Best Online Business Q&A // Clients, funnels, money, agency, freelancing…

People always say money is not important Once you’ve been there and had nothing You’re like i never want to go back to That place that mental switch you make i Don’t care about what people think about Me biggest mistake in business is Probably [Music] Okay so we’re now on our way to helsinki And we’re gonna watch a game by the best Team in the world he’s the best football Player in the world [Music] You guys asked a ton of questions and so I’m going to try to Respond and reply to them [Music] What should be everyday routine for a Mother of a toddler who wants to become A full-time funnel designer so obviously I can relate but i’m also a father so i Don’t know how it looks in your Household if you have a husband if You’re separated but for me i’m lucky to Have a wife who takes care of the kids So it’s pretty easy for me to say have Someone else take care of the kids while You have a i call this holy time where You have like a few hours every day Where you can do work interrupted Because even for me i have a home-based Office but the difference is So big when i go to the office in town No kids nothing no distractions and then

I can just like get work done and then i Come home the main thing is obviously Depending on your situation like i said If you have a husband or a wife you can Take care of the kids or babysitter or Something but the main thing is really If you want to have a business and get Somewhere pretty quick you got to have a Few hours a day where you have no Distractions and sometimes the hardest Part is not getting the job done is Dealing with other people who are not in Your situation they don’t understand you And so they’re like wait why do you Prioritize this instead of family time Why do you prioritize investing in a new Laptop instead of the family trip or This or that and so that’s probably the Mental part is the hardest part [Music] How do you overcome setbacks well it’s Kind of like talking in front of a Thousand people here is just you know Fear of other people’s opinions and so What is the setback it’s not that you’re Afraid of what you did and what you Messed up it’s the opinion of the person That you maybe heard the mistake that You made and how you made someone feel So if you can overcome that and take Another chance at it and not worry about What that person think of you or other People who hear about you or spread Rumors about you then you can go at it

Again And so it’s just that mental switch you Make i don’t care about what people Think about me And then it becomes a lot easier so [Music] Okay so what keeps me motivated I think i’ve always been a motivated Person And The you know people always say money is Not important But once you’ve been there and had Nothing you’re like i never want to go Back to that place so it’s almost like a Bad place to come from because you’re Like i’m running from something i think It’s better to have goals which i also Do that are more aspirational But to be honest a lot of my goals are Financial because i’m running from Poverty i never want to go back to it But also like if you look at the upside Of it is okay once i have okay so now we Have enough for my family then how can i Make more and help these people and so i Already have like big visions of what i Want to do and it starts small with Charity work and here and there but then Eventually it’s like okay how do i make 100 million and then create something That’s way bigger than me it was harder 10k or 20k the first 10k is obviously The hardest because everything is new

Not just like communication with clients But also your confidence is low because You’ve had past failures every time you Start something it’s going to be hard And you fail so it’s like you got to get Over that first and so when you need Meet your next potential client you Remember when you messed up the last one And so at 20k you already have more Interactions with people and you have a Few more wins and so you learn what to Do More of and then what to do lesson Because it didn’t work and then at the Same time selling something you also Deliver it so by building something you Get better what you do which also Increases confidence so when you talk to The next client you have more examples To show these days when i do sales calls It’s like Here’s some examples of funnels i’ve Built and i know they’re good without Sounding too cocky I’m like People say yeah that’s exactly what i Want mine to look like how much is it And so i don’t even have to sell or Convince someone i just show examples of What i built and that does the selling So it gets easier a lot easier [Music] What’s your thoughts on becoming a Full-time nomad okay great question i

Get this a lot on facebook when people See i’m traveling and i used to be pro Full-time nomad where you travel the World and you work you build a business You can work from anywhere and don’t get Me wrong that’s good but i’ve recently Changed my mind for example now I’m just traveling and tomorrow we’re Back home and then i’m working so i Separate the two and i enjoy what i’m Traveling And i work when i’m home because that’s How the environment is set up where i Can be productive and i can enjoy Traveling next question uh what’s your Biggest mistake in business Okay biggest mistake in business is Probably being too excited about too Many different things and thinking they Have the capacity to do them all for an Example started my agency then i’m like Hey would be nice to have a podcast why Not multiple streams of income And then i’m like okay now i would also Like to productize this business and Have a software so i can scale it Because that’s a fancy word right and so I launched that and spent over 10 000 on The software and then hey i love coffee Let’s create our own coffee and launch The coffee business And I just had too many different things Going on and i almost burnt out and also

I didn’t make any more money so i was Working more had way more stress but i Didn’t make any more money so i would Say just like do one thing really well And you can scale that to 1 million and Beyond are you going to final hacking Live this year no i think i’m done with Conferences i’d rather do in-person Masterminds instead what would you do if You weren’t building funnels right now I think i’d still be doing something Creative because creative fulfillment is More important than just making money so For example i would try to steal your Jobs and do video marketing but uh Probably not for local businesses but For like creators and influencers Celebrities or something so Now i have a question for you this is a Really good question i’ll start with you Hugo you’re still filming what would you Say to someone who wants to start an Online business they’ve never had a Business have never made any money Online and they’re looking at both of us And they say okay should i do video Editing or filmmaking or should i build Funnels And i assume that there’s one type of Person who’s maybe more suitable for one Of the two So how do one person go about choosing If they had to choose between video Marketing or funnel building

[Music] Next question it both comes down to Being creative yeah But it’s still a big difference between Them both sides have a scalable business In online and both are pretty easy to Start with you don’t have to have a lot Of money or barely any to start Either funnel or video marketing because You find a lot of information online on Youtube for example watching your Channel So i think just start a little bit with Both fastball and test it out and see What fits you better because in the end It’s just what you enjoy doing more That’s going to work better either way So in the end but i also think if if You’re more of a sales and business Person go with funnels okay but if You’re more like a creative person Go with video Okay uh i would say both of them are Visual so you could sell both even if You’re not a good salesperson if you’re Just really good at what you do then the Thing that you do becomes the thing that Sells itself Yeah Yeah let’s say someone wanted to start a Business either a video marketing or Funnel building they they didn’t have Any money so they couldn’t pay for a Course or coast that’s the typical

Answer right like invest in yourself and Everything but they had to start from From zero and they had to learn it by Themselves and they only had 30 days What would you do like where would you Go to find info what are some actions That you would do like from day one to Get your first client like do i have Access to a computer they have a Computer wi-fi and they could like get Some software but not like you you pay Thousands and thousands for a coach or Something so neither of us have really Or we haven’t bought any courses online We haven’t gone to film school we just Started doing this because we loved it And we just learned through youtube i Really think and by doing and by doing Yeah for sure i would say that if you Buy a course This will definitely speed up your Learning process if you can learn from Someone else and maybe have a mentor or Something but if you don’t have the Money for that yeah the rules are they Can’t use money so then youtube is more Than enough yeah okay so to get their First client where would they start how Would they go about maybe posting Content or showcase what they have or Approach people maybe find someone they Could like work their way into Well there’s multiple ways how you would Approach that but either you do like

Inbound marketing Yeah when you post content that’s what You you’re doing right you showcase your Work yeah so you’re showcasing your work And you have clients come to you or you Could like call dm influencers local People and would you offer like a free Video first or something how would you Get that first initial content that Depends on where you are in which stage Stage you are if this is your first like First real project then yeah sure free Works fine for first couple of ones but When you have a solid portfolio and you Can show showcase your skills then Definitely don’t be shy to to charge Charge your client definitely so how Much did you charge for your first Funnel First one was 250 euros how long did it Take for you to charge one thousand a Few weeks and i still remember driving My volkswagen to the first local client And feeling less scared and then Once i closed the first one for 1 000 i Knew that now i can just duplicate this I’m actually gonna make it This actually a real business Last question talking about cars what Was your first car my first car was a Bmw couldn’t afford it to cologne i Thought it was i thought it was the Baller and it turned out Uh it wasn’t such a smart decision uh

Then i sort of went back to a smaller i Think polo And then worked my way up from there Yeah And uh what car do you have now Okay [Music] All right next question is from tj how Do i build a backend system in my Business forum when i’m ready to hire People so this is a great question and Here’s why i’m right now looking for Designers me and mika good friend of Mine we’re putting together a list of 30 Different designers and yes you want to Go crazy you want to go how can we find As many qualified people as possible Then narrow it down to So he’s going from 30 to interviewing People getting it down to three and then I’m gonna interview three people the Best of the best and they have to be Better than me at one specific thing There’s a mathematical so for example if You charge 2000 and you have a Copywriter and designer and you want to Get paid and maybe you want to have a Project manager there’s no profits left For you So the math has to make sense right so For us i recently increased my prices From 3.5k to 5k had a couple of clients Now with that new price range so now we Know a designer could make 1500 or maybe

2000 a copywriter could make 1500 or 2 000 so we have i would say try to keep It to 50 of the fee that you charge your Clients And so when you look at okay who do i Want to hire make sure you first look at How much do i make per client right so If you’re charging 1500 or a thousand For a funnel How many people can you afford to have Probably zero right like you got to do The work first and it’s also good to do The work first because then you you Learn the process you learn the skills So you know what to look for when you’re Looking for those 30 people to narrow Down to three to find your one person if That makes sense right so we have Another question from visar i would like To know about this i’ve noticed the Majority of sales funnel builders with Their content target prospects That are in decision making stage so i Would love to know how do you target Prospects in awareness stage when they Don’t even know that a funnel will solve Their problem It’s a great question because there’s a Difference between selling to people for Example who’s never heard about a funnel So unaware right to someone who know About funnels aware to someone who’s Actually already using funnels we just

Need a better funnel so for example If you had to convince someone who’s Trying to lose weight in a gym that you Should instead go for A walk in a golf park That that’s a better way to lose weight Versus just someone already playing golf How to lose weight It’s like you don’t have to convince Them because they’re already doing it And so someone who’s using a funnel They’re already spending money on it the Same thing with like facebook ads if They’re spending money on facebook ads You can just sell your service on Facebook ads to that person and it’s an Easy close if you got the results to Back it up and so less convincing so my Question to you bazaar is like why are You trying to target people who are Unaware or in awareness stage just Because other people are selling to People who are already using funnels and So instead of trying to stand out that Way Just sell to those people and try to Become better at what you do and it’s It’s way easier to close you don’t have To be good at sales or anything like That and there’s enough fish in the pond For you as [Music] Thank well [Music]

[Applause] You

Ace The Funnel Builder
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