Welcome back to legacy builders with Brian delaney i’m excited for our Special guest today todd dickerson the Co-founder of clickfunnels who’s going To share keys to building an Eight-figure business along with some Very exciting developments of click Funnels 2.0 that will absolutely Revolutionize the funnel industry in my Opinion also todd shared some practical Things that he’s doing in his personal Life to build a legacy and continue Compounding his impact Into future generations everyone hears From russell brunson i wanted to hear From todd who leads the development team Let’s go All right well welcome back to the show Guys super excited that i have todd Dickerson with us here and so todd let’s Just jump right in Uh first thing when you and russell Started click funnels Back what was that 2014 Yeah Did you imagine where that it would be Where it is now Well brian first thanks for having me Man like i appreciate you having me on The podcast um And i honestly no um i’ve kind of told This story a couple times but like in The past when we were getting ready to Launch uh the original click funnels.
Russell was completely convinced we’re Gonna have 10 000 members like at launch It was going to be like insanely huge Uh and i was kind of along for the ride I’m like all right man whatever you Think like if you think you can pull That off let’s do it um and we launched And it kind of was crickets like we Ended up watching with you know 10 of That or something we kind of got off the Ground got a little bit of traction but He was just kind of blown away that we Didn’t didn’t explode right immediately And take over the entire market But we were honestly underestimating our Potential with the whole thing right so Ten thousand was liar like magic numbers Once we get ten thousand members it Changes everything we’ve got all this Potential all these things And we were kind of viewing it as we Would be able to get 10 000 members by Dominating what at the time was kind of The internet marketing niche and we Figured like once we got to that spot we Kind of saturate the market whatever Really what we didn’t see was the Potential to actually expand and grow The internet marketing niche right and Grow this potential of people making Money online and running online Businesses and and everything at the Time um so so yeah we didn’t we didn’t Really anticipate it getting to the spot
Where it is now um even early on to the Point where i told him i was like all Right man i think the software is good To go until about 10 000 users um and Then after that we’re gonna have to Figure some stuff out and figure out how To scale and grow and get beyond that uh But no like it was we were definitely Blessed beyond what we initially Anticipated uh and we kind of just kept Doing the thing people were asking for And uh Whatever the next feature the next thing That people were struggling with in Their business we just focused on adding It into the software and giving the Market what they demanded nice yeah you Were definitely a need i mean remember Prior to that it was like optimized Press was like the Category king there right Yeah so you guys came in at a really Important time where i think everybody Was ready for something new because Everything everything that everyone was Building up into that point it looked All the same Right yeah i was like oh yeah that’s Optimized price you could spot it from a Mile away right That’s true Yeah absolutely that was one of the big Big things was uh our page builder at The time was completely fluid you could
Do anything you wanted right i mean Still is obviously to this day uh but All the competition on the market was They would give you like a template you Could change like the text and replace An image but like that was it like you Couldn’t really Truly customize it to match your brand And match your business so it really Didn’t fill the actual need that was in The market and yeah clickfunnels did That nice what would you say some of the And this has been i mean shoot 2014 so What would you say some of the biggest Lessons that you’ve learned on this Journey to taking click funnels from you Know start uh over 100 million a year Yeah man um i thought a lot about this Over the years and a lot of it recently Too during our covet downtime right like Getting it uh have some time to journal And think through it And i really think one of the biggest Things is the power of consistent action Like during the building of click Funnels like i kind of said we were just We were just heads down building the Next thing that people wanted and making Sure that we were you know producing Value for the market but but really it’s That um you know getting up every day Putting in the hours putting in the work Um you know as much as we work on the Work the work also works on us we get
Better we level up we may have built Features and things and fixed bugs and In the moment it may not feel like it Really has that big of an impact but as You’re doing that you’re actually Leveling up your own skill set and Leveling up your own ability to to get To the next level um Probably the other huge thing would be Just thinking bigger right like like i Just kind of mentioned like we were Thinking 10 000 users we didn’t have on Our radar that we’re gonna get to 100 000 users right like we underestimated Our own potential and the potential of What the actual larger market Has and could could potentially produce Right so i think that’s another huge Thing right like find a problem that’s Actually big enough to solve a lot of People focus too small on that like They’ll focus on you know i need to get To or replace my income i need to get to 100 000 and i need to get to whatever That number is and you know at least Connects it right like if you’re if your Goal is to get to a million you need to Change that you need to move it up to 10 Million then even if you fell horribly And you only get to 10 of your goal Still where your original goal was right So we just keep moving that moving that Line for ourselves as well and making Sure that we’re like challenging
Ourselves to get to a bigger spot um And probably the other huge thing is it And honestly like other people in the Market that are hugely successful may Disagree with this but i think product Actually matters more than anything else And that that i’m gonna get i’m gonna Say it matters more than marketing it Matters more than promotion it matters More than anything and i know if you if You ask certain people i know other guys Uh that are large influencers in the Space like have argued that no marketing Is the most important like the Sells is the most important right like Promotion is the most important but if You look at across the most successful Billionaires out there if you look at Elon musk if you look at jeff bezos Right like you look at these guys like They built a product that was better Than anything else in the marketplace First And then yes they now they had janelle Marketing they had to promote properly They had to sell properly but without That base level of having the best Product on the market it never could Have happened it never would have Happened um and i think that’s the same Thing with click funnels like we built a Product that as you mentioned like it Really filled the biggest demand at the Time and it was you know built to kind
Of create the highest converting and uh Fastest ways to sell online right Through funnels so I think those three things are probably The biggest things that i would say Contribute to the success Nice nice yeah and i would i would agree With you having an absolute killer Product the best product is what Everyone should be shooting for right And then secondly i yeah i always do That too i try to help people to think a Lot bigger than they currently thinking Because i find I mean sitting down with people all the Time i i found that they’re they’re Usually thinking way too small And i say the same thing i’m like if you Well if you if you shoot for over here And you fall short well you you you’ll Originally you’ll hit your original goal Right Exactly exactly and i think that it you Know you have to think who am i who’s The person that i have to become to like Get to that next level and it really Challenges me right like can i actually Do i see myself as who i am now actually The type of person that could have a Billion dollar company right like what Do you need to change about yourself What character traits what what skills Do you need to level up what beliefs do You have to change right like that
Belief that you have the potential to Even accomplish that goal maybe a belief That you have to annihilate and change Right so like you’ve got to make sure That you actually have the right Combination to get there in yourself and It it really challenges you so true man So true i mean we’re we’re evolving as Humans right we at least we should be Growing every day right Yeah absolutely that makes that’s what Makes the journey fun okay so this next Question is probably one of my favorite For today and that’s going to be click Funnels 2.0 i mean i’ve been so excited About click funnels 2.0 since i Russell and i were talking about it at Dinner uh over in tony robbins backyard Basically and um yeah so i want to know From you You know since you head up the Development side what are you most Excited about click funnels 2.0 Yeah man um It’s hard to say just one thing right Because it’s so it’s so exciting but i Think what i’d say is that actually the Platform itself is the most exciting Thing and kind of what i mean by that is Clickfunnels 2.0 the way i viewed this When i sat down to actually spec out and Determine what we were going to build as As clickfunnels as the next phase of Click funnels right and it was really a
Chance to just step back and reevaluate Everything right and what i saw that we Needed to accomplish was we needed to Make sure first and foremost it was Highly scalable from a performance Standard but also highly scalable from a Feature adaption or adoption standard Right so we needed we needed to know That we had a platform that when we Figured out the next thing the market Needed that we could easily incorporate That next thing into the existing Product and that’s really been a core Focus of the entire project since the Very beginning And that really leads into momentum Momentum is our keyword for the company For uh for 2022 right like that’s that’s Our thing with it internally and Externally when i have external momentum In the marketplace but also internally With our teams and our developers and Everything momentum’s been our big focus And the platform’s really what’s going To allow us to pull that off i think Right because it’s a brand new platform I mean it’s like it’s a whole new brand New Completely new code the whole nine yards Yeah yeah Yeah i do have to say that when i when i Started to uh to do that angle i didn’t Get much support internally or Externally from that besides russell
Russell and dave dave’s credit as well But but like everybody i talked to was Like ooh That sounds like a lot of work like you Know you could probably just tweak the Thing you have now right like people Like it like it’s great like we could Just tweak it Um i got this from coaches i got this From consultants i got this from team Members and Honestly it boiled down to i had a Bigger vision like my vision wasn’t to Make tweaks and adjustments and you know Being a developer as well as a marketing Guy i could see the the you know Technical debt and things that were Actually going to hold us back from Being able to actually accomplish the Momentum we needed to accomplish things And i had a rock solid vision on like This is what we need this is what the Market needs this is what people need This is where they’re struggling this is What people are going to want us to Accomplish for them and like i basically Stepped back and luckily russell was on The same page with me and we just Decided to yeah start from scratch as an Entirely new platform um the cool thing About that though is it really like Gives you the ability to refocus on new Technologies too right when we built Clickfunnels eight years ago think about
The think about the technology think About your car eight years ago compared To now you know like things have changed A lot in eight years and while we’ve Updated The platform like you still end up being Built on this original original uh Platform from eight years ago and we Have most of our competitors are the Same type boat right they’ve built on Older platforms and they’re trying to Build up on site on top of that um but Yeah building from a new platform buys You a lot i think that’s smart yeah you Can reinvent rather than improving what You have Right you can completely re-envision a Whole new future which is awesome Um yeah in terms of one of the things That i so one of my questions i have for You because we’re launching a new brand That we want to exclusively use Cryptocurrency to transact business But will that be something that is in The future for click funnels Yeah it absolutely is actually um and i Know this is uh we haven’t talked much About this publicly but we’re actually Also creating a payments company um and That payments company Is going to be click well clickfunnels Will be that payments company’s first Large client and it’s actually built as A platform that allows us to add
Additional payment methods and gateways From the ground up uh we’ll be uh Supporting things like cryptocurrency Even if that’s not directly out the gate The platform itself is built to support That um so we’ll have that you know Paypal chlorina all these other payment Methods and whatnot will be able to be Built into the platform but then also Using smart routing and technology to Actually determine the best payment Methods to show people based on the Regions they’re in and that’s from a Decline perspective from a conversion Rate perspective and from a gateway Routing perspective so We’re able to do things like attempt This one thing and if this fails or if They match a pattern that doesn’t look Like it’s going to pass use this other Gateway instead um and we’re using ai Routing and machine learning to actually Like do a lot of cool stuff there It’s some stuff that over the years We’ve done ourselves internally but it’s Taken a lot of you know custom code Custom building and we really wanted day One to have this built in as part of the Platform And it also helped us with international Expansion because we’ll be able to Easily add additional gateways in Additional regions as we go so that’s Been a big focus uh yeah crypto’s huge i
Mean obviously there’s no no Debating it and it’s such a fast Adapting and changing landscape that That’s another piece right like it goes Back to the platform the thing we need To be able to do is to change right like We need to be able to change quick Whenever things change i mean we can we Can you know integrate with bitcoin now Great maybe ethereum but like what’s the Next big thing that people are going to Be using is it a lightning network Adapter for tap root or whatever the Whatever the technology changes of the Day like we want to make sure our Platform’s there and able to to scale With it and adapt as needed nice yeah That makes total sense I can’t wait for that to happen Okay so what other what other features Um are you excited about as it relates To the platform outside of the platform Right itself Yeah absolutely so i you know Probably the thing that the market’s Been most excited about is actually page Performance um our new editor experience So our editor experience isn’t really a Game changer from where it was before From a customization uh perspective it’s Got everything that we’ve always been Able to do in that in that regard but Really taken to the next level so the Ability to nest things where we didn’t
Have a few past ability to nest things That kind of thing but also the ability To do universal sections and elements And create reusable templates so the Simplest example of this would be your You know your header that you might want On multiple pages you can build that Once and apply it across all kinds of Stuff so that’s really cool Editor also supports real-time Collaboration and this is one of those Things that required us to build it from The ground up to do this right I mean we could have back boarded it We’ve seen other people attempt to do Things that are like show little Notifications here and there but this Thing is built from the ground up to do Full-time full real-time collaboration With multiple users on the page so you Can actually be working with someone Else they can move things you can see What they’re doing at the same time you Can post comments and leave notes for Other people which is really cool And then what that also buys us in the End is the way we’ve structured things And built this from the ground up We actually can improve page performance Beyond anything you’ve seen and i’m not That’s not exaggerating really like it Sounds like i’m exaggerating when i say That and i know that uh but if you Compare us to any page builder any like
No code solution on the marketplace and This is even talking enterprise Solutions our page performance faster And i won’t go into technicals on how That’s possible but i will tell you that There’s no one that’s used the Technology that we’re using right now to Do this and that’s why i’m being a Little bit secretive um but like the Back-end technology that does this where It’s far and beyond what you would think Of as a content delivery network because It allows us to do real dynamic content Um on your pages with virtually no load Without having to go back and actually Hit our servers and even wait for that Lag so you have the server reduce Reduction in performance Or uh performance time but then you also Have uh you know all the best Optimizations that you would expect for Page performance done to the pages too So that one’s super exciting to me and i Know it’s been exciting to rustle on a Lot of other people as well yeah i know That’s definitely a big i think request In the community i’ve heard that come Like Faster page load faster page load faster Facebook right that’s one and then yeah Just a whole new way of using the Editor right there’s definitely another One and the integration i mean kind of Like google sheets right where google
Google docs where you can have like 10 People and they’re all Collaborating yes rather than have one Person log in and then another person Log in you know yeah um yeah that’s all That’s definitely been a problem in the Past right you have someone else on your Team working on it you’re like oh man i Overwrote your changes sorry Like that’s not ideal um definitely not When you’re actually getting up there And you have a team that’s working on Things right so Um definitely a critical feature that’s Awesome man anything else anything else You want to share with us before we move On to the next question Yeah you know what something else that Comes to mind at least that that i’m Super excited about is courses so we’ve Always had like membership area type Features built into click funnels you’ve Been able to do basic membership stuff Um you know and you could use our editor For parts of the page but it wasn’t Really like a first class thing in my Opinion and that’s what we’ve done with Courses in cf2 they’re like absolutely Industry-leading as well on par with any Other solution you would find out there And better from a customization Standpoint so you’ll be able to fully Build any type of course you want you’ll Be able to have uh customer centers
Right so someone can go and manage their Subscriptions they can edit their Account settings they can do all kinds Of cool stuff like that And you can use the editor for 100 of That experience right so you’re able to Fully customize navigation You know routing pages video location All these things right like other Solutions will give you kind of a static Template and be like oh you can change Where your video is at like or put this Thing here right but with ours do Whatever you want you can make it look Like anything you want you can make it Look like any competitor you want or you Can build something completely custom to Your brand and your business and that’s That’s really cool and we haven’t Actually shown off any of this stuff in Action We leaked a little bit obviously funnel Hacking live high level on stuff but the The editing experience for courses um And funnel hubs and your entire site uh Is completely new compared to what we Had in click funnels 1.0 yeah that’s Awesome man i didn’t know yeah because i Didn’t realize that you had full editing Capacity or capabilities within the new Platform i mean that’s that’s always Been a you know what we’ll use you know All there’s all types of different Platforms out there we use for
Membership sites but it’s like man They’re so clunky you know they’re just I mean they do they do some good things Well and then other things the user Experience is Terrible because you can’t control it Like you’re forced into a box yeah right It’s a huge hurdle for people and people Have like i mean i don’t know how many Thousands of people have random Membership platforms integrated with Clickfunnels 1.0 just to be able to Accomplish their their goals for Membership and stuff and there to be Fair there’s a lot of cool features that Some of these platforms have and it Exists but same type thing from our Perspective now that the platform’s been Built like this we’re able to pretty Quickly add any any like you know Analytics reporting type features for Membership or anything that we we see Users need um And yeah i think that the customization That’s been a theme throughout the Entire clickfunnels 2.0 journey and it’s Really been a requirement for me for the Business since the beginning is that Anything we allow people to do should be Customizable right there’s no reason That i should give you like oh you can Customize your funnel but you can’t Customize your course right like or you Can’t customize this other area of your
Application or your business um and Clickfunnels 2.0 really changes that and And makes it not just possible to do but Efficient And fast and performant and really like Seamless right so now you can actually Not have to worry about sending web Hooks between different services in Order to to have different membership Actually upgrading and down paying People properly and and doing all those Things right like it’s just built into The platform it’s it’s native feature Set so yeah that’s that’s super yeah That’s awesome yeah Yeah so we can dump all of our other you Know other apps that we don’t need and Just have it all be in click funnels Which will be great okay so yeah that’s That’s definitely our goal right like we Want to be able to make sure you can Accomplish all that yeah that’s awesome One of the things i’m most excited about Is the crm functionality So that we can have different sales People tied into a particular funnel and Then you know you can you can get access To things but you don’t have to let them Edit the funnel right Yes yes actually the user permission Stuff is huge too we’ve always had like Basic user permission stuff in cf1 but It does go to the next level in cf2 same Type of thing we’ve made sure that you
Can create different role types those Role types can be limited to different Access levels like you can like you just Said you could have um some someone can Come in that’s a blog editor and a blog Author you don’t have to worry about Them breaking the funnel right or you Don’t have to worry about them Downloading your customer list because They’re a consultant and you’re like i Don’t know about like i don’t want him To have access to all my my list right Um so we absolutely have those different Permission structures and stuff and uh Yeah i mean i’m not even honestly Talking about funnels right right like I’ve just talked about everything except Funnels because Funnels are infinitely better than they Were in cf1 yeah totally yeah we could Be here for hours talking about all the Updates Yeah So todd can you tell us a little bit About uh what’s the bigger vision like Where do you see click funnels going in The next say three to five years From your mind from your from yeah Absolutely your perspective Yeah absolutely and i think russell’s Pretty aligned with this but i’d be Interested to hear his answer on some of It too um you know i’m aiming basically For us to be the best way to bring a
Business online right like i don’t want To be hands down like the go-to solution For bringing your business online right Currently there’s different solutions For different types of online businesses Right like oh if you’re doing a thousand Sku business like here’s your solution If you’re doing a funnel here’s your Solution if you’re doing agency stuff Here’s your solution and the truth is That most of those platforms have I’d estimate to say 70 Similar code right like you’re Accomplishing user authentication and Security stuff and page rendering and Editing and performance and e-commerce And like you’re doing all these things And there’s there’s overlap between all These business models and what we’re Doing with click funnels too is we’ve Architected engineered it from the Beginning as the platform right to be Able to actually accomplish all those Goals in one location and to give you an Editing experience that you’re familiar With you’re using it to edit your page At your opt-in pages and your funnels But you’re also using it to edit your Blog your courses your ecommerce store Like you’re able to use that same Unified experience across everything And honestly the vision part that really Matters probably even more than anything Else is that the best practices are
Built in So That’s that’s the thing that like i Would say is really sets click funnels Apart right like um i won’t call them Out specifically but let’s say the Biggest ecommerce solution out there Anyone who’s doing any volume on there Has 35 plugins right like you have to Plug it and not all those plugins work Together right they can flick they you Know there’s all these other problems That come with that um and really like Yeah just making sure that it’s a Seamless clean experience for people to Be able to actually interact with and Use and build their build their business And get out technology get the Technology out of the way and let them Actually just focus on what they do best Which is providing value to their Customers right right so so what you’re Really saying is that now you have the Platform that’s going to be able to go To go past a billion dollars Exactly exactly we added a couple zeros Under our goal right like we’re we’re Looking at the 10 plus range now that’s Our that’s our target that’s awesome Okay so This is called legacy builders To you what does it mean to build a Legacy like if you’re if you’re thinking About legacy what does that mean for you
I mean it means something different for Everybody but what would you say that That means yeah Absolutely so I think to me it really just means Impacting the people around me in a way That leaves them better off than they Were before right like There’s also the aspect obviously to me Of like leaving things to my kids into My family into generations in the future But let’s say you know five generations Down the road those are just some people I don’t know them they’re they’re sure They’re family but you know in reality i Want to impact the world as a as a in a Way that actually leaves it better off Than it was before right and i Personally believe that entrepreneurship Is the way we’re going to do that i Believe that The thing if you look throughout history The things that revolutionarily improve Our lives for the better they come from Entrepreneurs right and that’s the thing That we want to make easier for people Right like people there’s i believe There’s all kinds of people with Solutions right now that solve problems That all of us are having and they can’t Figure out how to get it to market they Can’t figure out how to actually provide Value they can’t figure out how to make It their full-time thing
And i want to make that easier for you Awesome that’s awesome that’s great what Would you say are some of the keys uh Just to Someone who wants to hit eight figures You know they want to do more than 10 Million um and and everything that comes With that right or what do you see that Prevents people from hitting that level Right because there’s only A small percentage of the people that Are you know small percentage of Entrepreneurs in general hit that level Right And so i know you guys see all the data So what would you say is Something that prevents it Or something that enables or is a key to Helping them unlock that level Yeah and i heard you say that about the Data right so like the ex the answer People probably expect from me or want For me is like what funnel type works Best right i could tell you that you Know like the top few funnel types that Actually convert higher and i see as a Constant pattern right like high ticket Webinar uh tripwire right like so those Are the Like tactically speaking but that’s not Really the answer that i’m gonna give The real answer is that it’s consistency Which i mentioned earlier right and by That i mean like consistency in your
Personal routine like go to bed at the Same time get up at the same uh get up At the same time every day of the week Right like and that means not staying up Late party and not going out with your Friends sometimes it means sacrificing If you do that as a sacrifice right like I personally don’t any more of you that Is a sacrifice even if i might have Early on right um But i think that consistency is huge and I think uh You know you also see people that On the positive side at least are people That focus on creating value for others Right like you have to Focusing on focus on creating the most Value for the most people and i made This shift really early on and i know It’s hard for some people but like It’s not that i don’t care about money Trust me like i do like to make money i Like like nice cars i like nice things But i’ve realized it made the Association that the more value i can Create for the most the more people the More money will come as a byproduct of That and my primary agenda is no longer Getting a three percent 10 roi on Something my primary agenda is looking At investments and looking at uh Initiatives through the lens of What is the value of this am i actually Creating value for anyone by investing
In this by investing my time my money my Resources And i want to make sure that’s first and Foremost Um You know Probably Something people don’t think about Excuse me But is actually stacking wins right so As you like build your skill set when You’re going through your business Through your journeys through your Challenges like don’t look at it as oh i Tried this thing and it didn’t work look At it as i now acquired this new skill i Didn’t previously know how to do any Type of marketing whatsoever now i can Do facebook ads my facebook ads weren’t Successful but now i know how to do that Right like now i know how to build a Funnel my funnel wasn’t successful yet But now i know how to build a funnel Right and like keep stacking these wins On and view it as almost i view it as Almost a video game right like these are My experience points i’m leveling up in That video game and while i may not see The financial reward yet like i need to Keep pushing myself and keep going Farther and farther and that probably Ties in To the last one that i give you which is An unwavering belief
And this is something that I’ve I don’t know where it came from honestly I could probably figure it out if i Thought back to my childhood but i’ve Always had an unwavering belief that i Would be financially successful like I’ve always viewed myself as a rich Person even when i was broke i’m just a Rich person with no money in my bank Account yet right like and that’s the Unwavering belief that you have to have Um in order to to have massive success 100 on all three now on the consistency Piece what would you say i’m one of the Things i’m huge on is like morning i Call it morning rhythms but it’s like Really rituals right yeah what would you Say Is a Ritual rhythm that That you do consistently to add value to Other people’s lives or out valued in The marketplace right like is there Something tactical that that you do Consistently every day To add value outside of development Obviously And teams and all that yeah interesting Yeah Obviously development’s one of those Things that i’m i’m in no matter what Right like looking at looking at things Like that um
You know honestly i focus most of my Routines in the morning on personal Development because i feel like i need To be in a position where i’m equipped To handle the things that come up to me And during my day-to-day and i know Those things are going to come up the Opportunities are going to come up and i Need to be able to make the best Decision on the spot as i can right like Honestly as much as i’m a developer Really my job’s problem solving on a Daily basis whether it’s a server issue A bug a new feature that we’re building An efficient way to get something done That people are telling me is going to Take six months and i’m like nope you Got six days Like i’m constantly in problem problem Solving mode so i focus primarily On fitness health supplements that’s What i spend most of meditation prayer Prayer personally but um you know if You’re not religious at least meditation Um i focus on those things personally Which get me in the right mindset to Tackle the things that come up through The rest of the night yeah i always like To hear you know because everyone has Their own different routine in the Morning right but i think how you start Your day is going to set the whole Trajectory of the entire day up right At least that’s how how it does
Absolutely Okay so the last question um one of my Favorite questions to ask and it’s about Passing the torch and really i like to Ask it from this perspective So you see like people like napoleon Hill zig ziglar i mean these people have You know published books and All types of different materials that Have that are still making an impact now Right like they can go rich Zig ziglar has a ton i mean there’s a Lot of people from our past that have That are still living you know leaving a Legacy and the question is Um have you thought about how you plan On passing the torch of your of your Wisdom your knowledge your expertise Your intellectual property if you will You know and financially so that a Hundred years from now you’re still Making an impact Yeah um absolutely i have actually i Think uh first and foremost is through My kids right so they get my kids i want To make sure that i’m raising them in a Way that i’m trying to pass and teach Them things um without forcing it on Them as much as possible but i’m trying To actually uh you know pass it down Through them um i am working on a book i Probably won’t release anytime soon Simply because i’ve got other higher Priorities at the moment of course so
When i switch that over um i do plan to Actually do that i think that’s a Powerful way to pass on pass on Knowledge and um as soon as i get to the Spot where i feel like i’ve earned the Right to write a book i don’t know if That makes sense but like i feel like There’s this like it’s like kind of once I once i’ve accomplished the thing i can Write the book and share the knowledge Which i’m i know i know uh to some People i may have but um you know i Think the other way is through my Business And i’m not just necessarily saying just Click funnels i think click funnels will Live on but through business we’re able To actually build something that can Live on its own it can adapt if you Train the team the culture the the Company correctly um it should be able To live on without you and actually Share your values and even though the Exact problem it’s solving may change Like it should be able to be developed In a way that can it can adapt to the Changing market in the changing Environments that it lives in And then uh the last thing is actually Maybe a little bit more tactical but uh Through an actual legacy trust so you Know i’ve actually Transferred assets into a legacy trust And set up uh what i would call
Uh you know basically like a Mode of operation for the business that It or for the trust that it has to run Through similar to the business right The trustees have have rules and Regulations and things to follow so Hopefully the the actual wealth can be Passed down through generations and we Put things in place that um Hopefully will prevent it from spoiling Kids in future generations but allow it To be a backstop and allow it to help uh Boost any entrepreneurial journeys yeah That’s awesome that’s great no i love What you said there have you thought are You comfortable sharing how you’ve Structured that You know that succession plan right Essentially of how Funds get distributed because there’s You know everyone sets it up a little Bit differently Um i know how mine is set up but i’d be Curious to know you know how you Structured that uh because you don’t Want your kids to be spoiled uh you Don’t want them to take all the money And just blow it You know like there’s a number of things That you have to be really conscious About Um you know setting up in the beginning Of these things Absolutely so we’re actually uh still
Working on the final arrangements for it Um but my attorney actually wrote a Great book on it called Entrusted uh andrew howell’s name so if You wanted to if somebody wants to look It up it’s a great book uh but it’s kind Of a lot of the things that we’re Putting in place are around um you know Well not giving kids money but allowing Them to take out loans from the business Right so over time they can increase the Amount they’re able to borrow so if they Want to go into the business and say i Want to borrow a hundred thousand Dollars to start this entrepreneurial Thing i have in mind like they can Create a business plan they can present It to the trustees the trustees can sign Off on it and present that money to them Well until they come back and earn the Right by paying that loan back they Can’t take out additional ones from the Business so and as you do that you’re Able to build up your credibility so you Can one day you’re borrowing a hundred Thousand once you pay that loan back you Can borrow 400 000 right so we end up Making it uh be in a way that kind of Adapts with them and kind of goes along With them on their entrepreneurial Journey um and i think um you know the Numbers are arbitrary you can change Those and make it however you want But i think that’s important um
Additionally we do family uh Get-togethers right so Even with my immediate family it’s a Small group currently right my kids are Young but On an annual basis we get together and We talk about things and we talk about Financial plans but also goals and Dreams and and where we want to go and What we want to do and uh the trust Helps support that kind of initiative as Well so i think that’s a that’s awesome What would you say one value that you Want your kids to embrace that you Embrace One value or principle Generosity generosity okay Yeah Generosity and that that’s one of the Things we actually allow the kids to to Pick different charities that they want To donate to so on an annual basis they Can donate for their birthday uh to Different charities and we help them to Understand i mean my two youngest right A little too young but my oldest gets it And she does a great job um so we let Them help decide where they want to Donate to and and see the impact of Their Generosity that’s awesome man well Awesome well thank you todd for coming On i’m super pumped for Clickfunnels 2.0 as i’m sure you are
Day in and day out yeah absolutely Thanks for being with us today and um That’s been great man thank you for Joining me on legacy builders and i Would encourage you to come back to the Next Episode next week to get more clarity on Your journey to launch your expertise Online scale your impact and build your Legacy if you’re ready to get the Process started of launching your Expertise online the right way Then i recommend go to Launchexpertise.com Or maybe you’re at a place where you’re Ready to really scale your expertise and Your impact go to launchexpertise.com There you’ll have several options number One you can get a free copy of my brand New book the entrepreneur evangelist Which i share the secrets that have Unlocked more than 300 million dollars Of results from my clients my partners And our own campaigns You could also join a 33 days of Coaching with me That’s free where i give you insights And wisdom on your journey to launching Your expertise and scaling your impact Over the course of 33 days And that’s worth at least 5 000 bucks But for right now you can get it for Free and lastly if you’re someone who Wants to take the absolute faster
Smarter path when it comes to Launching your expertise online and Scaling your impact i’d recommend Scheduling a call with my team where we Can see how we can support you To Crush goals and generate seven or eight Figures yourself in a short period of Time we have more awards than nearly Anyone in the entire community And for good reason we would love to Help you just like we’ve helped them i Look forward to seeing you on the next Episode of legacy builders.
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