Alright so 10 days ago me my wife and Our two daughters we moved from finland From snow to portugal to More sun better location better views And just to experience more Things [Music] We’ve been planning this for a couple of Months now to go somewhere first we Wanted to go to cyprus and then because Turn restrictions we looked at other Areas and other countries and we found Portugal with beautiful weather Beautiful locations great people cheap Living and also in case of Starting a business here it has low Crypto taxes like the capital gains on Crypto is zero percent and that tells me That not only is a great place but it’s Also a place where they welcome Inventions and they welcome the future And what that means you know in terms of Decentralized Finance and all that so that’s a whole Other topic today we’re going to talk About the pros and cons of moving to Portugal after just living here 10 days So the first pro is actually the Location and the views and just the Place where we live so we rented out a Apartment in a it’s almost like a villa Or a resort where you have multiple Smaller villages or apartment complexes With palms and beaches and pools and Gyms and one of the things that i wanted To do was pick a place and live there.
For a couple of weeks or a couple of Months to really feel like you’re Actually living there actually Experience a comfortable life in another Country and we wanted to live as we were Living there not just traveling around And moving around there and so that’s The first thing is like we picked Cascade wellness resort in portugal it’s A five-star resort i didn’t know it was A five-star resort we actually got a Really good deal which i’ll talk about More at the end of this video all the Cost and all that so we have three pools We have a cousy we have a sauna we have Massage here we have a turkish like a Steam sauna we have a gym We have uh tennis we have golf yesterday I want golfing and uh just the Things that for example i wanted to Always have a pool at my house in Finland but it’s cold so you can only Use it for a couple of months now we Have to pull the acoustic every morning We go swimming you know so it’s Basically like living as you wanted to In finland but we did it you know in Another country and now we get to Experience new things and so i love it The second thing is the weather so some People here say that it’s been a little Bit colder than usual but like 16 to 20
Degrees i mean in finland when we left It was -2 minus 10 celsius you know Comparing to that it’s This is amazing And then if we stay here you know april Or maybe may like the weather is going To be even better and our plan is to Move back to finland over the the summer And then we’ll see again you know come August september if we go to cyprus if We go here again we’ll see but well our Plan is to to live pretty much half the Year outside and half in finland number Three is the actual resort better way to Say this is The third pro is the location that you Pick so i already told you what we have With the pools and the song of the spa And everything in the gym for you if you Go somewhere let’s say you want to go to Bali you want to go to Thailand you want to go to Norway like iceland wherever it is like Pick a location where you feel like this Is a place where you could feel at home I think that’s the biggest thing is Because when you’re traveling it could Be mentally draining if you always Moving around and trying to find your Place so one of the reasons for example We upgraded from a 60 square meter Apartment to a 90 100 ish square meter Apartment is so that i can have a room Where i film and i work and you know
It’s a little bit Homemade but that it works in the other Room kids were there and you know all That stuff and so It was a little bit harder to focus and So that’s the next thing is like you Want to have a location where you feel Like home number four amazing service And amazing people so depending on where You go if you do some research you’ll Find places where you can get really Good service i mean the the people here In the hotel area the resort they’re Super friendly so like when when we had A problem with the internet you know They’re like couple of minutes they hate To fix it it’s just everything like the Food the service i mean everything has Been just a mind blown when it comes to To the service from the sauna the spa Everything and so you want to pick Something especially the first time you Go you want to experience it and have Like a good first experience a first Good first impression like you want it To be better than at home because with Homesickness and and that sort of stuff That comes you still want to see the Benefits of still being here because you Know you will meet the reality and so Make sure that you’ve prepared mentally For that as well and number five cheaper Living so portugal is a pretty cheap Country to to live in i think the
Minimum salary is around 800 euros a Month which is like 900 dollars and That’s lower than finland i would say The minimum in finland is probably Around 1200 to 1500 so it’s a little bit Lower but if you look at us i mean Salaries are are much higher in the u.s And so if you go to portugal from a Country where you’re making much more Then you’ll live like a king you live Like a queen for us it’s pretty much the Same in terms of food and everything It’s not expensive here but you know if You want something more fancy obviously You’ll find that whether it’s food Restaurants or places to to go and live In you’ll find both the Cheap apartments You’ll find the cheap hotels you’ll find The luxury villas number six is the Experiences that you you get you know Put money aside cost of living and all That just the experiences that you get From traveling around for me i wanted to Experience even with the kids i want to Give them the experience as well me and My wife we wanted to also see new things And instead of saying we can’t do this Because we have kids we’re like how can We do this with the kids and then the Seventh and final pro before we go into The cons is the new income streams that You can create when you move abroad so For example i’m sure there’s a lot of
Open positions here you’ll find jobs i Don’t know about the pay that’s Something you would have to do some Research on In my opinion it’s better to start a Freelancing or funnel agency business Where you do work remotely and you just Find clients online and we teach that in Full-time funnel designer but you can Find that on youtube as well if you Don’t have a budget to hire someone Who’s done it and actually model what They did but you can find ways to make Money online actually do freelancing or Something where you trade your time for Money or you trade services for money And you build maybe a team around you so You have to do everything yourself if You want to experience and travel a Little bit more so those are the five Pros and now let’s go into the cons or The downsides things that you want to Think about before you move somewhere or You go travel before you sell everything And just go and become a digital nomad The first thing is initial cost to Travel or buy new stuff so you might Need something new like for example we Bought a new stroller for the kid we Bought some new things for the travel Travel bags like gear for maybe the Equipment if you have an online business And so you want to keep those things in Mind so you budget for them second thing
Is the adrenaline that sets in when You’re traveling and i don’t think a lot Of people talk about this you know Adrenaline is something like you don’t Really know about it until after when it Starts slowing down and you feel Exhausted so have you ever traveled for A week to any beautiful location and you Know when you come home it’s like you Feel more tired than you know before you Left To your vacation like it doesn’t make Sense right but as you come back from This high And you come back down to People call it reality no it’s just Adrenaline from traveling and so even us Now i knew this so like that’s why i Haven’t recorded a lot of videos lately Because i had to Slow down get back to normal and then Allow myself to catch up and sleep good And eat good and and then from there i’m Like now i’m rested now i’m productive And now i feel great let’s start you Know shooting some videos and actually Get to work number three is it can be Mentally draining to move around because For example language barriers you go and You want to buy some food to grocery Store you’re like what is patata and you Have to google translate it and you see Okay it’s potatoes but in finland if you See batata it means another type of
Potatoes the batata potatoes anyway so It’s it’s it’s different and it’s Mentally draining to locate like okay Where’s the place i’m gonna stay how do I get access to it where’s the rental Car place where’s the taxi the bus Where’s the like all the things you have To find and understand and talk to People Is depending on who you know who you are As a person it can be mentally draining I’m sure for some people it just excites Them because they’re more extrovert i’m Introverted so for me like i just want To get all of that done get to my place And then get into you know in the nature See the beach nice weather you know work On my creative stuff and just you know Live simple out in a beautiful peaceful Place and that’s the you know best thing Here it’s actually peaceful i feel peace You know first time in a very long time I don’t feel stressed out because we Live literally at the ocean Number four it’s harder to find Hours to work because there’s other Things you want to do and with that Comes productivity and focus so that’s a Thing that you know a lot of people just See the highlight reel and they say i Want to work online but they don’t see The discipline that it takes to actually Schedule work as well maybe you know you Want to work early in the morning you
Can wake up at 4 5 6 a.m but me i never Did that in finland i don’t want to do That here maybe i will soon if i change Into a more more of a morning person but I wake up at nine eight a.m now and then I work Maybe from 11 a.m to 3 p.m so four hours and then two hours In the night so six hours per day some People say that’s little some people say That’s a lot it is what it is but that’s What i’m doing right now Number five is restrictions so depending On when you’re watching this video just Make sure that you check what Restrictions there are we we’re planning Like i said to go to cyprus it had more Restrictions we went to portugal less Restrictions we just needed a test the Only thing they want is to you know they Ask us to use a mask here and there but That’s pretty much it number six kids Can feel a little bit homesick or your Significant other or maybe you so Prepare that that’s going to happen if You stay long times outside of your home Country what you’ll do is you’ll just Remember the good parts that’s how Beautiful our brains are we’ll just Remember The good things from home so you’ll Think about all the good things and then You say you know i want to go home soon And you know our kids the older one
Nelia who’s four two times now i’ve Heard her say like can we go home soon And then usually it passes because you Know she thinks about this or that and It’s it’s normal it happens but just Know it before and then you’ll be Prepared for it and you know set a a Time where we’re at least going to be This amount of time and then we’ll see At this date we’ll see if we want to Continue living here or if we want to Move back home and the last one is School or kindergarten or Hospital or language barriers where Again it’s it’s new experiences you Gotta go new places you gotta tell them What you’re feeling if you have pain or If you go to school and you actually Move somewhere and you live there and You want to put your kids into the School or maybe a private school These are things that it’s not a con It’s just it’s going to require some Work and some effort from you to go and Figure these things out but that’s Pretty much it that is the list that i Have here that i’ve compiled i want to Hear from you are you editing but are You planning to become in the digital no Matter maybe if you do if you are you Might have some questions you might be Thinking about the cost to move to this Place or How do you make money from your own
Online business to afford this like how How expensive is it so if you want to See a full breakdown of the cost comment Below and i’ll make a separate video and Also subscribe because the next video is All about the income streams that i have The five biggest income streams that i Have that allows me to Do this for a living and move to any Country that we want obviously within Buds yet but there are ways that you can Get places pretty affordable so last Thing as i promised in the beginning What we did to get this affordable place We booked 20 days at first so three Weeks i went on booking to find a good Place we booked this and it was 2500 for Three weeks which is not bad like Like you can get an apartment for 800 a Thousand You can get on airbnb if you do like a Month you’ll get a monthly discount 2500 And then my dad sends me a message and He’s like hey did you check their Website they have a deal right now where You can get fifty percent off if you da Da da da i checked it out and there you Go it’s 1250 Three weeks at a great place with all The the views the beach the restaurants The gym the pools the spa the acoustic The Sauna everything included so we can use All of that free of charge while we
Actually have our separate apartment Which is pretty pretty impressive if you Take a look at the prices in some other Areas for example some people prefer to Go to dubai you know zero tax business All of that and they pay six thousand a Month to ten thousand a month for their Apartment so that’s it for this video Hopefully you liked it if you want to See more videos like this my journey in Portugal make sure you subscribe with The post notifications on with that said I’ll see in the next one