I Launched A Product in 24H With No Sleep (behind-the-scenes)

All right guys welcome back to another Vlog so today is a special Vlog because this week i’m documenting a Launch And i have no idea how it’s gonna go and So you’re just Being here with me as i’m recording this Today is monday i’m preparing for the Launch tomorrow on my birthday i’ve been Working on this course For six months and uh testing it out With people one-on-one first Uh make sure people are getting amazing Results with it it’s a funnel Course full-time funnel designer how to Grow a six-figure funnel agency I’m not pitching you i’m just telling You what i’m launching what i want to do Is document this entire week and then Create a vlog out of it so you can see How i’m doing it my strategy behind Everything so that’s what we’re doing Now That is premiere pro i need to launch my First videos today What i’ve done for a couple of weeks now Leading up to the launch is just provide A lot of value And now we’re teasing them for tomorrow At the pre-launch And then tomorrow we’re opening the cart I still haven’t finished the funnel So i’m gonna prove what i’m telling Everyone else that he can do with a

Funnel that is beautiful And that i built is you can launch a Funnel in 60 minutes and we’re also Going to prove that concept It’s kind of like storytelling and Marketing at The same time as i’m proving what i’m Selling that makes sense Oh and by the way i have a coaching call Here in about 20 minutes so i’m gonna export this Video post it as a teaser for tomorrow Do a coaching call with my inner circle I’m gonna tell them about The launch of this program as well so That they can learn what i’m doing they Can study my emails my ads my content As i’m launching them so i’m teaching my Coaching students as well what i’m doing To the warm audience Who i’m selling it’s a fun game it’s a Fun game it really Is i’ve been watching what people are Doing when i’m working with them Building funnels for them for a long Time And i didn’t launch this course before i Had people every day asking me like hey How do you get clients how do you build Funnels all of that so Update i’m supposed to have my call Right now with my private coaching Students You can see here i just did an update

For my students Saying that we’ve been hacked i think Or they’re flagging our site freedom Funnels As a phishing site to collect Information and credit card info I don’t know what’s happening but we’ll Figure it out it’s not good be Because it’s you know the day before the Launch and we’re running out We’re running we’re spending hundreds of Dollars per day To this funnel so it can’t not work we Have to Figure that out i move the coaching call To wednesday tomorrow is my birthday With the launch So we’ll figure it out we’re Entrepreneurs we’re problem solvers so Welcome to the journey it’s fun [Music] All right so just an update we’re Creating this Sales video for the actual page [Music] All right so you see my edits here Added some nice background music to it Just the basics because i don’t know how To use premiere pro Other than the basics which is why i Have an editor anyways i’m excited We got the domain fixed so that’s good The problem with the domain We got the video almost done then we

Just have the funnel and the ads left We have the emails we have the content i Also included merch So two different merch like a t-shirt And a hoodie And it says underdog create your own Reality because that’s what we are we’re Underdog that’s our Identity and mindset and also a Lifestyle [Music] All right so i finished the video right Now it’s about 2 a.m and i’m launching at 10 a.m est So i think i got about 10 hours or so To build up the funnel to launch the ads And that’s pretty much it So i’m excited for it i’m excited for it I Uh i’m always kind of doing things last Minute But it pushes me to i always say if you Want to get somewhere you got to set Like multiple Deadlines even to the point where you Have weekly and daily deadlines That’s how you win all right It’s 5 00 am i’m still up and i’m Creating facebook ads Uploading the launch video 5 a.m And it’s uh well it’s actually not too Bad because the launch is in 12 hours I also got to sleep before that and the Following isn’t done i’ve started on the

Funnel I was like let me launch the ads and Schedule them because Uh there’s a um a time period for Facebook to approve them So launching the ads then finishing the Funnel i’ll probably sleep at like 9 00 a.m wake up at like 3 p.m Uh two hours to prepare for the launch And see how it goes [Music] All right so i’m creating the product Mock-up So you can see i’m doing marketing first And product creation Second or i mean the actual funnel so The product is done i’ve already Recorded the course Uh because i’ve already proven it Through one-on-one Coaching students yep i think that’s it So this is full-time funneldesigner.com Create your own reality This is the cover image and then we’re Going to add this to An imac macbook ipad and Iphone because you can access the course From all these Different devices so we’re creating the Digital markup right now Then we have all the assets then we’re Moving into the actual funnel with the Copy And the reason i know the copy is

Because i’ve already done emails Pre-launch emails and pre-launch Ads so by me first creating the Marketing material Ads copy videos i know exactly what to Sell i have to offer the messaging So now it doesn’t matter if it’s just a Couple of hours before the launch Because i can now use one of my Templates and launch the funnel Just put all the pieces in there see how I’m able to Launch a phone in 60 minutes like Obviously creating a New program and launching a program is Different than creating the funnel So i can create the funnel the actual Funnel pages in 60 minutes so It’s 9am and i’m not done with the Funnel yet And i don’t know if i need to sleep this Launch this night Because i want to get this perfect so Let me just show you kind of The start i can’t believe i’m saying Start of the final design these are the Elements so i have the structure Now i’m creating the funnel images let Me let me just show you so Um i like to add some personality to an Image so it’s not just me Uh these dots here the text only the Borders This is parts of my logo it’s a funnel

And it says funnels And it’s a face so what you want to do For a funnel Or landing page or website is you want a Face to be at the top of the page Because it builds trust with your Audience that’s how far we’ve come Let me just go ahead and finish this and Uh we’ll talk soon because i gotta Finish this before 5 p.m my time 9 00 am no 10 am est Yeah 7 8 i think that’s 7. [Music] All right so it looks like this turned Into a follow-up marathon and i always Wanted to do like 24 hours of just funnel building but i Didn’t plan on doing like a 24 hour Launch i literally came up with this Idea 24 hours before my birthday And i created the ads the emails the Copy The content the messaging the offer the The funnel i only have one hand If you if you If you still have an excuse for not Launching it’s not excuses I haven’t slept this 12 lunch time the Next day I stayed up all night i don’t recommend You do that they’ll make it a habit But there’s no excuses okay Right now is 1653 Which means we have seven minutes so the

Funnel is done i just Integrated right now so when people buy They are added to the membership So literally seven minutes before the Funnel is done i just have to create the Product and integrate which takes like Three minutes then sending out an email That takes like five minutes to write That And so exactly at five and and 10 am est Anyways we did it and we did it Okay now let’s see if we can get any Sales All right 7 p.m i’m going to sleep Already Fell asleep at the computer we got Couple of sales couple of thousand Dollars made So it was worth it was worth staying up Now The process of the launch begins that Was open Card now we need to provide value Educate people Provide case studies do a hook story Offer Do the two step close all of that stuff And so that’s what we’re gonna do now The next couple of days i’ll see you Soon i’m gonna go sleep haven’t slept in What 28 hours or something like that It’s crazy so All right so it’s next morning it’s 3 A.m and i just woke up so i slept

Seven eight hours we have five customers So far Five sales which is five thousand and I’m excited This is while basically bombing the open Cart Because you’re supposed to push it hard When you open and you do A live stream or you do some sort of Content And you just show the excitement my Excitement was Yes we made it work in time i’m falling Asleep So what i had to do was go to sleep wake Up now I see we have five customers and i make Sure everybody has a lot of you need you Know Login access to the course And now what i’m gonna do is do a Facebook live because now Well i’m awake again so i’m excited All right how do i summarize this week So far right now is Thursday and i’m gonna call it a day for This For this vlog thinking about how should I summarize it well number one i’m about To Die okay i’m about to crack it’s very Stressful Launch weeks are very stressful people Think launching a course or selling

Courses are passive income and just easy Money There’s no such thing as easy money plus If you don’t care about the results and The product you’re creating And the impact that you’re having on People and the responsibility Well you’re going to get refunds you’re Going to get people you’re not going to Build any successful long-term business Which is why i think i’ve been able to Build A business the last couple of years that Is still thriving because I’m not just looking at how can i make a Quick buck i’m looking at What can i do to impact as many people As possible at the highest level That’s what i’m doing you can tell by The music Relaxed piano music i need to relax a Little bit Tomorrow i’m definitely going to the Sauna Uh doing some some ice bath and just Relaxing because this week man It’s been crazy not just the launch Listen We got the ads the content the emails Yesterday we shot more Uh content let me show you that real Quick so Right now because it’s a thursday so We’re going into

Retargeting ads and objection handling So it’s more on urgency and scarcity Because we’re actually closing it down It’s not fake it’s We’re doing it and so we recorded some Videos yesterday Anton is editing right now i’m uploading Them While here’s the thing we’re doing that While i’m building a funnel for a client Of mine because i need to send it in Fact i needed to send it yesterday so I have to apologize to them hopefully They can understand I’ll send it in today and then i will Wrap up the Launch sunday so you’ll probably see in The next vlog you’ll see the actual Numbers the final numbers but it’s been A fun Week thank you everyone who purchased i Really appreciate it hopefully you Enjoyed This video and more videos like this if You did make sure you like this video Let’s smash it so we get it to the uh Youtube algorithm we can help more People I’m just rambling at this point it’s Been an amazing week thank you all And i’ll i’ll see in the next one i’m Outta here [Music] Tell me i’m garbage i’m going through

Something that’s why i ain’t calling Voting progression it’s all that i Wanted to follow and affection i Summoned

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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