What I learned from having 500k stolen from me

What I learned from having 500k stolen from me

I woke up one day and all the money it Was all like gone I was launching all These gyms we were filling them up and He was like dude you're leaving all this Money on the table I was…

People pay me $25-50k an hour

People pay me $25-50k an hour

What people offer me every day for my Time is usually between 25 and 50 000 an Hour me writing a book takes like this Next book that's going to come out 100 Million dollar leads it'll probably take Me…

Why do people DISLIKE the trades

Why do people DISLIKE the trades

What do you think is the distaste that Parents have with trades I think Everything comes down to status I would Imagine that most parents want to be Able to say that they did a good job of Being parents…

Deserving something is wrong

Deserving something is wrong

What's wrong with feeling like you Deserve something the ego flares you Believe you deserve it which means you Can't be grateful for it you can't be Both grateful and have an ego which is Why I think gratitude's been…

Leila tried to cancel our date

Leila tried to cancel our date

Layla tried to cancel on the dates I Told him I was sick and he goes you're Not sick how did you know she didn't Have conviction she's like oh well I'm Kind of sick I was like you're on…

Easiest way to get more clients

Easiest way to get more clients

Once you have the referrals and the Testimonials you post the testimonials Which is this is the method we did Here's the result afterwards this is the Benefit they experienced let me know if You're interested anybody who engages You…

The things that changed after getting married

The things that changed after getting married

When I was single I would say the Majority of my time and attention went To like girls in terms of just headspace Texting organizing dates a lot of my Mental bandwidth even if it wasn't ours But like in…

My first online dating experience

My first online dating experience

This was the first date I went on after Being an in five relationship there were No apps like I I didn't know any of how This world worked so I had texted with This girl I was like hey…

I’m leaving money on the table

I'm leaving money on the table

I'm leaving money on the table and then They think to themselves well I don't Want to fur that business out because Like they should get that from me and Then they try and glob that I need to do…

#1 secret to never breaking up

#1 secret to never breaking up

Warren Buffett was in front of a crowd Of college kids and he said so if you Could only have one character treat that You'd look for in a spouse what would You look for people like brains and Beauty…