4 Steps to $10,000 per month as a designer

4 Steps to $10,000 per month as a designer

Trying to earn a living as a designer Can be really really difficult and it Can be frustrating and lonely especially If you're relying solely on freelance Work and so if this is you if you're Struggling to make the…

It’s easier to talk and post about it

It's easier to talk and post about it

People don't start businesses because It's easier to get status by talking About it and posting about it than it is About actually building the business it Is a lot cooler to post about your grind Than it is to…

How to increase your test scores

How to increase your test scores

The test scores that people have on sats And gmats is directly proportional the Number of problems they solved before Taking the test so it's a very clear Input output equation I love those types Of equations I bought every…

Why I don’t go home for the holidays

Why I don't go home for the holidays

One of the reasons that I don't go home For the holidays is that a lot of people Haven't grown since I left they haven't Had 10 years of growth they've lived the Same six months 20 times and when…

3 traits of a lifetime friend

3 traits of a lifetime friend

A lifetime friend has three common Traits and they're very rare So if you Find someone like this they are a gift In your life the first is is this person Someone that when I have bad news I can…

Your spouse marries 2 people

Your spouse marries 2 people

Your spouse marries two people the Person you are and the person you want To become make sure they love both Because if they don't you will Eventually grow apart because the Problem is if they like you today but…