Is AI Incapable or Are We Restricting It

Is AI Incapable or Are We Restricting It

Right now when you ask the AI to do Certain things it will not be able to do It the question is whether it can't do It or it has been purposely limited by Open AI it's not even connected…

Why Marketing and Delivery Is the Same on Media

Why Marketing and Delivery Is the Same on Media

Media is the only business where Marketing and delivery are the same so Think about this if you had let's say a Show like Joe Rogan Joe Rogan's Marketing for Joe Rogan is his delivery For Joe Rogan which is…

Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Lonely

Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Lonely

All seasons of Entrepreneurship have Elements of loneliness and I think that It changes I think in the beginning it's A lot harder because you're really Competitive you're really competitive Against other people rather than being Competitive against yourself started…

Use This Trick to Spend Less Money

Use This Trick to Spend Less Money

My favorite way to tell whether or not I Want to buy something especially when I Had less money was I would translate the Price tag into how many hours it would Take me to make the money all of…

Tips on Retirement

Tips on Retirement

Instead of making your retirement goal An amount of money make it a date if you Make it a certain amount of money you Will get into this habit of always Accumulating more and more wealth but The whole point…

The Best Thing to Happen to Luxury Brands

The Best Thing to Happen to Luxury Brands

The Mask mandates were actually the best Thing to ever happen to luxury Brands And here's why during the pandemic there Were lines out the stores because they Would only let two people in the store At a time but…

A Prediction on MrBeast

A Prediction on MrBeast

I'll make a prediction the Rockefellers Were built on oil the new generation of Ultra wealthy people built on attention You've got Mr BEAST's Mega amounts of Attention I think he opened up a Restaurant in a local area and…

The SEASON OF NO (What it Takes to Win)

The SEASON OF NO (What it Takes to Win)

So if you have trouble being productive Then I would consider entering a season Of no Warren Buffett once said the Difference between successful people and Really successful people is that really Successful people say no to almost Everything when…

Let’s Talk About Aliens

Let’s Talk About Aliens

Let's talk about aliens play this out With me when humans want to explore the Universe what do we send first we send Mars Rover we send a robot right if Aliens are further ahead of us then it Means…