What’s going on guys in today’s video I’m going to show you how to make money Online With one of the best programs online Today and you probably haven’t heard of It before But i’m going to show you exactly how You can make money with This program as you can see there’s some Results on the screen I make over a hundred dollars per day With this particular program and i’ll Show you some results in a second But what i’m going to do is i’m going to Take you through step by step on how This works and help you understand how You can make money online By doing this without having your own Product now these are some of the Results here um if we do a refresh you Can see this is Real over 200 300 100 200 100 and 150 today And this is without using my own product So i don’t This is not selling a course or having Any sort of product i’m promoting Somebody else’s Product so how do you actually go to Make money doing this how can you get Started And what’s the best way to actually do This well what i’m doing in this video Is something that i don’t do very often
Not only am i going to be showing you How to do this i’m going to be giving You All the resources that you need Literally everything So you can follow me along step by step And do this in this free Youtube video so you’ll learn everything You need to learn right now in this Video On how you can make money online with This particular platform and it’s very Important that you watch this all the Way through So you don’t miss any steps and make Sure you subscribe and tap that Notification bell and smash that like Button So you know my next video comes out Because i bring out videos like this Every Single week to help you make money Online so the way this works is Very simple what we do is we go and we Get these Products and we get what we call an Affiliate link and we can actually get a Specific link where we can send people To Now we send them to say a product like This and we get paid A commission in return it’s called Affiliate marketing And you don’t need your own product to.
Do this but the thing is you need to go And find specific products to promote You need to promote them the right way To make the money So how do you actually do that what We’re going to be talking about in this Video is a website called click funnels It’s a website where you can actually Create funnels and all that sort of Stuff But you can also promote specific Products that they have By going to clickfunnels.com down the Bottom clicking affiliates And you can simply go to a page like This and you can sign up As an affiliate now the good thing about This particular program is you can Actually promote click funnels at their Software And you can get 40 per month for people That use this product But they also have other products that You can promote as well Like books uh more software courses And all sorts of things and you can make Quite a bit of money because they Actually have a lot of stuff that you Can promote And i’ll show you actually right now the Sort of stuff that you can promote There’s all of these products here that You can promote and there’s some more Down here
And there’s a lot that you can promote Look at all of these products so click To get your affiliate link and there’s Some that you can’t promote Because they don’t have them on offer Anymore but there is Plenty that you can promote so the first Step that you need to do Is go to clickfunnels.com scroll to the Bottom Click on affiliates and sign up as an Affiliate Once you sign up and you log in you’ll Be taken to a page That looks like this now once you’ve Signed up you’re going to be a little Bit overwhelmed with all the products That you can promote so there’s all of These products let me open up a few real Quick here This one here this one here This one here there’s lots of products That you can promote and i don’t think You can actually promote click funnels As a trial straight away you need to Make a thousand dollars first There’s all of these products to promote So what one do you promote there’s this One here you get a hundred dollars for Every person who enrolls There’s uh this one here which is the Traffic secrets This is a book that you can give away And you actually make some pretty good
Money so You earn a dollar here but as people go Through the funnel You actually earn more money so there’s Upsells And things like that and that’s the one That we’re going to actually focus on in This training It’s a pretty good product to promote But there’s also this one here Where you get a hundred dollars as well And all you do is you just take this Link And you send people to this link so Let’s just have a look real quick you See that They get sent to this page and if Someone makes a purchase You’re going to get a commission so you Get 100 From promoting this particular product Now what i recommend you do is you don’t Just go and promote any type of product You need to have a structure And i’ve created a structure for you That you can use and i’ve used myself That works extremely well so What you want to do is you want to Actually go and create a form Where you collect an email and i Actually have a form for you That you can use and i’ll show you in a Second and then you want to direct them To a page
Where they make the sale and you make Money now the reason you want to do this Is for Quite a few reasons number one is you Want to collect emails you can promote More products to them later on And make more money and you want to Basically um also just capture the email But you need to use this as a bridge Page Depending on what type of traffic source That you use if you use paid traffic You can’t send people to an affiliate Link so the next step you want to Actually do is we’re going to be um Promoting what we call the traffic Secrets now the reason we’re going to be Promoting this is because it’s It’s a really really good front end Offer So the next step is you actually want to Go and sign up to click funnels yourself I’ll leave a link Below it’s an affiliate link now you Don’t have to use click funnels you can Use Any type of opt-in software you want but You need to go and create A page that looks like this okay But if you want to actually use this Specific page and click funnels I’ll leave a link below and you can Actually use this page i’ve already Created it and you can use this to
Collect emails first i’ll show you how To edit this this is actually in click Funnels And we want to essentially send someone To this page to collect an email Put them on an email list so we can Promote more products But let’s just focus on this section First okay What what do we do with this section First so inside click funnels There’s uh and know you get this page And you import it into click funnels if That’s what you’re going to use and go To edit page First you want to get your affiliate Link from the traffic Secrets okay and we’re going to place That into the form So when people put the email in they get Sent to The offer okay so i’m going to go to I’m going to go to settings and i’m Going to go to general once i’m in the Editing section I’m going to put on submit go to That affiliate link and click save So now when somebody puts in their email They get directed To that page where they can then see the Offer And i’ll show you how to do that in a Second i’ll show you how it all works But that’s what’s going to happen
But you can also edit all of this you Can put your own text in You can put your own images and Everything now you don’t really need to Do that with this one if you use it Because it’s already done For you we’ve tested this our students Use this it’s very Very good but the next step is you Actually need to So i just showed you how to do it so People put in the email And they go to here and they could Potentially buy this product and you can Make 1.14.38 or 125 or all of them depending On What people buy but how do you actually Go and connect it to the emails and send Out emails Now there’s a couple of ways you can Actually do this you can use click Funnels as well For your emails but it’s very expensive If you use it for emails but and they’re Not really an email Software it’s a lot cheaper if you Actually use Something else for example something Like this which is called get response It’s a lot cheaper you get a free trial And you can connect this to click Funnels but you could also use get Response to collect emails as well
If you don’t use click funnels at all And it is also cheaper But i like to use click funnels that’s What i’m using in this training So you can go and sign up to get Response on a free trial i’ll leave a Link below for that as well And once you sign up you’ll be in a Dashboard like this The first thing you need to actually do And i’m going to give you all the emails And everything The first thing you need to do is create What we call a list In this list we’re going to actually Connect to this page So i’m going to go list now i’m not Actually going to take you through All of the email marketing stuff and Like and get deep I’ll actually leave a video below that Will show you everything you need to Know on how to set up email marketing Sequences And automation i’m more showing you how This works and how you can make money So i’m going to go to create a list and I’m just going to name it anything Really so i’ll name it youtube Test 5 probably because i’ve got so many You can’t have spaces and you can’t add Capitals and i’m going to go create Oh yep so i’ve already got that one now Once the list
Is created you can actually go into um Click funnels but i want to show you Something first let me just click save What you need to do is you need to Integrate Click funnels and get response to do That you go back to your click funnels Account and you go to here And you go to account settings and in Account Settings you simply go to um Integrations And you follow the steps to integrate Get response Um with your things you go add new Integration And you go to get response and you Follow the instructions and Instructions on how to connect these two Softwares Once you’ve done that you simply go back To click funnels i’m going to go to edit Page and you can get this Below and i’m going to go to um Integrations i’m going to find my Integration which is get response I’m going to action i’m going to go to Add campaign I’m going to go to list and i’m going to Find the list that i created which was Youtube 5 Fgf and it’s connected and i’m going to Click Save so now we’ll just do a little bit
Of a test It’s now i’m going to take us to that Affiliate offer Where someone could potentially purchase The product Okay so now they’re going to be taken to The product where they could potentially Purchase this product But more importantly we now have them on An email list that we created it might Not be on here yet it does take about 15 Minutes to Put them onto the list let me have a Look here Yes they’re not on the list yet but now They’re on a list that we can start to Send emails to But what you want to do is you want to Actually set it up So you can send out emails automatically So i’ll actually leave a video below on How you can do that Step by step and you can actually get These um emails here that you can use Okay So you can use these emails here but What i will do is Explain to you kind of how this works But to put the emails and watch the Video below in the description But what you want to do is you want to Go to automation and you want to go to Um messages and you want to actually Create a sequence of automated messages
That you’re going to be using in your Automation sequence So you can send out things automatically What i recommend you do is you take These emails here They’re three emails and you send out Three emails over three days Promoting the book okay so you send out These emails promoting the book and they Get sent out automatically Now how do you send them out Automatically what you do Is you simply go to here and you create The you create the three messages And then you go back to workflows and You create What we call a workflow and this Workflow is an order made As an automated sequence of events so if We click on this one here and we go to Edit This one here we go to edit you’ll see That you can actually Once again the videos below on how to Create this but i can drag this in which Is called subscribe to list Via any method and i can actually choose A specific List so youtube5 Then i can start send i can put in Messages I can go to send message and i can Connect them And i can choose one of the messages
That i created And you create this sequence of events Day one day two day three And you make money at these points by Having your affiliate links in So you click the email you put them on The list you start sending them emails But you could also Make money here you’re not actually Gonna make a lot of money by promoting This product because it’s only a one Dollar product and although there’s Upsells you can make more money You want to actually have in there a More another product That makes you even more money so Essentially After the three days or four days you Want to start sending them emails to Another product So for example we could send three Emails so then we’ll be Um in the days three you can send Another three emails at six days And some people even me we have autumn Automatic emails that go for 60 days 90 Days 100 days They go for a very very long time but People keep buying through those emails And you get a really good long-term Value on the people that are buying So for example let’s say i send out These emails for three days And then day six seven eight oh sorry um
Four Three four five six i should say i’m Going to go and choose another product From click funnels And i’m going to promote it so maybe Something like the funnel challenge With the funnel challenge so i get a Hundred dollars per sale So all i would do is i’ll go make more Emails with my affiliate link And i would put it in my automation Sequence will take you a while to build It up and build it out then i’m going to Make money with those emails Then all i would do is i would repeat That process and i would find Another product inside click funnels in The in the back end and i would promote Another product You might want to promote the one funnel Away challenge And then you also get trials throughout This process because the people that own Click funnels are very good at upselling And getting people on other products And getting people to actually use click Funnels and put them on the trial and You make Money as well from that so everything Gets sent out Automatically and then you can focus on The traffic So that’s the next step how do you Actually get traffic
To your opt-in page where you collect an Email How do you actually get that traffic Well the best way so there’s two ways That i do it okay i don’t do much paid Traffic at the moment I’m making most of my money from a blog That i’ve created or a couple of blogs That i’ve created But the fastest way to get traffic to This is to go and do Paid traffic now i understand that you Probably don’t want to put your face out There you don’t want to create videos or Images or anything like that And you don’t have to one of the best Beginner ways to do this Is to actually go and use what we call Google ads So for example if i went and put how to Get blog traffic Into google you’ll see that there’s These ads That pop up and this is actually someone Doing Exactly what we’re we’re teaching so let Me just click on that real quick Um let me see what this one is Yeah so the free book is ready i just Pay Shipping they probably yeah they should Be collecting emails they’re doing this Wrong you definitely Want to be collecting emails but they’re
Doing exactly what i’m teaching you They’re going out and they’re promoting That book So when people put in the keyword you’re Gonna remember that when people put in a Keyword They’re hot traffic and they’re ready to Buy so how do you actually Go and do this well what you want to be Doing is um you’ve got the Everything set up you’ve got the emails And stuff now you don’t go and put all The emails in straight away you can put In a few and you can go and start Sending traffic You can optimize and tweak the back end Later you want to go to google ads And sign up an account okay it’s Completely free and you’ll come to a Dashboard That looks like this now this isn’t a Complete tutorial on google ads i’m Showing you how to set it up for this Specific Link and the way you want to do it However if you do want a full tutorial I’ll leave one of those below as well i Have lots of stuff on my channel I’m going to get a new campaign now what We want to do is we want to create a Search campaign i would do website Traffic Or create a campaign without a goal Don’t do leads or sales or anything like
That because you’re not really trying to Optimize For those let’s just go to website Traffic and we want to do a search Campaign Okay because we want to target people Who are searching for specific Keywords now if i go back to click Funnels or wherever You have your link i’m going to go i’m Just going to go back here Okay this is the link here that i’m Going to be sending people To okay you might use get response for Your opt-in page they do landing pages You might use another software Just get the link that you want to send The traffic to And go back here and put it in the Bottom here okay and go to continue On this page it’s very very simple you Want to unclick Display network you don’t want that it Can waste quite a bit of your money If you don’t know what you’re doing you Can name your campaign so i’m going to Name this youtube Test one just for this video I’m gonna go down to um more settings And just make sure that everything’s Just like this you don’t really need to Change anything here And here you can put in your locations So i’m just going to do all
Countries and territories but you could Put in like united states Actually let’s just put in united states And go target for united kingdom Australia Any country you want you can put it into This box Then you want to go down and you want to Go to your budget How much you’re willing to spend per day I’ll just put in 20 bucks i reckon 10 to 30 is a good Starting point If you’re a beginner because you can Always increase or decrease Your budget okay always start low and Creep Upwards now we’re not tracking Conversions you want to go to clicks Okay now there’s a lot of misinformation Out there like oh you need to use Conversions and you need google Optimized for conversions I’ve been using website traffic for a Long time i’ve made over two million Dollars in this google account Just by using traffic and optimizing for Clicks it works extremely well Now down here you want to go to um show More settings You just want to check a few things uh Everything here is fine Okay yeah leave that like it is and go To save and continue
And then we’re going to actually create The ad version now the best thing about Google ads and doing it Um with the text is you don’t have to Have your own image but let’s just do This first So this is where you put in your Keywords now i’ve gone out and put it Got a bunch of keywords here that you Could potentially use So i’m just going to copy these keywords For you Um and i’m going to put them into here So these are the keywords that i got That where your ads going to show up When people search those specific Keywords Now this book is about traffic so you Want to go and Um target keywords that are about Traffic but you just want to go website Traffic or online traffic You want to target things like how to Get website traffic How to get blog traffic best online Traffic best website traffic Best blog traffic how to get course Traffic Best course traffic how to get traffic To a youtube channel this book is about Getting traffic To anything they talk about basically Traffic In a general sense to anything
This is uh sorry so this is where you Put your keywords okay so when someone Types in this keyword Your ads going to show up and then i’m Going to go to save and continue Now the best thing to do at this point So this is where you actually create Your ad creative Is to go to google and just see what Other people Are doing don’t copy them but just see Kind of what they’re doing so now you’re Going to be creating this bit here This section here so i’ll quickly go Over this but i’m going to have more Detailed Instructions below um so i’m going to go To The final url make sure that’s in there Headline two I’m gonna go increase your Website traffic And then i’m going to go headline two Using these 2020 methods And i’m going to say um oh Using your twitter methods get Get your free book Today now the book is actually free but They do charge shipping so you kind of Like free as a bait This doesn’t look very nice but you Could just go and kind of see What everyone else is doing and you have
A mobile view and a desktop view so Mobile and desktop And then you simply go and put in your Description now the description Is this section here okay I will leave that up to you because it Really just depends you’re going to have To do quite a bit of testing like you Can actually split tests and stuff like That But i’ll just quickly put one in i’ll Just type it and then i’ll come back All right so i’ve put are you struggling To get traffic online This free book shows you how to get Traffic Flood your website or blog with quality Traffic Today and that’s all you need to Actually do to do this and then you go To Save and continue and your ads are going To start to run now this is a very Beginner way of Doing this and when you actually start To upscale you want to jump into youtube Ads as well you want to start messing Around with facebook ads As well because then you can scale it up To the next Level now obviously i can’t fit Everything in this video i do have some Free tutorials below But i also have a completely free
Training that you can go through a Three-day training series That shows you exactly how to do all of This step by Step if you don’t want to do that i’ll Leave some videos up on the screen That will take you through step by step On how to start your own Affiliate marketing business on scratch You just click those Right now and don’t forget to subscribe Tap that notification bell Smash that like button any questions let Me know below And i’ll see on the video on the right.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
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