Hi friend welcome back to my channel in Today’s video i will show you how to set Up facebook’s conversion api for your Clickfunnels account so that we can Track conversions more accurately after The ios 14 update so this sounds Complicated but it’s fairly easy to do You want to go to your clickfunnels Account And then go on the account settings Navigate to integrations and say add new Integration Now this loads and we select facebook You could now give it a nickname or Also add an ad account id i just call it Facebook And i just say connect integration this Will prompt me to my facebook And a dialogue will start that just Guides me through so i say yes i want to Continue As evelyn and allow The app to access And connect integration So you see it was successful and Facebook isn’t integrated right now to Now set up the conversion api you want To go to your business manager and then To events manager the next thing you Need to do is in events manager go to Settings And now the next thing is That you want to scroll down all the way To conversion api and.
Is the access token Copy this Go back to your clickfunnels account And now we need to go to your domains Please be sure to verify your domain After the ios 14 update i have a video On that On my account as well and i will link it For you Okay so now i’m going into the main Settings And you can see here is facebook Conversion pixel And i just want to add one right now so For the integration i select facebook Then i select the pixel You can see i have Quite a few Pixels in here From clients and now i want to paste the Access token And also this was a success The next step is that i go to the funnel Or one of the funnels And i now want to add the conversion Event itself So Let me actually go to a webinar for now A conversion event always happens on the Page After something happened so Right now i’m setting up a conversion Event for a webinar And this looks like this for the webinar
You’ll have an opt-in page a webinar Registration page where people enter Their details and once they enter the Details they’re redirected to another Page which is the confirmation page so We want the event to fire on this Confirmation page because only people That landed on this page actually signed Up and this is what we want to track so Now i click on the confirmation page i See edit page In here i can come to the settings Facebook pixel you can see it’s Connected and now i can Select an event and i select complete Registration Save it And that’s all for now Okay i hope this was helpful if you have Any questions like always please drop Your questions below and other than that I appreciate a thumbs up or you consider Subscribing to my channel see you next Time bye You.
Resources 1: ClickFunnels 2.0 14-Days Free Trial
Resources 2: Your First Funnel Challenge (ClickFunnels 2.0 30-Days Free Trial)
Resources 3: Become A Master Funnel Builder
Resources 4: ClickFunnels 2.0 Help
Disclosure: I am an independent ClickFunnels Affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from ClickFunnels. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of ClickFunnels or its parent company, Etison LLC.
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