakes on the Small Things the Non-legacy projects the things that you Are testing so that when you scale big You are scaling with the right messaging The right tactics and the right Strategies results happen when the woo Meets the work let me explain this when We have these deep desires for impact When we have this deep desire for legacy

A lot of times we complicate it so that We don’t take action at all but if we Want results we have to start doing the Work As the work gets done as the impact Starts to happen you start to hone in on What is my message what is my meaning When I look at my career over the last Decade I can say that my best work can Be found in the pages of my book It took me a decade of putting out Offers of trying different things of Changing people’s lives in different Ways to get to the real Legacy piece and If I hadn’t done all that work on the Front end the book wouldn’t have ended Up being what it became on the back So let me break this down a little bit Further Um for those of you who are brand new to Me I’m reading the chat Um it’s really fun to see what you guys Are saying and People often ask me what I do in fact my Grandpa the other day my grandpa sulo is 94 years old we’re celebrating his Birthday and the other day he goes Someone asked me what you did and I kind Of described it like you have this radio Show and on the radio show it’s kind of Like a sermon with a business lesson Tied in and you always say the same Thing when you sign up you say at the End you say gold diggers keep on digging

Your biggest goals and so my grandpa was Describing my work as the way that he Understood over the last 10 years I’ve Been a photographer a wedding blogger a Watercolor artist a coach a teacher a Speaker an author a podcaster I have Done so many different things And so when we think about how we move Through what it is that we’re creating The Legacy comes in doing the work the Legacy is not just the end product it is In the evolution in the growth in the Transformation I think I’ve actually Inspired more people through the pivots That I’ve made and the changes that I’ve Done in my career than if I just said I’m going to wait until I have this one Product that is going to change the World forever and that will be my legacy My legacy is found in the day in and the Day out of the creation of what you see As the byproduct so Russell brought it Up earlier that he basically stole my System with permission Um into his book and the system is how I Show up online and so the second point That I want to make today is that so Many of us are so fixated on building Businesses that we forget that we need a Brand so let me break this down Uh business is your product servicer Offer yes you only need one product to Create your funnel and change the world I agree with that but a brand is the

Personality behind your offer so how Does this make a difference for us how Many of you in this room and online Comment in the chat how many of you Would say that you’re multi-passionate That you want to do more than just one Thing a lot of the women some of the Dudes Um So many of us want oh my gosh the chat Is like blowing up multi-passionate yes Okay so let’s talk about this the reason Why you need a brand and not a business Is that a brand is the personality Behind the offers A business is just the single product Service or offer so when people are Starting businesses they’re getting so Fixated on the offer itself that they’re Forgetting that in order to make people Take action you have to make them feel Something a brand is not just what Something looks like a brand is not the Fonts you use the colors you use or the Way that you have your beautiful website Imagery a brand is the feeling that you Give someone through the personality Behind your offers so how have I been Able to Pivot 10 20 30 times in a different spaces Successfully because people care about Me the personality behind the offer and They will go where I go right so when we Think about this whole notion of

Building a business you absolutely need To have a product servicer offer but Think with me on this one I watch this Commercial and I still think about it All the time this LG fridge commercial LG goes out and they hire Dax Shepard And Kristen Bell I feel like they are Like this celebrity couple that I’m like Yes they hire them to talk about a Fridge the fridge had that one weird Thing where you can like see through it And see the food on the inside by Pressing a button I don’t know why we Can’t just open the door but I remember That night asking my husband why don’t We get that fridge and he’s like what Are you talking about I was like did you Guys see them they’re in their kitchen They’re just laughing they’re having fun LG recognized that because their product A refrigerator didn’t have its own Personality they are going to hire Somebody to give the fridge the Personality this is branding 101 and This is one of the number one mistakes Business owners make we get so fixated On the product that we forget about the Personality so Russell kind of brought Up this idea of the jk5 this is what he Stole from me and I’m going to give it To you so you can hear it from me first Russell I remember when he started Implementing this and he texts me and He’s like oh my gosh it works and I was

Like of course it works I wanted to do Something that didn’t work so when we Think about building a brand of brand That has this ability to make people Feel something a brand that has a true Personality has to be about more than Just the product so imagine with me Right now and I want for you if you have A pen and paper to write this down Imagine that your business had a Magazine like tomorrow I’m walking Through the airport on my way home to Minnesota and I see all these different Magazines and one of those magazines is For your company What sort of categories would you talk About in your magazine what sort of Topics would you cover Now this is huge because when you think About it magazines have headlines right We’ve been talking about like the Science and the psychology of headlines And subheads and how it gets people to Take action magazines are literally like Funnels In the Flesh and so if your Brand or your company had a magazine What would be on the inside pages Now how many of you and I’m sure Hopefully the women are with me on this Then how many of you have bought a Magazine because of one headline like You see it and you’re like I need to Know what happened on The Bachelor Nobody’s telling me this I’m buying this

Magazine I only care about this one Story right we can connect to one piece Of the personality and that will make us Take action and so if my brand wore a Magazine today it would probably talk About things like motherhood and home Design it would talk about freedom and Lifestyle it would talk about presence And it would talk about business And what’s fascinating is is if you take A look at my online strategy from my Blog to my podcast to my Instagram You’ll find all of those topics covered Now why is this important it’s important For many reasons but the first reason is This a lot of times when we go to market Our product we’re marketing the business We’re not actually thinking about the Brand the personality and so if somebody Is not currently on the market for what It is that you’re selling or they don’t Know how to qualify themselves as a Potential customer they have zero reason To follow you while you warm them up They have no reason to give you their Email address they have no reason to get Into your funnel they have no reason to Take any sort of action with you if they Don’t know that they currently need what You need An example of this is back when I was a Wedding photographer I only shot about 20 to 30 weddings a year if I only was Showcasing Wisconsin weddings that

Happened in the summer on my Instagram If somebody wasn’t getting married or Someone didn’t need wedding photos they Had zero reason to follow me right I There I had no offer to give them But even back in the day before I had Even decided that I wanted to Pivot into Different spaces I was sharing about Rescuing puppies I was sharing about Macaroni and cheese I was sharing about Our 300 couch from Slumberland and People started following because they Liked those different facets so when we Think about this magazine example what I Want for you to think about are what are The five pillars of your personality Behind your brand Now when we think about this one of them Is going to be your product service or Offer that’s a no-brainer but the other Four are going to serve as connection Points for other people to connect with You and follow you even if they know Don’t know that they need your offer Have I ever sold a rug no am I ever Going to come out with a clothing line Probably not I’m learning to Never Say Never on anything probably not but if People like that facet of my life They’re gonna follow me and in their Following me they’re going to get the Byproduct of learning about what my Product servicer offer is And what I found is that for so long

People want to connect on something like We are on social media and scrolling Because we have this deep desire for Connection and so maybe somebody only Relates to my motherhood content well Guess what I’m going to talk about that But then the next day I’m going to talk About this launch I have going on and Then the next day I’m going to talk About this new picture I got for my House and it’s it gives the personality Behind the products but it also gives People a reason to follow you even if They’re not currently on the market for What you have when you build a true Brand people have a reason to follow you Before they have qualified themselves as A client of yours and this is huge so What is the jk5 how do we break this Down so if you have five pillars and I Love five just because it’s a great Number if you are aiming to post daily On social media Um if you have five pillars what you you Do is you just cycle through them these Are categories that you post so on Monday I post about motherhood on Tuesday I post about home design on Wednesday I post about my podcast on Thursday now this is not meant to be a Rigid schedule but this idea of Branching out and sharing more content Beyond just your product because what Happens is is a lot of businesses get so

Excited about their product or service Their offers that all of a sudden They’re only talking about their product Service or offer and everyone’s clicking Unfollow because they don’t know why They’re following anymore how many of You in the chat and in this room have Had somebody who all of a sudden starts Selling a product and all of their Content suddenly becomes a big ad for The product and you’re like I don’t know The story behind this I don’t know why This matters I don’t know why you’re Telling me about this I don’t know why You care about this and where is your Cute dog that I followed you for in the First place and so it is so important That we make sure that we’re balancing Out our content so I live by the 80 20 Rule eighty percent of the time I’m Straight up serving and connecting 20 of The time I am selling or showing an Offer right when we do it this way I Very rarely get complaints about when I’m selling like I earned the right to Sell through how I am consistently Serving and so when I think of a jk5 you Take your five categories and you keep Cycling through them and what happens is One you build a recognizable personality Where people see something and they’re Like oh that’s Jenna’s house if my name Wasn’t attached to the post they would Know that oh that’s Jenna’s dog oh

That’s Jenna’s podcast and it creates This Association for years I used to Talk about macaroni and cheese I love macaroni and cheese it my passion Runs very deep and five years ago I got Diagnosed with Celiac so I I can only Eat the gluten-free variety it’s not as Good but I can still enjoy it somewhat But I used to literally post about mac And cheese every single Monday and what I loved about this is at the time I was A wedding photographer and every single Day people would send me pictures of Themselves their children or the Macaroni aisle at the grocery store Because they were thinking about me Outside of the product servicer offer That I was giving it is the true example Of this personality that makes you Memorable I mean why are people thinking About a wedding photographer when They’re eating pasta that is the tip in Building a recognizable brand that People feel connected to that also Allows you to Pivot and move and people Will follow you and so the question that I want for you to think about when you Leave is why should someone follow you If they don’t know about don’t care About or don’t need what it is you’re Selling because we’re missing a huge Part of the market that needs time to Warm up to qualify themselves and to Understand because we are leading with

Businesses and not brands So the next thing that I want to think About is connection what are these Connection offshoots of your brand that Allow people to feel like they can know Like and trust you we talk about this All the time in the marketing the know Like trust Factor it is the number one Way to get people to actually make a Purchasing decision with you when people Actually connect with you we want to Give them reasons to tether themselves To your brand Beyond just what you sell You want to create space for connection For Community for a reason of value in The content that you create Um I love this so someone is saying what If your brand is something like apple or Nike I was recently hired by Nike for a Nike campaign and they are saying Jenna We want your personality behind the Products so if you run a company where You are not the face or you do not want To be the face and the personality you Need to hire people to give your Products a face and a personnel quality Nike is a great example I literally just Did a massive campaign with them Promoting their products because they Recognized hey you have a personality That people trust put on our products And talk about them because Nike doesn’t Have a face right so this applies across The board regardless of if your brand is

You or if you need to build the Personality using other people the jk5 Is this Foundation of your brand and Here’s what I want for you to know it Can evolve with you so this is something I haven’t talked a lot about recently But I am just in this season and I’m Curious comment if you’re in this season At all or if this resonates I’m in this Season I was on a walk with Brooke Castillo yesterday and she was like What’s next for you and I was like I don’t know I don’t know and what I Love about the jk5 is that I know that As I start to think of these different Directions I want to go I start to Integrate it into the strategy I start To talk about the different things that Are coming down the pipeline I start to Share about the different things that I’m passionate about and again then it’s Giving me this personality that allows Me to Pivot so the jk5 is this ability To say okay here’s my product servicer Offer that I have but here are four Other connection points that can evolve As I evolve I was and I was a mother so I didn’t always share motherhood when I Became a mother that was a really Important part of my identity motherhood Became a part of my jk5 and rescuing Dogs kind of slid down the Wayside you Know there’s different ways that you can Integrate these pillars in and what

Happens is is that you’re able to kind Of pivot and move and evolve using these Different categories and the strategy in Your brand so like Russell’s example for Me when he started integrating the jk5 He’s said I actually taught about this In my church because there was people Who wanted to make a difference sharing Their faith online and they had no idea How to do it and so I told them I said Well you can’t just talk about your Faith every single day a day in and day Out you’re not going to hit the people That need it you’ve got to integrate it In with the other things you’re Passionate about make Faith one of your Pillars but have these other places of Connection so that people want to follow You even if they’re not currently Interested in what you’re saying about Your faith I think it’s incredible and That my friends is how we start to Change the world Problem number three is this This is something I literally sent to One of my best friends the other day and I’m gonna give you the full story so one Of my best friends her name is Ashlyn She’s an incredible copywriter um we Have been friends for years we’ve walked Through a lot of life together and she Messages me and she goes I’m in a launch Right now and the cart is closing and It’s crooked like I I don’t know I maybe

I’ve launched it too many times maybe It’s not the right timing maybe it’s the Economy maybe it’s Facebook ads and I Said You’re in a launch I had no idea I follow her on every Platform I’m subscribed to her email List she is one of my best friends in The world her stories pop up on Instagram first and I had no idea she Was in a launch And I realized that a lot of times we Are assuming that people are getting Every piece of our content right we’re The ones pushing it out we’re the ones Close to it we have to stop assuming That people are eating up every single Dose of the content that we create and We have to start assuming that people Know nothing and I’m not seeing this From a place of like people are idiots I’m saying people are busy this is one Of my best friends and I had no idea That she was in a launch of a product That I actually needed like I was like Oh the doors are open like I needed this I was waiting for this and I didn’t even Know it was open and it’s closing and I Didn’t know it was closing Another story of this is Um when we as my team when we write our Copy we batch work so I was recently Diagnosed with ADHD and I’ve recognized That I have to introduce different ways

Of working so that I can actually focus And like complete a task and so batch Working has become this way where I sit Down and I’m like we’re going to crank Out eight emails right the problem with That is that when we are writing we know The funnel we know the flow we know that Somebody’s supposed to go from this Email that introduces the offer to the Next email that talks about the features So the next email that shares the Testimonials to the next email that Closes it but what happens is when we’re So close to the copy in that way we Start to make assumptions we assume that Somebody opened the email before I was reviewing our copy the other day And I was nursing my little daughter and Then I stepped away for a little bit Then I came back I jumped into the next Email and all of a sudden I’m reading That next email and I’m like what is the Bundle What is about we’re talking we’re Telling people they need to build their Bundle what’s a bundle And I realized that we had gotten so Used to writing our copy so linear that We assumed that somebody had read the Email before so with my friend Ashland I Was like you need to assume that right Now I know nothing I literally I didn’t Know your product was open I don’t know What your product is I don’t know who

It’s for I don’t know why it’s closing And I don’t know why I need it and I was Like you need to get online right now And tell me everything assuming I know Nothing so what does this mean when we Go through our emails our funnels our Copy there are two things I need you to Do the first one is the mom test I Literally will call my mom up and say Mom I need you to read the sales page Tell me what I’m selling Tell me how clear it is tell me how to Buy it tell me what the options are tell Me what the outcome is my mom was a Nursing instructor she knows not a lot About this online World a lot of times She’ll be like what is the algorithm I wish I had that I wish I had that Belief mom what like where is this Button leading to it it’s supposed to go Here but it’s going down here so do the Mom test or have somebody outside of Your world look through your copy and Give you feedback I had Ashlyn my friend I said send me everything that you’re Sending out today and I’m going to go Through it and I started marking it up I Was like I don’t know what this means I Don’t know what this feature is I don’t Know why I need a swipe file what is a Swipe file I don’t know what all these Things are and so we had to clarify the Offer in the final minutes of her launch Because again we make these assumptions

That people know what we’re talking About We want to make sure that every single Piece of marketing that we’re putting Out there can stand alone that it is Clear that it is clarifying and that it Is qualifying are we inviting people to Qualify themselves as our customers so I Want for you to think about that the Final thing too and I was talking to Somebody about this the other day I am I got to be careful because I’m in A room full of affiliates Every single affiliate launch I’ve ever Done I’ve won I’m not diving into this One because I’m too tired but I love Affiliate launching because I unlike Other Affiliates I am willing to get in The trenches and what I mean by that is If somebody sends me a message I am Sending them a voice DM back answering Their question if somebody has something That they need I will get on video and I’ll walk them through it I am willing To still operate from the belief of the Power of one I want every single sale to Matter I want every single customer to Matter and a lot of times when it comes To affiliate marketing people just send People to other people’s pages and Assume that they’ll do the work no no no We do the work and so what I mean by This is I told Ashlyn I said get in the Trenches make yourself so available for

People today let them know that you care About their sale you care about their Money you care about their outcome get On the phone get in the chat get in the DMS we when we create things that can be Automated or when we leverage incredible Tools like click funnels that can speak To the masses a lot of times we forget That power of one and so if you are just Starting out I want for you to think About what is the Power of One how can I Connect with people get in the trenches And get loud The final thing about this problem of Stop assuming is that we often feel like We’re annoying people with our offers Right like I’ve talked about it so much Nobody wants to hear from this again When we do the math about three percent Of your audience sees what you post on Instagram About thirty percent if we’re lucky Opens your emails and even less than That takes action and so we need to be So loud and annoying that we hit all the Percentages that we need in order for People to become aware and so for Ashland she’s like I was on stories I Didn’t realize that I didn’t see any of It I didn’t see any of it and so do not Feel like there is a volume that is too Loud for you to get out and get your Offer out into the world when you follow The model of the jk5 and you’re serving

Eighty percent of the time you better Believe that 20 of the time you are Going ham unapologetically like I said Nobody ever complains when we’re selling Because I have served and served and Served my heart out the entire times That when it comes time to sell people Are like here’s my credit card what do You need So get loud Get Loud Number four is this This is I think the thing that will Change your life the most You have to learn how to define success For yourself When we get in rooms like this I was on A walk with Brooke yesterday and we were Just talking about why are we like the Happiest people we know and I mean this With like sincerity Um it’s because when you enter into this World It becomes this place where more becomes The answer right how many of you have Set out to achieve a goal And you achieve it And it doesn’t feel like you thought it Would has anyone done that Okay the room is in here anyone online Have you done that you set out to Achieve this insane goal I remember this Moment I was standing in my shower Washing my hair with Herbal Essence

And it was the day that I’d hit the goal Of making six figures and I remember as I shampooed my hair I remember thinking To myself Thought this would feel different Thought I would have fancier shampoo I Thought that fancier shampoo would make Me happier I thought that the Angels Would think I thought that there would Be those gold cellophane balloons that All the girls on Instagram have I Thought a lot of things would happen When I hit six figures and standing in My shower I remember I closed my eyes And I thought This doesn’t feel like I thought it Would And a lot of times what happens is that Instead of checking in with ourselves Instead of asking ourselves why does This not feel the way I thought it would What we do as Achievers is we just push The goal out further we just say maybe I Just didn’t do enough maybe I just need More maybe I just need to go further Maybe I just need to double my efforts How many of us have done that You burn out and instead of pausing long Enough to ask yourself is this the right Goal you just say surely this is a me Problem surely something is wrong with Me that I don’t feel satisfied or happy Or fulfilled in fact the answer just Must be more

And I have watched so many entrepreneurs Do this They don’t pause for even a minute to Celebrate their success they’re already On to the next thing and that next thing Will become the thing that fills the Void But life doesn’t work like that What’s interesting to me is that I find Myself on stages like this when I know In my gut I still feel exactly the way That you’re feeling And a lot of times the rooms that I’m in I am probably the lowest earning Entrepreneur But I’m the happiest And I remember Drew and I went to this Amazing Mastermind and it was just Lavish and incredible and we got home And we ordered crappy takeout sushi from Duluth Minnesota and we were sitting on The floor eating it while watching some Dumb TV show and we looked at each other And we’re like This is it this is all we need this is Happiness for us And as I start to see you guys get so Inspired and you start to identify Yourselves as someone that can do this And you start to clothe yourselves with The mindset that like yes I can do this I want to lead with the cautionary tale That more is not always better For me success looks like going to a

Restaurant and not looking at the prices And ordering what I want when I grew up We would go to a restaurant we would all Split meals no beverages no desserts to Me it feels like so incredible to be Able to order dessert and not worry that The flourless chocolate cake is 14 That’s success to me success is being There when my daughters wake up and Putting them to bed to me success is Nursing full-time while running this Business to me success is being awake to My life and not missing it and so I want For you as we move through this day and As we finish out this incredible week Together I want for you to get really Honest with yourself like painfully Honest what does success look like for You and how should it feel because in This world that we are living in Everyone is getting so fixated on Building lives that look good That their life doesn’t actually feel Good I want to lead you through an exercise Um that I led the funnel hacking live Audience through as we close out And I really truly invite you as silly As it is to join me wholeheartedly in This This exercise changed my life And it was during I always get choked up Dang it I was like this is gonna be the Stage I speak on that I don’t cry

Um it was during a really crappy season Of My Life I’m going to lead you through the Exercise and then maybe I’ll tell you What happened Um the thing is is that a lot of times When you see people on stages they want For you to hear them right But what I want for you to hear today is Yourself again I want for you to come Back home to yourself because being Ambitious is incredible and building Funnels is wonderful and making money is Fabulous but if you are not awake to Your life you’re missing it And I believe that that is why we wake Up at two in the morning with racing Talks when the house is finally quiet When our phones are finally down when Our thumbs are still when we wake up and We think to ourselves Is this it Is this when I’m working so hard for And so I want to invite you to go Through this exercise my friend Aaron Trellore read this over the phone to me Years ago and it absolutely changed my Life I want to show you how you can Design your future So moving towards the future isn’t Always a comfortable thing but I think We can do it together and what I want For you to do is to close your eyes and I promise you

Everyone will close their eyes okay Let’s do it Let’s design your future together okay So take a deep breath The kind of deep breath that your Apple Watch is reminding you to take during The days when you’re too busy and too Stressed And I want for you to Envision with me Breathe in And as you step in to yourself I want For you to step into the version of you That is 100 committed to showing up for Yourself in the way that you dream of You’re no longer bound by fear Or doubt Or past patterns You are free to be exactly who you were Made to be Expansive And open And rooted in this mindset of abundance Make a picture if you will of this Future version of you the you who is Showing up for your life in the coming Days Picture yourself just one year from now And just notice where you land Create a mental picture of this future Version of you Can you see yourself This is the you that is 100 committed to Checking in on yourself and listening to Your inner knowing ready to seek out the

Answers that will lead you to feel more Connected and more energized and aligned With the authentic you And what’s beautiful is is that you can Relax into yourself And own your power And trust that this version of you has Built a life that feels good to you Now imagine stepping into the body of This future you This version of you is already having The result that you want right now They are enjoy owing living this Enriched and engaged And vibrant life they’re already Enjoying it Step into your body Put your fingers into your finger slots Your toes into your toe slots And take a moment to just be with this Future you Look through your eyes Hear through your ears And feel with your feelings and your Intuition and your knowing Continue to breathe mindfully and as you Do breathe with the future used lungs And feel the future use heart beating As you inhale and exhale Notice how everything is going well for You You’re taking care of your mind your Body your spirit your soul you are Honoring your deepest desires

You’re setting healthy boundaries for You and your work and the others in your Life And honestly you feel lighter and more Freedom as a result You are living as though time is your Currency And you are the most brilliant investor Spending it in the places that matter The most to you And as you inhale and exhale more deeply Now because you can always let more go You might feel yourself more calm More secure More expansive more energized And allow yourself to see yourself with Clarity And wonder And ah Because you’re a miracle Breathe in and feel this version of Yourself expand and fill up the space Around you unapologetically With each inhale and exhale you become Increasingly aware of how resilient you Are How brilliant you are How much power you carry in simply being You Relax into claiming that power Consciously choosing to resonate at a Higher vibration or frequency which Enables you to attract more of what it Is that you want in your life

And how beautiful that as you do this You inspire others to do the same Because they are witnessing you being Your true and authentic self That voice of fear and negativity and Self-sabotage that is only one small Part of you it does not define you In this place you are more present to Yourself and to others you express your Truth You share your passions you are present You are content and you are simply Filled with life Let yourself Savor the feeling of Relishing in your own definition of Success with confidence and Grace and Ease Notice that all of your cells are filled With fresh energy and the world appears More beautiful You can feel yourself you’re more alive And more vibrant and you’re engaged on All levels and as these feelings grow Your lips stretch into a smile It’s okay you can smile With your eyes closed standing as the Future you take a look around Where are you What do you see Who are you with What are you wearing And how are you breathing And I want for you to just notice it all Notice the sounds and notice how it

Feels to feel aligned with your values And notice how it is to feel your Feelings And perhaps you notice how easily the Over anxious mind the busyness the worry It just seems to melt away when you Stand as this version of yourself Notice the thoughts you’re thinking What is this future you saying about Yourself what are you believing about Yourself And like a dial on a stereo we’re going To turn up the volume on your intuition That inner compass that knowing that Little voice in your life that is Guiding you forward on your path It’s possible that in this moment you Realize you are the only you that has Ever been born Why not be the best version you can be You stand strong and you tell yourself Yes I am ready to answer the call I’m Ready for anything I’m ready to leave my Legacy I am ready to do what I know that I need to do Allow that beautiful energy like a Golden ball of light to penetrate every Cell of your body Organically fashioning you into the Truth of Who You Are Who you always have been and who you Always will be And finally ask yourself from this place What would the future version of you

Tell the you here Right now Take a few deep breaths integrating this Deep knowing And open your eyes That knowing That whisper It has always been there with you It is you And that knowing is ready to guide you Forward There’s this line in my book that says Belief pairs well with a glass of Behavior You just got the belief Now it’s time to back it up with the Behavior that is going to move you Forward In closing a lot for you to know this And I’ll tell you this story that Happened with me When I went through that exercise we Were in a season of loss We are trying to grow our family and it Just wasn’t happening And I remember sitting in this chair and Having this vision And I remember just thinking my life Looks nothing like I thought it would And in this vision I was wearing this certain pair of jeans And a white top And if you ever see me speak on stages a Lot of times I’ll wear some version of

This Because that day as I looked down I was Wearing old yoga pants and a t-shirt From high school And I realized that I was waiting to Show up for my life until the blessings Came And what I missed is that I had to start Dressing the part to get to the Blessings When you envision yourself wholly alive And vibrant and awakened life You have to clothe yourself in the Identity of someone who is going to show Up while you are waiting If you’re watching this you might be in A waiting season you might be in a Season where you’re waiting for the Business waiting for the funnel to hit Waiting for the right product waiting For the baby waiting for the Relationship Start dressing the part today believe Pairs well with a glass of behavior what You believe about yourself is going to Impact how you show up and how you show Up is going to give you the results that You want do not rob that Vision that you Had that future self do not Rob yourself Of everything you just imagined and Don’t let that Vision fade away do not Spend another day just simply wearing Busy as a badge of honor That exercise

That was the woo and now I cannot wait To see what you do with the work thank You so much [Music] What a way to start the morning hi yes Villain So good Um Jen is amazing uh as you guys all Know so awesome Um and that’s just the beginning of Today is there’s so many fun amazing Exciting things in store for you today Now before I introduce my next guest Speaker who I’m really excited to have a Chance to kind of interviewer on stage Um a really cool thing so as we started Building click funnels 2.0 we started Working on a whole bunch of new things Like what’s the new what’s like the new Funnel new landing page new sales page All kind of stuff and we uh hired a Really cool team to make an amazing uh New video to kind of explain click Funnels 2.0 and what it is and why it’s Important and why it’s exciting and um We just like literally last night like Two in the morning got back the first It’s not the final final cut it’s close To the Final Cut of this uh the video This will become the homepage video on Clickfunnels.com here uh early next week I mean just want to see like the Premiere of the brand new video you guys Interested

Okay as soon as we’re done with the next Session Um I’m going to show you guys that video It’s like two minutes long it’ll be Really fun to see but it’ll be the first Time anyone’s ever seen it besides me And like two other people on this planet Which is kind of cool so okay so we’re Gonna move on so I’m excited for uh for The next session the next 45 minutes or So Um we’ve got someone who’s uh who’s Become a friend and a mentor I’ve had a Chance to look up to him for a long time And had a chance to work them out a Bunch over the last couple years and um We’re putting together this whole event I was like how cool would it be to have Him come here uh and actually do a Presentation and share some really cool Things with you guys Um he’s someone who’s built an amazing Company you may have seen on TV for Those who may be more new to this Industry you’ve probably seen him on TV He was on a star of a TV show called the Undercover billionaire uh we came in and Basically had to come into a situation As if he had nothing and then rebuild it Up on live on TV which is crazy it was a Really fun episode if you are uh season If you guys had a chance to watch it uh He’s had he’s written over a dozen Different business books

Um my favorite one is uh 10x which is uh I’m gonna talk about that today a little Bit he’s also so uh puts on events but He fills up huge stadiums um somebody Has seen some pictures of me speaking at Some big events those are grants events He did one where uh in Vegas he had 9 000 people we did one in a baseball Stadium had like 35 000 people Um I kill myself to get 5 000 people in The funnel hiking live I don’t I still Haven’t figured out we got 35 000 people In the baseball stadium for a marketing Sales Event it was insane Um he’s someone who is Um always pushing the the envelope on Everything if you watch having a social Media it’s not just like I mean social Media he like pushes it to the next Level how he does events it’s like I’m Gonna do an event I’m gonna do it 10x Better anyone else I’m gonna do this and Like everything he touches like he just Grows and expands and so I want him to Come because Um depending on everyone here is the Different spot in our journey but how do We take what we have and how do we Expand that and grow it at a level that We never even thought was possible and So uh that’s what I’m smokes I have a Chance to have him here he just flew in Uh literally like five minutes ago he Landed here we hang out in the lobby for

A few minutes now we’re here to to bring Him on stage so if all you guys can put Your hands together and introduce my Friend Grant Cardone [Applause] Thank you very much [Music] First off welcome to Boise hey thank you I haven’t been here for almost 20 years So oh that’s nice to be here the Weather’s great never gets too cold here Always dry it’s always Flawless but but Winter is fearful here right it gets Cold we don’t go to events during winter Time because nobody would ever come back So we make sure it’s always very nice It’s beautiful so beautiful facility I Love what you’re doing at click funnels And uh you know we’ve been very very Successful with uh what Jared when did We get introduced to click funnels Seven years ago I mean I don’t even know How much money we’ve made we’re trying To actually I’m looking for my plaque Though and I said where’s my whole wall There’s the other wall of fame for Grant Oh it’s plaques we were trying to pull The stats to see because he’s not only Just like you know like use the click Funnels like uses it to the to the max Like uh we were trying to pull stats It’s like hundreds of millions of Dollars have been processed with their Click funnels account

Um we’re trying to leads it’s like five Or six thousand New Leads a day are Coming in every day consistently and I Talked to those guys on day two we talk About the power of having a list I think Some people do social media do marketing But they don’t have a list and you guys I don’t know how big your list even is But it’s good I think our list is four Million yeah four million and like I see A lot of people on social that are not Monetizing I know there’s a couple guys That made it popular to not make money There What do you think about those people by The way well I think I think I think if You have a writ if you have a daddy That’s going to take care of you or or You know you you’re somebody gave you Money or maybe you’re Sabrina my Daughter and you don’t need to work Uh but but I’m not gonna give her money Like she’s gonna either earn her she’s Not so uh I think monetizing is very Very important I think it’s also Important not just for you and your Business but I think it’s also important For the customer I don’t think I Complete a cycle with a customer until They actually exchange money with me Yeah and I think it’s I think it’s out Exchange for me to give and give and Give and then they can they take the Information

And And then don’t give something back I Think that completes the cycle Spiritually and then somebody can Actually do some good with it the people That the people that we get complaints From are the people that actually don’t Buy the products it’s not the people That do yeah and people the more they Say you know the more they spend the Less they there’s never well when they Pay they pay attention yeah you know and The more they pay the more they pay Attention so those those tickets that We’ve selled to these events we could Not sell 34 000 person event without the funnels I couldn’t Um I couldn’t raise we’ve raised almost A billion dollars at Cardone Capital 925 Million as of today uh we’ve raised that Money that’s crazy that’s the best money In the world by the way okay because I Get to run that money manage that money For the next 10 years or longer Um we would not do that without be able To do that without click funnels so like I’m just telling you guys if you want to Build a list if you want to be on social Media I’d probably monetize social media Um it’s probably the Kardashians and Then maybe And I’m not taking off my clothes I’m Not losing my Integrity I’m not bashing

My ex-husband uh to get there no offense Kim but Um but another next speaker actually Yeah [Laughter] Uh we tried to get her so uh you know no Hate anywhere like I like but but if You’re gonna build if you’re gonna use Social you guys are on Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat and Tick Tock if You’re if you’re not going to build a Lit you got to pull them off the Instagram and onto an email list so that You can actually communicate the other Thing that you want So the things you see me doing that some Of you don’t like me for I know I I get The feedback too okay so I gotta hit When he does that and I I’m only doing That to grab a new audience that was not For you by the way when you guys see Stuff that you don’t like seeing me do That was not intended for you you Already know me okay it was intended for Someone new that needs to see a plane or A stack of cash or know that a million Dollars weighs 50 pounds or you see me Hanging with my wife or the kids or Whatever I’m doing stuff to create a new To build an audience intentionally to Build an audience the video that I did On is it black or African-American was Was designed to reach an audience to say Hey I’m a white man I don’t understand

Am I supposed to say black or African-American it was designed to go After a particular audience To say I’m sensitive and I’m curious And uh because once I get attention then What I can do is I can start figuring Out okay what what does that audience Want or need Can I monetize it or not And so that’s what we when we do our Growth conferences that that whole thing All that speaker list is designed to get An audience uh the Rapper video how many Remember see the Rapper video where I Was going after rappers ball players you Got the big watch you got the truck you Got this you’re wasting your money that Was designed to run run uh funnels at a Particular audience that would become Interested in Cardone capital okay it wasn’t to sell a Product or service so everything we’re Doing we’re doing about I don’t know Maybe 600 Grand a day a bad day a bad Day is going to do about 450. a good Weekend is going to do a million too We’ll we’ll do two days so we average What if 500 550 a day That’s without me working I was telling Russell I said look I don’t even work Anymore but you guys think that I work Non-stop right you’re like Dude where’s That guy like how does he get all the Time I actually don’t work as much the

Funnels work when I don’t because and You know this but for everyone Understanding when you got started Before funnels like when you want to Make a sales presentation you got to Make a sales presentation and another One and another one another one like When I was coming up okay this is 25 Years ago I would get on a plane I lived in Houston I would fly to Salt Lake City That was one of the Cities I went to and I cold called one business The next business I would come by your Place knock on your door if you were Here 25 years ago knock on your door my Name is Grant Cardone I’d like to Present to your sales team this is how I Built my business In the late 90s door-to-door I was on The road once for 260 days nobody knew Me I didn’t have any books there was no Social media there was no internet there Was no email because you guys don’t even Remember a time when there was an email Sabrina my daughter asked me uh three Weeks ago how did Jay-Z sell how did Jay-Z become known before social media So like she’s curious like how would Anybody sell anything without social Right so the trick now is though if you Could be on social and still be broke Forever Which most people are by the way they’re

You’re looking for likes and comments I Don’t even look like that’s not what I’m Looking for I’m looking for engagement At the where do we fund people When we take when they click when they Click the link and buy something What’s that called No no but when they process Where do we process the funds Yeah yeah okay marching again you see That’s how little I know about the Process Trying to make like God don’t even know What he’s talking about exactly but I Know the important part the important Part is this I got to get attention I Got to get attention everybody has Access to this free thing okay if you Can get if you can wrap your head around Click funnels like How many times can I say click funnels Here before they cut me off as many as Possible in fact you can increase as Much as you want I ran it I ran an ad uh Been an ad once on CNBC I was spending We were spending I don’t know uh over Two thousand bucks a day I think you get Two uh you can get click funnels for What two grand two grand for a year I Was spending two grand a day just so I Could say Cardone University Okay actually the link at that time was Tired of missing sales so we did this ad

I paid I think we were paying 25 to to No we were paying 60 Grand to 80 grand a Month to CNBC and I went in there and Said I want to do an ad for 30 seconds And all I’m going to say is tired of Missing sales Are you tired of missing sales Well if you’re tired of missing sales Like I’ve been tired of missing sales go To tired of missing sales.com where you Will no longer be tired of missing sales Because you will no longer be tired or Get tired of missing sale go to tired of Missingsales.com I said tired of missing Sales like 37 times in 30 seconds and And it was designed to push people to This link because I knew they wouldn’t Remember my name and I knew they Wouldn’t call a phone number right and I Knew we were spending money and I was TR I was trying to literally get somebody To an email list so once they hit it Then then if some tiny percentage would Convert I need to process them but I got To capture that email in those emails at That time I think we had I don’t know 200 000 emails which was a lot of emails But we were losing emails how many of You get unsubscribed people all the time Okay we measure unsubscribed As a metric That we’re using our list correctly I don’t mean using our list like trying To get people not to unsubscribe we

Actually push to have people unsubscribe Okay because at that point when Russell Finally gets tired of my emails have you Gotten tired of them yet I love them Yeah okay okay he’s going to do this He’s going to do this it when he hits Delete that does not mean he’s no longer A customer it means he doesn’t want to See that email anymore or he’d already Bought that product so I’m actually Trying to Hit the list enough So that he says I’m done here now it’s An interesting thing because the last Conference that we did I think there was 4 400 people there 1600 people in the audience all these Paid people paid over 2 500 bucks for a Ticket some people pay 20 grand Of the uh 4 400 people that were there 1600 of them had unsubscribed from our Email print programs really I said how Many of you unsubscribed 40 of them did I’m like and you’re still in the room And they’re like man I unsubscribed and I still bought from you so the point is Once you get them on the email campaign Right and then you can start wrapping Them around your social whether it’s YouTube or your Instagram or whatever it Might be right uh or you have their Phone number in their text Like you can undo for me one thing but You’re gonna have to do a lot of work to

Get off the text Okay and to get off the other campaigns That we have That’s awesome yeah and and and that Would not be possible if we just simply Were on social and didn’t have a place To send people So you guys that are brand new to this Game like I’m I’m 64 years old I got Introduced to social media when I was 52. all you old people hey you guys in The chat you guys online right now if You’re an old person put it but yeah I’m Old okay uh well actually it’s a crazy Thing because because you were just born At a time where this thing didn’t exist Look at look at all the old people I got bad knees look at this hips okay But the the crazy thing is social media Was built for older people okay because Like I don’t I wouldn’t even have to be Alive in social media combined with a Click funnel could actually continue to Sustain my my monetization so that my Family could continue to benefit Because the other way the way when I Grew up uh when Grant dies he can’t go On stage well I can go on stage forever Now And and but I could go on stage like if You ever seen the old Jim Rohn videos Jim Jim and his legacy they’re not Monetizing there’s nothing there’s no Way to monetize because there’s no place

To click through because whoever took Over his legacy didn’t figure out how do I continue to monetize what this guy did I don’t I don’t I don’t want my family To be funded just While I’m Alive Because of the work I did how many of You are doing great things out there Those great things should last forever They shouldn’t last they shouldn’t be Some like okay this was the period of 2022 and it was valid then whatever I’m I’m doing stuff that I know will be Worthy and valuable to people many many Years into the future And with the right funnel with the Lottery right social program and the Right funnel it should continue to Monetize it’s the next question I know a Lot of people especially the newer People are coming into this world and They’re scared to death of posting Anything yeah because there’s going to Be made fun of or whatever and I know You’re in the heat of it and you yeah You hit the brunt of it like what’s it Like how do people overcome that fear That they’re gonna have well you should Have you should have that as a Target You know you should that should be one Of your goals right to get haters you Got to remember every great person that Has ever walked planet Earth Every great person you can just think of Some of those names right now in your

Mind You got a name guaranteed they were Hated they were probably hated Persecuted and maybe even crucified You know Jesus Christ had to be put on a Cross for people to remember he knew That too by the way he was willing to go All the way so you guys are you’re so Sensitive to your oh my God what if I Get a negative comment don’t worry about No a negative comment worry about no one Seeing your post In the beginning you will be completely Ignored in the struggle in the ultimate Worst time of your struggle to get known Okay no one will pay any attention to You this is the worst place to be worry About that place and the only way to get Attention is actually to first of all be Frequent you got to post something one Time Then you got to be frequent if it’s an Email campaign you need to be frequent More frequent than you are with the Email campaign because I believe That frequency is what people trust I Trust Russell because he he consistently Keeps showing up how many years now in Click funnels eight years my business 20. yeah yeah so he he didn’t have he Didn’t do something one time he keeps Showing up he keeps showing up in a lot Of places and I keep seeing him pop Frequency to to me is the thing that

Builds trust not trust itself Like you guys you may not like me okay Like an audience may not like me but They know I’m gonna show up so people Will say all kind of things about me but They’re not going to say I didn’t show Up and they’re not going to say he Flunked or he failed uh he’s gonna say And he said it in his intro like I Continue to move the bar that’s the Other thing that people say they need to See that you’re successful you guys need To do big things okay so in the Beginning you’re going to be ignored That’s what’s going to happen it’s the Worst thing it is the worst pain to be Ignored the second thing that’s going to Be happening is you’re going to be Ridiculed people go man that’s stupid I Can’t believe he showed up again oh I Can’t believe she would say something Like that okay you’re going to be Ridiculed ridiculed is many many miles Ahead of being ignored You see you guys don’t want to be Ridiculed you’re like I want to be loved Well ridicule Is a perverted version of admiration Okay and it’s it’s a tiny level it’s Just my kids if you have kids how many Of you have kids here Good sometimes they’re going to ridicule You But that’s that’s better that’s better

Than them ignoring you right because There’s going to be a time where they Completely ignore you right so you just You can’t take love one way you got to Take it all the ways that it comes when My wife is angry with me I remind myself At least she still loves you it’s when She ignores you that you’re in trouble Again okay so the third the third level Is the hate level it’s where people Become very agitated Antagonistic to you they don’t want you To do well This comes in a lot of forms by the way You’ll have family members do this They’ll love you on Thanksgiving and They’ll the rest of the year they’re Actually waiting for you to fail they’re Watching you on social seeing your Emails they’re not supporting you uh It’s your it’s your Merchant Um You know my sister told me how much she Loved me and I said well I never see you At the merchant what is it called Whatever ripe or something right that’s What I was looking for I said I never See you I said my family member y’all Don’t even buy my books you like you say You love me but you don’t even read my Stuff You know so uh that that is a and then There’s that person that’s just gonna Like straight up like

Click bait uh use your name you know say That you’re a fraud and a fake and You’re you’re stealing people’s money I Get all that stuff man that person by The way to some degree you don’t want to Stop you want to encourage because uh There was this video I did with this This uh this guy down in L.A and Supposedly the video was made me look Bad okay I’ve never ever talked about Him or used his name again And uh was told that you know he won the Argument somehow bro I’ve gotten tens of Thousands of followers Because this guy becomes so fascinated With hating me that he continues to Promote me Because remember they’re going to Remember your name they’re not going to Remember the incident whatever the Incident was they’re not going to Remember that they’re going to remember Your name was promoted so for those of You who don’t want haters you’re Actually trying to get to them at some Point Uh Kanye’s brand is exploding right now Watch I guarantee he’s going to sell More shoes And because he because he knows how to Keep that audience hot look at Donald Trump I’ve been saying this for years Watching these politicians you got to Get half the country to hate your guts

To become a president Because the half that hates your guts Actually uh uh pushes or promotes the Half that love you or want to be with You to fund your activities So the last thing that happens once you Get the hate you’ll move into admiration There people are going to start dividing I don’t like him I do and that’s where You start getting an audience that will Convert for you Dude that’s crazy I was um I’ve been Watching The Last Dance that Michael Jordan document series loved it it’s Crazy because he said that same Journey With him right like no one cared about Him yeah I think he becomes good and Then they love you on the rise up and Then a certain point like yeah they just Want to tear you down because it’s like That’s the thing and then he becomes a Legend because he’s persevered through That right totally Kobe they did the Same thing to Kobe you know and he had To remake himself and so you guys should Look for that like be out there enough That people actually You know I think that people are not Actually hating on you they’re actually Like this is their only way to admire And and many of these people I think you Know they hate you because they want to Be you and they ain’t you but the Reality is the people that don’t like me

Just simply have not done what I did had They done exactly what I did or what Russell did Um they would have what I have I mean Period end of story yeah one quote that Got me when I first started doing this And started putting myself out there and The hates her coming and half he wants To just hide and like go away and uh Dan Kennedy said something he said if you Haven’t offended someone by noon every Morning then you’re not marketing hard Enough yeah yeah and that gave me Permission I was like all right that’s The thing like let’s go and like freed Me from like hiding from it behind the Whole thing okay next I’m talking about Because you have a philosophy that’s Become they became a book that became a Movement that became your entire Everything came to the side of your Plane like yeah yeah and this is this Philosophy of 10xing everything I love You talk about that because some people Like even like people who are like Taking the leap of faith into click Funnels and they’re still like dabbling And they’re nervous and it’s like going Into something new with like that fear Is versus like when you talk about 10x Thing is completely different I love you To talk about that philosophy and how People can apply it yeah so 10x is is It’s a concept of uh orders of magnitude

Like to scale something and I remember This guy actually the same guy that Talks about uh not monetizing also said That people not everyone should scale I I would suggest to you that if you don’t Scale you you will not have a viable Business the scaling is not an option Staying small is selfish You’re thinking about yourself I used to Do this I’m just speaking from from Personal experience and a lot of the Things that people don’t like me for Saying is because I had a personal Experience okay and the experience was I’ma stay small I’m gonna be a little Boutique if I’m if I’m small if I stay Small I can offer better service this Was very selfish because it was it was Me it was me hiding behind my fear of Being big okay Jenna was talking about You know like visualize the the you the You you want to be you don’t want to be Small who who would want to stay small And Tiny when you have the capacity the Spiritual unit has the capacity to like To certainly be senior to money And and pro these physical problems These little problems that human beings Have so 10x is a concept of like Whatever it is you think you want You would literally take that Target and And multiply it times 10. if you if you Want to be the the leader of a vertical Let’s say you want to be the best

Dentist in the world you would not Commit to just being the best dentist You would actually build a business that Was the best in 10 verticals not one Because if something happens in Dentistry Or in real estate or whatever the field You’re in and that vertical dies like it Did in 2008 I was Dependent on the automotive industry Only I think you have somebody uh that in the Auto industry Your sister-in-law she she knows me she Didn’t even know Russ she knows me Story yeah yeah uh yeah she gave it to Me and she’s like have you heard of Grant Cardone I was like the one guy That she knows in our whole world There’s no Tony he doesn’t even know It’s great right so so it’s because she Was in that vertical right well in 2008 When the economy collapsed we had the Global recession it destroyed car Dealers and I was dependent upon this One vertical And because I was my business got Slaughtered and that’s when I wrote the 10x rule because I went to my office I Told my wife I said I’m gonna figure This out will never happen to us again I Was worth I don’t know at that time I Was worth 15 or 20 million bucks that Went down to like two like I was

Terrified I was going to go bankrupt and I really felt as a as the provider of my Household and you guys that are Providers you felt this before like I Had put my family at risk And And yes it was out of my control okay This is pre-click funnels pre-social Media And I had settled in to this vertical Because this vertical was comfortable For me how many of you work a vertical a Particular vertical okay and you’re like You’re comfortable you know how to talk To people you’re in one space that’s Cool it’s easy it’s got your leader There well you you’re going to nine of The verticals you’re not going to know The nomenclature you’re not going to Know the pitch you’re not going to know The audience nobody knows you and and What happens is Uh if you’re dependent upon that one Vertical and the way you know you’re Dependent is you resent it a bit you Resent that customer base a little bit Because you’re dependent upon it and you Know if it goes away you’re going to be Hurt well I was hurt So I went sat down figured out what I Did wrong took responsibility for it I Said hey I just stayed too small I was a high margin business uh I I Could I could hit four people I knew I’d

Close two of them I was lazy I’d become Lazy in my own business And it was making money and I was happy And I was I was actually not even Grateful for it anymore And so what I did was I said I need next Time this happens I’ll be in 10 Verticals this was 2009 I’ll be in 10 Verticals we were doing about 2 million Bucks a year in Revenue I said next time I’ll be at 20 million I owned I think I Owned 260 apartments at that time today We owned 12 000. And I didn’t know how to get 10x I Didn’t you I never know how to do 10x I’m just like Jared will sit down and Say hey we did 34 000 people in my Miami Marlin stadium when you spoke there When we got back out of that event we Sold that event out that was Super Bowl Weekend 2019. I said okay guys next Event 340 000. how do we do 10. well how do you do It everybody’s like can’t do it there’s No Stadium big enough people were Researching what’s the biggest stadium In the world blah blah I’m like hey guys Think outside 10x is about outside that Thinking you’re going to keep outgrowing Your goals this is where you start Become very creative how could we do 340 000 people oh there’s no Stadium big Enough how could we do it you just keep Asking yourself but how could we go from

1 million to 10 million 10 million to 100 100 to a billion So like right now our goal is to go from 155 million dollars a year to 1.5 Billion what do I got to do who do I Need to meet okay what other channels do I need to be on gosh we we need to be in South America man we need to be in in England we got to be in Australia we got To be like like how could we do it and Boom TV show And that’s when I got undercover Billionaire we did a million people a Night A million people a night I convinced Discovery Channel because of Click Funnels we knew how to convert people How many times have I said it now Nobody says click funnels more than I do Okay okay and so so that night uh this Is a true story okay I call a Discovery Channel the show is going to drop Undercover billionaire was going to drop I think in February And I called Discovery and said we want To spend a million dollars uh I want to Send a million dollars to you to to run An ad campaign We want a 20 minute Mark and a 40 minute Mark an hour show we want 20 minutes and 40 minutes of one minute 30 seconds Something like that Yeah a one minute ad and they said no You can’t do a one minute ad you’re the

Star of the show you cannot not also run An ad I said okay let me talk to your Boss boss gets on the phone I said look I want to spend a million dollars with Discovery Channel at the 20 minute Mark In the 40 minute Mark a one minute and I Want to basically give some people Something for free he’s like no no you Can’t the start we got a firm policy Star cannot run an ad okay good let me Talk to your boss Found out who the boss was I called the Boss I said I want to send a million Dollars to Discovery Channel I want to Do something at the 20 minute Mark and The 40 minute Mark a one minute pitch Boom it’s going to be free we’re going To send your people to give them Something because they were interested In the show no absolutely not the other Two people already told me what you Wanted it’s a no-go I say great I said Uh what is your accounting Department’s Routing number and 8th right in Bank Okay what do you want to know that for Never mind I could tell you’re having a Bad day I’ll call somebody else There’s a lot of people in Discovery Channel so we call up we get the ABA the Routing number the bank we wire I wired A million dollars to Discovery Channel With a little note tell Nancy Daniels Nancy underscore Daniels at Discoverychannel.com if you want to

Email or ask her if this is true okay Please email her she hates my guts And and and true story this is a true Story I I said Sherry you are one Million dollars to their account she’s Like what for I said don’t worry about Just mail just wire the million dollars Okay And Um and then put a little note there Please tell Nancy she got her money And so uh I’ve been emailed Nancy and I Said hey you just I just wired a million Dollars till you call me when you when You want to accept it she called me Right away okay she’s like what the hell Are you doing I said I just you had Three people at your company tell me They don’t want to accept my million Dollars I wired it to you it’s December by the Way this is December Jared the show’s Gonna drop in February this December I’m Trying to get the tax write off okay I I’m trying to reduce my tax bill right Now so I’m paying everybody I can in December for next year so I wired the Million dollars because I’m gonna count It whether she takes it or not okay and I’ll worry about it next year but if you Guys know what I’m talking about so so Okay uh so so what happens but you gotta You gotta have money to do that you know How do you have money click funnels

I mean you got you got to get them in You can’t just talk to people you got to Get them somewhere to go somewhere to do Something so we wired the million Dollars and said Nancy look I’ve tried To give a million dollars to three People at your office and for whatever Reason your your people do not want the Money she’s like what’s the money for I Said we’re on the ad at the 20 minute Mark in the 40 minute Mark and I want to Give the audience Something Free and She’s like I don’t see a problem with that and we Ran an ad and what happened was true Story tens of thousands of people were Hitting that ad our conversion to the Email to their email was like 88 or Something unheard of crazy it was Completely free offer to people that Were already watching the show and uh But I have to have some place I have to Have some place to to move these people To Yeah seriously yeah you guys hear that For the audience they did 30 million Dollars in that funnel yeah So I’m probably I’m probably the highest Paid reality star other than Kim and her Family In the world okay but again you got to Have if you’re not selling soap and Makeup and Uh and taking your clothes off on on

Social like you guys got to figure out If you’re actually offering a great Product or service or educational tool Or something that helps people man you Have to figure out how do I get their Attention and then if you know how to do That how do I actually get them to Convert many of you are losing your your Content you’re you’re not you don’t have Enough content because you don’t have a Place for people to go You know because part of my content is Hey by the way if you’re interested in What I just shared with you click right Here how many how many of you heard me Say click the link before Yeah that’s what the link is for You know that’s what the email is for The email is to hit the list with Something hi how you doing today Thinking about you like you don’t have To be good in the beginning you just Need to be there you just need to be There and figure it out you’re not going To figure it out by sitting down and Figuring out the copy okay like the way I mean you can you can but uh During undercover billionaire I actually Paid of the hundred dollars Discovery Gave me to be there 90 days I had no Place to live no food no water one of The things I bought while I was there They don’t show this on the show was A click funnel account under the name

Lewis if your team pulls it up they’ll Find Louis Curtis that was my same name There Lewis Curtis bought a uh uh click Funnel account we need to make a promo Video about this this is insane Nobody nobody knew that okay I I just I Just reminded myself I don’t have 100 Bucks this is the most important thing You could possibly have which I’ve been Telling you I had 100 I was like the Most important thing you could have in An entire business is your flip phones Account there you go yeah I mean once You have your commitment right if you You guys just got to Garner your Commitment your commitment like like Russell was talking about the fear the Fear is because you don’t have a Commitment Your fear grows as you you your Commitment goes down creativity stops Like as commitment goes down so when You’re blocked like you’ve got writer’s Block I don’t know what to say that’s Not a block it’s not a block it’s a Commitment issue if you’re committed When you can become fully fully Committed to success This is why I say success is my duty It’s not I’m not I’m not doing what I want to do every Day I’m doing what I’m called to do And the fact that I do it in a way that

You don’t like Only means I haven’t figured out how to Do what you like I’m trying to figure out how to do what I need to do Right and and I’m not putting any Emphasis on how you judge me because of That That doesn’t doesn’t mean that I’m not Open to To shifting and changing but I’m not looking at your feedback okay Any more than I look at the admiration I Don’t get any more plugged into your Admiration as I do to your Lack of admiration or are you ignoring Me it doesn’t matter that you ignore me What matters to me is my success and That’s where I come from that rubs People may be the wrong way because You’re like how can he keep saying that And like he has no shame yeah that’s Right I was on Fox TV once and uh with Uh Neil Cavuto and I said this book Right here Neil can save people’s Business and he’s like Shameless plug And I’m like bro I wouldn’t be here if It wasn’t for the plug Okay I am here it’s a shame I defended Myself it’s a shame that people have to Go to Amazon and buy my book when your Audience could buy it from Fox and then Click funnel come and now I have a place To send people so I don’t have to send

Them to Amazon because frankly I don’t Need to give Jeff any more money I don’t I would rather give a free book Away and have them in the click funnel Did I say it again what’s the name of This dude you guys are crazy I’ll just Tell you right now if you’re at home Right now watching this And you have not got your click funnels Account okay You lack commitment to your family to Your future And to the life that you and your family Deserve I’m telling you because if you Can’t capture a name you can’t convert The name sure I want to you show Everyone the sign with 10x I want this To like become a thing in our community It’s like understanding like when you’re Stuck and you’re having goals like I Know but you want to show them you throw The ten man all right you guys know this Is how it works this is 10x that means Like when you’re setting a goal or Whatever you look at like oh because It’s funny the very first event I spoke Years it was Um I can handle lay by you know prior Though I spoke to your earlier oh that Was a diplomat there’s like a thousand Or something in the room and then you Guys told me again next year we’re gonna Have ten thousand yeah and I you laughed I was like okay yeah you don’t speak

Like if you get 10 000 room I’ll speak And then like a couple months later I Came back ten thousand of me I’m Speaking I’m like how I thought it was there’s no way there’s No way and it’s like that you looked at It 10x and then so so what you have to Do like you guys that run run something There’s got to be somebody in charge Charge of the organization right Somebody that person my job is not to do The stuff My job is to make sure that we hit the Target I don’t even need to understand The stuff like the merchant account is It swipe is it stripe is it flight is it Amex I don’t know I don’t know and I Don’t care okay I don’t care what Visa Charges me or Mastercard they charge Three percent I don’t care what the Charge is I care whether we got the Customer to actually complete a Relationship with me and I hope you guys Heard that earlier today man when they Pay you they completed the other little Tiny portion of the relationship you can Do 90 of the work with your spouse they Still have to accept the hug Right you can do the forgiving you can Get on your knees you can beg but they Still have to I did 90 of the work with My wife For 26 phone calls 13 months 99 of the Work but I still needed her to complete

The transaction Same thing with the customer the way They complete this spiritual Evolution This cycle this this this complete the The circle is hey here’s my AmEx my Visa Card I want to renumerate you for what You gave me and if that doesn’t happen You do not have a customer And many times it doesn’t happen because You simply don’t say here pay for this So like the the bow goes you’ve used Bogos before yep what’s the Fallout rate On a BOGO do they even show not as much It’s terrible free tickets like we quit Doing them we quit doing freebies we Quit doing bogos BOGO stands for buy one Get one yeah buy one get one free all These cheaper cheaper like like okay Come for free like the show ratio on Those people is is negligible why Because they didn’t pay if you don’t pay You don’t pay attention and the more you Pay the more attention you pay so I would just tell you guys whatever your Target is you take the target okay if You if you were raised in a scarcity Environment the way I was At a single mother My mom did not know how to bring income In so when you don’t know how to get Income what you do is you play defense So I grew up in a in a family where There was clipping coupons put more air In the tires my mom actually believed if

You put more air in the tires you would Save money on gas okay Um she was she was terrified of spending Money any money with anyone because she Was certain they were going to rip her Off And if you can’t bring income in you’re Going to get ripped off you’re ripping Yourself off so So because I was brought up in that Environment is there a chance is a 10 Year old boy That I am going to Always Underestimate my potential Is that possible 100 right so so when you say I want to Be a millionaire you’re basically Setting a goal or I want a thousand Customers or whatever it is I want to be The king I want to sell a best-selling Book why didn’t you say I want to sell 10 best-selling books I want to have 10 Best-selling books You know if it’s a million dollars how Do you know it shouldn’t be 10 million Dollars or 100 million like why did you Come up with that Target okay why why do We come up with these little tiny Targets when we could simply say what if I’m underestimating my potential And then what we do is we just throw a 10 on it And then my job is to make sure hey

Jared we’re going to get that number bro No matter what okay 34 000 people on Super Bowl weekend the Super Bowl was in Atlanta by the way we were in Miami and Everybody’s like you’re insane to do That you probably thought I was insane Yeah and Steve Harvey thought I was Insane John Maxwell said why would you Do this on Super Bowl weekend Uh because I can Because if I can do it one time on Super Bowl weekend I can talk about it for the Next four years and tell people that Click funnels was part of the reason That’s why I was saying let’s go do it Okay So look without that you can’t build an Audience you guys are doing Live Events Like you’re just there’s eight billion People on the planet I don’t know why You’re worried about offending a few of Them So if we if we lose this year we’ll Probably lose 600 000 people off our Email list six hundred thousand I’ll Lose Will still build we’ll still end up with Six or seven million people on the list Because because we’re more focused on The building than the loss And because I lose those 600 doesn’t Mean they won’t convert with me Somewhere I’m still going to see you at Starbucks

What’s up man I see you unsubscribe I’m here how about you pick up my coffee Because doesn’t it make you feel better When you buy somebody a cup of coffee You guys ever see me I say man let me Get you a coffee it makes you feel good See that’s monetizing and that’s what Gary doesn’t understand for some reason I don’t know what the deal is or or if He just got stuck in this is my pitch to The world that everything’s free Anyway I mean I don’t know what that means I Just know I got bills to post you know And and you guys I all you guys online Right now okay I know you you say I Don’t need a jet okay because you hadn’t Been on one You haven’t you been you get on one and You’re gonna be like I need a job I’m just telling you man you you get Yeah I know you guys you’ve never done a Yacht and you’re like 250 foot yacht That’s gonna cost a million bucks a week For your family you’d be like I don’t Need all that you you ain’t been on one Right a two-month vacation you know That’s going to cost a lot of money in In maybe your income goes down it Shouldn’t if you have If you have click funnels your income Won’t go down I made more money in France than I made when I was in America Jared says every time you leave we make

More money why is that Because the click funnels Like I’m just telling you guys you guys Are worried about y’all worry about the Wrong things man yo worry about the IR And the S don’t worry about the Don’t worry about the click funnels by The way when you write a check to click Funnels for two grand for a year seems Pretty cheap to me I think we paid more Than that Yeah we got nine different click funnels Accounts okay so so I didn’t know that But I mean because I’m not worried about What I’m spending I I focus on what am I Earning uh the IRS allows you guys to Write off if you’re a 40 tax bracket Forty percent of your click funnels Account So all the activity the energy that goes Into that my time I’m in an apartment Imagine this okay I’m a big tax guy I Know how to I know how to play the game If I’m in my apartment I’m paying 1800 Bucks a month and I have a desk set up For my Click funnels account and that’s what I Do there I build copy and I build Campaigns guess what I get to write off Whatever percentage of time I spend in That apartment and I can allocate and Validate that I spent that time there if It’s 30 of the time I can write off 540

Of my eighteen hundred dollar rent Because of Click funnels So I’m just telling you guys you guys Worry about the wrong thing oh can can I Spend two Grand Am I going to use this The number one reason people won’t do This is because you you’re not worried About them you’re not worried about Russell you guys trust Russell everybody Loves Russell give a big hand if you Love bro Everybody dude If I had as many people love me as love Russell [Applause] You know so so I wish I had his kind of Love right Um Seriously why is it why is that making You blush This guy knows how to get everybody to Like you I have not figured out how to Do that yet clearly clearly Um and I’m not trying to so I’m gonna Let let get let him keep that lane but But you guys like you got to quit Worrying about two grand because you’re Like I’m not gonna use it no you’re not Gonna use it because you never got it See it’s that 90 it’s part of that Circle first thing you got to do is get It But what you do is you worry about what

Am I going to do with it you ain’t got It don’t worry about it you can’t worry About what to do with it until you get It the thing to do is to commit first And figure out the little other piece Later okay what am I going to say on it How am I going to use it maybe you don’t Use it today but you can’t use it if you Don’t get And get it today man that’s what I would Tell you guys to do if you guys are Having problems with money man hit my Hit my office we’ll we’ll set you up for A loan just to get you in my email Campaign I love you more every minute this is Great and I’m gonna tell you something I Really love about Russell this guy’s a Student this guy’s always learning I can See I I see when he makes shifts I watch Him I see when he makes a shift oh he’s Moving into this he’s trying to make Y’all you have an opportunity today To literally watch a guy that will go Down I mean I don’t know what you’re Gonna end up selling click funnels for But it’s gonna be a big number if you Sell it and you’re you’re talking to a Guy that’s going to be he’ll be in he’ll Be on the front page of something one Day for good things by the way never Going to be trouble with him And uh You got an opportunity to watch this guy

And craft your skill look at his copy Like I don’t need to figure out what to Say all I got to do do is go look at his Copy or my copy and say Copy That’s what I thought a copywriter was I Said why would I pay That’s how dumb I am man why would I pay A copywriter like 200 Grand to copy I’m just gonna copy you know I can do That my damn self so so look man if you Guys want the success that that any like Tiny portion of the success I’ve had you Can go back and try to do it the way I Did it the first 20 years Grind and I’m glad I grind that was my Path that’s the price I had to pay I Wouldn’t do it again I’m telling you Right now I would not I would not tell Anybody to do what I did to get where I’m at Um Because it was there was a lot of Mistakes and there was a lot of small Thinking the first 20 years I was the Speaker the salesman the admin guy the Accounting guy I had two employees both For 10.99. and me I did everything And today we have I don’t know 800 Employees there’s companies probably Have a three billion dollar valuation The real estate’s worth five billion We’ve raised a billion dollars sold a Billion dollars worth of products on the

Internet all that happened in the last 10 or 12 years and I can tell you A lot Of that happened Because of Click funnels Because I got to have a place to capture The lead I got to have a place to Communicate and send copy to whatever Copy even means so if you want your Stripe account to get whacked on a bunch Or your merchant account or you want More money or you want more customers or You guys to resonate with the idea of a A somebody actually paying you something Whether it’s a dollar Or shipping Uh like I don’t want them into Amazon I Was saying this early I wanna I wanna I’d rather give them a free book and Have the name the name’s more valuable To me than the three dollars from Amazon The best-selling book thing I don’t care If I have a best-selling book I care if They’re in Click funnels and they’re Actually transacting with me So I tell you guys I want to write a Best-selling book you don’t need to do Not spend the 250 Grand to get that book To be a bestseller that’s a waste of Money in my mind okay a better use of The money would be to how do I utilize And build my email campaign a list where I can get them off of Instagram move Them into an email campaign and start Communicating via

Click funnels I mean why not that’s so Awesome man thank you so much for being Here and sharing and spending the time With all of our people super grateful That always finally gets here in Boise And uh anyway you’re awesome man thank You thank you guys [Applause] That was so cool all right you guys you Feeling it you guys already at 10x Whatever your goals were from yesterday Because no longer are we gonna make Complacent with like oh I’m gonna Hopefully have some success no no like You have to start thinking bigger okay Real quick before I bring our next Speaker on stage Um you guys want to see the world Premiere of the brand new click funnels 2.0 uh launch video Okay so that’s they were cute that video When I get done and all you guys going Crazy screaming in the comments Screaming everywhere let us know how Excited you are and uh with that said We’re gonna keep the video All right here we go At some point in your life you’re going To think I should sell something online I could teach people what I know and Make money I know people will pay me to Sell their product I think people might pay for my music Okay so how are you gonna make that

Happen the website website something Professional a huge online store like Amazon but just for my stuff and links To all my socials okay great but how Will that help you make money Here’s the problem your website is one Of ten thousand five hundred created Every single hour what that’s 250 000 Per day there’s so many websites mine Has a logo that my nephew made yeah and They’re all fighting for your customers Attention most of those sites are awful Customers get confused or overwhelmed by Too many options and they leave without Buying anything [Music] Well what do we do I’ll tell you you use Click funnels click funnel click funnels I’ll get it okay so here’s you what’d it Do and your prospects are way up here Hanging out on these platforms a funnel Is like a road that moves them over to You cool How well it’s a series of pages that Walks your customer through their Purchase it builds trust they’ll know Exactly what to do and where to go That’s good right yep it’s like having Your best salesperson helping them out Every step of the way they get what they Want and you make more money I mean I get it but for everyone else Can you explain the part where we like Make a funnel sure it’s simple choose

One of our professionally designed Templates to create your ideal customer Journey drag and drop your product some Copies some photos and done Sweet sassy molasses indeed and funnels Are just the beginning clickfunnels is a Complete platform that gives you Everything you need to build your site Or blog or store oh wow also Clickfunnels has your CRM email Marketing fulfillment shipping real-time Analytics split tests all under one Umbrella I love it of course you love it It’s click funnels and you can get Started today for free with a 4GB trial I like that price let’s do this [Applause] [Music] Laughs So who’s your favorite character was a Goth Grandma at the end was it the other Like Yeah when uh Dan and he think I was Writing the script for that we were Laughing so hard like we have this goth Grandma and she’s gonna be doing this And there’s gonna be this and like Anyway but it turned out amazing so Hopefully early next week that’ll be Live you guys have a chance to to send All of your friends to the site to get Our click funnels accounts as well okay Guys today been amazing so far I hope You guys are I hope you guys are

Enjoying this and the process um we have So many more cool things happening today And so I’m excited now to introduce you To our next speaker and this is someone Who the very first time I ever met him I Was in a room about the same size at an Event and uh we uh we started um we Started kind of you know happening People around say speaking and then um Someone said something and this person Stood up walked into the Whiteboard and Drew a little thing he talked for like Two minutes and sat down and it was like A mic drop where everyone was just like Whoa I think that’s the smartest guy in the Room and we’re like we got to figure out Like and uh it’s after that invited me Dinner we started hanging out and got to Know each other and then over the next Couple years we bumped each other three Or four times different places and about The time we launched click funnels he Like re-entered into my world he came to One of our events or showing up and just Fell in love with him as a person as a Human and uh and then I watched him Um he’s one of the best people I’ve ever Seen that sells and persuasion and Helping people understand like how to Break free from limiting beliefs they Can be successful they can move forward Uh he’s spoken at how many like almost Half

Most of the fun hiking lives the the two Front like lives he didn’t speak at Though the guest speakers like called Him up and he literally was like uh like Been involved in almost everything we’ve Ever done Um he’s someone who um I’m so grateful He was willing to come out here he spent This whole week in this room uh Listening to you guys watching because He wanted to figure out what could he Give how could he serve you guys to give You guys a way to really break through All your limiting beliefs and give you Guys the ability to have success here uh In this community inside of Click Funnels inside of everything uh Myron is One of uh my favorite people I’ve ever Met on this planet he’s uh someone who I’m so excited to introduce you guys so With that said let’s put our hands Together for Mr Myron golden Foreign [Music] Thank you thank you thank you how many Of you want to learn how to multiply Amplify and magnify your reach using Click funnel say I do By the way when I ask folks in the room To say I do I want you guys to type it In the chat you already got how it goes I see the ideas coming back there well That’s exactly what I’m going to show You how to do the question is when I

Show you how to do it how many of you Are going to do it let me say I am okay By the way those are two of the most Important and most powerful words you’ll Ever say I’ll tell you why here shortly Um where am I going to start well how Many of you have never seen me before Anybody on on their you’ve never seen me Before I got to get out way more okay so Is it okay if I share a little bit of my Story for those who’ve never seen before That’s okay say that’s okay Okay my name is Myron golden I’m the I’m The second of Seven Brothers I was born In Tampa Florida May 14 1961 yes I am 61. I was born in 1961 and now I’m 61. Okay so I was born in a segregated Hospital some of y’all probably never Even heard that that was like a thing And the conditions of that hospital were So poor that I contracted polio six Years after the polio vaccine was Discovered And my parents they didn’t even find out What’s wrong with me until they moved From Florida all the way to Pennsylvania So for those of you don’t know what Polio is polio is a neuromuscular Disease that attacks the nerves in your Spine that control certain parts of your Body and so for me it started my left Foot worked all the way up my left leg And so that’s why I walk with a limp now You’re probably wondering why is he

Telling us the story about his leg Because if I don’t I’m going to teach You how to use click funnels to grow Your business to like crazy astronomical Levels and the whole time you’re going To miss it because you’re going to be Sitting there thinking man I wonder what Happened to his leg right so I don’t Want you to miss the point because You’re distracted by how I walk and so By the time I was 13 my left leg was two Inches shorter than my right leg and Fast forward they did enough surgery Where they broke my leg and they put These screws through the bone and they Turned this thing every day and then in In 30 days there was like they stretched The tibia like two inches right they had To cut my achilles tending tendon and I Was in they’ve had to put boards on These screws after 30 days wrap it up in The cast I was going to cast for six Months it was like one of the greatest Experiences of my life And but after that I didn’t have to wear Orthopedic shoes anymore I didn’t have To wear a left foot shoe with a two inch Sole I could wear normal shoes for the First time in my life you’ve never seen A kid so excited about getting his leg Broken you say Myron why do you tell That story I tell that story because I Want you to understand how life Works How what works

Everybody say like what works how life Works I told you that story because they Could have put those screws through my Leg they could have turned those knobs Every day but my leg wouldn’t have Stretched at all unless it was first Broken See seldom can we be stretched what’s The word I just use Stretch to our full potential unless We’re first broken see we got to go Through some stuff to get to our stuff I Submit to you the reason some of you are Here on this Zoom right now is because You’ve gone through something recently That broke you and I’m not talking about Financially broke I’m talking about Broken broke and so you’re looking for Something that is going to stretch you After that Brokenness and so you came Here hoping praying wishing dreaming That this is going to be your Transformational moment and I submit to You if you will let it be it will be But here’s what you got to do you got to Stop believing the lies We have been lied to our entire lives About success and money here’s a I’m Going to show you a couple of Lies we’ve Learned here’s one of the lies we’ve Learned and I’m sure this has gotten all The way to Idaho Right What’s that what’s that lie everybody’s

Saying time is money how many of y’all Heard that lie say my mind that’s not a Lie that’s true no no no it’s not true Time is not money here’s the here’s the Actual equation I mean if you want the actual equation Time is infinitely greater than money That’s the real equation You say why do you say that I say if you Go through life believing the life that Time is money what you’ll do is you’ll Sell a whole bunch of your time for a Little bit of somebody else’s money And then you’ll be stuck like Chuck in a Pickup truck why wonder why you can’t Get ahead you can’t get ahead because You believe the lie I submit to you that if I said to you Anybody in this room anybody on this Zoom oh that was a poem anybody in this Room anybody on the zoom I’ll write you A million dollar check today who wants It tight I do let me hear some I do but What if I said in order for you to cash That check you have to end your life as Soon as you cash the check now nobody Wants it why because you already know in Your heart of hearts that time is Infinitely greater than money But you’ve not been living like it And because you’ve not been living like It you go through life worrying about The price of everything so you know how Much everything costs and you know how

I’m almost you know almost nothing about How much anything is worth And so to I discovered this this is this Is a recent breakthrough of mine and I’ve had I mean I’ve had a lot of good Breakthroughs but one of my Breakthroughs is Poor people middle class people believe Most things are important most things Are expensive Because they pay for things with money They’ve exchanged their time for so they Feel like they’re paying for everything With their life because they are How much of my life is this worth is This car worth this much of my life is This cup of coffee worth it worth this a Bunch of my life is this gas this gallon Of gas worth this much of my life and Then and then we have to uh well I don’t Know I don’t know how much of my life I Want to pay for this put yourself in a Position where you disconnect your Income generation from time you’re not Going to do that overnight that’s not an Immediate overnight transformation that Is a transformation that takes time We’ve also heard this learn the LIE That working harder makes you more Deserving of success I submit to you That working harder doesn’t necessarily Make you more deserving of success But I can guarantee you what’s the word I just used guarantee what’s the word

Guarantee I can guarantee you that Working harder is definitely going to Make you more tired So if you want to be more than just Tired Stop working harder on what has already Proved to you for the last five years 10 Years 20 years 30 years 40 years you’re Working harder on what’s already proved To you that it’s not working And then it’s amazing we’ve all been Warned about the get rich quick skin That sounds like is this a get rich Quick scheme when somebody asked me that I always say you better hope so Because you ain’t gonna be here long Enough to get rich slow Because the reality is we’ve all been Warned about the get rich quick scheme But nobody warned us about the stay Broke for your rest alone for the rest Of your life skate so that’s the one That most people opted for the stay Broke the rest of my life now I don’t Want to get rich quick I think I’ll stay Broke for the rest of my life Well that makes sense And so what we have to do is we have to Understand a real scientific spiritual Essence formula For success So before I give you what I believe the The formula for success is let me give You what I believe the definition of

Success is I believe that the definition of success Is discovering the purpose for for which You were created And then you develop yourself for that Purpose and then you deploy yourself in That purpose and then you are successful Period It doesn’t matter if you go buy a five Hundred thousand dollar car Just because it costs a lot of money Doesn’t mean it’s successful You can put it let’s say it’s a Convertible Rolls Royce Dawn You put it in your front yard fill it up With dirt plant flowers in it It’s the most expensive flower pot in Your neighborhood but it’s not Successful because it what is not being Used for the thing it was created for And see that’s the part you’ve been Missing see when you were born there was Greatness planned a seed of greatness Planted inside of you But you’ve not like maybe you grew up in An environment where nobody watered that Seed Where nobody cultivated that seed Where it didn’t where nobody pulled the Weeds that were around that seed And so you grew up believing a lion it’s So fascinating because how many of us Parents have spent our children’s uh Growing up years in the beginning saying

Well uh you can do anything you want to Do you can be anything you want to be While they watch us do nothing and be Nothing And they think to themselves though they Dare not say it If I can be anything I want to be and I Can do anything I want to do how comes You’re not being more how comes you’re Not doing more they’re not saying it but I promise you they’re thinking it And so what is the real formula for Success so one of the things I do is I Teach people how to succeed how to build Businesses based on biblical principles That’s that’s my groove that’s my jam I Love business I love the Bible so I Teach people business principles based On the Bible that’s what I do not Everybody doesn’t believe the Bible okay But I would recommend if that’s you Don’t take on that as an assignment However I discovered a principle in science that Matches up with a principle that’s in The first chapter in the first book in The Bible the key to Success is Not Working harder the key to success is This if you don’t like the output Change the input change the what Yeah talk to me everybody change what That’s right change the input because Inputs create outputs period now Here are the inputs that God gave us in

Genesis chapter one you all ready Everybody say I’m ready First input is B Second input is due Last input is half B do half wow that’s pretty cool so These are the parameters for success There’s a platform for success as well What’s the platform Time Space And matter Which is really cool if you’re talking About success because success is when Something is doing the thing it was Created for well what I discovered is The purpose of time the purpose of Tim Okay the purpose of time the purpose of Time is being the reason time exists is So we can become more than we’ve been That’s why time exists anything you’re Going to become That you’re not already is going to take Time gonna take what everybody’s gonna Take what time it’s gonna take time it’s So fascinating like some of you I love The fact that you got your all in Backgrounds and you’re all in and you’ve Got click funnels 2.0 and you got your Funnel Builder secrets and you’re ready To go that’s awesome But here’s what here’s my word of advice To you don’t rush the washing machine In order for the clothes to get clean it

Has to go through all the cycles Somebody wants to become a lawyer so you Know what they do They have to get a degree they have to Go to college so you go to college for a Year You go to college for one year and Generally speaking you have to pay for It Right how much does college cost let’s Just say an inexpensive College cost Fifty thousand dollars a year so you Paid fifty thousand dollars you went to School for a year And now you’re a lawyer right no that Ain’t how that works baby no you ain’t a Lawyer you got to go back to school Another year well they don’t make you Pay the second year Duty oh yeah they Make you pay the second year did they Give you a discount no it’s another Fifty thousand dollars So so what you do after that then you Get to be a lawyer right no you got to Go another year What three years and 150 000 and you’re Not a success are you sure this isn’t a Scam How are y’all tracking wave at me my Peeps on Zoom wave at me my peeps okay And so so then you got to go another Year now it’s four years it’s 200 Grand You are still not a lawyer but you don’t Think it’s a scam

Fascinating Because you know it’s going to take what Time Now are you a lawyer you graduated or Your lawyer no you’re not a lawyer now You got to go to law school how many Years you got to go to law school Andy Three years law school costs more than College doesn’t it a lot more so let’s Say law school’s 100 Grand a year so you Pay 100 Grand the first year of law School now you’ve paid 300 Grand and now You’re a lawyer right no You get to do that again And you pay a hundred thousand again of Next year and you’re still not and then A hundred thousand next year now you’re Done paying for all your school you Graduated from college you graduated From law school and now you’re a lawyer Right no That ain’t how it works Now you get to spend the next three Months of your life eating breathing and Sleeping studying for the bar exam Isn’t it fascinating that you just went To school for seven years and nobody Taught you how to pass the bar exam but Nobody thinks that’s a scam Isn’t it fascinating But everybody wants to make as much Money as lawyers Fascinating but it takes what time So you got to study for three months

While somebody else supports you and you Live on credit cards And then you take the bar exam that You’re not guaranteed to pass but you Might pass and then when you pass Congratulations you spent 500 000 and if You’re fortunate you might be able to Get a job making six figures your first Year So now it’s only going to take you five Years if you take all of the money you Make don’t pay any taxes don’t buy any Food don’t do any rent don’t do any car Don’t get any gas don’t pay any Utilities just take all the money you Make and then pay off your student loans Get out of your student loans in five Years but nobody thinks that’s a scam Fascinating And then what is the how many lawyers Go on from any law school To win a two oh two comma Club Awards Here’s the answer not many Russell Brunson one of the reasons I Love him Is because He’s not pretending to care about you While he actually only cares about your Money That’s one of the reasons I love him I had already made millions of dollars I had already lost millions of dollars I lived on borrowed money for two years Two thousand all of 2013 all of 2014.

2015 I joined Russell brunson’s Inner Circle And it wasn’t two thousand dollars Tens of thousands of dollars a year and I’m going to tell you what’s really Amazing about that experience in a Minute But it wasn’t so much what I learned From him As it is what I gained from the Environment that he had created What do you think about that And we have built a business now In the last seven years where we pay More in taxes every year than I would Have made in my entire life working a Job I want you to wrap your I’m I’m blown Away by this I’m blown away by this Well The parameters are be do have The platform is time space and matter The purpose of time is being if you’re Going to become a funnel Builder I’m Glad you’re I’m all in I’m a funnel Builder everybody everybody I’m final Builder But guess what it’s going to take it’s Going to take time Space The purpose of space is doing if I’m all Wrapped up in cellophane all taped up in Duct tape I can’t do anything why I

Don’t have any space around me in order To do something you need space In order to become something you have to It takes time And so the purpose of time is being the Purpose of space is doing the purpose of Matter is having now here’s what’s Really interesting here’s how God set it Up He put inside of every one of you and Every one of us all of us all of you on Zoom and all of us in the room he put Inside of us a massive desire to have More Your desire To have more money To have more great experience to have a Nicer house and a nicer car and to take Your family on better vacations that Desire is god-given And he put that desire in you to inspire You To inspire you to do what to do more so You deserve to have more Oh But he also set it up like this On your way to doing more so you can Have more he set it up so you’d bump Your head on your inability and stub Your toe On your insufficiency Why so you would finally yield to the Thing he cares about most and that’s you Becoming more

Now here’s what’s really cool about this Being speaks to your identity Doing Is your activity Matter is your property So you have to so if input create Outputs Identity is the input that creates the Output of activity You here’s what’s really amazing every Human being on Earth can only do is Already doing rather every human being On Earth is already doing 100 of Everything they can do who they are Right now How many you’d like to be able to do More so you can have more save me Give me some me in the chat in order for You to do more so you can in order for You to be more so you’re gonna in order For you to do more so you can have more You have to become more You are operating at full current if I Say current you are operating at full Current capacity That’s why not a single solitary person In this room can afford to let a day go By where you’re not learning something New Because if you’re not growing you’re Shrinking And most people shrink so much that in a In their lifetime they eventually become Invisible to themselves and others

So identity Produces Act Oh I get it so if you don’t like the Output change the input and if you want To change the input you have to start up Here at the root So you can finally eventually manifest The fruit And you don’t know what most people do They spend all their life trying to Paint the fruit Are y’all tracking And so when you yield to becoming more And you understand this concept of Identity So remember I said the thing that I got Most out of like joining Russell’s Inner Circle he created an environment That transformed me here’s what happened In that environment Russell after I went through seven years Of crazy hardship like stuff that I Would not wish are my worst enemy Whoever that might be Russell created an environment that Introduced me to my true identity Ah When I first came to this the first time I ever came to Boise Idaho to an inner Circle Mastermind me and my son and my Daughter we flew here on Southwest Airlines we stayed in amerisuites in for 79 a night And everybody was staying at the Grove

Hotel for 200 or something I ain’t even 200 a night I was I was in my bounce Back years and we were only on the B of Bounce so we hadn’t bounced back yet Right and And I remember sitting in that room and I remember sharing ideas and everybody In the room was making more money than Me but they thought my ideas were good Oh Maybe I’m not the trauma Of the last seven years of experiences That I’ve had Maybe I’m more than that Maybe those of you who are watching on Zoom you’ve been hoping you’ve been Praying you’ve been searching you’ve Been seeking you’ve been Desiring and Pining For a better life Maybe this five day challenge has Introduced you to your true identity So that you can go out and become more Than you’ve been being Do more than you’ve been doing and Finally you’ll have more than you’ve Been having and once that happens here’s What you’re going to find out You’re going to find out That who you became on the journey is Worth far more to you than all of the Things you’ve acquired Mind-blowing Mind-blowing

Time space and matter well what’s real What’s what’s really interesting about Identity I’m going to show you this and I’m gonna I’m gonna share a couple of Concepts with you that I believe will Impact your life because see some of you Don’t even understand why you feel stuck Might I make a suggestion yes I submit to you that if you feel stuck The reason you feel stuck is because You’ve been programmed by what I call The cultural hypnotic societal mechanism To ask disempowering questions Hmm that’s interesting If you ask a disempowering question what Kind of answer do you think you might Get If I ask you what two plus two is you’re Not going to tell me the answer to three Plus three So I ask a disempowering question the Only answer I’m going to get is a Disempowered answer And it drains me of my energy blinds me In my expectation And if my mind is blind to the Possibility my eyes will be blind to the Opportunity Are y’all tracking Is anybody with me And so understand Understand that instead of asking a Disempowerment what if it doesn’t work Maybe you should ask this how awesome is

It going to be when this works I was sharing with some folks at Breakfast this morning you know before You get on the other side of money you Know the good side Before you get on the other side of Money you’re hopeful You’re like I hope this works for me But you can’t really imagine what it’s Going to be like why because most people Take their past experiences they project Them on the screen of their future they Recreate the past and think they’re Living in the present The reason it’s so easy for us to expect Things to go wrong is because we know What Wrong Feels Like And for so many people it’s been so long If ever that they’ve ever experienced Something mind-blowingly amazing They don’t have a way to imagine it Because It’s not in their memories I suggest to you that you don’t let your Past imprison your future I mean I can’t command you to do that But I can suggest it How many of you are willing to break Free from the prison of the past never To return again let me hear you say I am So It’s really interesting Identity There’s a story in the Bible

About a man named Moses who had some Unique experiences One of the unique experiences He’s out there shepherding his sheep And he’s probably pulling some some some Some burrs out of the Sheep’s wall All of a sudden over there there’s a Burning bush on fire Chief says Those looks that’s fine But this is a very unique fire Because the bush is on fire but the Leaves are not consumed it’s consumed And a voice speaks to your mad at a fire I don’t know what y’all would do If a fire Out of a bush that ain’t burning up Starts talking to you Brother man’s exit stage right can I get A witness So the bush starts talking to him hey Moses Um yes I want you to March into the office of The most powerful man on Earth and you Tell him I said Let my people go Man I’m telling you every time I read The story I want to coach Moses Because he asked this question I’m thinking to myself bro This is not a good question He says who should I say has sent me Moses do you understand where you’re

Going this dude can have you killed if You don’t like your question You need who should I say sent me really That’s the best you got no most here’s What you should say if I’m coaching Moses what I would say because he Understand I would say Moses here’s what You do Don’t say who should I say assent you Here’s what you say What should I tell him you’re going to Do If he says no that’s what I would have Said Moses understood something I didn’t Understand What do you understand That Authority is always an identity issue So he said who shall I say I sent you And then God said this He said Sadie I am But I am has sent you now I’m a geeky Scientist sciency kind of guy I study Science because I think it’s fascinating I’ve always thought it was fascinating I Love science and math when I was in School did not like grammar did not like Spelling In math there’s no I before you except After C except in the cases of lay and Way and all these other fancified rules That don’t make any sense to me even to This day and I oh but you have to study

The etymology Etymological root of the world okay I Get that but it still didn’t make sense To me in elementary school So I thought In time in the realm of time have you Ever thought about this if you’re geeky In sciency you probably have if you’re Not you probably haven’t but in the Realm of time there’s no such thing as The present It can’t exist as soon as I say now it Becomes then Now is forever fleeting there’s no such Thing as the present in the realm of Time it just doesn’t have the ability to Exist because I moved too fast moves too Fast Well in the other realm in eternity There’s no such thing As the past or the future there’s only The present Eternity is the forever now Eternity isn’t forever now Okay uh let’s get kind of do you make my Head hurt got it Why is this so important It’s important Because if God’s name is I am And Authority is always an identity Issue The words I am are two of the most Powerful words you can ever say

That’s why we all must be very hyper Intentional Whatever word follows I am I can’t afford to say I am so stupid I Am such a loser I am so fat I am so Tired I am so broke all you’re doing When you do that is you’re infusing your Limitations with the power of Eternity How can you win against that When I say I am I am good and getting Good I am rich in getting richer I am healthy And getting healthier I am smart and Getting smarter why because if I’m going To infuse something with the power of Eternity I am going to infuse my Leverage not my limitations And some of you have only learned how to Talk badly to yourself Real talk my peeps And what we have to do is we have to Learn how to say different things to Ourselves so we can create an Expectation today that we didn’t have Yesterday And then we can take an action Today That we couldn’t take yesterday one of The things that I’ve discovered I’ve Discovered so many laws the law of Energy conservation everything is energy Energy is neither created or destroyed It just changes form that’s why I am

Very intentional with the energy that I Show up with I show up with a positive energy why Because it’s every deed is a seed every Thought is a seed every word is a seed That I’m sowing into the Garden in my Future If I’m sowing the seed I’m going to Eventually reap the Harvest and the Words of Warren wears me the late great War and wears me said any fool can count The number of app seeds in an apple but Only God can count the number of apples In a seed So I have to be very intentional with Every seat I sowed every thought seed Every word seed every deed seed every Dollar seed that I sow is going to Produce a harvest Of some kind If I don’t want to reap a negative Harvest I can’t afford to sow negative Seeds are y’all tracking let me hear you Say I’m tracking So What am I going to do Well I’ll tell you what I’m gonna do I’m Gonna sow good seeds Because the law of energy says so the Law of entropy I’m gonna I’m gonna Ignore distraction and focus on the Intention because the law of entropy Says anything left to itself tends to

Move more and more towards disorder You you spent five days to wear on the Sixth day of this challenge If you stay where you are and don’t give Yourself permission to move Entropy will destroy you there’s no such Thing as standing still Are y’all tracking And so Then we have the law of momentum one of My favorites well let me give you the Law of polarity first Law of clarity for every action there’s An equal opposite reaction every Negative there’s a positive every Positive there’s a negative you know What that means if there’s something bad Going on in your life that’s not the Only thing going on in your life Does anybody in here ever seen a One-sided piece of paper One-sided piece of bread one side of Pancake one sided coin no why it cannot Exist in order for something to exist in The earth realm it must have how many Sides at least two at least how many two So if something negative is there Something equally positive has to be There we get the one we focus on Are y’all tracking Okay cool The law of momentum An object in motion will continue in Motion until unless it’s active time

Around outside force An object at rest will remain at rest Until unless it’s occupied by an outside Force so I want to congratulate Everybody on Zoom whether you’re all in Or not whether you’ve already uh bought Uh final seek funnel Builder Secrets or Not whether you’ve already gotten click Funnels 2.0 or not I congratulate you For creating some momentum in your life And moving in a direction that has the Potential To make your life better I celebrate you let’s clap for the People [Applause] I celebrate you for moving in a Direction that can make your life better If you make your children’s life better So that you can have influence with your Children again Such a beautiful thing for your children To think you’re the smartest person on Earth By the way when that happens you will Know that they are not teenagers can I Get a witness Okay So I want to make sure That I’m going through life I sow good Seas so one of the things that I do I’m a very happy payer Very happy what I’m a very happy payer I

Love to pay people who serve me it makes Me just happy as a lark in the dark Assuming that Larks are happy in the Dark Um I I love to pay the people who serve Me I love to give big tips I love to pay My mortgage I love to pay the mortgage On my on my building I love to pay my Utility but I love to pay people who Serve me Love it We got here this week I gave the pilot a Co-pilot and the flight attendant a 200 Tip All three of them Why because I love to pay the people who Served me I didn’t know I was going to Even talk about this so somebody asked Me yesterday what are you gonna talk About I don’t know yet I’ll figure it Out Why do I love to pay the people who Serve me because what goes around comes Around if I love to pay the people who Serve me the people I serve will love to Pay me Some of you wonder why you have such a Hard time with sales because you’re a Miserable buyer you go into a shoe store Probably to get some shoes it’s just a Guess A shoe sales person comes up to you says Can I help you you say yeah I’m just Looking

I don’t like sales I guess you don’t if You think somebody’s gonna react to you Like you react to sales people I guess You don’t like sales here’s my question For you though why are you at the Shoe Store Maybe maybe if you ain’t baby if you Don’t even want no help find no shoes Please don’t go to the shoe store Only thing they got in there Choose Tell me on track Here’s what I found out We don’t get in life what we want what We want we get in life what we deserve How do we deserve more We deserve more by sowing better seeds Thought seeds word seeds dollar seeds And track happy buyers People I served love to pay me what goes Around comes around I love to pay them Too Are y’all tracking yeah So If you’re going to be successful you Have to learn some principles one King Solomon was the wisest wealthiest Man who ever lived I built my entire Business based on King Solomon’s Business model I don’t have time to go Into what all that means right now but That’s what I’ve done it’s it’s working Pretty well Um

And so You have to have Some kind Of model And here’s what King Solomon said He said if you have something good you Have a moral obligation a what moral Obligation what moral obligation to do Everything in your power to sell it to As many people as possible He said he that withhold of the Corn the People shall curse him but blessings Shall be upon the head of him that Selleth it I love sales I love selling stuff I love buying stuff But what I don’t like is I don’t like Convincing people to buy See most people make the mistake of Thinking that selling is convincing I Submit to you that selling is not Convincing selling is what people resort To when they’re not good at persuasion And persuasion and convincing are not Only not the same they’re actually Opposites What yes convincing is when I attempt to Get you to do something I want you to do For my reasons so I’m thinking about who Me Persuasion is when I help you make a Decision you already desire to make For your own reasons Here’s why you can’t sell You care more about yourself than you do

About other people You care more about yourself than you do The people you’re selling to I am I walk away so fast like if you Think a high pressure there is not a Universe in which I’m gonna use a high Pressure self here’s what I’m gonna say Well I don’t know Myron I’m thinking About joining so-and-so’s coaching Program and think about yours which ones How do I know which one to do it’s easy Join theirs Well what do you mean join theirs well If you’re still thinking about it There’s obviously some confusion if You’re waiting on me to try to talk you Into it you’re waiting on the wrong Brother Because it ain’t me Join the Harris Stop being so desperate It’s interesting I said to somebody the Other day one of my clients I said The faster I’m willing to walk away from A deal the sooner they chase after me Why it’s human nature I’m gonna let you All know something I’ve got great news For everybody here whether you’ve Already gotten click funnels 2.0 funnel Builders or no I’m gonna let y’all know A little secret that’s mind-blowingly Powerful everybody ready give me I’m Ready in the chat everybody say I’m Ready

Okay here it is This is this is this is another level If you will understand your assignment You can finally stop looking for people To sell stuff to people say Myron how do You find people to sell stuff to what’s The best way I can find people to sell Stuff to I don’t know I don’t ever find Anybody sell stuff too A couple Russell mentioned the fact that When I was at funnel hacking live in San Diego Marcus Lemonis he called on me Maybe because I was a very distinguished Looking brother in a suit you know just Like to the nines Like you sir Stand up yes okay what’s your elevator Pitch I am never at a loss for work I Can I think y’all can probably tell I’m Fairly good at talking And I stood up and I said well guys Some incoherent something it was way More incoherent than Dan’s example the Other day And And I it plagued me for weeks that I Couldn’t answer that question I went Home I’m literally I mean weeks like why Did I Stumble over my words when Dan When um Marcus Lemonis asked me about my Elevator pitch and it finally had dawned On me oh that’s why I don’t have an

Elevator pitch When I’m on an elevator I’m not trying To pitch anybody When I’m in an Elevate I’m trying to Make somebody smile my objective is make The person smile make a new friend meet Somebody I’ve never met before the idea Of meeting somebody on an elevator and Attempting to get them as a client is a Thought as far from my mind as Los Angeles is from New York City Why Because here’s the re here’s the reality I’m about to free y’all y’all ready here It is There are thousands perhaps tens of Thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands Perhaps Millions possibly even tens or Hundreds of millions of people in the World who would already love to buy what You’d already love to sell if they only Knew you existed So what’s my advice Stop trying to find people to sell stuff To and make yourself more findable for People who already want to buy what you Already want to sell how y’all got it Say I got it it’ll change the game for You like forever I mean I could probably make a lot more Money than I make if I did outbound Marketing and worked the whole day like All like a whole day during the week Instead of half days I could probably

But you know what I’m 61. I already paid my hustle in the grinding Dudes dues I do not hustle and crime I Am not a heartaholic at all Like you say a heartaholics what’s that Somebody who’s addicted to difficulty That is not me I’m an easyologist I study this Art and Science of ease and I want to do Something in the simplest possible way I Want to use Occam’s razor on every thing I do in my life what’s Occam’s razor the Best solution for any problem is usually The simplest solution Smart people complicate everything Because it makes them feel smarter I Would suggest you don’t do that anymore So If you become a happy buyer you will Attract happy buyers you don’t want to Be you don’t want to be see some people Are Free full people Say what’s free for people people are People want everything for free I’ll buy It long as it’s free Well that’s Exactly who you’re admire nobody wants To pay me I know because you don’t want To pay nobody One of the best things I do for my Clients and I I seriously do it for them I don’t need their money I’ll take it But I don’t need it

One of the best things I do for my Clients is I charge them a lot of money To work with me Why because people who are unwilling to Pay will be unable to charge Stop being freeple people oh I’m not People people married I’ve graduated I Know but you only graduated to people Laughs Everything reproduces after its own kind You got a whole Cheapo people tree Growing in your backyard Cheaper people they’ll buy it as long as It’s cheap Then we got Three people I mean then we got people People Now that people people are better people People what are people people they’re Willing to pay a fee These are your 297 buyers your 9.97 Buyers your 1997 buyers Sometimes your five thousand dollar Buyers you got three people they ain’t Buying nothing They’re gonna spend 75 years of the 60 Years they got left looking it up for Free on YouTube Y’all get that math on your way home Okay [Laughter] Here’s who I am and who I attract I Attract People

People who are people people people are People who are willing to pay a premium If you will become a premium buyer you Will attract premium buyers why Everything reproduces after its own kind There are so many there’s so many laws That govern how we live our life on Planet Earth there’s a law that you’ve Probably heard of like okay I’m right up Here I want y’all to tell me what this Is type it in the chat if you want as Soon as you know this is What is that what’s that stand for Law of Attraction how many all know did They get did they get it back there okay I didn’t give enough time to I didn’t Give enough time okay Law of Attraction Okay But there’s another Loa that you hadn’t Heard about it’s not the law of Attraction It’s the law of advancement The law what the law of advancement the Law of advancement is a law in nature That in nature before anything can go up We all want our income to go up don’t we We all want our our status to go up we Want our circumstances to go up we want Our vacations to go to go up we want our We want our education our all of that we Want it all Elevate right okay but in Nature before anything can go up it has To go down so this is the law of Advancement the law of advancement in

Nature down proceeds up this building That we are in right now Before It became a building They had to dig a hole in the ground And pour a foundation So the beginning of this building was Nothing more than a hole in the ground Didn’t look like a building why because Down proceeds up But the people who understand how to Build buildings know that the whole Is just a temporary situation For a building that’s going to be a Long-term solution An airplane you look at an airplane an Airplane that goes up in the sky The wings are angled down It’s Gonna Fly at slower speeds the Flaps have to come down Proceeds up You have the ground You have a seed The seed says I want to be a tree Man you don’t want to be a tree you just Think you want to be a tree I’m going to Be a tree I want to be a tree I want to Be a tree I won’t be I want to be a Trick well do you know what you got to Do little seed before you can become a Tree you got to go down in the ground Why Because trees grow in two directions Trees grow gravitropically before they

Can grow phototropically what does that Mean That means they have to grow down Before they can grow up That’s also true for people That’s interesting have to grow down Before they grow up so the seed goes Down in the ground and it wants to Become a tree but what does it have to Do before it can become a tree what’s That to do Has to be planted has to do what else Has to die what else has to be Germinated what else it has Beats water Whatever right you got to cultivate what Else the most important thing the seed Has to do if it wants to become a tree Don’t miss this one It must be willing to cease To be Seed So many of you you prayed for this Moment you waited for this moment you’ve Longed for this moment you’ve desired This moment with everything that’s in You But you’re so afraid of losing who You’ve been being That you won’t allow yourself to become All that you can be Stop holding on to the Past That has not served you Let It Go Let It Go okay anyway thought about my

Granddaughter okay let it go And it goes down into the ground and Grows this way Before it can grow up And become a tree Two eagles flying through the air They they they’re having a conversation Like equal to oh Mama Eagle says Daddy hey baby I’ve got Some good news what’s up baby We’re gonna have some little eaglets oh That’s the best news I’ve ever heard we Don’t need more room let’s go build a Nest boom they built a big old nest over Here Mama Eagle lazy’s little eagle eggs They eventually become a little eaglets And when they’re little eaglets they Don’t have feathers on their wings yet But every day they see mommy eagle and Daddy Eagle they fly out They fly and they come back and they’ve Got food they come back they’ve got fur And every time they take off There’s like a little spark inside those Little eaglets You know I think I’m Gonna learn how to do that one day That whole flying thing it looks kind of Cool So little Eagles start asking Mama eagle Mommy can I learn how to fly today not Today baby not the day Not today baby not today this goes on

For a couple weeks finally one night Little Eagle says mommy can I learn how To fly I learned a lot not today baby But tomorrow you’re all going to get Your first flying lesson are we gonna Get our first line list I can’t believe We’re gonna have five we’re gonna learn Those eaglets can’t sleep all night long I’m going first now I’m going first Next morning Mama eagle gets up says get On my back let’s go my mama eagle takes Off Right here Mommy And all of a sudden Mommy goes baby Eagle falls off mom’s back starts like Plummeting Right before the little Eagle hits the Ground Mama Eagle Scoops it up Flash it back to the nest Little Eagles Clutched in foreign Birds education welfare She tried to kill me I don’t want to learn anything like me Either man I think I would run away Tonight I want to be a chicken man Chickens don’t have to do that no they Don’t have to do that Next morning get on my back Nobody no I don’t want to fly I just Want to be a chicken Get on my mommy please Bobby please no If I gotta tell you one more yes but Maybe you can get somebody she ain’t Gonna drive me this side

You know but the Eagles going up high Nobody no this goes on for days and Weeks and all of a sudden I know money I Don’t want to learn of life I really ran Away tonight I was just threatened Yesterday but I’m running away nobody Please don’t drive please don’t drive Please don’t die all of a sudden my he Goes And all of a sudden Boom the wind Catches that baby Eagle’s Wings just Right I’m fine I’m tired I Believe I Can Fly I believe I can touch this guy maybe Eagle flies back to the nest But here’s what it had to do eagles Don’t learn how to fly like this they Learn how to fly like that You know what this is called This is Called the learning curve This is called The Darkest Hours right Before the dawn This is called it works on me until it Works for you people say yeah try that Click funnels like it didn’t work oh Baby baby take it from a man with some Gray hair on his face it worked Because all work works But work is a two-sided coin It either works for me it works on me And usually it works on me before it Works for me

Here’s here’s where the successful People come from They are the people who let the work Work on them until they become the Person for whom it can work Are you willing to do that Are all of you on Zoom willing to let The work work on you hey what you’ve Been doing for the last 15 years I mean What you’ve been doing for life oh man You don’t understand son I got 40 years Experience driving that forklift uh I Got bad news for you bro you don’t have 40 years of experience don’t take that Long to learn how to drive one You’ve got two weeks of experience Repeated over 40 year time period That’s Not the same thing So About a hundred percent of the Eagles Learn how to fly about 100 percent What percentage of people learn how to Fly oh about three percent why Because we have a choice And here’s what we do we’re so Uncomfortable with the feeling of fall It’s not impact that bothers us we won’t Even feel that The antism it’s the anticipation of Impact that drives us crazy Is what people are thinking about us While we’re on our way down that drives Us crazy

It’s all those negative voices in our Ear while we’re on our way down that Bothers us it’s not impact You’ve survived far worse than launching A campaign and only making one sale And so what happens Human beings when they’re getting ready To go through their learning curve they Grab onto the lowest hanging Branch Climb back up into the circle of same is Also known as the uncomfortable comfort Zone And they spend the rest of their lives Doing what has already proved to them For decades that it is not going to work Are y’all attracted I’m gonna challenge you hey I’m gonna Tell you something Fortunately for me I had some memories Russell I had some memories I remember What it was like to make a lot of money But in 2007 We went through a family tragedy my Oldest son was killed in a car accident 2008 they created the Great Recession I Didn’t participate in it but most of my Clients did they got abducted by aliens I know because I haven’t heard from them Since 2009 I did the only thing I knew to do I Joined a network marketing company Because I was good at that got my income Up to 40 000 a month and as companies do They changed the product and that income

Went from forty thousand a month down to Almost nothing almost overnight 2010 I Got a letter from the Insidious representatives of Satan y’all Can figure that one out on your way home And they said Basically send us a million sixty five Thousand dollars now now y’all Understand I know y’all representing Satan and all that but I ain’t got 65 to Send you 65 000 I’ll send you 2011 my mom died 2012 we sold our million dollar house on A short sale Lost 300 000 on the house had to turn in My S550 I was making hundreds of Thousands of dollars a month but before This like I couldn’t imagine being broke Again see some people oh you care about Is money not it ain’t the money I care About here’s what I care about never Being broke again you will you have to Go far and wide to find someone who Hates poverty more than me I hate it You love money I don’t love money I just Hate poverty And money solves that problem keeps it Real far away from the dough 2012 a short sell my house I borrowed Money from one of my clients and several Of my family members the richest guy They knew borrowed money from them moved Across the country from Pennsylvania to Florida and my other friend loaned me

Four thousand dollars a month for two Years because in order for me to do an Offer and compromise I had to go broke I Thought this is what my tax litigation Consultant told me go broke and make a Deal I went broke and made a deal how do You go broke well you can’t make any Money okay what do you do if you don’t Make any money oh I guess I borrow it The good friend fortunately I had a good Friend who I had help when he was in Trouble he loaned me four thousand Dollars a month for two years Then 2014 started making a little bit of Money 2015 joined Russell Wilson’s Inner Circle And here’s how it went I I don’t need you to be impressed with Me I’m just a regular dude if I don’t Use deodorant I stink as bad as you do Keeping it real well sometimes you just Gotta help people understand what you’re Talking about Foreign Right I gotta use toothpaste and Mouthwasher you don’t want to get too Close Just like you But I could have written a check for my House I got a mortgage because it makes More sense to get a mortgage my money Makes me a lot of money so I don’t take Out money to pay off debt like here’s

What how many I want a great debt free Strategy that you can use click funnels To help you like here’s a great debt Free strategy stop trying to get out of Debt first Getting out of debt is not first base on The road to financial Independence third Base First base is create some wealth first Base for many people is even if you have To borrow some money uh there’s two Companies that are loan it to you I Think Visa MasterCard I think American Express might loan to them too okay so There’s two companies launching use Borrowed money To create wealth and let the wealth pay You and let the wealth you create pay Off the debt That’s what I did How are y’all tracking And so what happens when you do that Like Everything Will Change for You Everything Will Change for You just Shifting your mindset Foreign Because here’s what happens We go back to my first page and I’m Gonna wrap it up What you need what is Big mine what does Being mean it means you have a better Mindset What does doing mean Doing means you have a better skill set

And a better tool set And then you get to collect some assets And income Follows assets Income follows assets and then Eventually you get to a place your Assets pay for everything I live in a golf course community I fly I only fly on private jets I’m not Getting on a commercial airliner to go From Tampa to St Petersburg I’m just I Mean or it’s from Tampa to Miami I’m not Doing it I’m tired of them hassling me I’m tired Of them canceling my flights I want to Have a choice income follows assets But choices Follow income And freedom follows choices And the reason some of you feel so bound Up by every circumstance of your life Is because you haven’t developed the Right mindset You haven’t developed the right skill Sets You haven’t developed the right tool set So you have no income I mean you have no Assets for income to follow I got in a room where I was able to Redevelop my mindset I already had the skill set I got this tool set called click funnels Oh by the way I’m not even good at Building funnels I always tell people

You know what Every I built some funnels and make Money now they just ain’t pretty right Every funnel I’ve ever built looks like A shoe box that a little kid colored on With some crayons But they still made money And lots of money hmm You don’t have to be great at making Funnels But you can eventually be great if You’re willing to be bad and keep doing The activity long enough to get great How are y’all tracking wave at me my Peeps Like Russell didn’t put this on just so He could make a bunch of money he Doesn’t I promise you he doesn’t need Any more money All these people who came up here and Shared with you this week we didn’t do This Just so we can make some more money Here’s why we did it Because we understand The purpose Is at the intersection Of your passion and your proficiency Passion being what you love to do Proficiency being what you’re good at And we were created in the image of God For creation Connection And contribution when we have creation

Connection and contribution we feel Fulfilled if we lack any one of those Three we feel unfulfilled we might have We might have we might have a bunch of Money But we feel disconnected from the people Around us we don’t feel fulfilled you Might have plenty of money and plenty of Friends we’re not contributing to Anything like this is a contribution Play Don’t miss this opportunity to take your Life to the next level I want to share with you at the end I’m Almost done Like seriously almost done There’s a little word That it can have big impact and change Your life forever you know what that Word is If If I would have said no to Russell’s Inner Circle I’d probably still be lost In the sauce If I had said no to click funnels I’d Still be lost in the sauce that’s a very Good possibility If you say no five years from now ten Years from now seven years from now you Might still be lost in the sauce if it Takes you five years if it takes you ten Years if it takes you 20 years the time Is going to go by anyway you might as Well give yourself a chance to win

Roger Kipling’s son Was getting ready to go off to war He wrote a poem called if I’m sure some Of you have heard it but do you all mind If I quote it for you If you can keep your head While all about you Are losing theirs And blaming it on you You can trust yourself When others doubt you Make allowance for their doubting too If you can dream and not make dreams Your master if you can think and not Make thoughts your aim if you can meet With Triumph and disaster and treat These two imposters just the same If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve Spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap For fools and watch the things you gave Your life to broken and then stoop to Build them up with worn out tools If you can force your heart Your nerve your sinew to serve their Turn long after they are gone and so Hold on when there’s nothing in you Except the will it says to them hold on You can talk with crowds and keep your Virtue Or walk with Kings Nor lose the common touch If neither foes nor loving friends can Hurt you And all men count with you but none too

Much If you can fill the unforgiving minute With 60 seconds worth of distance run Yours is the Earth and everything that’s In it What’s more You’ll be a man my son what’s more You’ll be a man my son Don’t let the door slam shut change your Family’s life forever become the hero to Your children and your grandchildren Become the Envy of your enemies and Forget that they exist Live the life that you were put here for And go to the Grave knowing Oh I didn’t just exist in my life I Actually lived Thank you and God bless [Applause] [Music] Byron golden [Applause] Cool what an amazing morning Um golf so exciting I’ve been like Sitting here just I can’t believe this Is real and we’re here and uh hanging Out with all of you guys thank you so Much for everyone who’s all around the World streaming into this hope you guys Are enjoying these sessions and having a Great time so we’ve got some more fun Things happening today Um and uh we got we have three more Really cool speakers I’m excited to

Share with you but what we’re gonna do Here inside of Boise we’re gonna take a A break to have some lunch and so we’ll Give you guys a little break but before We do um I got one last quick thing I Want to share with you guys just before We uh break to lunch let you guys go Um a lot of you guys have been asking as I’ve been watching today like ah you’ve Had that nervousness the anxiousness you Know like emotionally you’re so like yes I want to do this I want to do this but Some of you guys logically were trying To convince yourself like should I do This should I take that step forward Should I go on this journey is it worth It do I want to dedicate the next 12 Months of my life trying to change my Life and my family’s life for forever And I’ve been seeing the comments coming Through on on uh on Facebook Instagram Over here on um zoom and stuff and so I’m gonna give you guys one last uh kind Of recap of the offer I want to make Sure you guys are understanding what it Is give you guys a chance the ability to Go get started become a VIP go all infos Who haven’t yet and then we’re going to Break for 60 minutes for lunch and then Come back we’ve got three more speakers That are going to be amazing okay so That’s kind of the game plan one of the Speakers is someone who built a huge Advertising agency and they’re going to

Talk to you guys about a whole bunch of Really cool ways to uh to create ads in Fact Um on day three Christine Morales here And we talked about some fun ways to Make ads so we go deeper into that Because a lot of you guys are still like Trying to figure out the traffic side of This next we have someone who’s a click Funnels member uh who’s built an Insanely big business they are sprinting Towards like the billion dollar Valuation Mark in their business and They bootstrap the entire thing through Funnels and so um they’re here in the Office and so we’re gonna show a quick Like uh video from them and then have Them on stage and ask them questions and So you can see someone who’s just like You who’s had a chance to bootstrap an Entire company not just to like you know A little thing but bootstrap it to a Huge company and I’m really excited to Introduce them to you and number three a Lot of you guys know Dean graciosi who’s One of my favorite people in this world Um he’s supposed to be in office but in His wife I don’t know if I’m allowed to Save they may not be having a baby today Or tomorrow in very very near future so You’re not actually in office we’re Going to stream email and on the big Screen have you guys uh he’s gonna come By with you guys and share some really

Powerful things and that’s kind of the Game plan and the goal for the rest of The day so before we break to our lunch Break Um again I want to throw up slides real Quick and kind of go through again just One last time for those who are like I’m On the fence this is my last little bump Uh and then from there we’re just gonna Celebrate the rest of the day Um as you guys know we made you a Special offer on Thursday to get into Click funnels and I made literally the Most irresistible offer of my entire Life I’m not gonna spend time going too Much time going through but just to Recap it the first thing you guys know You get a Year’s access to click funnels 2.0 for free that means no monthly Payments no stress no anxiety about any Kind of stuff gives you full 12 months To just build right build your first Funnel and your second funnel only your Third phone I told you guys before like With Trey Llewellyn he got into click Funnels and he was account number three He’s having to build a funnel every Single week until one of them works and Honestly the first one flopped the Second one flopped the third the fourth The fifth the sixth seventh eighth the Ninth the 10th but the 11th one for him Was the one that blew up okay so for you Guys will have this click phones for an

Entire year without paying any monthly Fees which means you have this chance to Try and test and like be okay going on The curve right going down so you can Come back up without having the stress And anxiety of these monthly payments Coming in okay so that’s the first thing You get clickfunnels 2.0 uh for free for Your plus you’re asking three click Funnels workspace that’s three separate Businesses I mean one could be yours one Could be your kids or your spouse or Whatever and third one could be one that You when you sell to somebody else right You can build a funnel for somebody and That way you’re making money you’re Earning while you’re learning in fact I’ve seen probably two or three dozen of You guys who in the Facebook group Literally like I figured out I just Called a friend and I sold a two Thousand dollar funnel building package I’m excited to get in so I can learn how To actually build a funnel for this Person now right like you’re using the Tool to make the tool free and so again You get click funnels uh 2.0 for free For an entire year and you also lock in The lowest monthly like annual plan so In a year from now you’re locking into Two thousand dollar a year annual plan Which is insane we’ve never offered that Even prior to this point in Click Funnels but you guys will get this

Because we’re part of this huge beta Launch which makes it really fun number Two for those who are already using Click funnels one point I always call it Click click funnels classic now Um You will have click those classic for Free for the next 12 months as well it Means our existing click funnels members Who want to take advantage of this you Have the ability to start migrating the Funnels over doing all that kind of Stuff and you won’t have any stress or Anxiety because you have it for free for An entire year as well the third thing Is to get is the funnel Builder Secrets Course this is the training this is the Platform this is where you decide what Kind of funnel do I want to build I want To build a book funnel I want to build a Webinar funnel I want to build a high Ticket funnel you pick which one you Want you go watch the videos the first Training is usually of me teaching the Strategy here’s the strategy here’s all The things I’ve learned last 20 years of My life all the hacks and the techniques On how to actually make this funnel work So you understand the strategy and then A guy named Greg and our team who’s Really good actually using click funnels He shows you step by step and Clickfunnels 1.0 and 2.0 here’s how you Actually build that funnel and so all You do is you open up his video on the

Left hand side click funnels right hand Side you click play he’s like do this You pause it and you do that you click Play do this do and you go back and Forth within an hour two hours three Hours for how long you take your funnel Is done like it’s not like I hope I can Figure this out I don’t know which link To click on you just watch Greg’s video Then pause and then he tells you click On this button and you click on that Button which play okay pause is really Simple like it I don’t know how to make It more simple like it’s as simple as Humanly possible okay so uh that’s what Happens inside the course my time’s done Your funnel is done if you’re like I’m Not mad this is making sense we have a Community where you can ask other funnel Builders like how to work I’m stuck There’s places to network and Communicate with other people who are in The program as well so like some of you Guys can be really good at design and Somebody has to be horrible design so You have to be really good at the Technical and vice versa you can do Partnerships and jv’s there’s a whole Community of amazing people there we’re Not leaving this is not something like Here’s the course good luck we run off Like we’ve been here for a long long Time we’ve been doing click funnels now For eight years like we’re not going

Anywhere okay and so um the amazing Community there for you guys to be able To leverage and network as you’re Building out your funnels the third Thing is um I showed you guys gear which Is the funnel simulation software which Is really cool it was the software I Wanted to give you guys all an account For but the person on it before wouldn’t Uh let me uh he wouldn’t let me licensed Accounts to give them all it was a whole Big thing and so um we just bought the Company and so I’m giving you guys all An account to Guru for free as well Which means you can you can simulate Your funnels and like map them out ahead Of time before you start building them And it’s like the cool equals to whoever Using that for free as well uh funnel Scripts which is the software that helps Write all the copies so the like what do You put in your ads what do you put on Your sales page what are my videos Supposed to say what’s the upsell the Down sell the emails all that stuff you Just go to funnel scripts if you haven’t Used yet it’s really cool what would it Asks you for is who’s your customer Avatar who is your dream customer we Talked a lot about that right it’ll ask You a couple dozen questions about your Dream customer you fill the whole thing Out and then you click a button and it’s Like okay what do you want headlines you

Click button boom it takes your dream Customer and writes a whole bunch of Headlines you can just then copy and Paste we’re like I need some Facebook Ads fill out the form click a button and Boom pops up on Facebook out like it’s The coolest thing in the world it does Your Facebook ads your emails your Landing page your sales page your videos Like all this stuff even your webinar Presentations uh funnel scripts will Help on that process again we sell this For 797 right now if you go to funnel Scripts.com but um we’re gonna give you Guys an account for as well as part of This special offer and then um uh if you Guys have any guys by the way have Enjoyed learning this way uh one of my Friends text me like I’ve been going to Seminars for a long time most of them Are really really really really really Boring you’re your stuff is so much fun Right so if you enjoy like this learning Process to how it works and like the Energy and excitement and the speakers Um there’s an event we did called two Comma Club live it was a three-day Virtual event we did during covid but When you first log in the members area Uh there’s a quick start path and that Quick start path I put all the trainings From that so the first thing you do is Log in and start going through that Quick start path so watching all the two

Common Club live videos and hope you Understand exactly how this whole Business whole industry works like how Do funnels work like what’s the value Ladder where’s it fit in and it’s it’s a Three-day like full event you can go Watch over the next two or three weeks Or whatever it is however long it takes You consume it but by the time you’re Done with that you have certainty on how Funnels work and how they’ll work Specifically for you so we’ll throw that In there as well which total value of Sixteen thousand five hundred nine Dollars Um and then on top of that don’t forget Uh this was Grant cardone’s 10x stage we Talked about a little earlier this we Had 9 000 people in the room and he let Me come and speak at it and I sold a Version of Click funnels there and uh we Set a world record doing 3.2 million Dollars in sales and then afterwards Grant asked me if I would train all These people on how I sell from the State Um and so I did a whole six hour Training course literally going Slide by Slide like slide number one this is what I say and why slide number two what I Say and why in slide three and so I did That training specifically for his People uh we sold it from anywhere from 500 to 2 000 and um because a lot of you

Guys have been asking like I want to Learn how to sell I want to do a webinar I saw all these people doing webinars And doing challenges like how do I Actually sell on it I’m gonna give you Guys this entire course for free and so You get the 10x Secrets Mastery Program Uh this is kind of an unadvertised bonus We threw in the end because I wanted to Give you guys everything we have make Sure you’re successful if those help you Speak to sell how to do your ads like All that kind of stuff is in here uh It’s really cool and on top of that in This package you also get like my Webinar slides and things like that so You can like take my slide deck and then Just change it out to be yours and so we Try to make the process as simple as Possible because I want the next 12 Months of your life to be like the Future like the launch pad for Everything you’ve been doing moving Forward and so that’s again the special Offer um we’re gonna have this offer Open during lunch break and you’re gonna Take 60 Minute lunch break um for those Who are ready like now is the time I Know you’ve been sitting here like gosh I do should I not do it and so many of You guys have like welcome to all the Amazing people of take this this first Step in the journey this is gonna be my Last call to action during this event

For you guys to go and take that first Step so again if you go to Funnelbuilder.com do it now do it when Wait do a wed Yes do it now you go to Funnelbuilder.com do it now you can go Get your account when you get your Account you go on the members there get Your backdrop throw back here and zoom And then when I say we have three more Amazing speakers coming up after lunch We have so much fun uh but now is the Time you guys the time of decision is Here we have literally the analogy of Like leading a horse to water like we Have led you to the water I’ve been Pushing him and shoving like everyone’s Trying to get you like because we know What it’s like this water tastes so good It works this is not our first rodeo we Have over two two thousand people one or Two common Club award through this Process right and now it’s like he’s Here and like I can’t do anything else Now the choice of do you have to take That step take that leap of faith into The darkness and I promise you though We’re here to catch you to support you Um and it’s not something like I have to Make this work in the next 20 minutes The next day or next week or like you Have a year a full year before you’re Paying any more monthly payments and Click funnels to figure this out to be

Tied in this community to take this Feeling you have right now and take that Journey extend it for next 12 months Because I know it’s possible I’ve seen It over and over and over again and my Goal is for 12 months from now for all You guys to be in our big event funnel Hacking live I want as many as possible On stage getting two common Club Awards That’s the result that’s the goal we’re Trying to get to because I know that When you get into Comic level when you Qualify for one the amount of people’s Lives you’ll have to have changed on That journey to get there is amazing That’s why I do this because I know uh The impact that you have and you’re Missing and your message and your Products and service can have and the Way to get that out to the world though Is through funnels you’ve heard it from All the speakers you’ve heard it from me You’ve heard from Grant you heard from Meyer you heard from General from Everyone like this is the way right and Now it’s your time this is your season This is your chance to do it there’s Going to be a time now in the future Where literally there’s people who are Here in this challenge who went to this Experience and they will become the Speakers of the Next Generation they’re Going to be you know in year now two Years from now three years from doing

What Maya and Jen and all these people Are doing right you guys you’re sitting Here this is the beginning of your Journey like if you go through this Process and give these skill sets like In a year without two years so you will Be the ones on the stage doing the Challenges doing the events changing People’s lives but it starts with you Making a decision so now is the time you Guys uh thank you so much again we take A one hour break for lunch internally We’ll see you guys back here in one hour And we’ll get started on next session Thanks everybody [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music]

[Laughter] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] Thank you Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music]

[Music] Keep me [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] All right Laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Foreign [Applause] [Music] Thank you Thank you

Foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] Foreign [Music] [Music] People [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Find it [Music] Foreign [Music]

Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign Foreign [Applause] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music]

Foreign [Music] [Music] No no no no no no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no Ah [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music]

Let’s go [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign

[Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you Foreign [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music]

Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Laughs [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign

[Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] Thank you [Music] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign Foreign [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank you [Music] Foreign Everybody welcome back from our lunch Break please turn your cameras on let us See your smiling faces and your waving Hands and welcome back to the stage Russell Brunson

[Music] [Applause] [Music] Welcome back everybody all right Everyone back at home you guys having Fun celebrating with us this week it’s Been so much fun um all right I’m Excited for uh for the rest of today we Have some really cool speakers coming up They’ll be sharing some cool things with You guys from a couple different topics Which is going to be uh I think unique And exciting for you guys um we’re Trying to find um as I Was preparing for This event I’m looking at what are the Things I know people get stuck at like What are the different things I want to Make sure to try to knock down as many Of those struggles as possible during This event and so um one of the ones as You guys know on Wednesday we spend a Lot of time talking about how to create Ads to get out there and get people to Find you right you create a funnel but Then uh how do you get people to see Something on social media somewhere and Click on it and come to you to join your List if all your funnels and things like That and so I told you guys my my format Right with hook story offer I showed you Guys a bunch of the funny goofy videos I Made and how we did things and then Christine Morrell came out and she Showed you guys um her videos which are

Way more funny than mine and uh showed You that that format but um today I Wanted to bring somebody else who is Someone I had a chance to meet them Initially I don’t know three or four Years ago so first time we had a chance To meet and um he uh owned a big Advertising agency and the coolest thing About is he actually lived here in Boise Idaho and we didn’t have a chance to Work together for the first I don’t know First year or two after we knew each Other but I saw what he was doing I kept Watching his campaigns and I’m like that Stalker who’s like I just kind of Watched people are doing all the time And watched through what I kept seeing His company and they had uh offer after Offer that they could create a funny Video for it and go viral it would crush It to make a bunch of sales and so Finally one day I was like all right I’m Gonna I mean he’s there in my backyard Let’s hire him to do something for us And so call them up and we decided to Make a funny video together and so his Team was amazing he came and did the Scripting did all sorts of stuff and Went and filmed the very first video and I can’t remember yeah me doing all sorts Of weird things like I was swimming in a Bathtub full of money I was doing other Like we had Coke and uh we were shooting Coke with Mentos in it through the thing

And trying to get into a funnel and like It was an insane fun like crazy day and Afterwards I was like that was awesome And he’s like hey do you want to do this Every single month and I was like every Month we like do this again we’ll get a Whole team together make ads we’ll Script film it will do it and I was like I don’t know I mean like that was a lot Of work but it’s fun and then he um I Don’t know if this was the sales pitch Or whatever but he’s like I want to show You something really cool that we we Developed that we kind of invented here Uh in our company and it was this uh This AI software they built I think it’s Called the machine or something like That and he started showing me behind The scenes of like literally tens of Thousands of ads uh selling all sorts of Physical products and he’s showing me All different types of ads and how they Work and just hey all the data they had Was was crazy and it showed me so many Different like ideas different ways I Could do as how we could do things and I Was so excited afterwards I was like yes Let’s do it and so we signed a contract And so every single month for the next 12 months of my life uh we would write a Script uh hire actors get a bunch of Props and make goofy videos we blew Stuff up we um we we uh they hung me From the ceiling like a mission

Impossible was hanging from the ceiling They would drop me a whole bunch of like Thing after thinking I had so much fun Doing it and like it brought me back to Like how much fun this business can and Should actually be uh in fact one time He had me dressed up like uh like Satan And then an angel I was like an angel Shoulder and like anyway but it’s like This this business can and should be Really really fun when you start Understanding it and so I said Travis Lives here locally he’s got a insanely Uh cool uh company that does this for People uh he recently sold the company But he’s still involved and he does Stuff and just a brilliant mind when it Comes to advertising and creating cool Things and so I wanted to come today Just to share with you guys more things About the types of ads you can be Creating how you can make these things Fun and and just all the different Things that are possible things that Work the best today so as you guys are Starting to grow your campaigns and Scale them and trying to get more people Into your funnels you have these Resources these ideas to help grow that So with that said I want you guys to put Our hands together for Travis Chambers [Music] All right guys I’m excited to be with You all today and oh I feel like I wish

I would have brought all the videos that We did with Russell we had such a good Time and uh he was great to work with so What we’re going to talk about today is The top ad types by industry hook copy And creative now uh we’ve done over 800 Million in sales over the last eight Years at chamber media and so every Single ad that we’ve ever created we put Into a database and analyze what worked And what didn’t furthermore we actually Went and scraped a billion dollars of The top Shopify ads that were ever made Because I wanted to create like a Taxonomy so in the animal kingdom There’s you know there’s a canine but Then there’s all different types of Canines so that’s what I wanted to Understand about ads is what type of ads Work and then it just kept getting Crazier and crazier from there to like Okay what ads work by what industry okay Even crazier what copy works by which Industry and so we went absolutely nuts On this I ended up spending like two Hundred thousand dollars on This Research and Um during this time chamber exploded and So it was definitely worth it good Roi So what we’re going to learn about today Is how to prevent ad waste mismatched ad Types by industry the top four Performing ad types Um an ad copy and then uh and we have a

Little bonus today of top three Performing hook types which is going to Be pretty awesome so I don’t know if you Guys have ever felt like this that Um sometimes with creative you feel like You’re trying to put one in the chamber Um or playing like Russian roulette with Your business or with your life Financially and funny enough to your Media actually started out called One in The Chamber because at the time we did Viral video and back then you know back In 2016 Viral video was kind of like One in the Chamber like it has to be this big video And you make it go viral and so over the Years Um ads have gotten smaller shorter Quicker more to the point and so Um as we kind of evolved into this like Micro video kind of world we realized That we went from trying to get this Golden bullet that sometimes didn’t work To just getting a volume of assets where We could put fill every part of the Chamber and so Um I stopped feeling like Vin Diesel Trying to launch from one building to The other at the Burj Khalifa Um and so um as as great as this felt Right here uh sometimes very often I Would just miss the other building Um and it would just uh crash and Flames So this is some of the things that we’ve

Done over the last eight years exciting Enough by Um by following our own rules I actually Sold 80 of chamber media about a year Ago Um in an eight figure sale um it’s Private equity which is which is awesome But uh just last year alone we made over 35 000 ads we have a sixteen thousand Square foot uh Studio facility in American Fork Utah and there are Hundreds and hundreds of assets being Made every day with our team of 100 Full-time people these are some of the Brands that we’ve worked with tuft and Needle click funnels pot belly Sandwiches Mr cool we actually Um Mr Cool actually started working with Us four years ago they were doing 10 Million dollars a year and as of this Year Mr Cool has surpassed 200 million Dollars in revenue and 90 of that is Trackable to our ads so Mr Cool is now a Billion dollar evaluation company 90 of That has been driven by paid social Which is absolutely insane Um so if you need an AC unit shout out To Mr cool Um so anyways um you know For a long time for five years I was Growing the agency through networking And speaking at conferences and trying To get press and it was just really hard We got to you know two million three

Million a year LinkedIn posts and it Just got exhausting so then one day I Thought if we’re really good at ads Shouldn’t we be able to run our own ads That’s an ad agency uh and that decision Made me a millionaire Thank you for this idea so we decided to Stop being the doctor who smoked Basically and this is what happened Um very very quickly we went from three Million a year to 15.6 million dollars a Year in 18 months and the company Grew From 15 people to like 120 people plus 50 contractors something like that and a Lot of that was because of this brain Study that we did and our performance With our ads actually went from 52 to 84 And a lot of that just had to do with The volume Um so one of the philosophies that I’ve Always had that has always worked is to Try and build a house when it comes to Your ad creative too often Brands will Try to make two three pieces of creative And just kind of hope that it works to Me that’s like building a thatched Hut Out in the savannah like you get one you Know you get one tornado one one storm And it’s over you have to build a brick House and when you’re building a brick House with your content you need to be Making dozens and dozens and dozens of Pieces of content and now with Tick Tock It’s just even more so it’s becoming a

Volume game like one of our offerings at Chamber we used to sell that you get Um you know three or four live action Videos per month with a bunch of Variations now we’re selling this thing Called chamberlabs where you get 30 40 50 assets a month because it’s just the Only way to keep up at nowadays so one Of the things that worked really well For us I See breeze is a company that we Scaled from 100 Grand to a month into The seven figure monthly Revenue Um what we did is we actually started Realizing that when the the iOS update Happened and we just lost so much of That rich targeting that we used to have That worked so well for us Well at the time the thing that worked Best at chamber for our own ads was not Um it was not uh lookalike audiences it Was actually interest audiences like Thank you to Gary vaynerchuk for driving A million dollars to chamber media Through targeting people that like Gary Vaynerchuk more so thank you Nike Nike Alone people who just wear and are Interested in Nike uh drove over six Million dollars just that long targeting Audience alone for chamber media so That’s when a light bulb went off where We thought you know what if we’re not Just making creative to sell something To an audience of people what if we have To really make absolutely different

Pieces of creative for every type of Person because that’s what we started to Do is we started to create an avatar for Chamber media and what we found out is It’s a 40 year old guy who likes to Mountain bike he likes Red Bull he wants To be rich he wants to have a yacht Someday he likes watches he wears Nike He likes Gary vein check he likes Grant Cardone and we thought well let’s make Ads that this guy I just would love and That’s what happened and so with icy Breeze we started to analyze we started To realize we have different segments of Customers it’s not just the use case of The product that you’re selling you’re Selling a type of person you’re selling The Outdoorsman you’re selling the guy Who plays tennis you’re selling the lawn Mower you’re selling the handyman so in This new iOS world that Apple has Absolutely destroyed for all of us thank You suck it Tim Cook I think that what We need to do is is realize how powerful Interest-based targeting is we can’t Just rely on this this unprecedented Data I don’t think that’s ever going to Come back again which means we’re back Into a TV marketing situation where You’re choosing the Golf Channel you’re Choosing the Outdoor Channel you’re Choosing ESPN when you choose these Channels you’re choosing a certain type Of person and so when you’re making ads

You need to make them based on the Interest groups that are going to work And you might have some you know Nike is A massive interest group it’s it’s Millions and millions of of people but After eight months it’s saturated right And we had to try new things so that’s One of my big insights for today so Better creative stronger hooks more Revenue I don’t want you guys to be the Nickelback of AD creative okay Nickelback made the same song over and Over and over again and that’s why They’re Nickelback now okay don’t be the Nickelback of AD creative that’s not What we want so let’s go ahead and dive Into some learnings from the brain this Is a little shot of our ux right now This is only available to us because It’s technically not we’re not allowed To sell Facebook data to you Um but we actually do have a copy tool Called unicorn copy AI where we can sell You Um an AI that actually makes the copy For you using gpt3 so by mirroring the One percent top Facebook ads of all time We were able to mirror this and figure Out what works and this is what we found We developed this uh philosophy which is The top seven ads the top seven Foundational ads now what we found is There are hundreds and hundreds and Hundreds of different ad types but when

We actually sat down and analyzed the Top 80 000 ads we realized that they They generally fit into these seven Categories so when you look at each of These categories just realize that each One of these categories has 20 30 Different types of ads that you can make And so we’ve got a spokesperson anchor Video which is like you know the Original Dollar Shave Club video it’s One of the things that chamber media has Been doing for eight years and we’re Well known for there’s a product demo There’s social proof which is you know Testimonials or Ugc dynamic ads which is um just like Collage where you’ll a lot of people Will use like an editing program or Software and they’ll just throw all Their content in there this is mostly Used by drop shippers usually they don’t Work very good it’s what we found case Studies pretty self-explanatory there’s All sorts of ways to do case studies They’re like before and after they’re Side-by-side comparison uh tons of Different ways there’s a time lapse of This thing working then lifestyle ads Lifestyle is just like the aspirational Thing of you know you see it a lot done With apparel or car ours it’s how you’re Going to feel and how you’re going to Look once you once you buy this thing And then seven is unboxing which is a

Really interesting one that we didn’t Even think about but unboxings do really Well so Um what we found interestingly enough is That the the spokesperson anchor ad is Actually something that we call the Everything ad so it’s where you’re Taking all seven of these foundational Ad types and you’re putting them into One video now the everything ad doesn’t Work in every industry we what we Actually found with Russell is the Everything ad doesn’t work very well in SAS in SAS what works really well is Social proof testimonials and case Studies like Russell’s video of just him Talking to the camera so quickly that You can’t understand every three word That he says because every time Russell Voxers me I have to listen to it 10 Times because he talks so fast those are The ads that work I’m wondering if it’s Because people have to go re and what Re-watch Russell’s ads three times to Hear what he’s saying because he’s just So insanely fast but he captures your Attention but anyways we found the Everything ad does not work very well For on SAS right so we cut up those ads That we made as Russell and then those Smaller sections did really well and so When you want to make an everything ad Then you should really look at all of These things now everything ad crushes

It in all sorts of Industries right the Founder of Mr Cool owns a billion dollar Company now because we just layered on These anchor ads one after another So if you want to go see a ton of Examples we have thousands and thousands Of video ads that we’ve made you can go To chamber media and you can go see a Whole bunch of them So let’s get into some specific insights Because I just want you guys to start Thinking about different ideas so we Looked at Electronics in electronics a Spokesperson anchor video social proof And product demo do very well but Dynamic ads uh and lifesty ads don’t do That well so what does that tell us when People Buy electronics it’s not a Lifestyle Choice it’s actually a Credibility choice they need a face to Tell them that this thing is quality why Because Electronics break they break and Once an Electronics break it’s Impossible to fix it right that’s why Social proof and product demo are so Important they’ll still get cars okay we Even looked at Um unedited videos versus edited videos And what we found out is that raw Unedited videos did better for cars I Don’t even know why the data is the data For jewelry we we even looked at should You send to the home page or a landing Page because we actually had some

Clients where we were getting higher Performance sending to their home page And we think that it’s because it it Increased the average shorter value Because people wanted to buy more Products without necessarily even having To go through a long tail funnel right So if you’re a one Product Company then You might want to have one product page But if you’re a multiple Product Company You might want to test the home page as As your main driver which kind of defies Logic but that’s what we found with Jewelry and so I want you guys to I’ll Just all realize that these are things That you should all be testing right the Brain can’t tell you everything that’s Going to work it can’t predict the Future we even had an ad where um one of Our employees is um he’s this fortune Teller with a big mole on his face and He’s like I can’t tell the future for You Um so anyways It’s not about hitting a home run every Time right it’s about it’s it’s the Money Ball concept it’s a volume of Content and it’s about how many base Hits that you get and they all Ladder Up On each other so this is the biggest Slide that I’m going to show you guys Today and this is the most informative Important thing that we learned in our Whole study these are the types of ads

That we found to be the top performing By industry and I found it interesting That men’s clothing and women’s clothing Is different it’s almost as if with Spokesperson unboxing men are are more Likely to follow an authority figure and Men want the the satisfaction of Unboxing a product right it’s almost Like maybe men are visual I don’t know It’s like that no one’s ever said that Before but men might be kind of visual I Don’t know Um and then with women it was more about The lifestyle and the case study which Means women really think more about how They’re gonna feel it’s like it’s like Almost like someone has said that before Too like women are going to Envision the Future of how they’re going to feel Wearing these clothes Um and um also it means that women are Just more skeptical right they’ve bought Clothes that don’t live up to their Expectations or that are low quality Which means they’re probably just better At buying clothes I don’t know Um but that means that a case study uh Is more likely to work so um I just Recommend everyone’s a screenshot that Slide and um it’s it’s really powerful So We have a little uh we have a little Um you know intermission commercial Right here if you are a family member

Have run ads with mismatched ad types You might be entitled to monetary Compensation Dial 1-800 call Travis and uh we’ll help You out but Um I’ve seen this so many times right We’ve worked with hundreds and hundreds Hundreds of Brands and so often we’ll See that Brands will put a lot of money Into ad types that are never going to Work right like with Russell right we Made these spokesperson anchor videos Some of them did really well but most of Them didn’t work well we had to cut them Into pieces because it’s just a tough Game with SAS it’s people just buy in a Different way like Russell’s Authority And his figure Um on like a raw kind of unedited video Is is as or if not more powerful right Than like these big sets but when you’re Selling toothpaste you don’t have a Russell right no one’s interested in Toothpaste and so you have to put Someone on wires hanging from the Ceiling flying all over the place Because otherwise nobody cares right so These are really important insights to Figure out another thing we found from The study was the ideal ad length so um This is something that we get so many Questions about and what we found is That you know lifestyle ads and product Demos and social proof can be pretty

Sure right it’s an easy thing to Communicate but if you have a Complicated product that’s difficult to Understand like Mr Cool It May mean that Longer ads in these types of categories Are going to do better right because If I’m gonna do I’m going to install an AC unit myself in my garage that’s a Very scary decision to make right it’s a Fifteen hundred dollar decision so I’m Gonna need a two maybe you know one and A half minute video to to put me at ease Right but if I’m buying toothpaste I Don’t need a one and a half minute video To convince me that this toothpaste is The greatest toothpaste I just need 10 Seconds and then I’m out I don’t need Any more toothpaste information So another thing we found is that 25 of The ads speaking of this Um on the food and Industry at uh are Dynamic ads yet Dynamic ads unperform The rest of AD types by 21 So Dynamic ads are the worst ad type Um to use in the food and drinks Industry now if you’re in this industry And you don’t know this Insight Um you may end up making the wrong thing So here’s a really cool chart so this is Actually the percentile breakdown so we Also took a look at Of all these 60 80 000 ads that we Studied right Um what portion of those the top Shopify

Stores in the world what portion of Creative are they making and we found That 50 of all the creative that the top Shopify store make in all of the world Is product demos and then the next Biggest category is social proof and Dynamic ads so think about this right 20 of the ads they’re making are Dynamic Ads yet Dynamic ads underperform and in Almost every industry compared to other Ads so what does this mean well this Means Brands need to be making an Aggregate more case studies more Spokesperson anchors more lifestyle Videos and more unboxing videos and they Could probably chill out a little bit on Product demos because think about this Okay if 50 as a consumer as just an Average person right if 50 of the ad Creative that I’m consuming is product Demos Am I going to pay attention to more Product demos or am I more likely to pay Attention to an unboxing video that I Only see 1.5 percent of the time or a Case study that I see less than one Percent of the time just imagine the Power of a brand that has case study Videos and and you’re like okay well how Do I make a case study for uh skin care Well we worked with nerd skin care we This is one of our big first huge videos We took the founder I put a helmet on Her face with a GoPro and I had her put

Bacteria on her face and grow acne on Her face and then use the skin care to Get rid of it okay now Facebook does not Like before and after photos right so What we did is we took the time lapse of Her face over 10 days and I made her Wear a helmet for 10 days by the way So if Russell thinks it was hard to what We made him do he didn’t have to wear a Helmet for three 400 hours straight Um but what we did furthermore is we put Laura Clary who’s a really big Facebook Influencer Um and we actually put the footage of This time lapse of her growing acne and Then getting rid of it with the skin Care product and Laura did a weather Report about her face Oh it looks like we got some clusters Coming on the North northeasternly oh it Looks like we got you know So um that was one of the way that the Ways that we bypassed the Facebook’s Rules about before and afters it was so It was like so many layers deep that Their algorithm or their interns or Whatever couldn’t even catch it so There’s all sorts of ways to pull off These Concepts so that’s what I have for You on the ad creative now let’s jump Into ad copy This was really interesting because so Much of of conversion performance Depends on the copy you write and

Sometimes you guys probably feel like You’re playing Russian roulette with Your ad copy right I’m gonna put a bowl In there I’m gonna spin it and we’ll Just see what happens and it’s like how Are you even gonna know right what type Of AD copy works it’s not like you’re Going to sit there and write 20 Different types of AD copy for one piece Of creative it’s just like the variables Just become unlimited and so it’s really Important to just know some basic Principles that generally work So So my whole point here is we’re all Trying to climb Mount zakarist right And he doesn’t he Zuckerberg doesn’t Even care about us anymore he’s often The metaverse like he has left us all Here just to survive right I mean he Can’t even get people to work at Facebook anymore if you work at Facebook In Silicon Valley you’re like shunned Like no one will even talk to you right He’s just abandoned us and so if we’re Trying to climb this mountain Um it’s best for us to start with some Principles and some repetitable Repeatable rules that we know so we can Start at base camp rather than trying to Hike our asses all the way from freaking Kathmandu so that’s a really long way Okay so these copy principles are going To help you to do that so these are the

Top four types of AD copy that we found That that are performing number one is Storytelling based number two is Question based number three is benefit Based at number four is feature faith Based Um and remember this is from the top one Percent of all performing ads in the World okay and we found out that there Are patterns by specific industry so What I’m telling you is if you try these Four types of AD copy you will find out Pretty quickly what approach works the Best with your customers And we found that 80 percent of offers And products always have one type of Copy that outperforms the other three Combined so I’m telling you guys if You’re mining the gold and copywriting Is the gold You have a one in four chance of finding The gold vein in the cave that you’ve Duck that’s what we’re trying to do here So number one is benefit-based copy so This is where you show the customer Potential benefit from using your Product and by the way this is the most Common ad type but it’s not always the Most effective for any of you that went To college and marketing and that have Like formally studied marketing you know That feature benefits selling is kind of Weak it’s it’s it’s the sell me if if Cardone’s gonna ask you or Jordan

Belfort probably is going to be the guy Who asked you to sell them a pen because That’s something you would do Um you know that that’s where most People are going to start well this pen It draws and that means you can use it Feature benefit it’s kind of weak it’s a Little weak right whereas if you say This pen belongs to a monk in Nepal And he wrote the Scrolls of ancient Wisdom And the spirit of this monk lives within This pen and it’s it’s the most Meaningful pen that you’ll ever own and Every time you see it you will remember Where it has been And what your life means to you Jeez sell me that pen matter of fact I’ll buy that pen for 100 bucks and I’ll Put it on my bookcase So let’s talk about feature benefit Here’s High smile get wider teeth in Just 10 minutes from Heist mouth boom Feature benefit there it is the ultimate In phone protection never worry about Breaking your phone again Okay number two is feature-based AD copy This is where you tell the customer your Features hoping that it will convince Them that you’re the best on the market Two-year battery life two-way Auto Audio Customizable motion detection and live View recording no fees no contracts or Solo stuff best fire pit I’ve ever seen

Patented airflow system that eliminates Smoke Number three question based this is Where you ask the customer a question Related to their problem okay now we’re Getting a little bit deeper And it should always be an opening thing Okay water pressure not strong enough Dishes still greasy after washing See that if you put the that little uh On the end it makes makes it a question Having a hard time eating healthy while Away from home Plunge it then we have four storytelling Based ad copy so this is the this is an Uncommon type of AD copy that is based On first trying to sell and place your Customer on a story and then pitch them A product So this is the ad type that scales Performance the most often but it is the Most difficult to do it takes an elite Copywriter and it takes a lot of tries Because you may not care that a monk Owned this pen in Nepal that might not Mean anything to you right Um so let’s look at Warrior Fitness and Weight loss busy dads you’ve probably Heard the phrase eat clean hundreds of Times give up carbs Donuts ice cream Pizza chocolate ooh story here we go we Love stories right it’s why we read the Bible it’s why we read the Quran it’s Why we read

You know all of these things it’s it’s Stories right we we attach with these Things Um adworld conference this is an ad it’s Designed to get your attention you’re in Our target audience people interested Right so it’s it’s a story and story Sells So In 2022 it’s not about Necessarily A B testing your ad copy or Not it’s about what to a B test okay We’re wanting to start at Basecamp so What I’m saying is if you don’t a B test All four of these ad copy types you Might be leaving up to an additional 60 Of your ad performance on the table that Is what we found from our study is Brands who are only using one type of AD Copy had a 60 lower rate of performance Especially if they were using the wrong Type of AD copy So now we got some bonus tips today five Tips to further roid your ad copy here’s Some specific words or terms that will Pretty much always improve ad Performance having a call to action URL In the copy we’ve seen a 14 lift across The board with this Um that makes it so you don’t have to Necessarily only rely on Facebook’s Button there’s another place for them to Click Another is free shipping we found an

Eight percent increase in ad performance So if you do offer free shipping you Should really be including this in your Ad copy it’s important to people another One is an exclamation mark it’s exciting Puts a little Red Bull into the copy Seven percent uh lift in ad performance Uh you Um we found this early on actually when We were making these big um Dollar Shave Club Style videos back in the day that If we use the word you and use someone’s Specific pronoun it meant that they they Were like feeling like they’re in a Conversation and they just apply the Messaging to themselves seven percent Lived in performance Um using a reserved or trademark symbol Six percent lift in performance probably Because there’s a perceived Authority Involved there or perceived exclusivity There But there’s one discovery that we made With the brain that makes or breaks any AD and what we found is that one out of Ten social media ads are throwing away Their ad budgets because of it It is the grade level reading of their Copy in their script And this was an epiphany to me because I Realized that’s why Donald Trump won President He uses very small words no no Discrediting him at all but I think he

And his team realized how stupid a lot Of Americans are and that sometimes you Got to talk to to people in a way where Everyone can understand so this is what We found we found that below a seventh Grade reading level Is a majority of Americans okay and a Smaller portion of Americans have over An eighth grade reading level now we Won’t get into all of the um sadness That’s involved with this data but we’ll Get into the insights that you can take Away from it Um so if your ad copy is Um below eight sorry is above eighth Grade reading level We saw a 14 drop in performance and if You’re reading grade reading level is Below 8th grade we saw a 14 increase So if your copywriter is pulling out the Thesaurus and trying to be a champion Here you got to tell them to just calm Down Dumb it down We found that less than one this is the Crazy part okay we found that less than One tenth of the top one percent of ads In the whole world have a reading level Above eighth grade on their ad copy The lower your reading level goes the Higher your row as shoots up Probably because Bubba and Alabama knows What you’re talking about and he wants It

So hooks are less than five percent Um of most ad creatives lengths yet they Can impact the performance of an average Ad creative by up to 25 so here’s some Quick hook insights for you guys we’re Running out of time so I’m not going to Go super deep into these but the three Hook types that we found that get the Most performance is intellectual so it Makes you think so superlatives bold Claims visual demonstrations sparking Curiosity Here’s an example of an intellectual Hook that drove a million dollars choose Organic say goodbye to plastic it’s an Intellectual hook sensory it makes you Look or listen in one of our biggest Mr Cool ads uh one of our actors throws a Sock and hits the screen and says stop Scrolling That’s a sensory it’s catchy it’s Contrast volume Um something like that This is a example of a sensory hook that Drove two million dollars Emotional uh works on fear or worry or Nostalgia or aspiration it just makes You feel emotions And here’s an example of an emotional Hook half a million dollars generated so Those are the three hooks Um we tested this with our own chamber Media ads one of them I’m just standing There in a field whereas in the next ad

I made I was standing in front of you Know 100 people in front of our building And these are the top hooks by industry If any of you guys want to screenshot This Because the same thing doesn’t always Work in every industry So Um there’s a hundred and seven slide Version of this presentation it’s about Twice the length of what I just did if Any of you are interested in that you Can email my assistant Katie Achievermedia and she will send it to You and I thank you guys for your time Thank you [Music] Thank you Travis I appreciate that all Right you guys ready to make some ads I know internal people taking Screenshots every single slide is faster Coming up like oh I want to do this and This and this so I hope they got the Wheels in your head spinning okay next Up we have a really cool session um We’re actually gonna watch a short video First before I have our guests come up But Um one of the most fascinating things For me Um being the person who owns click Phones we get to see what’s happening And we have over a hundred thousand Successful entrepreneurs using the

Platform we can see uh what’s happening Every single day and uh every day I get An email that shows me like here are the Funnels today that are producing the Highest volume most leads most sales and So I I get those so every single that I Can watch make sure things are working Well see what’s happening and it also Came out on like what’s working in the Marketplace which is really fun to see It also helps me so I can go and Introduce myself to the people who have Funnels that are blowing up so I get to Know and know those people right and uh A couple years ago there was one person Whose funnels kept popping up every on These lists and you see people like the You know the highest number of sales Like XML sells x amount sales and unless One person will pop out and it’s like I Don’t even know like 20 000 sales in a Day and I’m like this click funnels Broken like how does someone make 20 000 Sales in a day and I’m like freaking out Right they gotta be something bad and Then it’s like no the next day they’re Again and they’re again they’re getting Kept seeing this person popping up on This like internal leaderboard list I Get every single day and I was like what Does this person do so I started Following them and watching them and uh Like I said I’m always kind of watching Around industry and you know for usually

Months or even years before I have a Chance to talk to him and just kind of Watching I kept watching this person and Uh somewhere online we finally had a Chance to to interact in fact uh Yesterday was the first time this person In in uh in person which was kind of fun Um and have a chance to actually talk to Him for a little while but I’ve watched Him for years as he’s been growing this Company up uh one of the most successful Uh Publishers on the Clifton’s platform Like when you see the campaign season What he does they’ll sell like Anyway The their volume that they put through The platform is is second to none so It’s really fun watching him and when Watching him over the last couple years He’s growing this company from where he Was at to like always pushing the Boundaries getting bigger and bigger and Bigger and I’m excited because after we Watch this little case study video um They have a chance to interview and ask Us some questions I’ve actually been Really excited to ask him ever since uh I first kind of started watching what He’s doing and so we’re gonna watch this Video this is the case today our team Flew out to his um his hometown his Office and filmed his case study and Want to show you guys ahead of time so You can see behind the scenes of his Click funnel story what he’s done how

He’s been able to bootstrap his company Uh it’s a huge scale using funnels and Then afterwards of a chance to come on Stage and ask him some questions that Sound good you guys Okay with that said then let’s queue up The video showing the story from Colin Wayne So Redline steel was a company that kind Of just fell in my lap Eventually I wanted to purchase Something for my son [Music] Foreign Steel sign and it had a place where you Could engrave your name There’s this guy swinging a bat like This looks super realistic and all I Wanted to do was be a consumer [Music] I’ll give you the short story the guy Ended up being very backlogged said that He couldn’t make this for me within a Certain amount of time he’ll reach back Out whenever he was caught up so I said No worries 10 minutes later he reached Out and said holy crap is Colin Wayne Can’t believe it’s you I’d love to be at Your level one day [Music] I used to be a fitness model landed over 50 magazine covers like Men’s Health Men’s fitness muscle and fitness Iron Man and so many magazine Publications

Around the world I was making good money Don’t get me wrong 30 40 Grand a month Doing nothing but doing modeling without A PR firm without an agency that’s cool But at what point is like what’s next As soon as he said that instinctively Something triggered like without Hesitation I said well maybe I can get You to that level I do Consulting with Businesses and you know I see a lot of Opportunity over the course of about 90 Days it ended up evolving where I wanted To partner He agreed and the day he was supposed to Sign he didn’t show up I told him if you’re not here within the Next hour I’m going to open my own Company and I’ll be your competitor and So he said well I wish you the best of Luck and the very next day I went and Purchased my first plasma table is it a Big air compressor on our CNC plasma I like this business I want something That’s that’s mine something that I can Build from scratch See what a thousand labels look like a Lot of customers a lot of orders Foreign One Eighty five and it is 8.44. Almost 1200 ordered so far today it’s Just 4 30. We are around about 58 000 pieces or Products We are to be transparent pretty damn

Backlogged This is from click funnels anytime you Do over a million dollars in Revenue They’ll send you one of these plans how Cool is that huh we list four to six Weeks manufacturing lead times on the Website in some cases up to eight today I’d love to hit a hundred thousand Dollars in sales Yeah we signed a 10-year lease for a new Building it’s a hundred and eight Thousand like 960 square feet you know a Year from now things are going to look Completely different the challenges are Going to be completely different Anger from people who never receive the Gifts they order business fail to keep Its promises some customers have been Waiting since Thanksgiving more problems Tonight for a red line steel red line Steel red line steel 3 000 orders that Still need to be shipped more than a Hundred thousand dollars they have new Management and are actually fully Stabbed last five percent of the overdue Orders we have reached out to redline Steel several times management declined To appear on camera Nausea it’s been about a month since we First told everyone about the backup Here at Redline steel but the owner Tells me he and his team are working Their hardest and working relentlessly To make it up to their customers I’d

Like to first off apologize for anybody That did not receive their order I’m Upset with myself because we didn’t get This out I made a promise to these Customers I wasn’t able to deliver Because of the mistake Wayne says he Expected to get complaints from Customers across the country who ordered Items online but Wayne says some people Took it too far other bystanders and Other competitors that are actually Attacking myself and my family and Threatening my employees they posted Something with my home address and I’ve Got a two-year-old daughter that’s there To answer the question many people are Asking Wayne says the backup was due to A vital machine going down a lot of it Was out of our control Wayne says that Machine feeds most of the equipment in The company’s facility he says he hired More people and worked longer hours to Try and combat the issue but it didn’t Work now the company is offering those Customers a refund and trying to get Items out the door as soon as possible We are going to do everything we can to Make it right for everybody that got Left out for this Christmas delivery [Music] This year there were some massive Takeaways from that so essentially one Of the biggest things was now we’re Leveraging stock items and bundle packs

So we have multiple shells alpha bravo Charlie delta Echo all the way down to Uh Hotel I’ve got at least four million Dollars in raw material ready to be Shipped so this is one of my main Prospecting funnels so we ship thousands Of these on a weekly basis and those are All prospected through landing pages and So from this we upsell them on a hope And a love which we have inventory of as Well and then we’ll ship the exact same Piece to thousands of customers across The country using a funnel that’s what We’ve done this year that’s uniquely Different than last year last year it Was more how many orders can we get in The door without a clean and precise Strategy of what is the kpis that we can Take away from this year and we’re we’re Actually using funnels for the first Time for retargeting whereas we only Used it for prospecting now now we’re Using it and we built several landing Pages built through click funnels so That we can leverage our own internal Audience to purchase higher average Order value costs so instead of more Orders which is equating to more product Manufacturing and flows throughout the Entire shop I would rather put an Emphasis on what can I do as a value Perspective to the consumer so that they Spend more money so value tiers if we’re Not innovating and adapting to those

Changes we’re not making it better we’re Going to make it worse in the long term The world’s constantly revolving it’s It’s moving same with marketing what’s Working today will not work tomorrow This is what’s scary right if you’re Using a traditional website right now It’s going to be so expensive for you to Market and attribute new customers for Growth in the future that if you’re not Finding good tools to sharpen you know And get higher conversion rates you’re Going to be left behind because these Large corporations are shifting their Marketing budgets into paid traffic Across social media so right now is the Best time to get started it’s going to Get very hectic so we’re going to have To push out certain Um Instagram Facebook all right guys Y’all ready to see the past weeks we Have 14 different items that are Available now for 24 hours so all the Way until Saturday at 6 p.m Central Standard Time and uh this was our most Common voted pick out of all of the Previous 11 weeks this is a teal finish Guys we also have a blue which is kind Of a navy blue so if you like the dream Catcher let us know when we first Started off I had no clue what I was Doing you know we didn’t start out with This what you see right behind me this Isn’t how we started

When I first started we actually had a Kitchen oven and we hot welded hot Rolled steel together and made our own Powder coat oven When I looked back at like three years Ago to where we’re at right now it’s Insane the difference [Music] Essentially six months or so we we Grossed over a million dollars in Revenue year two we did close to 10 Million and then to date we’ve done Almost 40 million dollars without Funnels we couldn’t do that So for us we use click funnels in a Sense that we acquire customers at a Low-cost item on a perception of a high Retail product We could sell a 12-inch curse of love For six dollars in free shipping where Most companies are like I can’t even get The raw material for this well it’s Because we trust the process it’s a Long-term thing and it’s about how can I Convert this into purchase three four Five six different times to stretch that Lifetime value Funnels is the way to do that So from a business standpoint it’s Allowed our company to grow very very Rapidly it’s allowed us to have you know Almost a million customers by the end of Year three and it’s evolving in the Evolution of Redline is is going to

Continue to scale and grow well beyond What we initially envisioned [Music] This is my second time coming here Third grade I came here for a field trip And my mom brought me along with my Entire third grade class but I haven’t Been here since And to be personally invited by the Governor for my business and I can’t Even put it into words like I’m still in My 20s and we’re getting asked by the President of the United States the local Governors what’s what’s great about that Is keeping that momentum and keeping it Moving in a positive direction Okay Foundation yes ma’am thank you [Applause] So May 3rd 2012 to date that I’ll always Remember I was working out in the gym in The paktika province in Afghanistan and A 107 millimeter Rock had impacted about Three and a half feet from me From the grace of God I’m still alive And I’m the type of guy that looks 10 Years ahead and wants to support not Only myself but certain veterans [Music] So the big vision is that Um Redline essentially what I could see Is almost a rehabilitation center for Veterans and an outreach program to get Them back into the workforce Building a compound let’s say 300 400

Acres so having essentially everything That you would need within the compound Of our own installation so having Barracks where people can live having Some type of recreation center where People can gather and have some type of Culture that’s continuing to evolve and Grow and build It’s it’s not just the money play I love Concept reality and also the Humanitarian side where there’s a lot of Homeless veterans that need the chance They need something to look forward to And all they need is a small stepping Stone and so I want to be a voice for Those people [Music] Unlike a lot of people you know we work 80 90 100 hours a week it’s literally Whatever it takes mentality And things are doing great Um I tend to throw a wrench in it and we End up making crazy decisions I thrive Under Pressure you know the Same way that our Steel’s made [Music] It’s literally the air that we’re Breathing and it has chambers of high Pressure tanks low pressure tanks and That’s what makes our Steel It’s the same thing as an entrepreneur That’s going through these Journeys we All go through it everybody does trust Me you’re not alone

And that that is how growth happens and That being uncomfortable should in Theory push you to be so much stronger And then that’s how you truly learn You learn from those setbacks you learn From those mistakes and you say that’s Not going to happen again Set up for your future That’s how you can scale and build the Foundation that’s needed to grow a Massive Empire [Music] [Applause] Call away [Applause] All right [Music] So first off That’s like the coolest store I love I’ve watched probably a dozen times but Um I just want to talk about one thing That that um I thought was the coolest About is the fact that you let us talk About not just like the winds right most People are like oh let me show the Highlight rule if you let us like share Probably one of the lowest parts of the Business as well right and um I wanted To talk about that because some people I Think the fear the reason why they don’t Start moving forward initially is Because like what if I fail if you went Through that stood in the face of the Storm and then Rose higher like the

Phoenix afterwards right I’m curious Like what you were feeling as you were Kind of going through that whole Experience you know I uh so for me so I Went to Egypt Iraq and Afghanistan I got Blown up on my third tour and I would Rather get blown up again honestly Knowing that I would survive but then to Go through that because it was more than Me I let down not and it wasn’t Intentional but literally I bought this Key piece of Machinery six months later After I bought it and this isn’t Something you can go and just buy at Lowe’s Home Depot this came from Italy Like you can’t just Uh order one of these and it’s here the Next day and for context like this is a Plus screwdriver not a Phillips I have Zero background in manufacturing so for Me like stepping outside of my comfort Zone is what propels me and so really Finding entrepreneurship as a stepping Stone of being comfortable in Uncomfortable situations helps me Propel But what I would say is like I’ve Because I’ve went through that it’s Prepared me to say this won’t happen Again and there’s redundancies so like So many companies were challenged and Were forced to Pivot you know when covet Happened right and nobody was exactly Prepared and I would say to those that That went through a challenging time

Financially as a business owner or Entrepreneur if you’re here and you’re Still doing your thing like absolutely Um take that into consideration when You’re going through challenging times You made it through that you can make it Through anything and so this is just one Step stepping stone to say to give you That internal confidence and jump in With both feet and hope you swim so cool So I love because like I think about Click funnels I look at like you know We’ve bootstrapped our company we’re Very proud of I watched it use them the Same kind of thing like what do you Think has given you the ability to not Just put a business out there that’s Successful to grow something that’s like Substantial and huge where you have You’re creating jobs and you’re creating Like all these amazing things like we Think it’s the things that’s made you Been the most successful on the The Journey along this you know I would say Just like you man you’ve humanized your Brand and in an incredible way like People love when I think of Click Funnels I think of Russell when people Think of Redline they think of me but It’s more than just me Um we we embody our customers we embody Uh we’ve got multiple uh customer Ascension models called Redline VIP Group and uh which is our lower tier uh

Non-paid they don’t have to do anything And then our Elites and all that happens Is we we pay attention to them because It doesn’t matter what I like it what Matters is what they like like and what They want and so that consumer feedback Loop is huge and so we’ve leaned into That extremely to the point where uh We’ll host and and hundreds of people Fly down for elite day uh for our top Tier customers and you know we’ll get Photos together and we’ll do like my Demographics predominantly older women 40 65 plus Christian conservative Married homeowners but Um so we’ll do arts and crafts and stuff That I typically wouldn’t do but I like I wanted to get in your Warehouse you’re Doing it of course yeah and uh it’s fun Though man like when you can interact And you can see photos from what we’re Making from concept to reality just like Entrepreneurship but we’re actually Manufacturing it fulfilling it and these Are millions of units every single year I would say that that’s a huge component Of our success and then more than that To tie it back into click funnels so we Use uh Shopify for since the Inception Of our business the first month we Started implementing click funnels we Saw three about a three and a half times Increase in order volume and then as Well as like sales

And and so what I started to think about Was like instead of sending traffic Directly to a site that’s distractions What about allowing skus yeah yeah it’s Like I’m a watch guy I love watches Um I would rather focus on if there was Consumer interest like I would rather I Want to show them exactly what they were Interested to begin with I don’t need to Show them 100 other things because There’s they’re on Facebook not to buy Watches or to buy a steel product and so When we started implementing funnels Into our business we started to uh the Highest day we did 38 000 orders in a Single day they like the email I’m like Something’s gonna be broken there’s no Way to 38 000 orders like Yeah so yeah increasing like API limits From Shopify all these different you Know obstacles that you typically Wouldn’t have to think about with the Infrastructure but I could say like Wholeheartedly that Redline steel would Not be near the success if it wasn’t for Click funnels and and that that amounts To jobs within our community and and the Families that are impacted you know We’ve donated five million dollars to Charities nonprofits uh we’re working With Autism Speaks next month American Cancer Society actually this month Um and you know we’ve been able to be Kind of a Hands Extended to the

Community and we use landing pages for All of these campaigns through click Funnels and so it’s a it’s a huge Testament to what you’ve built so so Cool let’s give it up for Russell how About that hey foreign I want to give some strategy people Because I’ve seen what you’ve done and I Want to talk about it because I I see From the outside it’s so cool so I saw The first time I saw you do this was With Um was with the church I believe second Time I saw you do it was with Megan Fox Who Um I was like you hung up Megan Fox and That’s pretty cool but like you’re using Um outside influencers or churches or Brands to partner with you to drive tens Of thousands of sales you talk about the Strategy behind that because sometimes We think it’s just oh it’s just our Business but you’re so strategic and Like how do we leverage other people to Have these huge sales you know days and Weeks and months and stuff like that you Know I’m just like you I’m big in faith And I believe that God’s opened so many Doors that our philosophy is people over Profit and so because of that mission First uh kind of mindset what we’ve been Able to do is work genuinely with Non-profits that we care about and with That there’s celebrities that are

Directly connected and tied back in so They become an outlet for us where we Can work and and be a Hands Extended to Give back to these nonprofits and then The distribution that comes from that by Being on Kelly Clarkson show or Today Show or you know trending thousands of Articles People magazine TMZ E news like It all helps build the entire ecosystem And even if I don’t make money from the First time that’s okay like I understand The process and I’m I would much rather Give it away than to pay Facebook a Premium for acquisition and so instead Of us looking at it from a traditional Uh I guess direct to Consumer ad side We’re thinking a little bit outside of The box and getting creative with the Approach to be more of uh what can I do To Leverage The what we have internally And offset acquisition by doing Something that you really wake up and You feel good about so we try to partner With a group every month and different Non-profits charities And really just focus on that as a part Of our growth strategy so cool yeah like Walking through the models like you You’ll partner with a charity or a Person or celebrity or whatever and you Make their you make their own custom Things is that right and they don’t Custom landing page and it’s like that Becomes like their product their offer

Right yes so so we’ll manufacture a Specific part for them so let’s just say Like American Cancer Society we have a Hope ribbon and the ribbon is in Different colors uh for cancer Um and when they make a uh direct Donation they would get that piece and We donate it all 100 back to that Non-profit and so kind of taking a Physical product aspect but then turning It into a donation Um and then it for us it’s new customer Acquisition but it’s also like something Like you genuinely feel good about you Know so that’s it’s really it’s been a Blessing it’s so cool so when was Because you started on Shopify that’s Where the business began like when did You bump into into click funnels and Then most your funnels aren’t they’re Not like super complicated tons of Design they’re very simple things you Build them all just someone else like I’m curious about that man I’m a nerd Dude like I I love uh so I build them All internally Um that’s the biggest so many people are Like I’m an outsourceman Outsource like He’s running this entire huge company And like where’s he focusing on like Literally the most important part of the Business which is getting people to buy Stuff like it’s the key anyway sorry Yeah now and understanding like your

Core demographic your consumer groups And then what we do is we Prospect into Five categories to like uh faith-based Uh animal lovers dog cats because and Then family relationships uh generalized Home decor and Um once we know exactly what we’re Targeting we have a handful of high Volume uh Prospect items it makes it Easy to upsell so like that curse of Faith that I showed in the the video I Know the hope and love are great upsells And now thinking about coming into Fourth quarter Christmas it’s like Um repositioning the copying creative Where it’s perfect gift idea so whatever They bought on the first one show them Make exactly the same thing again right Instead just reposition that’s your Friends yeah right and so so but that’s Fun for me and same with like email Marketing So segmenting based on Consumer Behavior predictive genders uh What’s her buying frequency Um I build all of that so email is Really where my thing is a lot more than Even funnels but like uh I just got a Passion for For e-commerce and just like uh being Able to turn something from concept to Reality so that’s so cool so what’s the Next Because your business is here you’re Obviously you’re very you’re driven

You’re trying to grow and trying to Scale like what’s the next vision of the Plans or how are you trying to to grow From here I’m curious because you’re Doing so much volume right now someone’s Just like you look at that you’re like How in the world do you grow from how do You go from here to here like I’m Curious what your plans are what you’re Working towards so you know it’s it’s Interesting so we started looking at uh Kind of uh the economic state of where We’re at right now and and looking at Pivoting into different directions by Taking the same uh infrastructure that We have internally so you know we’ve got 150 000 square feet in Huntsville and Um you know 100 plus employees so it’s Challenging to just be like all right I’ve never had a layoff ever and I Really don’t ever want to have one so I’d rather just get creative or not take Distributions or put money back into the Organization to make sure that I can That I can be there Um what we’re looking at is a category Of annual growth Revenue within Different Nexus Um like instead of like printed or home Decor wall art signs we’re taking the Same equipment but looking at corporate Signage corporate gifting because those Are substantially higher Um so like globally it’s 541 million uh

Uh 541 million dollars annually for Printed wall art decor and That Could That Could Encompass a vinyl canvas Anything but like portraits when I look At corporate signage this is needed Ada Signs with Braille wayfinders corporate Logos things of that nature and so I’ve Been building a website called business Decor and that is going to be very Similar to like Vistaprint where you can Create your own from scratch use one of Our templates or upload your own design And these are like necessary things for Businesses and looking at it today There’s a lot of businesses Unfortunately that are going under Um but what’s happening mergers Acquisitions groups are buying these up They’re going to need rebranding they’re Going to need signs right and so this is A sign to to make some Force changes While also keeping a very low Capital Expense on the front end so it feeds the Entire ecosystem that’s awesome so when You first launch Redline initially Um how did you start getting the traffic Into the funnels and originally very Beginning so so uh customer acquisition This is what we use landing pages for Our funnels click funnels and this was Like brand new customers back when Facebook really worked at that scale They loved us for a little while yeah And exclusions actually work with

Exclusions Um but then we started to Encompass it Into continuity campaigns so we called I Bought two dollar tuesday.com and it Turned into an SMS play because my Products aren’t they’re not consumable They don’t need it all the time what can I do to constantly be kind of top of Mind and so get people excited about oh On Tuesdays they’re going to receive a Text message at 11 A.M Central Standard And if we didn’t send it out we would Get thousands of emails and facts like What’s going on Um and so kind of building landing pages Into low ticket Ascension and then post Purchase offers on the back end and and Now it’s something that every week they Get excited feeds uh you know pixels for Omnichannel remarketing and so many just Additional touch points the businesses Tend to forget because it takes the Entire ecosystem for it to to continue To compound yeah I’m imagining your Customers walls are just wrapped in Steel is that what happened did he Buying over and over and over again or How many does the average person Actually buy it it’s crazy man I’ve I Mean it’s literally mosaics like it’s They’re running out of wall space so Like uh we started scaling shirts we’re Doing like a hundred thousand shirts in A single month because they can at least

Put that in a drawer and so like my Concern was they’re going to run out of Wall space and so we went and bought More equipment for Windows and for Flooring and things of that nature so Yeah literally literally wrapping their Houses in steel yes That’s amazing do you know like one of The big things we talk about in The Funnel world is like lifetime value of a Customer like someone comes in and They’re buying a free book but if I know They’re gonna upgrade to click funnels Another coaching they give a lifetime Value do you know Like what is your lifetime value of a Customer reality do you just track that Or look at that I’m curious you know It’s been challenging with Hyper growth Last year we we did over a million Orders um and so it’s been very Challenging and customer acquisition is Not what it was historically uh but then We started to Pivot into more uh Philanthropy and humanitarians uh Efforts as give back so it’s it’s Challenging to know exactly what that Answer is but um yeah I don’t honestly Know it would be hard to track that much Data to be able to see that’s so cool Okay it’s my last question for you so You’ve got uh 200 000 a lot beginning Entrepreneurs first time here coming in They’re seeing someone like you who’s

Built who’s where they want to be long Term right and maybe they don’t want to Build a business that big but like They’re starting this journey and They’ve got the nerves and anxiety and All that kind of stuff what would you Tell people like this who you know You’ve been on this road you’ve gotten The success you’ve run the trophies Awards like someone’s getting started What would you tell them get started Today like I don’t even know what camera I’m looking at but so you don’t have to One I’m a high school dropout Okay so Join the military right after my 17th Birthday Um and like honestly I’ve never taken a Course from yours I’ve never I I don’t Have a mentor I know you did a post About that like right here my best uh my Best advice is just to get started today And if you don’t know like I could have Shortcuted so many different things by By either hiring you directly or taking A bunch of courses and so many other Things that you can shortcut it but Don’t let that be the reason why I’m Gonna wait until this point I’m gonna Wait until I get my degree I’m gonna Wait just get started like literally Jump in and you’re gonna figure it out Sink or swim you’re gonna figure it out So cool well thank you so much for being Here for finding a boy scene hanging out

I love your story grateful for you and All you’ve done and Um all you’re doing so yeah thank you Keep calling you round of applause [Applause] Foreign [Music] [Applause] It’s fun for me because like we get to See behind the scenes like watching the Stats and the funnels and stuff and then Again our team flew out and capped the Whole story but it’s just fun to be able To to see like the practical application Of of this thing right like when we Started this eight ten years ago and Started thinking about funnels that were Crazy things like we didn’t know who was Going to be using this I would have Never in a billion years thought oh this Guy who owns a steel company is going to Use this to sell millions of you know Millions of things of Steel like it’s Just been so fascinated as I’ve looked We watched the last eight years seeing How many Industries how many people have Used this principle to grow their Businesses and grow their companies so It’s been super cool all right so we’re Gonna transition to um our last guest Speaker of the of the event which I’m so Excited for Um before we do when uh this speaker’s Done we’re gonna kind of wrap at the end

But all the VIPs we’ve got one last VIP Session we’ve got a bunch of people Looking to do uh we’re open for Q a for One last time so if you have if you are VIP and uh you have a question now it’s Time to start dropping in the comments Our team can grab those like I said After we’re done our last guest speaker We’ll end for the day and then VIPs love Our last session together and then we’ll Have a nap I’m really hoping you guys Excited for a nap this week has been Insane and fun and I’m uh grateful for All you ever I’m excited to go home and Go take a nap after this is all so uh Keep dropping those so um next guest Speaker someone who um how am I gonna Lie this is like such an honor to have This person here for so many reasons uh He would normally have been here in the Room um but he’s probably having a baby Any second now so um he’s streaming from The hospital I’m just kidding it’s not Really but Um he wasn’t able to come today because Of that but you know on top of that he’s Like I’m gonna come I’m streaming I want To be part of that Um he’s someone who I actually started Watching when I was like I don’t know 15 Or 16 years old I’m kind of a marketing Nerd and I would literally go at night And I would watch infomercials I’ve read The.com Secrets book I talk about that I

Watched like on the prison for most Other people and one of the guys Infomercial I used to watch is Dean Graciosi and watches infomercials and I Was like such a dork I take notes like What he was doing and how he was doing It what the call to action was and like I remember watching him over the years And then fast forward Um a decade later or so uh I got invited To this to this little um it was it’s Called The Rock the Casbah event it’s a Charity event that Richard Branson put On and I’m in this event and my wife and I were in shirt and tie there’s like Famous people in the room like Sharon Stone was in there Paula Abdul were like We’re like we made it we’re famous People one that was the coolest thing And then uh they did this big celebrity Auction and uh they’re actually off all Sorts of things and the last thing in The auction was you could get your name On the side of a plane and I was like oh That would be cool and I’d never like Been in an auction before so it was Brand new to me and so they opened the Auction like five thousand dollars and I Was like five thousand like oh and like They get it to me I’m like oh this is Awesome someone else raise your hand Like ten thousand I looked over and it Was Dean I was like That’s Dean oh my gosh and then I was

Like well I can’t let him think that I Might go worse or something so then like Who’s got 10 who’s got 15 I’m like 15. I’m like oh and then my connection goes Up and he’s like 20. I’m like oh and Then I’m like uh 25 and then Clint’s Like hitting me like what are you doing I don’t know like I gotta impress this Guy like this is so embarrassing and Then Dean bit like 30 then 35 40 45 19 To 50 and Cliff’s like grabbing my leg He makes stop right now I’m like oh so I Stopped at 50 I was just like what just Happened then Dean won the plane then Richard Branson comes on stage and he’s Like uh he’s like hey who was the person That bit 50 000 and I was like me he’s Like come up here on stage I’m like oh No and they come on stage she’s like how About this uh Dean we’ll give you a Plane for 50 Russell If you give if if Uh if you pay 50 I’ll give you a plane As well I’m on stage next to Dean with Richard Branson looking everybody and There’s Paul Abdul and Sharon Stone if You want like yeah I’ll do that like I Was like so scared and nervous and uh And that’s how I met Dean initially and Uh and I don’t think we’ve really Connected other than that experience Happen and then fast forward like three Or four years later we’re in a room and We uh we had a first chance we had met Each other I was like you probably don’t

Remember me but if you remember getting Into bidding war with uh some guy over Playing he’s like yeah I pulled up my Picture I was like I was the other guy And like oh and we started a friendship Then and we had a chance for the last Few years to work together on so many Fun projects a lot of projects with Tony Robbins and him and me Um uh he’s been such a big supporter of Click funnels from the very beginning uh He was using click funnels uh like one Of our first users about some of our Biggest users and consistently did it For his brand uh he runs a lot of Tony Robbins business now which is why Tony’s The most of his entire brand is on click Funnels as well he’s been somebody’s Been a fan of like our movement and and Uh helped us so much along the way and Just so super grateful for him in fact I Know that tons of you guys came into This challenge because Dean was when I Told you to come be part of this thing And help take your your ideas and your Products and help scale them and so I’m Grateful for him and uh so uh I believe Dean is here Dean are you here right now In the in the virtual room What’s up hey Russell hey everybody How’s it going man thank you so much for Being here I was all planned to come up Um but my wife is gonna give birth

Probably today tomorrow Monday the Latest so totally stoked but I’m so glad To be here I’ve been sitting I’ve been Watching for the last couple of hours Um I see someone I got the VIP chat I Have I can see hundreds of those that Are in this room behind me another room So I get to see so many of you and uh it Just this this lights me up and Russell You’re doing such an amazing job you did You had your funnel hacking live then You got this done launching 2.0 I know It’s been a crazy month but can we all Give it up for Russell on how much Dedication and commitment he puts in I Really want to serve you guys Because So Russell thanks you want me just to Have some fun here officially to you Have some fun you guys this is Dean one Of my closest friends online and he’s Gonna serve you guys the next couple uh Next little while so thank you so much Dan I appreciate you you got it hey Everybody Um you know I figured today Um you’ve had so many incredible people Present just watching today and I got to Catch a lot of it over the five days but Even watching today who’s who’s excited About all the information while Simultaneously you feel you got drowned By a fire hose all at the same time Right it’s like you know you get to like

Ads and you’re like I’m gonna do ads Someday it’s like oh my God and there’s Seven kind of ads and then I gotta track That and then ah right Um so I thought today if if I have Permission I don’t have a slide Presentation I just want to spend the Next 40 minutes with you given what I Believe your heart needs this time in History with the shifting world and if You don’t mind me asking I can see Regular VIP here I could I get to see People online I get to see people in This group Um raise your hand if you’re new or kind And new to this world if you could raise Your hand if you’re new or kind of new To this world that’s the majority of you Raise your hand if you’re like you’re Doing okay but you know there’s another Level for you raise your hand if you Know there’s another level right thank You Michael I see Cheryl I see you Sharon um appreciate you guys so much I Said hey Carolina good to see you uh Good to see you John good to see you Maureen Um okay raise your hand if you’re just Crushing it and you know there’s another Level waiting for you right there’s a There’s a couple of those awesome hands Up so here’s what I thought with all the Amazing information you have Our brains sometimes can we just admit

This there has been times in your life Where There’s a millimeter between the Conversation of man I’m not someone who Can build a 50 000 square foot warehouse And buy the equipment and run funnels And manage and oh man that last guy he Spent he donated five million dollars to Charity oh my God so amazing I’m not even good with technology and I Don’t really have a big following and And am I really the expert anybody ever Feel that conversation right can I Really scale this and then a millimeter Away is screw that I am meant for more I Could do anything I put my heart to I Could serve others I could share my Message I could impact other people’s Lives I can create sex success abundance And joy in my life Well simultaneously growing to a whole Nother level who’s got that voice inside Of them too right it’s like we and they Live right next to each other don’t they Don’t you love I love challenges for Things like this because you’re around a Bunch of people that you know outside This room people think you’re crazy for Trying this you might have someone in Your life right now like what the hell Are you sitting on that video what are You sitting on your screen for six days For what are you doing right So I want to tell you

Um and I I don’t I didn’t plan today I Literally watched today so I could get In my heart you said the majority of you 80 at least the screens that I could see Say you’re new or kind of new so that’s Why I’m gonna shift to what I want to Share with you today that I think can Really simplify some things and the way I loved it to teach share and the way I Think about it because I’ve been doing This for 26 years what you guys are just Starting or already in or you’re doing Well and want to go to another level Every day of my life for 26 years I’ve Been in this exact business not another Business this one right and I still fall Back on what I want to share with you Today and I love I love the the thought Process Um of going Upstream right if you could Solve something Upstream then you never Have the problem Downstream isn’t that True Like my dad a decade ago it might be 15 Years ago now got diagnosed with Diabetes not the kind that he has to Take insulin right the other diabetes I Get confused which is which right but When he got diagnosed and they gave him All this kind of medicine him and I just Researched me obsessively but we Researched and found a way to thank you Type two to shift his diet to shift his Exercise when he went to bed like we

Came up with all this stuff all these Strategies what did we do we went Upstream And then guess what happened within Three months six months later really He’s never been on diabetes medicine Since because he went upstream and Changed everything about his life subtle Little shifts that made so the end and Product was no more diabetes or at least Not worrying about it anymore right so As I listen and watch all this amazing Information uh Russell has shared with You guys that’s where my brain goes what Can I do to serve you guys today to go Upstream a little so you don’t get Overwhelmed by all the different pieces Because listen Foreign If you’re really honest who in here has Been really excited about something in Your life before really excited I can do This I know I can and all of a sudden You turn back around six eight months a Year later and you’re not doing it Anybody can you be honest and raise your Hand and say and and what is it usually It’s like it’s like one extra thing that Overwhelms you and you go oh man I can’t Figure out that technology I’ll get back To it And you don’t or you know I I don’t know How to do I do ads or no should I get on Tick Tock no I think my people are on

LinkedIn no I should build the following I should do funny dance ads no that’s Kind of silly I should do long ads on YouTube and they’ll go viral no that’s All young kids doing that and you get in Your head and you start thinking and you Never know you never know that moment That you opt out like it’s not a moment You don’t wake up one day and go I’m Opting out I’m not going after my dreams I’m just going to stick with the life I Have and I should be happy like there’s Never usually that moment it’s just Enough one day that you go I don’t know If I can go this next level I don’t know If I can break into this and you slowly Drift away so what I what I hope to do Today is I want to go through turning Selling into service And I want to go Upstream because you Got some great tactics and you got Listen those of you that I see that are In this screen you already said yes to Russell congratulations he is an awesome Man he obsesses on what he does he cares About his clients in a way that most People wouldn’t realize when you see his Authenticity when you see how energetic And talking fast and excited that’s how He is when no one’s around like he Starts talking about he starts talking About his next funnel he’s been Listening to me every time I’m with Russell for the last year I gotta listen

To the the hype on 2.0 it is Unbelievable but when they first crafted It I once a week I got to hear the story In 2.0 because he’s authentically that Excited about serving people on another Level So anyway yeah it really he does go to Another level so I want to tell you I’ve Been at that place where I had both Voices mine was 25 years ago I was Walking down the street thinking of Going in the self-education industry I I Was in the Collision business I had an Auto sales a used car dealership I had Tow trucks and I had apartments and all Of a sudden I was going to build a Course and build an infomercial because There was no internet and I remember That story walking down the street by my Grandmother’s house and one side was You’re not Tony Robbins you don’t have a Following who would listen to you you Didn’t go to college you’re going to Build an infomercial lot and and do Product and service you’re a fool and Believe me I had plenty of people in my Life tell me I was a fool Um and plus back then it was about 250 000 to get started of money I didn’t Have because you had to do an Infomercial and all that stuff but on The other side like I told you earlier Was this voice that said you’re meant For more you’ll die if you don’t tap

Into this this thing that’s calling you To serve calling you to push forward Calling you to impact more just make Have more success to have more freedom Right I just I just know that voice so Well Um and I just want to encourage you I Don’t think any of us want to be at the End of our lives and listen to that Voice that tells us to play small that We should have settled that we’re that We’re happy that we said we never will At the end of our Lives if you don’t I Believe if we don’t go all in if we Don’t push ourselves if we don’t take Uncomfortable action if we don’t move Courageously forward right what’s Courage courage isn’t moving forward in The absence of fear courage is moving Forward even though you’re scared to Death right I just believe at the end of Our Lives if we don’t at least try get Out of the stands with someone else’s Name on your jersey and get in the game I just think we’ll have massive regret So I just want to commend all of you for Being a part of this challenge still Being here today A lot of people are Talking a game that they want more want To do more but they’re not here they’re Doing something else you guys are Committed here on a Saturday so I truly I mean this with all my heart I applaud You for being here I know it’s scary for

80 of you raising your hands that you’re New or kind of new I know it’s scary but The only thing that can stop you is if You stop The last thing I’ll do and then I’ll get Into what I want to actually teach today But I geeked out on ogmond Dino’s book Again I’ve read it a decade ago and I read it Again all right four times in the last Like 40 days the world’s greatest Salesman right and and scroll number Three he said the only word there you go Andrea uh the only word of the English Language that guarantees your success You guys know it I know I will persist until I succeed Right I will persist until the only word That guarantees your success is Persistence and when you combine it with Modeling someone who’s already been There by being a part of Click funnels By by being a part of Next Level Training and education and learn people Who’ve walked the past when you learn From people who’ve already been there And you persist until you succeed There’s no way you can fail if you ever Look back and it didn’t work it’s only Because you stopped persisting you gave Up on you you let imposter syndrome seep In and go I’m not good enough and you Fell back to who you used to be but if You who you used to be is who you wanted

To be you wouldn’t be here today Sorry had to just give get that out of The way because I think we just persist Until we succeed but don’t do it alone And you’re not that’s why you’re here Okay Secondly if I’m going to stick on ogmond Dino’s book I might as well use his Reference of scroll number two is I want To talk a little bit today it might Sound hokey to some of you you might Sound this a little crazy but what if The foundation of selling was love What if the foundation what if you could Be the greatest salesperson in the world Salesman in the world sales woman in the World and not reference in ogmond Dino’s Book I’ve been selling every day for 20 32 years actually 27 years 25 years in This industry and I’ve always felt this Way especially more in the last five Years what if the foundation of Next Level success in sales and marketing was Love Was service falling in love with your Clients falling in love with your Product Falling in love with the outcome you Could get the people who say yes to you When you’ve fallen in love with other People’s outcomes You never sell a day in your life ever Again and you’ll get better than anyone Around you

I don’t know if you guys have some of You know me it’s nice to meet some of You that are brand new and not knowing Who I am some of you know When I sell my heart is filled Especially in the last decade of my life Because we worked so hard on our Products and services just like you will Just like you will that you feel bad if Someone says no right because what if They don’t get your product they might Buy from somebody who doesn’t care as Much as me right when Tony and I are Selling project next or something that We’re working on it’s like I know the Year’s worth of work that went in it and People don’t say yes then oh my God they Might say yes to something else or worse Yet they suffer in silence and do Nothing So I I want to fall in love with my Client that means if I love them I Better sell them elegantly I better get Them to say yes I better deliver Something insanely good something they Need something they not only need Something they want and delivers the Results they want and when you combine This this is Upstream you got so many Great tactics and funnel but if you Don’t have this innate feeling this is What I believe I could be wrong but I’ve Kind of been doing this 27 years and we Didn’t used to do it big right we still

Did probably the the biggest launch of The Year this year we just got done with A little while ago so we’re still out There making an impact and I want to Give you some of these foundational Pieces so This next 40 minutes 35 minutes I wanted You to take selling and turn it into Next level service in your mind Everybody the number one question people Always ask me oh my God I see what you Guys did how do you sell so well on Stage how do you sell so well on camera I’d love to give you that you know this Comes before this and who better than Russell to teach you the the webinar Blueprint and all the things the the Perfect webinar and all the pieces Russell teaches but combine that With falling in love of serving And it changes the game because listen Especially 80 of you it looked like Raised your hands Ox sales is the oxygen For every successful company we know That right if you want to grow there’s Only two ways to grow raise money that’s Not my gig I don’t know if I’m a more of A bootstrap person probably most of you Are too Russell is you either raise Money Or what’s the only other way to get Money Is selling right so we have to get Better at selling obsessively better at

Selling like wherever you are no matter How good you are you got to get you got To obsess on it twice as much that’s Just my goal now that’s one thing the Second thing to share about is Has these La have these last two years Been crazy uncertain right if this isn’t Uncertain times I mean this is the Definition of Uncertain times two years Worth of covet to mask or not mass the Vax the knot backs close down shut down It was fake it was real oh my God we got Politicians trying to tell us we’re way Further apart and we don’t agree when I Think 85 of us are the same and we care About ourselves we care about a bigger Purpose we care about our families I Think we are way more alike than we’re Separate even though the media wants to Tell us we should hate each other right So you’ve got two years of that crazy Decisive divisiveness and separation and Then pack on 42-year High inflation and then stock Market going this way interest rates Going up recession inevitable right so Talk about uncertainty so here’s what I Want to tell you I’ve been through it Twice while I was in this industry And I innovated my way and thrived both Times Both times And I just want to share something Before I get into what I want to teach

Today Is I think it’s Our obligation in times Like this when people need us Is to step up our service To double down on feeling responsible For delivering incredible value to give More than you thought you were going to Do because simultaneously when you do That it kind of triggers that same thing Of like I feel bad if I don’t get your money Rather than I feel bad to sell so I’m Just gonna ask you to change the story Again and those of you already crushed It and you’re here today you know you Probably already know this but I still Remind myself of this 12 times a year at Least because if I forget it’s about Love if I forget it’s about service if I Forget it it’s about meeting people Where they are then I turn into a Salesperson and then you can turn into Just churning out the same old stuff and You wonder why your marketing is not Working you wonder why your sales page Stopped working because you lost the Love you lost the care right Okay so here’s what I want to share This is a little story that those of you Who know me probably have seen this Before but I think this is such a great Example of selling is service and you Should write that down selling is Service it’s not kind of like service it

Is service and if it’s not then you got To step up what it is you’re delivering Foreign We teach people in the last four years Tony and I right similar to what Russell Does in our own way that’s why we Support each other we’re not competitors Russell and I support each other in a Big way I use click funnels he uses some Of the stuff I do right Um But I wanna I thought this was a great Example of someone if you pull this up Pull the slide up for a second this Girl’s name is Jamie falahi And like many of you that maybe raised Your hand that you’re venturing in maybe You already have a course a workshop a Coaching program some kind of digital Product or course you can take that down Mike uh some kind of digital product or Course and something maybe you’re going To create you’ve already created you Want to sell it Jamie got enrolled with Us and she she had a son that had eczema Really bad and she hated that it was Always steroids and doctors and and Eczema can be way worse than people Thinking she just went through so much Finally she got fed up and she went to Not she went to Natural paths and went To all these different doctors medical Doctors natural paths read multiple Books tried stuff at home home remedies

Tried different creams and she finally Found a way to naturally cure her son And then she said hey I want to be in This digital I want to help other moms Service love I want to help other moms But guess what happened to her same Thing with that millimeter conversation She got rolled with us got excited she Got right to the edge and guess what ah I’m not a doctor who’s gonna listen to Me I don’t have a following Right can I really I mean they’re going To go to doctors people have insurance All of a sudden all that talk that all Of us find some days but luckily she was On a screen like this with me in this Room and we picked I picked her out and I by accident I just happened to talk to Her and I told her how much of a Disservice would you be doing to moms With kids with eczema right now that are Suffering in silence that don’t know Some of the things that you discovered And we have this great conversation and I also told her even though you can help Them you also have to do the things like What click funnels helps you you still Have to build an irresistible offer good Copy good sales page because you might Have a good service but if people don’t Know about your good service they never Buy talk about that in a minute but long Story short what is the irony or the There’s a better word you guys will

Think about it in a moment Um What are the chances that I tell her she Says the heck with it and she takes her Phone in her kitchen lays out the whole Thing and she films a course I never Talked to her again I didn’t know it And then pull this up I don’t know six Months a year two years later I maybe Two years later My son Luke is born That’s My Boy Luca Born with severe eczema Right and now I know eczema because my Older boy who’s almost 14 had a little Bit of it but not like Luca Luca we had To put gloves on at night we had to put Tape literally around his gloves because He’d rip his gloves off and if we slept Too much he would rip his face up and Rip his arms up so he slept next to us For the first year so he wouldn’t Scratch himself up And no exaggeration I came home one day And my wife is watching Jamie’s course She didn’t call and say hey I’m Dean’s Wife could you send me that course for Free she found it and she was going Through the course and here’s what she Told me I feel blessed we have access to Great doctors and all that kind of stuff Right She said I knew a lot of what Jamie Shared But I didn’t know all of it

And because Jamie served because she Overcame her fear because she overcame Thinking I’m not a nurse I’m not a Doctor who would listen to me I don’t Have a following my husband thinks I’m Crazy for doing this Because she took uncomfortable action Because she got because I had the chance To talk with her and and change that Thought process of stop thinking I have To build this and try to sell it and Convince people to I get to serve people Now She built this course And it infected impacted me and I know She’s made other sales and done her Thing but me my life like talk about Full circle Serendipity is that the word Maybe right it went full circle and Watch it and here’s my here’s my little Boy and my wife Um he’s even a little bit older than That now uh his eczema is about 95 gone He gets flare-ups and and the reason I Wanted to share that is because and you Can pull that down Mike I know so many of you get this and if It’s if it feels redundant or feels too Low caliber today I I beg you to think Differently because I’m always trying to Think how to go Upstream if you anchor In your heart that I am obligated to Share my message I am obligated to share My product my service my mess that

Became my message my course my mess my Workshop my my my product that Physically shipped him I know it can Impact people I know they need it when You shift and feel like you are serving And you’re obligated you look at Everything differently if you’re if You’re right now at 10 employees 20 Employees 100 employees you’ll look at That completely different Because you won’t look like did we make Sales today is how many people did we Serve and are we doing everything in our Power to actually serve the people that Need it and where does and Russell said It Russell said it the best If you’re not obsessing on your sales And marketing you’re missing the boat Because so many times so here’s what I’ll say and I’ll leave that one I want To go that’s the next piece If you don’t absolutely love your Product if it’s not ready yet you get to Build something you love but if you Don’t absolutely love your product your Service Change that That’s what I’m encourage you to do Change that fall in love with it because Then you can funnel hack you can test a B test everything you do it’ll feel Amazing to get those sales in a Different way than anything I can ever Explain to you so fall in love with your

Client fall in love with your your Delivery fall in love with their results And then use all the strategies Russell And everything you learned over the last Couple days but go Upstream anchor that In changes everything especially in this Shifting economy okay that’s that’s the First secret selling a Services number Two the science versus The Art of Marketing Science versus art Now Everybody can look at this differently This is just the term in my head is the Science First Art you need the science Right are you I said this before but are You gonna do Facebook ads Instagram YouTube long form short form 60 seconds Sideways straight you know vertical Horizontal uh am I going to try to go Viral should I just do Tick Tock or no Maybe I should do LinkedIn that’s where My people live or you have all these Other options to me let’s that’s the Science that’s a delivery system And most people will get overwhelmed With the delivery system in my head Science equals delivery system if this Was a hundred years ago it might have Been horse and carriage longer than that Could have been carrier pigeon right When I first started in this industry People Russell said he watched my Infomercial when he was 15. I didn’t do

An infomercial because I want to be on An infomercial there was no other Delivery Systems there wasn’t Instagram Or Facebook or YouTube it didn’t exist The internet didn’t exist when I started How crazy is that there was AOL dial up That would take you five minutes just to Send an email remember the modem’s Screaming those of you that are my age Remember the motives screaming in your House just to get send out an email so My delivery system when I started was an Infomercial and direct mail and back Then there was yellow pages and the Classified ads and door hangers right Delivery Systems Will change throughout time those of you Who are super young if you’re in this as Long as I am 25 years from now you won’t Be marketing on Instagram it’ll be Something completely different you might Be in marketing in virtual reality or or A million other things we don’t know Where it’s going But I know this what never changes Is the art The art this is the Upstream thing I Really wanted to share with you guys Today because the same conversations to Get people To take an action when someone was Standing in the Roman Empire in the in The Piazza standing on a stump or a big Rock the same things coming out of that

Person’s mouth then are the same things From a hundred years ago to 50 years ago To 20 years ago to two minutes ago art Of messaging the art of persuasion the Art of influence the art of caring the Art of Love The Art of service that is That is timeless and if you master that Listen if you want to know my secret It’s the art the truth is if you said to Me please go make an ad on on Facebook Right now please go make an ad on Facebook I don’t care if you give me a million Bucks I have no idea I don’t even know My Facebook password So how the hell do we do what we do is Because I’ve obsessed on what I love is The art I love living inside people’s Hearts in their minds in their souls so I want to go over I broke this down I Try to think of what are five things Right so I’m not going for two hours Today I’m trying to do this whole thing In 45 minutes or so what I want to do is Say what are the things when I look at The Art Park the science go learn that From somebody else take a tutorial learn From Russell learn all the things that’s Delivery Systems or get someone else to Help you with Delivery Systems but who Knows even if you have a delivery system If the messaging isn’t right doesn’t Mean crap Right

So number one Okay I want to pre-frame here again I Told you it’s gonna be casual I told you I was going to just speak like we’re Hanging out here on a Saturday afternoon Thanks Leah thanks Peter Bob I see you Thanks Tootie Um I’m gonna add a word to everything I’m Sharing And I want to go Upstream here for a Minute again but I should say end Whose conversations at dinner With a spouse a friend loved ones Whose conversations at dinner are Completely different today than they Were just six months ago Who in here has talked about inflation Who’s talked about if you’re here in America the election that’s coming up Who’s talked about Um uh a possible recession they’re Saying it could be a depression in 2023 People smarter than me I’m I’m not Trying to say there is I’m not Predicting the future I’m just saying Who’s talked about interest rates who’s Talking about maybe I shouldn’t buy a House now maybe I shouldn’t try to sell My house now whose conversations are Different today than they were just six Months ago raise your hand if they’re Different

So if your conversations are different Is your marketing different If you have the same message today as You have six months ago and you’re Wondering why it’s not working why do You think it’s not So number one I added a new word I added A new word number one is enter Conversations going on in your Prospect’s mind enter conversations Going on in your prospect’s mind and I Want to add one word to that now So enter conversations So what does it mean to enter a Conversation you see So many times in life we come up with Our dialogue Of what we’re trying to share and what We think but we’re not entering where People are now are people a little more Uncertain and insecure about their Future today than they were just a year Ago Right six months ago three months ago Does that change possible buying Decisions Does it change possible if you have a Continuity if you have a SAS if you have A membership Could it change where they’d say I gotta Cancel something is it Netflix or is it Karen Thomas and her new monthly thing What which one should I cancel How do you enter conversations in their

Mind going on right now that you become More of a umbilical cord for them more Of a necessity to them than Netflix like Our goal would be to make something so Powerful hell yes I’d cancel Netflix I’m Hanging out with Mercy I’m hanging out With Lori this is way better this Changes my life like we have to do that But how do we get there we have to enter Conversations going on in their minds Now I’m going to tell you a little story Here Um and again I I might digress and I Might go five minutes long ten minutes Long so uh here we go in 2007 I was in This industry and in 2007 I had an Infomercial in 2007 I taught people how To invest in real estate how to get into Your first house right that’s that was What in my 20s I became successful Because of real estate and I didn’t have Money in my 20s so I had to figure out Ways to get real estate done with no Money down so I helped people I didn’t Teach people how to do multi-door or how To get become a millionaire overnight I Just taught people how to get in their First second third houses and we had Massive momentum and 2007 comes and what Was 2007. the real estate market fell Off the cliff if you guys live here in America Donald do you remember looking Down the street of any Street in America

Every third house had a for sale sign on It every fourth house had the little Sign across the top remember with the Sign across the top said I saw your Mouth at Mac Foreclosure like highest rate of Foreclosure highest and I’m teaching People how to make money in real estate And I remember thinking everybody in the Space is like this is it it’s over And this is the story I told my team and I want to tell you this story right now This is entering conversation I’m going A little long on this one I got some More but I want to go because this is Important I got on my team and I said we must Enter conversations going on in the mind Of our prospects now not of six months Ago not of three months ago now when the The world seems like it’s going over a Cliff And here’s the story I told my team in 2007. I don’t know where it came from I Just love stories I said imagine if you Were selling tickets to the maiden Voyage of the Titanic Imagine that how cool would that be it Is the fastest ship ever it is the Biggest ship ever it has got five star Uh uh uh chefs on it the service is Amazing the beds are amazing it doesn’t Rock you won’t get motion sick oh my God You’re going to be in New York faster

Than ever before imagine how Aspirational it would be to sell a Ticket to the maiden voyage of the Titanic right that’s really what we had Over the last decade anybody who’s in Business for the last 15 years or less You’ve only known aspirational I gotta Be honest with you you have not gone Through an economic winter you have not Gone through a downturn this is where The this is where you build grit this is Where you go to another level you when You come out on the other side of this Your business will take off on a whole Nother level so don’t go at it alone Stay connected stay engaged right so the Last 10 years you’ve been selling the Maiden voyage of the Titanic does that Make sense to you guys can you see it as Aspirational it’s nothing but perfect But what about when the Titanic hit the Iceberg Do you think anybody cared about the how Fast it was you think they cared about The beds or how good the chicken parm Was or the or the steak What did people want What would people do in anything for When the Titanic hit an iceberg Yeah lifeboats better lifeboats that’s Right Sydney and Patrick and Peggy and Daryl and Evan And here’s what I noticed that was the Story I told my team and I said if you

Look at the other people in the real Estate space they’re still selling speed Boats they’re still selling aspirational This is not a time for aspiration people Are scared to death the world has Shifted so we need to enter Conversations going on in the mind of Our Prospect now and I said we are Switching to life preservers that’s what We lifeboats is better but I said we are Switching to life preservers and I Switch my whole marketing back then I Switched my strategy to be a wholesaler Meaning don’t buy you’ll get killed Don’t Buy and Hold you’ll get killed Don’t buy and flip you’ll get killed all You want to do is find investors who are Buying cheap properties to hold and be The supplier of those cheap houses now I’m not telling you about real estate Strategy all I’m saying is we innovate It we change and instead of selling how To make lots of money I shared a thing That maybe make a few extra Grand a Month by supplying houses by being the The conduit between a buyer and a seller Our business took off I did my biggest Infomercial ever I did an infomercial Saying I remember the opening line was Hey back then it was a lot of money 700 Million dollars just got put into the Economy I think Wall Street felt it but Did Main Street get it if you didn’t get Out of that money I have a way that

Might help you and all I did was sell Life preservers and 070809 our business Skyrocketed it was the most growth I’d Ever had while a lot of people were Struggling Why because I entered conversations Going on in the mind of our Prospect now Now some of you have a Recession Proof Business it doesn’t even relate you Might be teaching how to play guitar or Play piano but still people’s mindsets Are in a different place and we need to Enter it there does that make sense Okay number one I went really deep on That but that is my most I didn’t make That up I heard that 20 years ago enter Conversations going on in the mind your Prospect and it stuck with me forever Before I go on stage I say that to Myself before I do a live interview on You know a morning show or a podcast or Whatever it is I’m like today when I saw You guys I said I switched what I was Going to share and said I want to enter Conversations going on in here and when I asked you guys who was new and 80 of You in both groups raised your hand I Want to meet you where you are those of You already crushing it going to the Next level this is still good stuff I Promise right So number one enter conversations going On their mind now number two Your job is to solve a problem that they

Have now now you know all this I mean This and today if I’m nothing more than A reminder service then I’ll be a Reminder service but our job is to solve Problems that they have now so has the Shift let me see just by sharing in the Um in the chat has the shift in the Economy higher gas inflation recession All the stuff do you think it affected Your client yes or no put it in the chat Yes or no if you think it affected your Client right I haven’t seen a no yet I got a lot of Difference and absoluties and hell yes And heck yes right So do you think some of your clients Have a little bit different problems Today than maybe they had a year ago two Years ago three years ago five years ago Right of course so we need to solve the Problems they have today and it might be The same outcome the same solution the Same product you have but you have to Address it in a different way to let Them say oh this can work for me now During this shift in the world makes Sense do you see what I’m talking about Going upstream and anchoring this in and All the other stuff this will be the Cadence of how you think through it Number three I’m not going to pretend this that I’m Sharing something you’ve never heard Again I just want to remind it remind

You of it in a different way number Three is share a path to their goals Now right If you think about that we are a People make a decision because they want To move away from pain Solve a problem Or what else they want to do they want To move towards pleasure Right it’s only people make decisions There’s only we can we think about we Get overwhelmed with why people make Decisions it’s two things to move away From pain or move towards pleasure That’s it everything we do you guys are Here today because you either want to Move away from a painful situation with The job you have the career you have the Life you have you’re not happy or life’s Kind of good but you know Frederick There’s another level for you right and I’m here because Life’s good nothing’s Bad but man I can do more be more I’m Meant to I’m meant to impact the world In a bigger way so you’re either here You are here today because you’re moving Away from pain or you want to move Towards pleasure and we all want to do Both And if we don’t forget that if we don’t Forget that we need to solve their Problems now or share the path to reach Their goals now that we we miss the vote We get in our own head and that brings

Me to number four Is What do they want Now Verse what do they need now What do they want now Versus what they need now Do you know many entrepreneurs I’ve Talked to that had a great idea and Sometimes they’re driving an Uber Sometimes they’re doing something else Because they got so stuck in their head That their clients or their prospected Prospects needed what they created Do people make decisions on things they Need to do Not usually Raise your hand completely honest who Needs to go to the gym a little bit more Than you than you do right now just be Honest who needs to eat a little less Bread when no one’s watching than you do Right now Guys Who needs to listen to your wife or Significant other a little bit more when She’s talking and not saying to yourself Oh my God could she just get to the Point why don’t you please just get to The point this is painful right who Needs to be honest right You don’t change any of that you don’t Go to the gym stop smoking stop drinking Listen you don’t do any of that until

You want to do it I watch everybody when I watch people Sell and I’ll see a great product and I’m like they’re selling the whole thing Because they believe people need it They’re not leaning into why people Should want it we make decisions based On want not on need people need to be a Little Smarter with their money right Now people need to probably wait another Six months and invest in the market I Don’t know whatever people need to do a Lot of things but they won’t do it until They want to so the greatest thing I’ve Ever learned is sell people what they Want And deliver them what they need Listen we we have Tony Robbins and I Have a course We teach people how to start and be in This industry right We know people want to launch a course Of product a mastermind Workshop just What you’re here for right But guess what we know people need A different mindset so well our first Module the whole thing is Tony Robbins Climbing into someone’s mind and make Sure they are unstoppable but if I would Say hey I’m going to sell you a course And we’re going to teach you a better Mindset be like I don’t want a better Mindset I just want to make money I Don’t want this BS I want you and Tony I

Don’t want to go jump up and down and And say yes I don’t want that just Give me the money right so we have to Offer people what the evidence see you Laughing at me right am I right though Like we have to sell people what they Want I want to make money I want to go To another level I want freedom but if I Don’t climb inside their mindset and get Rid of all the crap in here you’re going To have imposter syndrome and I couldn’t Do it because everybody will think I’m Silly right we have to crush imposter Syndrome we have to crush self-doubt we Have to get people to feel empowered They didn’t think they need that but we Know they do So know the difference stop selling the Need sell the want and then sneak in What they really need Let me ask you something who in here Teaches people how to be healthier or Going to teach people how to be Healthier lose weight get in better Shape raise your hand if you’re gonna do That right Okay those that raise your hand If you just taught them how to count Calories will it work Ever in the history of the world Don’t you have to teach them to change Their thoughts about themselves focus on Solutions have a compelling future Get rid of thinking thinking Crush old

Beliefs of course but if you said hey Get my program and I’m going to show you How to get rid of that stinking thinking I’m going to show you how to focus on Solutions I’m going to show you that Life is meant for you not to you I’d be Like get out of my face just tell me how To lose the weight Because we had sucked into need stop Trying to sell what they need sell them What they want and give them what they Need that’s when you can fill your heart That’s love I know they’re coming to me because I Sold them what they want but I’m going To give them what they actually need to Get the results they want you guys got That Okay the last one you could pull this up You can pull this slide up like so if You guys want to take a picture of it The last one is Hear this one people buy from you when They feel understood not when they Understand you People buy from you when they feel Understood not when they understand you Okay You can be honest about this Have you ever seen a speaker That when they speak they could have had Huge success in their life Right huge success in their life and They speak and you get them you know you

Give them Gratitude like badass what they did and You listen to them and they talk a Little bit about themselves and Everything they talk you’re like cool And when they’re done you’re like man That’s pretty cool And then Jerry have another speaker that Speaks and you’re like holy crap That’s exactly what I’m thinking you’re Writing notes as fast as you can your Heart is pounding you’re thinking like Oh I gotta change this that’s right That’s me do you guys know the Difference of the one speaker that you Respect but you really didn’t take a Note and you don’t feel like you’re Doing anything different and the other One you’re like this dude is this girl Looking in my journal like People buy from you learn from you Respect you when they feel understood so That means going back to number one we Have to enter conversations going on in Their mind not your mind we have to go To where they want to be we have to Solve their problems now we have to Share their path to their goals now and If we do that then people are like damn She knows exactly where I’m at She gets me he gets me And how do you do that it’s pretty damn Easy in so many cases your client is you Of two years ago five years ago seven

Years ago ten years ago and if if it’s Not then go find out where your ideal Client hangs out and spends some time There find the Facebook group ask Questions see what they’re saying see What their struggles are see what their Desires are see what their conversations Are see what they’re worried about see What their dreams are see what their Goals are find out what they want that Is how I’ve been relevant for 26 years Because I truly love my client I truly Love my product I truly enter Conversations I want to solve problems Give them a path to their goals I want To give them what they want and what They need and I want people to feel Understood That’s one of my Biggest Secrets I’ve Ever shared I could I could have shared one of my Winning funnels today but you got Russell Brunson you got the best in the World that follows you got all these Amazing people for the last five days Sharing but this anchor this in Upstream Things will change forever okay number One was sales service right number two Science versus Art Park the science go Deep on the art fall in love with your Client live in their head The last piece The last piece is to create an Irresistible offer

Creating an irresistible offer Now this is this is why I chose this Today Um I think people believe an irresistible Offer and I just want to give you a Different frame Is something where it gives you a lot of Stuff at a really fair price Right like lots of stuff cheap price Irresistible what if we shifted that Whole mindset got rid of that and I’m Gonna go through six or seven things That I think make up an irresistible Offer you ready do this kind of in Rapid Fire here Number one Meet people where they are With your product with your service Number one is meet people where they are What is in my opinion what is the best Definition of Um Marketing Is attract those you want and repel Those you don’t When you meet people where they are what That really means Is that you know exactly who your client Is and you’re meeting them at that point Right If you are have a high level Mastermind Teaching funnels Badass Next Level funnels or you’re

Teaching paid ads through YouTube And you get a newbie and you put them in That room oh how does that feel like son Of a I don’t even know I don’t Even know my Niche yet I didn’t even I Didn’t get my course totally up yet and Now I’m learning about YouTube ads and Facebook ads what does your brain feel Like it’s doing like it’s going to Explode And though it can be amazing information If you don’t meet them where they are They will refund they will opt out and They will go to someone else because you Are at the wrong place or if someone’s Already doing 100 Grand a month and you Get them in the room and say let’s dial In your Niche and decide who you should Work with like dial in my Niche I just Want to get the 200 Grand give me a Marketing strategy tell me how to write A better hook should I do a quiz funnel Should I do free preview events come on I need something bigger if you don’t Meet people where they are you’re going To think your product sucks it doesn’t You just didn’t meet him you didn’t Identify your ideal client and then meet Them where they are that to me is a is Part of an irresistible offer makes Sense and here’s the cool part The world is so big you have so much Access to people which Tony and I didn’t When we started we had to do

Infomercials is that you can Target your Ideal client and you don’t have to sell Somebody who’s a little above it or a Little below because there’s plenty of People in your swimming Lane So number one meet people were there Number two Do what it takes in your offer To make it irresistible to build their Confidence And push them to take action You are obligated to push them to take Action Anybody my age Um most of you when I was a kid there Was there was the cartoons on Capitol Hill they used to say knowledge is power It was the little uh little cartoon I Forget the name of something it was a Little jingle that would go on between Like Popeye and Bugs Bunny when I was a Kid and uh they’d say knowledge is power But is it What’s Schoolhouse Rock that’s Richard That’s what I’m talking about thank you Guys and knowledge is power is that true There you go action is power knowledge Plus action equals power knowledge plus Action equals results right so we have To not just deliver education do Whatever you know how to do to build up Prop up their confidence and I love this word you should write this Down when I look when I build a course

In today’s world when I build a coaching Program when I write a book I am looking to Make people feel Disturbed with their Own inaction You should write that down I literally Am thinking through the lens this is all Upstream stuff I am literally looking Through the lens of how do I disturb Them if they don’t actually do this how Do I make it so irresistible to keep Moving forward to write the copy to send The video to to film their first live to Do their first webinar how do I make it So how do I grease the runway and build Their confidence so much that they’re Disturbed if they don’t they won’t sleep At night you think through that Wow you people you wonder why people Devour your course why they recommend And refer you to anybody else and why a Lot of people build something and most People don’t go through it right Okay number three thank you Audrey Let them see this is number three number Two is build their confidence push for Action number three let them see exactly Where to start and then what’s next If you’re really honest who in here has Wanted to do something But you didn’t know where to start and When you tried a few times finally you Gave up Raise your hand if that’s true

I I want to I want to share something That haunted me for years uh I’m a part Of a of a mastermind with some buddies I Don’t know if you guys know Evan Pagan Evan has been a friend for 20 years he’s A marketer really smart guy Um And he’s held a mastermind Craig Clemens But Jeff Walker it’s just a great little Group and we met for it once or twice a Year for a decade and just would go and Share our best practices this great Little Mastermind And probably a decade ago we met once in Paris we all that was where the Mastermind was we flew to Paris and I Was The Mastermind I’m thinking it was a Decade ago And Evan who’s always a futurist if That’s the right word always look into a Bigger future each of us have our own Core competencies he’s like hey I’m Telling you there’s this thing Bitcoin And it’s like 700 a coin I think this Thing’s going to be worth Five thousand dollars someday And man he just pound and I I don’t I’m Not the crazy Gambler I can be in Control of my marketing I can be in Control of my companies I invest in my Own companies more than anything else But man he was so certain that this Thing was going to go I remember I went Home and I’m like I’m gonna do it and I

Transferred a big chunk of money Uh you know whatever big chunk is it’s All relevant five dollars 500 000 Whatever it’s relevant to you but it was A decent chunk of money And I could not figure out how to get Coinbase or whatever it was back then to Make it work and anybody I called no one Knew it was so new I tried like five Different times and then it was like the Bank needs to call you because it seems Like a fraud I tried for like 10 times I’m gonna share some of that I’d never Share this publicly I was going to put a Half a million bucks in at like 700 it Was so much work I never did it Evan I See it right now I see you’re gonna cry I went years on my phone going to the Calculator and going son of a oh My God it was an ungodly amount of money An ungodly amount of money I’m past it can she tell I’ve grown Through it I love what I do I get to Serve people who wants an extra 150 Million dollars for doing nothing I mean You know what I mean who would want that I didn’t do it because I didn’t know Where to start That’s an extreme example you’ve never Heard me share that on stage that’s true But you got to think of the same thing How many times have you joined a monthly Membership and you get plopped into like The the like general population you’re

Like wow there’s a lot of stuff in here But what the hell do I do first Confusion causes an exit that’s not an Irresistible offer a ton of killer With no path on what to do first is not An irresistible offer so an irresistible Offer say this is what you do first this Is where you are let’s build your Confidence this is where you start Someone would have just given me 10 Steps to investing that money I would Have been way better off right Um okay number four Overcome their objections In advance On their way meaning an irresistible Offer means to me if I’m training how to Be better on camera I got to think in Myself in my head in advance what are Some of the things that are going to Make them feel like they’re not good on Camera or they don’t have the courage to Be on camera I already know so I might As well insert that into the Irresistible offer I call it the m m Close right anybody ever see eight mile If you didn’t it’s okay just When Eminem he’s he’s rapping right and Long story short he he’s at his final Battle and he’s going to go up on stage And he’s nervous as you know the whole Mom’s spaghetti’s throwing up in the Bathroom he’s a nervous wreck he’s got a Black guy looks like crap he’s going to

Was it Papa Doc he’s gonna go battle Papa Doc who’s got the car and the Influence and all that stuff and he’s Just about to get on stage and I forget The guy that was always like the Goofball that shot himself in the leg uh Forget his name I haven’t spent a long Time since I saw that movie anyway right Before he goes on channel Bob that’s Right James it was Cheddar Bob Cheddar Bob goes I can’t believe you’re gonna go Rap against him I mean that guy he like Slept with your girlfriend beat you up And like and all of a sudden it clicked In Eminem’s head and what did Eminem do He went up on stage and said and wrapped And said This guy slept with my girlfriend my mom Lives in a trailer park that guy kicked My ass my mom’s white trash I’m this I’m A white piece of crap all this stuff he Took away all the juice and then when Papa Doc got to I think that was named When he goes when he went to rap there Was nothing left he already took away All the juice Well I think about that when I’m Creating an irresistible offer take away The juice take away what you know is Going to be an objective or an issue for Them why not bake it into your course or Your training or your product or your Service or how they contact customer Service go through find their objections

Solve them in advance That’s Upstream Guys this is 27 years I’ve been doing This every day of my life right so I Didn’t want to give you the traditional Stuff I wanted to give you the stuff That took me 27 years at 53 years old That’s now turned from a good thought Into intuition into wisdom Right Number five is just simple yes give them What they want and what they need Number six Then after you do all that stuff Create the value and the price that’s Hard to say no to that’s the last thing Not the first thing people think an Irresistible offer that would be number One it’s towards the bottom of my list Then you create value then you create a Price that is hard to say no to And then the last one I said there’s two more actually if you Want to pull these up so someone can Take a picture of them Um The last two create what you wished you Had that’s some of the things that I Simplify when I get done I’m like Do I wish I had this course what what do I wish I had when I started right and do I really have everything I need rather Than just creating the thing right and I Know I know there’s all kinds of

Entrepreneurs on here it’s not all Digital products I get that but what do You wish you had what do you wish how do You wish your customers support would be How do you wish it was delivered to you How do you wish it started how do you Wish you overcame obstacles if you think Through the lines like what do you wish You had I know it sounds too simple but It’s not because sometimes you catch it And go I wouldn’t want that Right I wouldn’t want that that doesn’t Make sense and then you make that shift And then the last thing it’s just Terminology that I use is really what Are we in business we’re just Bridge Builders meaning You’ve been through experience you’ve Been through life you’ve figured things Out you’ve been through the valley of Life to figure things out and and all People are cutting us a check for is to Go faster to build a bridge to get from Where they are to where they want to be Faster That’s really what people pay us for and If we really think we’re Bridge Builders Then just build an amazing Bridge And the last thing I’m going to end with I shared this at my live event a couple Weeks ago and it was the first time I Ever shared it and um I wanted to I want I wanted to end it Here for something that you think think

About the the human potential of what’s Possible you could pull the slide up Like Think about what’s possible right that’s An oak tree like if I was going to be a Tree I’d like to be an oak tree like It’s strong It’s mighty they grow it’s The hardest it’s so hard and strong and When I grew up in Upstate New York there Was oak trees everyone I just used to be Mesmerized they’re the ones that turned Bright red those in maple trees they’re The bright red pretty leaves but think Of that’s just a tree and it has no Choices but I love something probably in The book in agmandino’s book it made me Do I went and got this but it was Something like Human potential we’re all playing too Small our beliefs are too limited our Beliefs on what we can accomplish are Too small we have to step it up we have To go to another level the only way to Get from where you are to where you want To be is stop being satisfied with Mediocrity stop being satisfied with Okay stop having small goals I’m not Talking about dreaming we must persist We must gain capabilities we must stay Engaged we must do all those things but We have way more potential that we give Ourselves credit for and I was using This example of an oak tree you know an Oak tree

Right Can be made into toothpicks Same tree Can be made into toothpicks they’re Pennies Right That same oak tree Could be made into firewood And that’s hundreds of dollars you can Buy a quart of wood for a couple hundred Dollars right That same oak tree could be at a board Table or million dollar deals are done Maybe it’s a five thousand dollar table But then I found This violin made from Oak that sold for 3.8 million dollars That’s an oak tree has no choice You can end that take that off Mike an Oak tree has no choice we’re not an oak Tree we are human beings the most Amazing thing that God ever created or Put on this Earth we get to choose who We want to be so stop fighting to be Toothpicks or firewood when we have the Opportunity to be a violin we have an Opportunity to have a limitless Potential we just got to bust those old Beliefs we got to gain the capabilities From people who are doing it we got to Go all in and lastly Learning from Russell and I mean this if You know I I don’t promote a lot of People I know a lot of my family are

Here thousands and thousands of our our Tribe is here today good to see all of You I don’t promote a lot of people I don’t Suggest I don’t I work with Tony and we And I have amazing friends but I know How much Russell cares I know how much Work he puts in I know how great his Products are because we use them and I Know he created an unbelievable Irresistible offer with all of those Same components for you guys those of You I’m looking at here I know you’re Already in congratulations those of you I’m looking in VIP some of you are going To jump in I just want to tell you That’s the definition of an irresistible Offer to meet you where you are and get You the outcome and the results you Desire and I just want to say Congratulations for being here Congratulations to those who take action And uh it’s been amazing spending this Time with you on a Saturday thank you Everybody Foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thank you Dean so much so great to have You and um that was amazing so many good Things Um anyway great for your friendship Matt Griffey showing up here for you helping

Out thanks everybody about this so all Right You guys this has been an amazing Um man the last six days has been crazy I’m sure for you for me for all the People in here in the office as well We’ve had so much fun serving you guys I Think the last thing is like After you go through experience like This is like what’s next right and so I Want to dress up for me because I know In a challenge like this my goal is to Build a cast of vision so you can see What’s possible when he’s about Understanding here’s the opportunity Here’s what’s possible but sometimes When we cast a big Vision like that can Be overwhelming a little bit right like Ah there’s so much to do like am I ready Which is why um I wanted to spend maybe 30 seconds so going through like what do You do first second and third like now That this is over and we’re gonna be Wrapping this up here in five minutes From now like what’s the what’s the path Moving forward from here if you want to Make sure you guys are successful so you Guys cool fight down like the four or Five steps real quick okay the first Step Um for those who got started obviously You have access if you don’t Um the link once again is funnel Builder

Dot com slash who knows what it is do it Now right so that’s the first thing is Making sure you have access that opens Up the gate for the next 12 months we Have a chance to be able to work Together during this journey number two I recommend like taking a break do what I’m gonna do which is going to go home And spend time with my wife and my kids And my um and just relax like you’ve Gone through a lot like your brain is Probably absorbing a whole bunch of Stuff your sub or your conscious mind’s Been absorbing all these things I would Take a day or two off just to relax and Let it like kind of sink into your Subconscious mind because if we keep Like just jamming things in there Eventually you can go overm I don’t want That so I kind of relax from it take a Day take it two days and just kind of Stop and think and relax and like just Kind of visualize like what you want for Yourself and for your life right number Two is is um let’s take a break Okay number three then is like on Monday Or Tuesday whenever you’re like okay I’m Coming back in and we get started the First thing to do is log inside the Members area inside the members area we Have What’s called the quick start path Okay and this quick start path the goal That is to get you to understand like Where like what’s possible like what are

All different things okay the quick Start path when you guys go through There you have a chance to go through The trainings from uh the three day uh That we did the two comical live event This is the event we did to help people To figure out how to get through the two To these two comma Club it’s gonna show You guys here’s the value ladder here’s What’s happening each step of the value Ladder it’s going to give you a very Clear very big understanding of all the Different funnel types and then from There your job is not to go pick a Thousand funnel types after you go Through the quick start which might take You a week or two weeks to go through it And listen to and not understand and Internalize it and uh from there then It’s coming back and picking one Okay I don’t want you focusing on three Funnels or ten or twelve I know we have A million ideas but he’s picking one so For some of you guys it’s gonna be a Book funnel or maybe a webinar funnel or A high ticket photo it doesn’t matter They all work across what’s the best one It doesn’t matter I just pick one of Them and then focus on it right and the Members are gonna have changes for all The different ones and you have to go Through all of them they’ll be Overwhelming and it’s not important the Key is just pick one okay so after you

Watch the quick start from there you Have a good understanding of all of them This okay this is the one this is what I Think for me is going to be the key or For the client I’m going to go after This is the one that’s going to be the Key and then go and master that one Learn it understand it study it and then Go build it and then first we built not Gonna be very good so then build another One building up and start getting used To this process right this is this whole Mr Miyagi wax on wax off thing but You’re gonna focus on one funnel type You’re gonna plug into the community all The different funnel Builders should be Night community and ask some questions To get their feedback and all this will Be sharing and helping together right we Have an entire team that’s in there in The members areas as well coaching and Helping like you guys had a chance we’ve Been jumping on implementation calls you Met a lot of them who are here every Single day full-time job just to serve You guys and make sure that you’re not Left alone okay and then go down and Figure out to funnel and master it and Then the next philosophy that we have Inside the clickfunnels community we Call it your one funnel away okay and I Want you guys understand like you’re Literally one fun Away From Success it’s Not 20 50 a million like it’s just you

Have one it’s not always gonna be the First one or the second or the third It’s gonna be one but you can’t get the First one out there until you like you Have to go do it right and if the first One flops that’s okay it happens the Best of us happened to me my first Couple dozen flopped but I didn’t stop I Did another one another one and Eventually like I started getting better I started getting better the copy and Start getting better making the funnels And like eventually I got so good that I Couldn’t miss eventually started having Success and then more success right if You take that over the next you know 30 Days 60 days 90 days six months a year In a year from now which is about the Time the funnel hacking live will be Happening you guys will have funnels That are working you have leads coming Into your business or the businesses With your clients you have sales coming Through right a lot of you guys came Into this world like I’m a beginner I’m A newbie I don’t know anything right now You guys are all funnibus you went from Beginner nobody to like an identity if I’m a funnel Builder right the next step Is like now I’m in vulnerability who’s Having success I’m a two comma Club Winner I am I am right Myron talked a Lot about that and so that’s the journey I want to take you guys on today and

Throughout the next year of your lives We’re so grateful that you you plugged Into this challenge I hope you got ideas I hope that you had a chance to see Um just the vision of what’s possible For you in your life Um I want to thank all of the speakers Like how like we have so many amazing Speakers who came and served you guys This week on thank them So great I also want to thank my team my team’s Been working hourly days and nights from The events teams to the cameras audio Videos editing videos at two or three in The morning to get them all back to you As fast as they could I want to thank All them for all their support and Effort Um and I want to thank uh we have Amazing audience of people here who help Promote this event to get people here I Want to thank everyone to promote this Event again over 200 000 people Registered to be here I want to make Everyone help be part of that in any way I’m so grateful for all you guys without Said again uh all you guys have an Amazing weekend relax have some fun and Then we get to work again early next Week uh for VIPs we’ll be started Probably at 15 10 to 15 minutes so for The countdown clock we’re gonna make Sure get a couple of speakers up here

We’ll do Q A’s for probably 30 minutes Or so and then we’ll wrap it for the day But with that so thank you guys so much For being part of this challenge we love You appreciate you we cannot wait to Serve you and uh VIPs we’ll see you back Here in about 10 or 15 minutes thanks Everybody [Applause] [Music] Foreign [Music]

Ace The Funnel Builder
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