Literally THE ONLY Video Setup You Need // Start a Youtube Channel in 2022

All right so let’s talk about my simple Travel filming studio setup we got the Camera the microphone the lighting Everything that goes into making videos Including this blue light we gotta have The The trademarks blue lights that goes Into my sort of chronicle branding if You will so the first thing is the Camera obviously we got a sony a7c so That’s the camera house and then the Lens is a sigma 50 millimeter 1.4 which Gives that nice blurry background if You’re not too close to the wall Then we have the microphone is a sure sm 7b And uh this one is kind of heavy to Bring when you’re traveling but uh i Wanted to bring this here since we were Staying not just a week but for a longer Period of time so with that goals Obviously some of the Stuff that you have to have as well to Make sure that the audio is good which For example we got the focusrite And then we got the cloud lifter and Then how am i recording this the camera Plus the audio i’m using my computer so Obviously you gotta have a laptop or if You bring your imac when you’re Traveling but i use my laptop i actually Sold my imac before started traveling And you know i thought it was better to Have a laptop that’s actually really good.

So i bought the new M1 macbook 16 just a week before we Started traveling and so that’s what i’m Using using quicktime to record this Video and a lot of the videos that i Create sometimes i just put a sd card Into the camera but now i’m using Quicktime because i have a Usb stick sort of thing which is called Cam link 4k And so that’s pretty much it in terms of The camera and audio right goes into the Computer Then a big thing that people neglect is The lighting so i’m using a very simple Like panel lighting we’ll put a b-roll Thing with the link below in the Description where you can check these Out but that is what i’m using pretty Simple to pack into the bags It’s easy to fold together pretty much Everything that i’m bringing with me is Easy to fold together except for this Thing this right here is not easy to Bring but i do have a pretty big bag so I can bring this with me when traveling If i turn this off you’ll see that Um it doesn’t make that much of a Difference i mean it kind of does you Can still get great lighting but with This in there you get that signature Blue ghost and branding which i love Having on my video so that’s pretty much It i would say the main thing is audio

Because you can film with an iphone or a Smartphone they have pretty good cameras These days and so you could just pull Out your phone and you could film and You would barely know any difference i Would say the biggest thing that you Will actually notice Is the blurry background with lens like The one i have right now so if i’m Filming me right now here you can see if I made the entire video just like this It’d probably not be As good but it would still be okay Because i have great lighting so with The right audio and with the right Lighting you can still create great Videos by using your smart phone also i Don’t need a you know 400 500 Mic with all the things that go into it I could just use my 100 Like usb microphone and that works just Fine as well especially if you’re Traveling like four weeks six weeks and Then you’re back to your studio again So that’s it pretty simple but i did Have a couple people ask what i’m Bringing with me How i make these videos on the go and I’ll tell you it’s not easy it’s not Like the first thing i do when we go to A new place like we’ve been in portugal Now for four weeks-ish we’ve been at i Think three four different places three

Different resorts or areas and then at One of them we switched from two Different rooms so the first thing i Have to do which is kind of tricky is Finding the right angles the right like If you have i have one bed here and one Bed here right so like you gotta find a Clean background so you can film riddles As well as that space to set up the Camera And so that’s pretty much it but uh oh Yeah one more thing was the tripod so i Have a tripod for the camera goes into The bag when we’re traveling but uh That’s pretty much it so i don’t know What else to tell you let me know what You want to see more of when it comes to Traveling Filming creating content building Businesses creating a life and freedom On your own terms because that’s we’re All about here and with that said i’ll See in the next video [Music] You

Ace The Funnel Builder
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Namaste~ My name is Ace and I found these contents SUPA~ Valuable! I apologize for the quality of the transcript... (In case you are curious I used YT EVO plugin to automatically pull these amazing contents) Enjoy!

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