Hey my name is phil from Legitmarketingreviews.com In today’s video we’re going to be Looking at a course and coaching Platform called podia now in this podio Review i want to show you exactly what Podia is how it actually works and by The end of this video you should know if It’s right for you and just before we Get started if you are thinking about Test driving podia there is a free plan And if you want to help support the Channel make sure you sign up using the Link in the description okay so first of All what is podia it is a platform Designed for course creators or coaches To go ahead and create their own courses Or coaching products and be able to sell Them online now one of the best things About podia is they’ve made it really Easy to actually set up you don’t have To be a tech wizard and it can take just Minutes to get your first piece of Online content out there and then the Best part of all is the amount of Features they have and the pricing that Goes with it if you’re just starting out You can actually start for free and then As you progress in your business and you Need more features that’s when you can Go to the higher tier plans and Everything will be ready for you to go So what i’m going to do right now is Actually jump behind the screen and show
You podia okay so first of all let’s Start here at the podio website what i First want to do is run through the Different features that they provide Inside podia i’ll then go through the Different pricing and what you can Expect to pay if you get started then Finally i’ll go behind the dashboard and We’ll go ahead and play with podia so The first thing to note if i come to the Features tab is on the right here we Have a online course ability we can also Have digital downloads you can host Webinars and workshops as well as Coaching and run consultations then There is a affiliate marketing feature You’ve also got email marketing you can Also embed the courses as well as all of Their different integrations now you do Also have the ability to create your own Community and have your own website as Well so there’s plenty of features Inside of it now down here i absolutely Love this sort of visual representation Of how they’ve sort of structured it so How you can use podia so you’ll notice Here on the start and build above it it Says free and that’s because you can Start on the free plan and create these Different types of things inside of your Own business right so you can create Your own website create your own email List you can add in different types of Downloads add in the coaching product as
Well as have a community all on the free Plan so that’s pretty cool now Eventually as you grow your business You’ll go to the grow section which is Going to include things like courses as Well as webinars so as your business is Growing that’s when you can add these in And then finally if you are ready to Scale and take your business off to the Moon then you can add in things like Affiliates and add in team members so This is a really good representation Once again you can start for free build Out all of these assets and once you’re Ready to launch that’s when you can Actually start paying for the platform Which brings us to the pricing so one Thing i want to note about the pricing Versus all of their competitors places Like kajabi or teachable things like That podia is by far the cheapest and Most feature rich for what you get so Overall i’m very impressed with how They’ve structured it first of all once Again the free plan zero dollars per Month you can create a coaching product Add a download you can create a live Chat build a community as well as add a Website and also email marketing Campaigns now one thing to note they Don’t expect you to go ahead and start Selling your coaching product or Anything like that on the free plan it’s More of a like a set up type of phase
And what i mean by that is they’re gonna Charge eight percent fees on top of the Normal stripe credit card fees so it Becomes some almost 11 In fees which isn’t something they want And if you did want to host courses you Would only be able to create draft Courses so once again if you think of This as like a setup type of phase Instead of actually selling your Products on here you’re just getting Them ready to sell and then once you’re Ready to sell come to the mover plan Only 33 dollars a month if you pay Yearly or 39 normally but you’ll have Zero transaction fees apart from the Credit card processor and you’ll be able To have unlimited courses unlimited Coaching and everything like that in Between and 39 per month is extremely Affordable versus all of the other Competitors so one thing to note inside Of the mover plan is you have the Ability to create draft webinars same Thing again if you’re in the free plan You can basically map out your course Create your course when you’re ready to Launch you want to upgrade to mover same Thing with the webinars if you are Wanting to do a webinar you can create Your webinar inside of the platform and Once you’re ready to launch that that’s When you would upgrade to the shaker Plan and you can start having unlimited
Webinars now the cool thing about the Shaker plan 89 per month you can have Unlimited webinars you can also have Affiliates which would be the main Reason i see people upgrade from mover To shaker and that just allows you to Grow your business that much quicker in Fact referral and word of mouth Marketing is probably one of the most Powerful marketing strategies that you Can do specifically to this day and age So i believe this is probably going to Be the most popular plan out there and Finally after shaker we have got the Earthquaker plan this allows you to Create things like your monthly create a Call where you join a mastermind and you Actually share how people are growing Their businesses it’s a nice way to be Inclusive and not just make your Business about yourself and not really Be a part of a bigger community you can Join other course creators coaching Consultants things like that inside of Here and see how people are doing you Also have the ability to have priority Support and you can also add in Different types of onboarding calls so i Guess you could look at it as like an Ascension model this is where you start Out as your business starts getting Bigger that’s where you can go the mover As that starts progressing you can go The shaker start getting more customers
More affiliates and then finally once You’re ready to join the sort of people Who are having massive success that’s When you can go to the earthquake plan Very very cool stuff so what i’m going To do right now is jump behind my screen And show you my dashboard Okay so this is my podia dashboard now I’ve been playing around with it for a Few days so unfortunately i can’t show You the onboarding process however they Have set it up really well down here you Can see my checklist is complete but When you first get started there’s going To be about seven or eight different Options here to go through things like Setting up a website connecting your Email address everything like that in Between is going to be listed down here And you just click on it and go through One by one it takes maybe 10 minutes by The end of it your entire business is Ready to be set up on podia so let me Just give you a quick tour once that has Been finished you can also watch the Tour here but when you click on the Podia button if you ever want to come Back to your website this is where it’s Going to be what you can do is just come Across to the right and click edit site Now you do get offered about eight Different templates to build your own Website I chose this particular one here it
Probably looks a little bit different Because i’ve been playing around with The page builder just to get an idea of How it works and i have to admit they’ve Made it really simple so you can’t Really screw it up i know a lot of Places you have to worry about things Like alignment or adjustments and Padding and margins With podia it’s set in specific blocks So you can’t get it wrong how it works Is you have at the top menu this is a Global item which will appear on all of Your different pages you’ve also got a Global footer which you can also edit And it’s going to reflect all of the Different pages on your website and then In the middle all you need to do is Start filling out all of the info right So you can click on this button here It’s got loads of different options what You want to add in so for example if i Wanted to add in a grid you can click on Grid and then inside here you choose the Different items and then inside the Items you can just name them right so This is basically the grid here and you Can just fill things out how you want so They’ve made it really really nice and Easy now just to give you an idea of What things will look like i’ll quickly Just go ahead and add in some dummy Courses that i’ve created so i’ll go Over here come down to products and as
You can see here here’s three different Products that i’ve gone ahead and played With and just built to sort of fill this Out and it looks really nice now there’s Some cool elements to podia website Builder you can just come inside here You can change the different styles Right so if you want cards if you want Splits if you want covers things like That and you can also change how they’re Listed so plenty of different options to Make it how you want it to look i really Like it i think it’s just clean it’s Just smooth so if you wanted to build a Website but you have no tech experience You can quickly and easily come inside Of podia and build a website to how you Want it to look so very very cool indeed Now once you’ve finished all of your Changes for your page just make sure you Click on publish just so you don’t lose Any work and you’ve also got your Different viewports at the top if you Want to see what it’s going to look like On different devices so it’s really cool Now on the left here on this little Hamburger menu we have all of the Different pages that are supplied inside Of podia you can also add additional Pages if you want it’s entirely up to You and then you can just build them out You can also edit how different things Look for example how your checkout Success looks how your privacy policy
Terms and service looks you’ve also got The option to change how your product Pages look and your different categories Things like that and then finally we Have the site settings where you can Change things like your favicon which is The little logo in your browsing bar You’ve also got your description the Preview image and cookie pop-up and Everything like that as well so there’s Plenty inside of there then once you’re Happy go ahead and check out your brand New site this is what it looks like Everything’s ready to rock and roll so Once your website is live it’s time to Start adding some different types of Products maybe a community everything Like that so i’m going to go over the Main features inside of the platform the First one i want to show you is products This is going to be where you can create Things like courses or coaching products Things like that all you need to do is Click on new product and you can see Here we’ve got all of these different Options now for this example i’m mainly Going to focus on the online course Reason being is a lot of the people that Watch this channel love building online Courses and to be honest it’s one of the Most lucrative ways to make money at This day and age so i’m going to show You how quick and easy it is to build an Online course what i’m going to call
This is the youtube test course Something super simple so i can Differentiate it go ahead click on Create product And now we have got this nice and easy Layout to how you can build your online Course so first of all we have your Lessons will appear here this is where You can add in sections and lessons so For example if i wanted to have the First lesson as the introduction right Something like that I’ll put introduction you can also add In some text if you want so this is Where i introduce the course obviously This is just to show you how to add it You can also create delays between Access and the course if you want people To go through a 30-day challenge for Example you can set delays for each of The 30 days and then they can go through That course once their time is ready so I think this is a really cool option not A lot of platforms allow that as well so I’m going to go ahead click on save and Now we have got this little section Where you can go ahead and create some Content for that section so i’m just Going to create a quick lesson now just To let you know there are five different Types of ways you can add in content we Have here text you can also embed videos Inside of text as well it’s almost like Your text editor but if you just want
Majority text you can also just add text We have here embed now once again you Can still add text below as well in the Embed things like videos i’ll go through Each one so next we have the option to Add a quiz we also have coaching if you Want to add in a coaching product pretty Much links to your timetable and you can Also charge for it and then finally we Have a place that you can upload files So just to give you a quick idea of how It works i’ll open a text module real Quick and i’m just going to call this Introduction to course 101 okay and Inside here i’m going to say here is the Course content okay and what i’m Actually going to do is just come across To youtube here grab a bit of meditation Music just to show you how easy it is to Embed videos and then i’m just going to Paste that in like that so all it is is The link url and i’m going to say i hope You enjoyed the first lesson go ahead And get started on the next now this is Just to show you how it’s going to look Out now down below we also have Different types of options so we’ve got Visibility if you want it to be visible To customers or not before they purchase We’ve also got a store preview if you Want people to see this lesson on the Store preview or not entirely up to you Once again i’m just going to click on Save and then i’m going to go ahead and
Preview what it looks like so i’m just Going to click on this button here and Click on view lesson So once again this is how our course is Looking so far we have the heading if You click on the heading it’s going to Show you the breakdown of the module as Well but if you click on the lesson Itself you can see text above we’ve got The video embedded no embedded code Needed and then we also have the text Module so that is basically how the text Module works the next one i want to show You is the embed because the embed gives You ability to add in so many different Things as well not just videos so to Give you an example of what that could Look like i’ve just gone ahead and Opened a google doc just a new template Um this one here right so it’s just one That’s one of the default ones what i’m Going to do is embed this into the Course so i’m going to click on share Make sure you have share with anyone Link done click on copy link come back To the page i’m just going to call this The newsletter digest or something like That and paste in the share link like so And then down here just be like make Sure you read this workbook for example It could be a workbook something like That and then click on save Now let’s have a look at what it looks Like now so view listen
And here we have it you can see it’s Embedded the google doc nice and easy so You can imagine what you can do inside Of here it’s all inside this little Window so it’s not going to be an Infinite looking type of page it’s done Really nicely and you can see on the Left how the course is starting to look So i’ll come back and show you one more Option actually i’ll show you two more I’ll add the quiz the quizzes are quite Interesting what you can do is just say Here’s a Quiz like i’m just filling in info just So you can see how it works see how much Information you’ve retained okay and Down here questions what i can do is What is the number one Rule of This Video okay answers could be This that When right just something to show you How it works but you can choose which Answer is right and which one’s wrong Which is pretty cool so i’m going to Click create question And there is the first question so you Can keep coming through and add in Multiple different questions and you Should also be able to see how people Have scored you’ll also be able to see How many people are actually going Through and understanding everything in
Your course now i don’t believe you can Preview it unless you create an account For yourself so it’s not a really big Deal for me if i come to this lesson Here it says quizzes cannot be previewed And if you want to look at the course Itself you will notice it has here you Are in preview mode so some actions are Limited and if you click start quiz it’s Going to ask you to sign up to see how It works the main reason it’s doing this Is so it can allocate the answers to a User so if you wanted to test it out Just create an account for yourself so That’s pretty easy the last one i’ll Show you is the coaching all you need to Do inside of here is add in a title and Then you can go ahead and add in your Booking calendar link so they’ve got Things like calendar savvycal equity Equity i always say that wrong and Finally you can book me so all you need To do is just link them in here just With a regular link and then add some Instructions so it’s really easy to do And then you’ve got yourself that Section so that’s pretty much it what I’m going to do is show you one i Created earlier just to see what it Looks like once it’s built out a little Bit so what i’ve done is basically add In all the features we’ve got the embed Text we’ve also got the quiz and the Coaching and if i visit it as a customer
You can see what it looks like right so This is the module view i’ll just come Into the actual view on the left you can Just see it looks really fresh right all The modules there all the lessons inside Of it as well and you can skip through Them using this little bar so overall It’s a really good looking course once Again we’re in preview mode so it’s Going to look maybe slightly different For some things like the quiz but Overall i think it looks amazing it’s a Really quick and easy builder to use now Coming back to the course let’s just Quickly go over different details as i Filled them out inside of here at the Tab level come to details you can see Here’s the name here’s the image if you Go back to the homepage these are the Images that are referring to If you keep coming down there’s the Description which is basically Um which are here which is this stuff Here right so you can see the course the Lessons everything like that If you keep coming down you can also Categorize it so if you’ve got multiple Courses as you can have unlimited Courses you can categorize them just to Make it a little bit easier to filter Through you can also create certificates Which is pretty nifty if i click on edit You just need to add in things like your Logo certificate title subtitle course
Name and name subtitle and then if you Click preview it’s going to Automatically send these out once it’s Filled out right so pretty quick and Easy Now if we keep coming down the last one Is notifications so it says here if you Want to email them once they complete Courses and lessons and then it can also Send an email notification to you once They complete the course so i think it’s Overall there’s enough features to get You going inside of it so if we come Back to the tab next is where we can add In our pricing and this is where you Integrate your payment gateways things Like paypal and stripe and then you can Manage all of the different things like Currencies and how that all works now You can also add an upsells as well to The course if you want and once you have The products and once you have your Payment gateways that’s where you can Set the payment methods finally we have Availability this is where you can Choose the status of your course also The visibility of the course so if People can see it if they have an Account or not things like that you can Also access the you can sorry limit the Access inside of here and you can choose When people start so it’s all really Cool you’ve also got a couple of options Inside here too like sharing the course
Embedding the course inviting people Exporting customers too so that’s Basically courses it’s quick and easy Once you create courses you can list Them inside here and there’s plenty to Do with it next i’m going to touch on The community feature this is a really Powerful feature i’m starting to see More and more course creators start Taking people from facebook and put them Into platforms like this reason being Facebook is super saturated with Advertising and spammers and things like That and to be honest once you go inside Of a facebook group there’s always Something that’s going to drag you away From it like things like related posts Or comments or messages or something Like that that’s just going to not keep You focused and that’s why having your Community on an external platform is Really powerful and the other thing that Makes it really exclusive is you can Charge for access to the community Whereas facebook you have to check where People have paid and then you have to Add them in and accept them and things Like that this makes it an automated Process now i haven’t personally played Around with the community feature a lot But what i can do is just show you how They’ve listed on the page and you’ve Probably got a few questions of how it’s Going to look things like that so this
Is what it looks like if i just zoom in A little bit you can see we have on the Left here topics we’ve also got a Members search so you can see who’s Inside of it and it also looks really Nice on mobile which is probably one of The most probably commonly asked Questions and if i come down just a Little bit you can see you can choose Different types of access into your Courses or just your communities or Whatever it might be and you can create Things like private groups and Masterminds now if you are a community Or course creator or club creator or Whatever you want to call it you Probably have some of these questions How will my community members log in Well once they join through podia once They get access to any of your products They’ll have the same information to go To the communities so if you’re selling A coaching product you can then link it To the community piece of cake and you Can choose different types of plans as Well if you want to access or restrict Access to certain topics you can do so Inside of here you can also have free And paid community options and Everything like that i’ll let you Continue on if you want to learn about It on their website So next we’ll go into affiliates this is A really exciting one a lot of courses
Have terrible affiliate functionality However inside podia it’s a lot easier Once again i haven’t got anything inside Of here because i haven’t sold anything On it however the good thing about it is You can see each and all of your Referrals you can choose if they have Access or not you can delete them if you Need to you can have a look at all of These sales and it’s just opportunity to Make sure your affiliate program is run Well some affiliate platforms don’t Allow you to cancel commissions if Someone’s purchased say the product for Using their own link and also some Platforms don’t even allow you to choose Affiliates it’s just either on or an off Type system so with podia you can accept People you can decline people you can Manage your commissions and then you can Also pay everyone out inside of the Platform too so that’s really cool so I’ll also show you the audience tab There’s nothing inside of here yet but You can see the basic overview of it Audience customers member subscribers It’s going to also list each of the People inside of here all of the Different lists everything like that We’ve also got a coupons tab if you want To add coupons you can choose between Active and active store ad coupons Things like that so there’s plenty Inside of it we have also sales which is
Going to once again just be a nice clean List sales monthly recurring revenue Revenue and pending and then finally we Have email which is probably another big Thing people are wondering you can Create automated email sequences inside Of here you can create action based Sequences inside of here you can send Out broadcasts and you can do all of the Above inside of it the email builder is Very clean which i like i don’t like to Have all these big wild designs it also Affects fun sorry sendability if you’ve Got all these additional things inside Of it so making it nice and basic is Probably the best way to do it there’s Also a tutorial on how to do it inside As well and then finally you can see how Your emails are performing all of your Broadcasts will be listed here if you’re Creating email sequences all of your Campaigns will be listed here as well so Plenty to do you can also go inside the Campaigns and see how all your emails Are going if you wanted to create Sequences you just click email add a new Sequences and as you can see it’s adding Them you just choose when you want them To be sent and then it’s all good to go So that’s basically it guys hopefully This video wasn’t too long what i’m Going to do right now is jump behind the Screen and pretty much tell you why i Would choose podia versus a lot of the
Other platforms out there Okay so that is podia now as you can see It is very clean and elegant looking Once you get into the platform and it’s Very simple to get started so i believe This is the perfect type of platform for Someone say a course creator or a coach Who wants to sell their own product to Go ahead build out their platform build Out their product itself and then once They’re ready to launch that’s when they Actually start paying for the Subscription to podia and i believe this Is a big holding point for a lot of People maybe they have the idea to build Out their course in month one but maybe They get sidetracked what they’re going To usually do then is cancel their Membership and never get that course or Product out however with podia you can Easily come back on the free plan finish Building it out then once you’re ready To launch that’s when you can go and Upgrade to a paid plan now one of the Great things i love about podia is They’ve made it so simple that you can’t Really fail the website builder is Extremely responsive for all devices the Same thing goes to the course in the Community as well so they’ve really made It as simple as possible you don’t have To be a tech wizard to get results and Overall i think this platform is amazing So once again if you want to go ahead
And test out podia for yourself make Sure you go ahead and use the link in The description to get started but apart From that that was my podia review i Hope you enjoyed this video if you did Make sure you smash that thumbs up Button and if you haven’t yet hit Subscribe i’ve got so many great videos And marketing products coming out soon So go ahead and check that out that’s it From me i’ll see you in the next video.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
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