What Does Acquisition Actually Do

What Does Acquisition Actually Do

Minimum size is three million I think The biggest company we have does about Six million a month we've done that Three million to 30 million jump six Times now we just really know what that Looks like and so…

This Is How I See Net Worth

This Is How I See Net Worth

There's like seven different ways I've Seen people talk about their net worth Most of them false one of the things That I have feel like I've learned is The wealthier you become the more Amorphous what net worth even…

This Is Why I Don’t Endorse

This Is Why I Don’t Endorse

I don't endorse any of the companies That we have the biggest risk for me is Brand I'm really betting that this guy Gal company is not going to do anything Really dumb and that's tough because There's a lot…

What is Acquisition

What is Acquisition

We are minority investors in companies That are between 3 and 100 million a Year and so we take minority Stakes Typically between 20 and 33 of those Businesses depending on the business We're either Investing For Cash Flow for…

Why You Should Build Brand First

Why You Should Build Brand First

The most important thing in sales number One above everything and this is a Strong statement for me to say is frame The context under which the conversation Is happening so you can be the most Skilled salesperson in the…

This Is Why I Started Posting

This Is Why I Started Posting

Was there a point when you were like I Want to become a thing on the internet I'll give you the long real answer I Really wanted to be rich and Anonymous And there's like one video that Caleb Was…

What design will look like in 2025… 🪦

What design will look like in 2025… 🪦

So there is a ton of hype and fear Around AI right now especially for Designers like you and I because we Don't know how this is going to affect Or negatively affect our careers and I Know that there's…

How to Integrate GoTo Webinar with ClickFunnels 2.0

How to Integrate GoTo Webinar with ClickFunnels 2.0

Foreign [Music] I'll show you how to connect your click Funnels to Pino account with go to Webinar using the go to webinar Integration So to get started you're going to need To have an active clickfunnels 2.0 Account and…

Are You Providing Enough Value in Advance

Are You Providing Enough Value in Advance

If you have to sell really hard it's Because your branding is wrong it means You haven't provided enough value in Advance despite being able to teach Somebody who has no brand how to make Enough money to pay their…

Change Your 5-10 Meals to Change How You Look

Change Your 5-10 Meals to Change How You Look

Most humans eat the same five to ten Meals ninety percent of the time and so If you're trying to lose weight gain Weight change the way you look all you Have to do is change those five to ten…